It's a good thing that I've got a quick screenshot. Is that Meiyan pill? So what he sells and Fang Junrong are the same? ]

[they divorced only a few months ago. Even if they have a prescription, it's normal. Maybe they have solved the technical problems now, so they start to work hard. ]

[hehe, I can't contribute a dime to such a scum man. ]

[if his peach blossom pill and beauty pill are the same, who should not buy it. I don't have to wager numbers to buy Li's shoes. I don't need to rely on Internet speed to grab things quickly. Anyway, I'm sure to place an order for a few boxes. ]

Li's comments below were full of discussion. Many people thought that Li had never come out to correct him. They were inclined to sell the same kind of beauty pills.

In particular, Li also laid a large number of water troops, who pretended to be professionals in the industry. They disclosed to you in the appearance of "I have eight trigrams". They said that the reason why Li's launch of Meiyan pills now is because of the cooperation with Zhangjia, a famous medical family, in order to launch better products. Between the words, Fang Junrong's beauty pill was belittled as inferior.

As the saying goes, three men become tigers. A group of water soldiers are trying to brainwash with rhythm there, which makes the crowd look confused.

At first, he paid for the hot search of "Meiyan pill" and "peach blossom pill", but in the latter half of the night, he kept climbing up with his own ability.

Although many people are calling for a boycott of Li, more people simply don't care about the so-called wind review. Milk is the mother. Whoever can give them good products will support them. In particular, Li's mistakes in emotion are more likely to be forgiven by some people.

Looking at the heat on the Internet, Li imagined Fang Junrong's appearance of jumping in anger. His heart was very happy, as if he had drunk an iced drink in dog days.

Many brands he contacted before have also forwarded his microblog to help him recommend drainage, and the popularity has been rising.

Li nianjin looked in his eyes and happily opened a bottle of rare red wine. Two glasses of wine into the belly, he was slightly drunk, let him float up. He found out Fang Junrong's telephone number and dialed the past - or was pulled black state. If he used to be angry, but now he is in a good mood and doesn't care about her, a small bellied woman.

He took out another cell phone and dialed it. More than 20 seconds later, he heard his ex-wife's long lost voice.


Her voice was always slow and calm, as if no matter what happened, she could not show her flaws. He used to be very unhappy with her gesture, but now he began to look forward to breaking her calm.

"Junrong, it's me."

Fang Junrong's voice with a touch of irony, "you are still very powerful, rebelled against my several employees."

Li forget Jin happy, "good birds choose wood and live! Is it not normal for water to flow high? Besides, I got this prescription before my divorce, but I'm just starting to put it into production now. "

Of course, Li can't admit to stealing company secrets, so he insists on getting the prescription before divorce. He didn't want to fight against Fang Junrong.

"You've been away from the mall for a long time. This is not the world you can mix in. I think in the past husband and wife relationship, today I will give you a good lesson. "

"In shopping malls, it's taboo to eat alone."

Like Fang Junrong, it is not good to grasp everything and refuse to give others the chance to drink soup. As soon as she relaxes, others will rush forward when they find opportunities. Like today's online, he was able to stir up the topic so smoothly. On the one hand, he bought a water army, but there were also other companies who helped him. They were even willing to give him some convenience.

Compared with Fang Junrong who was too independent, those people were more willing to see Li nianjin.

He also wanted to say a few words, but heard the sound of Dudu, Fang Junrong hung up the phone directly.

When he called again, he found that he had been hacked.

Li's brain made up a lower part of Jun Rong's Qi, and he vomited the depression of the previous period. He posted another tweet online.

[a box of 888 peach blossom pills is available on the day of the shopping festival. On the day of the shopping festival, a 50% discount will be given if you buy it 10 minutes after 0:00 and 30% if you buy it before 0:30. ]

after he finished sending it, he updated it from time to time. Although some of them scolded others, most of them praised him for his generosity. Li's praise for a few pleasant comments and went to rest contentedly.


Fang Junrong, who should be very angry in his heart, was in a good mood at this time.

She didn't expect that Li and Zhang Bi were really brave. On the stage of the shopping festival, they had to put a million boxes on the shelves at one time. She was not afraid of losing money. They are not so confident in Meiyan pills.

Li forgetting Jin this matter is not small, and she has a good relationship with the people called to inquire, there are also calls to comfort her.

In fact, Fang Junrong was in a good mood, but his internal situation was not good, and he could only perfunctory in the past.

On the other side, to Li's platform, to help promote several, she also recorded in the small book, pulled into the blacklist. It is impossible to cooperate in the future, not in a lifetime.She slightly bent her fingers and tapped on the table.

