Li nianjin came back home in a muddle.

The house he lives in is bought by borrowing money from other bosses some time ago. Although the area is not as large as before, it is not small. After all, he had to support a number of servants in his villa. As for the set that his son Li Shize bought, he did not continue to live.

There was no money before, and he had never fired the servants. Every day they are attentive to serve him, as if he was the same as the wind and rain in the past Li nianjin.

As soon as he got home, wensixian immediately met him, took his coat and looked concerned, "have you had a drink? I asked you to make a wake-up Soup for you. Wait, I'll bring it to you. "

"You, drink less. Even if you want to drink it, you should eat some hot food before drinking, and pad your stomach. " She looked at Li's face was not very good-looking, thought he was drinking too much wine, so she would help him.

Li nianjin directly patted off her hand, the pain of Wen Sixian subconsciously retracted back, she directly froze, full of gentle advice stuck in the throat.

If it was in the past, for Wen Sixian's small and gentle, then he was the heaven's style, Li engjin must be very useful. But now, he has just been severely stimulated once, and his heart has not recovered from the gap.

In his eyes, Wen Sixian is the main culprit of his dream disillusionment. Now when I saw her, new hatred came up.

If there is no her, he and Fang Junrong are still the model husband and wife that everyone envies. It's all her fault!

He glared at Wen Sixian fiercely, "stay away from me."

Wen Sixian was stunned at the spot with an unbelievable face. Although Li's attitude towards her was not as good as before, it was the first time for Li to speak so harshly.

Her nose is sour, tears fall down on the spot, "what did I do wrong? You're going to get mad at me like this. " Even if he gets angry outside, he shouldn't do this to her.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she was. No one in the family took her seriously. Even the servants, she was more and more helpless. The only thing she could grasp was Li nianjin, who had treated her like this in front of people and trampled her face on the ground.

her tears and tears were directly washed up on the face, and her face was mottled, revealing a part of the wound, which seemed to be more hateful appearance.

Li forgetting Jin simply doesn't want to see it again! Look at her. He shouldn't have brought her back from the beginning.

Since this is a mistake, he should correct it.

"Your existence is a mistake. If it wasn't for you, Junrong would not have divorced me. "

"I had a relationship with you for no reason. You should have calculated me on purpose."

"I don't want to see you again. Get out of here."

Wen Sixian was so stupid that she thought that Li's anger was the most important thing. However, she didn't expect that he would drive her away? She has no house, no money and no working experience. If she is driven out, what will she do to make a living?

Not to mention her face is still ruined.

Wen Sixian was really sad this time. Her tears flowed like a faucet. She murmured, "you can't do this. I came back home for you."

"I have only you."

Li nianjin didn't want to see her again, let alone hear her voice. Seeing Wen Sixian as if he was going to hang on, he said with a cold face, "throw her out to me."

He sneered, "if you go by yourself, you can take what I bought for you. If I get rid of you, you won't take anything. "

Wen Sixian, who was crying, seemed to be trapped. She finally realized how cold a man is when he is heartless.

She wiped her tears. "Since you don't want to see me, I'll disappear in front of you, not in your eyes."

"I'll do anything you like."

She was afraid that Li engjin really said it and could only leave by herself. Before she left, she did not forget to set up, it can be said that she was very dedicated.

It's a pity that Li engjin doesn't eat it at all. When he was rich, he was naturally willing to engage in romantic affairs. Today's situation is difficult, where there is such leisure.

When Wen Sixian returned to her room, her face was still in tears, but her actions were quite rapid.

She thought she had been with Li for several months, and she should have a lot of luggage. As a result, I found that most of them are clothes and cosmetics, and the price is not expensive. The most expensive skirt is thousands of yuan. Some of the most valuable brand-name bags or niece Jiang Ya Ge sent her before.

! Not to mention not a single piece of jewelry.

So she was at a loss. She always thought that Li nianjin was good to her. After all, for her sake, she divorced people with excellent conditions like Fang Junrong. She didn't even abandon her after she was disfigured.

As a result, even if we add clothes and shoes to the gifts, I'm afraid we don't have 100000 yuan? Her card balance is only more than 20000.

Wen Sixian is very depressed, regretting that he didn't ask him for more money in the past few months.

She was distracted to pack up the things, there were not a few, and they were quickly packed up. Because the house had just been bought, there was nothing valuable in the house, so she couldn't help walking along.Less than half an hour, Li nianjin came in and looked at her coldly. The meaning of urging was quite obvious.

Wen Sixian is very aggrieved, but still can only drag his suitcase to leave here.

She turned her head and looked at the door that she couldn't wait to close after she came out.

