Before Li forgetting Jin is still hesitating, in the end should let the son come out to embrace the thigh. Even his heart has been inclined to do so, after all, he is good, Li Shize can be good. He also has no way to do things. He does things in extraordinary times.

As a result, he went around a big circle and tried hard to climb the relationship. It was actually Fang Junrong!

This fact directly destroyed his spirit.

Gao Yuan, as he knows, is the leader of the pharmaceutical company. What did Fang Junrong do and why did she become a major shareholder of this company? Even if she climbed into the relationship of Zhang Zhisu, Zhang Zhisu couldn't send her to this position?

He racked his brain, but could not think of the reason. He looked pale and looked at Fang Junrong who was like a queen in the center. For the first time, he felt that the gap between them was so large that the horizontal ditch between them was so deep that he could not cross it.

The people he had worked so hard to get up to turned a blind eye to him, but the other gentleman was smiling and attentive. He was so humiliated that he felt that everyone was watching his jokes.

After the divorce, he continued to go downhill, even the position of chairman of AI Rong group could not keep. Fang Junrong, on the contrary, rose up in the wind and became a figure he wanted to climb.

What has he done all this time? Why get yourself to this point? Maybe from the beginning, he shouldn't have divorced. If he didn't get divorced, now he can enjoy the scenery together.

No, it should be said that from the very beginning, he should not have brought Wen Sixian back and should not have gone to Guanjiang Yage. When young that beautiful dream, should only stay in the past, should not try to touch.

It's too late to regret. Wrong step, wrong step.

He stepped back a few steps, his eyes never moved from Fang Junrong. But she never looked at him.

He laughed miserably and finally turned to leave.

If you continue to stay, you will only insult yourself. If Fang Junrong is there, how could anyone else risk offending her to help him.

Zhang Bi looked at his staggering away figure, slightly frowned, but now he has no mind to care about Li forget Jin.

He still didn't want to understand. When he met at the beginning, he released his kindness to Junrong. However, Fang Junrong not only turned a blind eye to him, but also showed a vague hostility to him.

Which step is wrong?

He couldn't figure it out, but he knew that tonight's plan didn't work.

He took a deep look at Fang Junrong, and then went to Jiang Dexian. He remembered that this was a little white face brought by Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong after divorce, or the first time with a man in his side, want to two! The relationship between them is very different. Standing in the corner, Jiang Dexian has such a unique and outstanding appearance. When he stands there quietly, he can well restrain his sense of existence.

His eyes flashed. "It looks like you're going to be out of favor."

His voice was gentle, but his words were quite vicious: "but it's normal. After all, there is a big gap between you and Zhang Zhishu. Everyone knows how to choose. Your identity can only be used as a plaything at most. "

Although he did not think that Zhang Zhisu and Fang Junrong had that relationship, Zhang Zhisu should be more in the face of Fang Junrong. But this does not prevent him from using this to attack the little white face.

Jiang Dexian glanced at him and said, "are you jealous?"

Zhang Bi Zheng Zheng Zheng, immediately anger way: "what are you talking about?"

Jiang Dexian said faintly: "I have noticed that since you came in, you and your companion have been staring at her. Are you secretly in love with her? But I'm much better than you. I still have the qualification to be a toy. And she doesn't look up to you

he looked up in Zhang's face and in a leisurely manner. "The pores on your nose are not even covered with foundation. I suggest you buy some boxes of beauty pills to try it back."

"Your eyes are too small. It looks a bit sinister when you squint. It's better to move a knife and look energetic."

"By the way, you should be in your thirties this year? The skin also should maintain, otherwise easy to show old, otherwise eat youth rice also can't eat many years

Of course, Jiang Dexian knew that Zhang Bi didn't have that idea. He was disgusted by his method. He spared no effort to attack him.

Zhang bi was so angry that his liver ached. If it was not the place where he could be wild, he would beat the little white face hard. No, a beating is not enough for him to get rid of his anger. He should be given 180 kinds of poisons.

This little white face actually regarded him as his own kind, thought that he was the kind of cowherd who betrayed his lust, and pointed out to him. How dare he?

He had never been humiliated like this.

Zhang Bi can be regarded as the male partner in the book and the blue face confidant of Jiang Ya Ge. It is not necessary to say much about the appearance of Zhang Bi. It can be said that he is beautiful without Tao. But no matter how handsome a person is, when his expression is distorted, he will not be good-looking.

Jiang Dexian's smile was still the same, "the jealous face of a man is really ugly. No wonder she doesn't look up to you"She's looking for me. Goodbye."

