The two women continued to feel over the rockery. However, it is good for a man to know how to change his mind. It's better to have less husband and wife and old company. Men are willing to hand over all their belongings, which is the greatest sincerity.

In fact, she often hears these platitudes. But most people don't run in front of her and say that there are none. She felt that these people may not believe these words in their hearts. After all, they are of what age. I just can't get used to her being so free and easy after her divorce. I wish she would fall into the fire again like them.

She coughed gently to show her sense of being.

Soon, from the rockery will come out of the two women, two people in the appearance of a bit similar, see the bleeding relationship.

Fang Junrong recognized the two of them. The older was Dai Jiazhen, and the younger was Dai Jiayin.

Dai Jiazhen showed some pompous surprise expression, "eh, Mr. Fang, you are also walking here. It's a coincidence."

Fang Junrong said lightly: "it's quite a coincidence that such a large garden can still meet you two."

Dai Jiazhen did not seem to hear the irony in her words. Her face seemed to be wearing a mask. Her expression was hypocritical. "Alas, you can't talk about other people's gossip in private. As a result, you can hear it."

Dai Jiayin nodded, "I'm really sorry." She pauses and says, "but what our sisters say is also true."

"He already knows how to repent, better than some people who don't know their roots." Her eyes fell on Jiang Dexian, and the meaning was obvious.

"And he'll be in your hands. It's much easier to hold him."

"If my husband had half his sincerity, I would not have quarreled with him all day."

Fang Junrong's face is still a faint smile, to the beginning to the end, never changed.

"How long can his little money, after deducting debts, continue to support him? Compound with him? Am I greedy for his pocket money, for his old age, or for his belly fat? "

"I'm sorry, it's your business that you like to eat excrement. Don't feel like others are willing to eat it just because you can eat it."

She felt that she had been too polite to speak before, so that everyone would come to her and say these things. Does she look like such a fool?

Her unkind words made the two sisters black.

Dai Jiazhen's voice seemed to squeeze out of the crack. "How can you do this? We are also for you. If you remarry, you may not find a better man. All men are the same. "

Dai Jiayin also followed the tone, "yes, if I were you, I would be reunited with him."

Fang Junrong sneered and said, "isn't it for the benefit Li nianjin gives you?"

Her eyes fell on Dai Jiayin. "Did you just say Li nianjin is better than your husband?"

Dai Jiayin hesitated, but it was not easy to hit her face, "right."

Fang Junrong's smile deepened, "in this case, you might as well divorce your husband and be together with Li Erjin."

"Since he is so good and you praise him so much, you can use it for yourself. Don't waste it. Anyway, Li forgetting Jin can even talk to Wen Sixian. He should not be picky and can accept you. " I didn't expect that some people would like to recycle the garbage like Li Erjin. Is this waste utilization?

Dai Jiayin's face turned into a pig's liver color. She could no longer maintain her original posture. She yelled, "Fang Junrong, don't go too far!"

Fang Junrong sink face, "no more than you two, their own life is not easy, want to let others also follow the fire pit."

She snorted coldly, "I hope you will be more conscious and less appear in front of me."

She said, turning to leave. After walking a few steps, he turned back and gave them a standard smile. "Of course, if either of you is going to divorce and stay with Li Erjin, then you can send me an invitation. I will certainly wish you a happy marriage in a hundred years."

After leaving such a sentence, she left the two men smartly.

Well, I went out for a walk to relax, but my good mood was ruined by these two fools.

However, it can be seen that Li is really hopeless, which is trying to find a way to compound. He deserves it, too?

After walking for a while, away from the two bad things, she slowed down and moved towards the club.

"I didn't expect you to be so direct." Jiang Dexian opened his mouth and said, "aren't you afraid that they'll be angry and start?"

Fang Junrong pinned the scattered hair behind his ears, with a casual look, "is this not you?"

Jiang Dexian, a big man, can't beat those two men.

