"Sleeping trough! This bitch

"God, how can we get rid of this scum!"

In the dormitory, Yang Meihua yelled at the computer screen. A series of insults came out of her mouth. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were wide open. Obviously, she was extremely angry.

her roommate Xu Yuqi was lying on the upper bunk playing with her mobile phone, and applying a mask on her face, hearing her voice, reaching out to see Yang Meihua, "what happened? What news did you see that made you angry again? "

Yang Meihua is a real Internet addict girl. Every day, in addition to class, she stays in the dormitory and surf the Internet. Every time there is something new on the Internet, she tells them. The story of Jiang Ya Ge before is also her first-hand exposure.

Yang Meihua, who was originally typing, said angrily: "it's really shameless for Li Erjin to steal the trade secrets of Fang Junrong company. He is a shameless thief! His company now launched the peach blossom pill, the discount is very fierce, at first I thought it was deliberately rubbing beauty pill fever, now I know it is pirated! "

Xu Yuqi's face was full of gossip, "really? Did Li nianjin admit it? He can't be stupid enough to admit it, can he

Yang Meihua hummed, "general manager Fang directly sued several of her employees to court in the name of stealing company secrets. And those employees have transferred to Li nianjin. Although he didn't admit it, it was no different from admitting. "

"A lot of netizens actually supported Li, saying that it was a good thing that he could let them use cheaper products, whether Taohua pills were pirated. Some people shamelessly said that their spray, unless they have never used pirated software since childhood, is not qualified to say Li forgetting Jin. "

"There are also people who think Li is a good man and is seeking benefits for them."

That shameless gesture made Yang Meihua angry and continued to read, "I don't know what those people think. I don't believe in the character of those people who want to give fake gifts to their wives like Li nianjin. Maybe the production process of peach blossom pills is also shoddy. Otherwise, what would he do if he sold them so cheaply?"

"Skin care products are a dime a coin."

Xu Yuqi comforted her: "normal, it's human nature to take advantage of others. By the way, how much is the discount for the peach blossom pill you said? "

Yang Meihua continued to struggle with pirates fans, while saying: "it seems that the minimum is 50%

Xu Yuqi smell speech, in the Internet search up, find the pre-sale website of peach blossom pill. She looked down at Yang Meihua, who was struggling. She quickly made a deposit like a thief and then shut down the website.

She is not the same as Yang Meihua, Yang Meihua's family is good, a box of 888 beauty pills to buy completely do not care. She lives on a month! The fee is only two thousand yuan. If you buy a box of beauty pills, you have to cut back on your diet or go to work. Now there are cheaper peach blossom pills, of course she chose peach blossom pills.

Anyway, with the same formula, the pills produced should have similar effect.

Of course, she certainly won't let Yang Meihua know, lest she have a grudge in her heart.

There are many people like Yang Meihua's roommate. Although they knew Li's enmity with Fang Junrong, they still chose their own wallet and placed an order in silence. Even a lot of people who had been on the lookout did not hesitate to place an order after they learned that Fang Junrong had sued Li nianjin's employees.

In their eyes, Fang Junrong's move undoubtedly proves that Li's prescription is true.

The situation on the Internet is gradually shifting towards Li's.

Looking at the increasing number of pre-sale, Li's face is going to smile.

Thanks to Fang Junrong, they will save a lot of publicity expenses. He originally thought that the number of pre-sale was 500000, but he did not expect that in the first two days of the shopping festival, it directly exceeded one million. This completely broke through his imagination, did not expect that women's money is so easy to earn!

For the first time, he found it so easy to make money.

Fang Junrong worked hard for a few months, but finally he was successful. He was more bent a while ago, but now he is more energetic.

Happy to the extreme Li and Zhang Bi video, two people discussed, decided to let the factory continue to work overtime to produce more peach blossom pills. Then he posted a micro blog online.

[celebrate the pre-sale of more than one million and add another million boxes. ]

the million boxes originally produced have almost covered the billion flowers invested by him. To continue production means to invest more money.

Li did not sell his shares this time (he didn't want to lose his position as the first shareholder), so he chose to borrow money from others. If it was a month ago, when Li was at its lowest point, let alone 100 million, even if it was 10 million, no one would borrow him.

But now it is not, peach blossom pill that eye-catching pre-sale number is placed over there, everyone knows that after Li Erjin, there will be no shortage of money. When he released the news, many people immediately came to visit him. They were enthusiastic, as if they had not laughed at him before. Although they secretly despise Li's stealing business secrets, they also envy and envy each other for having a golden hen.