When she entered the company the next day, she noticed that the atmosphere in the company was a little depressed. Obviously, Li's peach blossom pill had affected them.

Peach blossom pills come at a big discount when they first arrive. Unlike their beauty pills, they usually get a 10% discount at most. If the two recipes are the same, in this case, consumers will definitely choose the cheaper one.

If the group is! If you don't make a response, you will make a wedding dress for others just for those achievements you have made before.

Manager Yao of the marketing department asked her to talk about this matter with a sad face, "boss, do we have to do activities together?"

In the past, their company was able to maintain a high cold attitude because in this respect, they could be said to be monopolized, and Meiyan pills were also priceless. Now kill a Li nianjin, their status suddenly passive shake.

If you don't follow the discount to do activities, sooner or later, customers will be robbed.


Fang Junrong raised his hand and said to her, "it doesn't matter. Calm down. We don't need to fight price war with them."

Seeing her confident look, manager Yao bit her lower lip and said, "well, I believe you."

Now she has no other way but to believe in Mr. Fang.

Fang Junrong lowered his head and continued to deal with official documents. It's just that she's not destined to work well today. After a while, someone came to resign.

It was the deputy chief of the technology department who resigned.

This chapter

"Mr. Fang, I'm sorry, my family is busy at this time, so I have to resign."

Fang Junrong looked at him and said faintly, "I remember the salary I gave you is not low. It seems that Li can give you more, so I wish you a bright future. "

Sun Ke Chang Leng for a moment, flashed an unnatural look on his face, "No

He originally thought that Fang Junrong would say something, but Fang Junrong just took over his resignation letter, "you do the handover work as soon as possible these two days."

Generally speaking, he has to give a month's notice to the company to resign. But judging from the appearance of section chief sun, he is afraid that he has no such idea. Fang Junrong was also worried about him. It was better to let him go earlier.

Seeing this, Mr. Sun put down his resignation letter and left.

He was not the first one, and then several came to resign with Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong suspected that Li nianjin should have urged them, otherwise they would not have chosen to resign today. This should also be regarded as Li's attempt to give her a powerful influence. As soon as he is successful, he is arrogant.

On the contrary, she would like to thank Li nianjin for cleaning the nails in the company thoroughly.

She got a tick in the corner of her lip and approved all the resignations. In any case, they resigned by themselves. They didn't need her to pay compensation, which saved the company a lot of money.

After these employees hand over the work in hand, Fang Junrong's relevant evidence is almost collected. These people, who were poached by Li, more or less betrayed some of the company's secrets. In particular, several of them were the main force to help Li get the formula. Although they can be so smooth as Fang Junrong! She deliberately let water, but the other party's behavior or let her very despise.

She has never treated these people badly, because Meiyan pills sell well, the company still gives bonus from time to time.

It can only be said that not everyone is Kong Lili's person of good character, each has his own ambition.

She looked at the evidence she had collected these days, sorted it out, and went straight to the police. Steal trade secrets, none of them want to run away. She also sent Li nianjin a wave of heat, rubbed him so many times, also should return. Besides, the higher you stand, the harder you fall.


Li nianjin opened the pre-sale of Taohua pills in the past two days. He looked at the number of climbing backstage, as if to see countless money flying in front of him.

These days, he has not less water army with rhythm to tell everyone that peach blossom pill and beauty pill are made by the same formula, but the names are different. Judging from the pre-sale figures, many people still believe it.

It's just not enough. He wants more!

His wife was crying over the phone about Luo Shaocheng being taken away by the police.

Li nianjin comforted her on the phone. He had been prepared for this development.

In this chapter,

"it doesn't matter. I'll make good arrangements and dredge up relations. Even if he goes in, he doesn't have to stay long to get out."

"I'm sure I'll give it to you. If he stays in it for another year, I will give you an extra million. "

Under the money offensive, Luo Shaocheng's wife's mood soon calmed down.

Li had told them about the possible consequences and promised to make heavy compensation. So he believed that these people should know what to say and what not to say.

After several similar calls, he rubbed his temples. Fang Junrong's action is faster than he expected, but the other party will not hurt him. His reputation has long been bad. Even if there is more suspicion of stealing business secrets, where can he go. As long as there is no evidence, there is no way to arrest him. Netizens are forgetful, he can bring more benefits, those people will quickly change flag, cry for him.His ex-wife is still too young in this respect.

He immediately ordered to go down, bought a "Fang Junrong accused Li forget Jin of stealing business secrets" hot search.

Then he found a new mobile phone and sent a short message to Fang Junrong.

Thank you for saving me publicity expenses. You are a good man. ]

in order to deal with Jun Rong in front of him, he has to pay back with interest.