Li nianjin went home with several boxes of peach blossom pills.

He has been in the company for a few days. He is so busy that he has no time to come back and have a rest. The peach blossom pill in his hand is for Wen Sixian. Wen Sixian returned to his home after recuperation.

His peach blossom pill is not only the original formula, but also added some to it. Zhang Bi didn't say what was added specifically. He only said that it had a good effect on scar removal, but had not formally carried out clinical trials.

Li forgetting Jin thought of Wen Sixian, and then took a few boxes back, just for Wen Sixian to try. Zhangjiake has inherited a medical family for hundreds of years, and the things they make are certainly better than those in Junrong's hands.

He told Wen Sixian that he was really happy. She did not know that she had become an experimental mouse, with a smile she hadn't seen for a long time. "That's wonderful."

"I'll try it right away." Now she had to go out of the room and put on a thick foundation to hide the scar on her face for fear of seeing the disgusting look on Li Wangjin's face.

She took peach blossom pills in front of Li's face. The taste seems to be different from that of Meiyan pills, which is more bitter and astringent. When swallowing, the bitterness still lingers in the mouth, unlike Meiyan pill, which is slightly bitter and sweet.

Isn't the formula the same? How does it taste different?

She inquired Li engjin tentatively.

"This is a new product developed by Zhangjia, which is better than Meiyan pills," Li said confidently

Wen Sixian has no doubt.

In the next few days, Li was not at home, busy with investment and cooperation. He was as busy as a bee in front of him and recovered his long lost spirit.

He also accepted other people's invitation, frequently attended various banquets, felt the public praise for him. In fact, he wanted to see Fang Junrong and ask her if she regretted it. Unfortunately, Fang Junrong didn't know if he was afraid of losing people. He kept a low profile these days, and even couldn't get out of the door.

Forget it, although can't see Fang Junrong, but in other people's praise, he is still inflated.

In a blink of an eye, a week passed. Taohua pills are also basically delivered to each customer through logistics.

After a happy week, Li forgetting Jin suddenly thought of the mouse Wen Sixian, so he came back again.

"How about peach blossom pill?" he asked

Wen Sixian's face flashed a little embarrassed, "may be just taking the relationship, the effect is more general."

Just eat down two days before the skin is indeed white, but after the restoration of the original color number. As for the effect of scar removal, it can only be thought about in a dream. She is also a person who has experienced the curative effect of Meiyan pills, so she can feel the huge gap between the two. Just these words in front of Li engjin! Jin's face can not be said, his character is the most proud, the most disgusting is that others will put Fang Junrong on his head.

Li looked at her face and said after a while, "I think your skin is white a lot."

Wen Si would like to say that she looks like skin white is painted on the ground. Every day, she painted the foundation with many layers, who let Li forget the love of fair skin.

Li nianjin saw her silence, a faint uneasiness appeared in his heart, "it may be because you took more beauty pills before, so the effect is not so significant." Well, it must be because of this!

"You're right," said Wen Sixian gently

Heart has decided to secretly go back to buy Beauty pills, this peach blossom pill to eat no effect, but also let her stomach some discomfort these days.

The next second, the sound of puff sounded, bringing a burst of embarrassment. Accompanied by the sound, is enough to make people faint in the past smell.

Wen Sixian's face was hot. She didn't expect that she farted at this time.

Li's face turned black and his hand covered his nose. He was so smoked that he almost vomited out of lunch. How does this fart stink like this?

Wen Sixian is eager to dig a hole in the ground to leave. "I'll go back to my room and have a rest."

And then he left in dismay.

Li nianjin is running over the balcony to blow the wind. He feels that he still has that smell on his body. This makes him less throbbing in the face of Wen Sixian, only the remaining impatience.

What he didn't expect was that it was just the beginning.

During dinner at night, Wen Sixian was attacked by a series of stinky farts. Sitting opposite her, he was disgusted and vomited. The original good candlelight dinner was directly interrupted.

He seldom went home, not only did not enjoy the gentle countryside, only a string of bad farts. He couldn't bear it. He broke his chopsticks. "When are you going to put them? If you have a bad stomach, go to the hospital. "

He doesn't want to stay at home.

He pinched his nose, his face livid. "Can't you eat less messy food?"

Wen Sixian bit her lower lip, and she didn't want to. It is rare for Li to come back once, but he is afraid that her image in front of him has collapsed completely. Even if the face is repaired in the future, he will have a psychological shadow on her.It's not her fault.