He nodded at the wall and went to Fang Junrong.

Zhang Bi took a deep breath, his face was livid, "hateful!"

Clearly at the beginning, he wanted to sow dissension. He buried a mine next to Fang Junrong. Who knows, in the end, he was infuriated. How can the people around Fang Junrong be the same as her! Like, one game, one hate.

How could he like Fang Junrong? You want him to have a facelift?


Fang Junrong only let him come because he saw Zhang Bi go to find Jiang Dexian and worried that Jiang Dexian would be in trouble.

Jiang Dexian coughed and said, "no, but he seems to be angry with me."

Fang Junrong looked at him suspiciously, or did not hold back his curiosity, "what did you say to him?"

Jiang Dexi said: "I just told him that if he wants to be a little white face, he has to do a good job of maintenance, and then by the way, the whole face will be better."

Fang Junrong reacted and almost laughed.

"Not bad."

She can't remember how many times she praised Jiang leisurely tonight.

Raise salary, must give him to raise salary! Don't stop her from raising Jiang Dexian's salary!


During this reception, Fang Junrong received many business cards and met many people. These are her potential contacts in the future. In this regard, she should really thank Zhang Zhishu.

When it was late at night, the party was over and the guests dispersed.

Fang Junrong is also ready to go home. Although she has a drink tonight, she still has a driver.

He Jianbing left with her and complained falsely, "it's very nice of you to hide it, even I don't know."

Fang Junrong said, "I'm sorry, I will invite you to dinner in a few days."

"No, you might as well send me beauty pills."

"Yes, I'll give you more boxes."

Two people chatting, this season's evening is still a bit cold. Fang Junrong's coat is in the car. It takes at least ten minutes to walk from the villa to the parking lot.

"Miss Fang."

A steady voice sounded, and Fang Junrong turned his head and saw a face with three images in the same room. She quickly found information about him in her mind - this is Zhang Zhiyang, Zhang Zhisu's cousin.

Zhang Zhiyang's own talent is also some, otherwise in the previous life also can not smoothly ascend. Just because of the relationship between him and Jiang Ya Ge, Fang Junrong has always been particularly vigilant against him. Of course, she certainly won't show it on her face.

Zhang Zhiyang smiles. When he laughs, he has a tiger tooth, which adds a little childishness to him. But it is also the person who looks very good tempered. In the past life, in order to vent her anger on Jiang Ya Ge, she was casually asked to check her! A partner in her brother's company. If you cooperate with each other, you can check your taxes and all kinds of documents.

After the news got out, it was known that her brother Fang Xuebo had offended Zhang Zhiyang, and no one wanted to find trouble for himself, so the cooperation originally agreed was not followed.

Her brother's company went down.

"I think it's cold. You're wearing thin clothes. Why don't you put on a coat? It's not good for a beauty like you to catch a cold. "

Zhang Zhiyang is famous for his flowers and has countless girlfriends. He is also a popular figure in the world. She vaguely remembered that the object of his affair during this period seemed to be a singer of talent show origin.

If nothing happened, Zhang Zhiyang said, "it's OK. She won't mind."

Fang Junrong wrung his eyebrows, "but I do mind. I don't want to have another gossip boyfriend at present." If you take this coat and spread it out, I don't know what it will be like. She didn't want to have anything to do with this man.

Secondly, Zhang Zhiyang's girlfriends are all young girls in their twenties and their tastes are very specific. Now suddenly came to offer her hospitality. It can be said that the weasel paid a new year's visit to the chicken.

Zhang Zhiyang smiles and hands his coat to he Jianbing. After a few greetings, he leaves.

Although he took the coat, he did not put it on, just put it on his arm.

As she walked along with Fang Junrong, she said, "you are single now. Even if you develop a new relationship, no one can blame you. But he's not a good candidate

He Jianbing has been in this circle for a long time. He knows some gossip.

"Zhang Zhiyang is always chasing girls. He is willing to pay for his money. But it didn't take long to get tired of it. It's all right. Anyway, it's a matter of mutual affection. The problem is that he also likes to share his bed with his ex girlfriends in his circle of friends

She showed an indescribable expression. That's why she just started to talk and help her friend block her way back.

Fang Junrong was also disgusted. This kind of person will be punished sooner or later.

It was good and bad for her to attend the party. The advantage is that in everyone's eyes, she is no longer the person who used to be very easy to handle. Even if other people want to deal with her, they have to weigh it.The disadvantage is that she is single now, which has undoubtedly become a hot topic in the eyes of many people.