"WANGJIN, what's the relationship between us? Your business is my business, isn't it money? I'll lend it to you.""Mr. Li, if you need to tell me what I can do for you, I will certainly help you."

Li was so happy that he was in short of money, so he did not hesitate to borrow some from each of these people, and then quickly put the money into the factory.

! Fang Junrong will continue to fight a lawsuit, as long as she can't grasp his handle, what can she do with him.

He imagined her in a state of exasperation, and felt that he could eat three bowls of rice tonight.


In the eyes of the outside world, Fang Junrong, a frustrated person, was in a very happy mood. There is nothing better than watching the enemy step by step jump into the pit.

Li Xinyun often went home in the name of asking for her advice. She has recently set out to acquire the beverage company.

Fang Junrong where can not see her idea, is nothing more than her daughter worried that she was angry by those comments on the Internet, so she deliberately harassed her with this, so as to divert her attention.

She touched her daughter's head. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Do you think I have something to do? "

Li Xinyun did not say a word, she worried that her mother was forcing her face to smile. What her father did, she felt angry and disgusted, not to mention her mother. She must make money well. Even if her mother's company doesn't make money in the future, there is still her.

Although Fang Junrong didn't know why she was suddenly uplifted, it was a good thing for her daughter to be self-motivated, and she was more than happy to point her out.

The shopping day will come soon.

This chapter

Li's peach blossom pills sold more than 1.9 million that day.

Fang Junrong smacks his tongue. How much loss will Li forget Jin get at that time. The more he lost, the happier she was. As for the consumers who have been cheated after buying them back, they can actually apply for a refund.

On this day, sun Mei also came to visit.

Fang Junrong was quite surprised to see her. She thought that according to sun Mei's character of being at the helm of the wind, she might choose Li nianjin. She has always been very skilled at such things.

Sun Mei came to visit, mainly to make a small report with her.

"Let me tell you, Junrong, don't give them some beauty pills to Bai Shiyuan. "She listed several people's names." they are all white eyed wolves. They went and ordered a batch of peach blossom pills with Li nianjin. "

"Especially Bai Shiyuan, she also said that sooner or later you will go back to find Li nianjin to remarry. She is waiting to see you bow."

"Before you send them beauty pills, it's better to throw them in the water. You can hear a sound in the water."

Her mouth chattered endlessly and complained bitterly. The main idea is that only friends like her are reliable. If you want to send them in the future, you can send them to her. Other people are heartless.

Fang Junrong could not help laughing, "I thought you would go to his side too! Buy some back. "

"You look down on my character."

Under Fang Junrong's gaze, she said reluctantly, "in fact, I can't believe Li Erjin. His character may be cutting corners. I'm not short of money. I have to use the best. "

Secondly, she looked down these months and found that Fang Junrong had never suffered a loss when she was against Li nianjin. What's more, her reputation in the circle is still so good. Everyone thinks that she is a typical good wife and good mother. Her ideal wife is Li nianjin, who has no idea of cherishing. If she had half the ability of Fang Junrong, her reputation would not be so bad. It is clear that she is just a knife mouth with a bean curd heart.

Fang Junrong had to admit that although sun Mei was a villain, he was indeed a wonderful man. But she couldn't believe sun Mei's mouth, so she couldn't miss a word in front of her, "maybe I'll lose this time."

Sun Mei's face was stiff, "then I'll go to brush a star for Li's shop! Brush more, and he's pissed off. "

Fang Junrong: No, it will only be the customer service staff in the store who will be angry at that time. How can Li nianjin pay attention to such a small matter.

But Sun Mei did remind her of one thing.

After listening to her suggestion, Xu Weiwei opened her pupils slightly, "wait, do you want people to order more peach blossom pills?"

As a member of the plan, she was very clear that the peach blossom pill was not so effective.

This chapter

Fang Junrong nodded and said, "I remember that if the false marketing or the goods and services provided are fraudulent, the compensation amount can be increased by three times as much as the purchase of goods?"

"Lay more eggs and pay him to death."

Xu Wei's mouth corners can't help but draw, "your idea It's not a general loss

Li's cooperation this time is with Zhang Bijia, so Taohua pills are sold in Zhangjia's flagship store on the platform. They have been running this brand for many years, which just gives them a wave of blood.

"You are more and more insidious."

Xu Wei Wei Tucao, while quickly underground instructions, make complaints about a group of personnel. When the time comes, everyone will register hundreds of numbers, and Zhang's blood will be lost.

Fang Junrong said: "it's like giving bonus to employees."