Li has been busy contacting his confidants these days, and he has chosen people he believes to be trustworthy. It's a pity that Kong Lili, the deputy chief of the production department, which he is most optimistic about, still refuses him, even if he offers a favorable offer that people can't refuse.

Well, there is no Kong Lili. There are others.

In the process of digging the bottom of the wall, he also began to make relevant preparations before running the factory. Like the production of cosmetics, these also need a variety of certificates, various approval procedures. Fang Junrong was lucky. When he divorced, he directly separated from Meifang group. These procedures had been completed several years ago. Luckily, he also has a partner in Zhang Bi. As a family of medicine, Zhang family also has its own skin care brand "one side". Its main role is the beauty mask.

After negotiation with Zhang Jia, Zhang Jia provided factory equipment and other things, and he was responsible for the investment. In the early stage, he had to put out a billion yuan. For the former one, although it would be hard for him, it is not impossible to take it out. But after divorce with Fang Junrong, the cash was basically taken away by Fang Junrong, and he only left AI Rong Group. Although he can get a lot of money if his shares are sold out, he doesn't want to lose his identity as the first shareholder, so he is very vigilant about the share selling. He has 47 shares in hand and 36 shares in the second shareholder.

If it is a loan, such a large loan amount will take several days. Not to mention that he just took out a loan some time ago, and that money has already spent almost. In addition, a lot of money recently made by the company has been put into his pocket to pay Paul. Many people in the board of directors have noticed this and asked him to give an account.

As soon as Li nianjin gritted his teeth, he still sold his 5 shares first. Originally, he thought that the shares could be exchanged for 2 billion yuan. Who knows, it is only 1.5 billion yuan at most.

Li was so angry that his gums swelled up. The double pain of psychology and * * made him not sleep well these days.

The other side is still talking.

"Brother Li, you also know that AI Rong is not the same as AI Rong a year ago. Your company has so much negative news recently, and its stock has fallen. You still want to sell it at the previous price. Isn't this a dream of a fool?"

"I just gave you this kind price for the sake of our friendship."

In Li's eyes, the other party's behavior is a stone in the well, but he really can't take him. Now he needs money to invest and turn around. So even if he knew that the other party was taking advantage of the fire, he could only bear it.

He comforted himself that after Meiyan pill made money, even if the other side asked for cooperation, he would not give each other a good face.

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, he! He has plenty of opportunities to get back on the court.

He was indignant in the heart, but still transferred this part of the shares.

After he got the money, the formula of Meiyan pill came to him after many twists and turns.

Looking at the formula, Li could not help but let out a happy laugh.

He can't wait to find a wall and give him the recipe. As a family of medicine, Zhang Jia's details are beyond his ability. After the formula and funds were in hand, the factory was running rapidly.

The first batch of products came out soon, and he calculated the cost. Because of the small batch size, the cost will certainly be unreasonably high. Even so, a box of beauty pills only needs more than 30 yuan. Even with the cost of publicity and labor, it will not exceed 100 yuan. And Fang Junrong usually sells a box of 888, which is robbing money.

Li nianjin could not help smacking his tongue, and his heart was full of fire. According to the popularity of Meiyan pills, if you let it go, it's not a problem to sell millions of boxes a year. All the products are gold.

It happens that next month is the shopping festival in China. They can make a batch of them and put them into the market in large quantities. Although there is only half a month left, it is no problem to seize the time.

Since it is a shopping festival, there is a wave of discount shock. The same product, they sell like Jun Rong cheap, customers know which to choose.

Li was unable to sit down when he thought of it. He discussed it with Zhang Jia. They also changed their name to peach blossom pill, which means that they can face like peach blossom after taking it.

Zhangjia's test report also came out, and Fang Junrong's Meiyan pills have almost the same composition. They also had people take it. After eating, the skin turned white.

For a moment, the two families were jubilant, as if to see the golden mountains and silver mountains sent to them. Zhang Bi, who successfully contributed to this event, has also gained a lot of discourse power in Zhangjia, which can be said to be in high spirits.

He and Li nianjin share a common topic on the crusade against Fang Junrong. You say one thing to me. One says that Fang Junrong is vicious and cold, and the other says that she has a deep mind. Both of them feel that the other side is talking about their own heart and they want to become brothers.