Wen Sixian had been under a lot of pressure during this period of time. Seeing Li's unabashed disgust in his eyes, he blurted out, "I haven't eaten anything but fruit these days, just like before, except for the peach blossom pills you brought back."

"That peach blossom pill has no effect at all. You must have been cheated by Zhang Jia."

! Her voice choked.

Li's expression was blank, "do you think it's because you ate peach blossom pills?"

"That's right." Wen Sixian repeated, "I can't find any other reason but this one."

"No way. Obviously, the formula is the same. I'll bring it back to you even better. "

Yes, it must be! Can't be his peach blossom pill problem!

He stood up and fanned it with a fan in his hand, which haunted his stench. He looked at Wen Sixian with a faint dislike, and then turned to leave.

Hearing the slamming of the door, Wen Sixian couldn't help but shed tears.


In the first two days of taking it, her skin did turn a little white, which made her extremely happy. However, her good days didn't last long. After eating a box, she found that the effect was not as good as expected, and the side effects also appeared.

She began to fart, and it was the kind of fart that smelled so much that people could disappear. Several times a day.

In this chapter,

in particular, once she and her secret lover were in the same room, and they talked about the football match they had watched recently. When the atmosphere was harmonious and it was hopeful to go further, that stink ended all the ambiguous feelings.

After that, in addition to class time, Xu Yuqi basically stayed in the dormitory, and the dorm also had to open the doors and windows, so as to ease the smell at any time.

After another fart, Yang Meihua couldn't bear it. "What did you eat recently? Why did you keep putting it on? Why don't I accompany you to the hospital

There are four people living in their dormitory, but the other two often go out to work as tutors and participate in community activities. Yang Meihua and Xu Yuqi stay in the dormitory all day.

Xu Yuqi is also very aggrieved, "no, I have been eating porridge for several days."

Although the price of peach blossom pills is relatively cheap, her family background is average. But two boxes down, also need her to be on a diet for a period of time, so she basically drink porridge with pickled cabbage steamed bread for three meals, which can be said to be very miserable.

She thought of a possibility, her face turned white and stammered: "I, I bought two boxes of peach blossom pills, just finished one."

Yang Meihua listened, angry and distressed, "it must be the problem with the peach blossom pill. Don't eat it again. I suspect his family is cutting corners. Otherwise, how can it be sold so cheaply

"You've been eating for a week, and I haven't seen any effect."

! Xu Yuqi had suspected that there was something wrong with the peach blossom pill. She said that, but also determined some points.

She clenched her teeth and said, "I want to return it!"

"No, I want them to pay me back!"

She lost not only money, but also the bud of love.

She was so angry that she applied for a refund backstage. Simply applying for a refund can't ease her anger. She directly tweeted online and denounced one brand for selling fake and shoddy products. She not only circled the official micro of one party's flagship store, but also circled Li nianjin by the way.

Xu Yuqi is not alone. The first batch of people who took it have problems one after another, denouncing Li on the Internet one by one. Who let Li forget Jin jump the most, in the hearts of the public, has become the boss of this brand.

There were also people who started talking directly, bringing all the victims together.

At first, there were only a few posts, but as the number of victims increased, there were more and more posts.

The manager nodded, his face was bitter, "there are still a lot of bad reviews for us."

At the beginning, there were also good reviews. As a result, only a few days later, the people who originally gave them good comments revised their comments and directly changed them into bad comments. They sold fake goods and had quality problems.

At the beginning of this chapter, the manager thought that there was a competitor playing a star maliciously. This kind of thing can be said to be common in shopping malls. However, with more and more people making bad comments, he could no longer comfort himself, so he could only find Li nianjin in a hurry.

Li nianjin paced back and forth, "it shouldn't be." How could Fang Junrong be praised by the public for the same formula, but there was a problem with him?

He quickly searched the Internet for peach blossom pills, but all he found were negative comments, which made his eyes black. Many of them reported that they often farted after taking the medicine, and they had to ask Li nianjin to go out and explain to them.

Li's hand holding the mobile phone is shaking. What's wrong? He suddenly thought of Wen Sixian. She had such a problem before.

He looked at the microblog again, and someone had already done a hot search on the "fake peach blossom pill", which made him upset. He suspected that many people were maliciously giving him rhythm, but they could not see him well.

He couldn't sit still any longer, so he called Zhang Bi. On the other hand, he also called the boss of the platform and spent a lot of money to suppress the hot search and delete the articles that slander him. As a result, he directly poked the hornet's nest, and netizens bombed it on the spot.