The cold wind blew, blowing her a cold war. Under the dim street lamp, she was lonely.


After Fang Junrong came back from the reception, he gave the reward to Jiang Dexian. Originally, the reward was 20000 yuan. Because she was extremely satisfied with Jiang Dexian's performance, she gave 50000 Yuan directly.

She checked the economic company of Zha Jiang Dexian - Yingce film and television company, which is one of the top in the entertainment industry. There are several heavenly kings in the sky. Although she did not cooperate with the company, but in her capacity, saying hello to terminate the contract is just a small matter.

She mentioned this with Jiang Dexian, but he refused.

"No, my contract is due next month. I don't need you to waste a favor for me. "

If Fang Junrong saw this, he would not say anything.

Things in this circle have always been spread rapidly. As the second largest shareholder of Gaoyuan group, she soon became known to all. All of a sudden, she felt a lot of enthusiasm for her. In the past, when Meiyan Wan came out, they were very attentive to her, but somehow they still maintained it! A little reserved. Now I want to get involved with her.

There were more people saying nice things to her. Some people, in order to please her, deliberately said in front of her the present situation of Li engjin. Although she did not deliberately inquire, but also know that eight - nine does not leave ten. Li is now in trouble with those debt collectors. With interest on the debt, he owes at least 3.5 billion. Who made him too confident at that time. In order to get the cash faster, he signed a high interest rate.

In fact, as long as he sells more shares of AI Rong Group, he can solve the urgent need. Unfortunately, he is obviously not willing to, holding shares, he is at least the second shareholder of AI Rong, a bit of weight. If the shares lost, reduced to small shareholders, it is really anyone can step on a foot.

Fang Junrong had to sigh that everyone was really quite realistic. She also received a lot of invitation, such as snowflakes sent to her hands.

For example, what she is going to attend today is a birthday party for Geng yuan, a real estate tycoon. Gengyuan's industry is not limited to China, his shopping malls have even opened abroad. Fang Junrong plans to expand the market next year, aiming at foreign countries. Not only that, he also owns jewelry chain stores. It is said that he owns shares in several jade mines abroad, so there is no shortage of raw stones.

After receiving the invitation, Fang Junrong thought about it and decided to come over. Whether it is shopping malls or jade, she is likely to cooperate with Geng family.

What's more, the family didn't have any intersection with Jiang Yage in the previous life, so she didn't pull her into the blacklist.

She took Jiang Dexian with her as usual. The advantage of taking him is obvious. You can wash away 90 kinds of wild bees and butterflies when you have free time. Jiang Dexian's appearance is quite good. Standing there is enough to make many people feel ashamed.

Until a few days ago, I found that the jade had stayed in the cave for a long time, and it seemed that some changes had taken place. Jade is more crystal clear, not to mention, wearing on the body, is more refreshing.

She came here early or late, and many guests have come.!. Geng yuan has been seventy-two this year, but he looks energetic. He smiles and greets everyone.

Fang Junrong did not deal with Geng yuan many times. She came forward and showed a gentle smile, "I wish Geng old age has today, every year has today."

Geng Yuan said with a smile: "it turned out to be a little girl of the Fang family. I still remember the scene when your father brought you here. It's been so many years since you blinked your eyes."

There was a touch of emotion in his tone. According to his seniority, Fang Junrong, a little girl, is very normal and shows a sense of closeness.

"This is a little token of my younger generation."

Geng yuan smile, "come all come, still send what gift, too see outside."

It's not without reason that this person can come to this step. Everyone is kind.

"Mr. Geng doesn't know. Mr. Fang is now the most popular person in our circle. It's not easy to see her. It's my blessing to see her today." A discordant voice sounded.

she remembered Sun Mei and her make complaints about it once again. Bai Shiyuan ordered a batch of peach blossom pills from Li nianjin before, and took them everywhere to give them away. And not less step on the foot of Fang Junrong. Fang Junrong said that sooner or later he would go back to find Li nianjin to compound.

What she said was straightforward, but the follow-up development hit her face hard. Li's Taohua pills have problems, consumers have refunds, even the AI Rong group stock is falling.

On the contrary, Fang Junrong is getting better and better.

She did not even ask Bai Shiyuan to settle accounts, but Bai Shiyuan bumped into her, and of course she would not be polite.

Fang Junrong said with a smile, "it's Madame Bai. I don't know how well you use that peach blossom pill? Do you want to buy more? If you buy it now, you don't have to rob it. "Like Bai Shiyuan, she only uses peach blossom pills.

Fang Junrong can say which pot is not open to mention which pot, Bai Shiyuan's face directly pulled down.