Zhang Bi introduced his younger sister to Li, saying that she and Li Shize were of the same age, gentle and virtuous in character and elegant in appearance. If the two families get married, the alliance will be more stable.

Zhang Jia's position is there, Li nianjin is very excited. Think of the Deng family back to his face before, now even Zhangjia have taken the initiative to stretch out the olive branch, this time and then also.

……Increase in Zhangjia and Li's! Firepower produces beauty pills. Oh, no, it's peach blossom pills. Fang Junrong also met Zhang Zhisu.

But this time we met in a villa in s city.

Compared with the last time, Zhang Zhisu looks much better. His face is no longer as white as before. He smiles at Fang Junrong, "Miss Fang."

Fang Junrong estimated that he came to look for her now. He must have used the white jade cream. She had a faint smile on her face. "I believe next time we meet, we should be able to see you standing up."


What do you mean, he was poisoned before?

Zhang Zhisu obviously didn't want to say too much about it, so he directly skipped the topic, "I have fed back this matter with the above, and it has already started to use this drug in clinical trials, and the results will soon come out."

"If everything goes well, we can officially enter the market this year."

Her eyes and brows spread out better than she thought. With the support of the state, it's not necessary to say much about the future of this enterprise. At least, few people dare to make up their minds. She estimated that she could become the second largest shareholder of the company.

Although she was not short of money, she would not refuse the money if she offered it.

She nodded slightly. "Thank you very much."

"You can start to apply for national outstanding entrepreneurs," Zhang said

Fang Junrong Leng for a moment, smile increased, "thank you very much."

She has already got the outstanding entrepreneur of S City in a few years ago, but she has not obtained the outstanding entrepreneur of the whole country. This name is undoubtedly a kind of affirmation to her, no matter how much money can't buy.

Think of here, even if it is calm like her, the mood can not help stirring up, humming from the community, humming two words, only to realize that the wrong, and shut up.

Zhang Zhishu, "are you humming about Xingyuan?"

Xingyuan is the main song made by Tian Tian last year, which can be said to be red through half the sky.

Fang Junrong took a puff from the corner of his mouth Yes

Too long did not hum, all forgot own five tone incomplete, sings the tune to be fierce! Harm. She firmly refused to admit that she was actually humming another song.


The shopping festival in November is a popular shopping festival in China. The transaction amount of this day can even reach hundreds of billions, which can be said to be the time for major businesses to show their skills. Generally, warm-up activities start at the end of October.

Many businesses have launched attractive preferential projects.

Many people will scoff at Meiyan pills before they buy them. They think it's an IQ tax. Until their own trial, one by one really fragrant, joined the team of tap water.

However, they have been waiting for several days. The official micro blog still does not move like a mountain, does not discount, does not increase the amount, that cool and gorgeous noble style, let a crowd of fans can say that they love and hate.

Fang Junrong felt that it was quite unfair for those who had been swaying for a long time to let go of the sale. People like her, of course, only give extra benefits on her daughter's birthday.

She is indifferent to the shopping festival here, and Li on the other side is ready to take advantage of this opportunity to make a name for herself. After half a month's overtime, his company has produced 600000 boxes of peach blossom pills. By the time of the shopping festival, the total production can be doubled several times, which can let fans buy freely.

At 10 p.m., he posted a new microblog and, by the way, reopened his comments.

[one million boxes of beauty pills. I'll be with you two weeks later. ]

two weeks later, it happens to be the annual Shopping Festival.

A few minutes later, he deleted the comment and posted a new one.

[in this door last year, peach blossom and human faces are red. A million boxes of peach blossom pills. I'll be with you two weeks later. ]

did Li nianjin accidentally type wrong words? How possible, he is on purpose, selling peach blossom pills on the surface, in fact, deliberately told everyone that their family is beauty pills. In order to attract the original customers of Meiyan pills. Before is Fang Junrong rubs his free heat, this time he also wants to rub back!

He even bribed the navy to buy a "beauty pill peach blossom pill" hot search.

Facts have proved that he succeeded in this practice, and the comments were soon captured by netizens who heard from him.