She did not hear the voice, turned to look at Jiang Dexian, "or say you don't hit women?"

"No, if they do, I'll fight back."

Fang Junrong nodded with satisfaction and asked, "how are you doing?"

Jiang Dexian said in a deep voice, "it's not a problem to hit ten li'erjin."

Fang Junrong had a little more smile in his eyes.……

After returning to the lobby, she put on her social mask again and talked with others. In the process, several contracts have also been finalized. After a while, the Dai Jiazhen sisters also came back. They were obviously in a good mood and could not see their anger when they were outside. Only occasionally I cast my eyes on her with a bit of resentment.

Fang Junrong squinted slightly and looked around. Well, Dai Jiazhen's husband didn't come here tonight, but Dai Jiayin's did.

His husband, Mr. Ding, is dancing with a woman. That woman's body is enchanting, dancing is charming, I don't know which boss brought over the girl's companion. Ding Zong's hand is not taboo to put on the other side's waist sensitive position.

It's no wonder Dai Jiayin thinks Li nianjin is still saving. After all, compared with her husband, Li nianjin suddenly turns from non recyclable garbage to recyclable garbage.

Unfortunately, Fang Junrong is not a garbage dump, whether recyclable or not, she does not want.

She pondered a little and walked in the direction of general manager Ding.

Dai Jiayin's efforts to speak good words to Li nianjin have certainly brought benefits. She didn't think that Ding always didn't know this, just because she acquiesced in her action. After all, there is more to be said between women and women.

She has never been sexist and has always been the same. It's disgraceful. Of course, it's their husband and wife who are disgraced together.


"Long time no see, Mr. Ding."

Mr. Ding, who was enjoying dancing, turned his head and said with a smile, "it's Jun Rong."

Even he had to admit that Fang Jun's appearance was quite extraordinary. Whether it's delicate facial features, white skin, or the amorous feelings between a smile, are intoxicating.

Li's desire to reunite with her is not only for her wealth, but also for her face. Compared with her, his family has become a fire girl. If he was allowed to persuade Fang Junrong and Li nianjin to get back together, he seemed to see flowers planted in cow dung. But Li's promise is also attractive Forget it. I'll leave it to the Yellow faced woman in his family.

He pushed away his partner, revealing a smile that he thought was elegant. "Do you want to dance together?"

He is still willing to enjoy this kind of love.

Fang Junrong was disgusted with the greasy expression of the other party, so he could not have contact with him. She said with a faint smile, "no, I just walked with some foot pain and didn't want to dance."

General manager Ding showed some regretful expression, but he was still very patient to the beautiful woman, and he would go out without money.

Not far away Dai Jiayin saw Fang Junrong run to talk to her husband, and suddenly had a sense of uneasiness.

She took her sister's hand and gritted her teeth and said, "Fang Junrong doesn't want to revenge me. Run to seduce my husband."

She never looked at her husband before, but now she takes the initiative to look for him. There must be something fishy about it.

Although she was very dissatisfied with her husband's use of flowers and grass outside, she still attached great importance to Mrs. Ding's throne. With her understanding of her husband, if Fang Junrong really wants to seduce him, he can seduce him.

At the thought of this, she couldn't sit still and strode across, with a quick step.

When she was a few meters away from them, she just heard her husband say in a compliment tone: "for people like you, who are blessed by whom, who can refuse you?"

Dai Jiayin was so angry that she became a puffer fish.

Fang Junrong's lips were filled with a faint smile, and the rest of his eyes caught a glimpse of Dai Jiayin coming over. His radian deepened, "you say these things are not very good in front of your wife. She seems to have a lot of opinions."

General manager Ding also saw his angry looking wife, showing an expression of displeasure. As a man of chauvinism, he certainly does not like his wife dragging his feet outside, "hairy and irritable, not like words!"

Dai Jiayin was reprimanded by him and even more aggrieved.

Fang Junrong said coolly, "you should be gentle to your wife, so that she will not be angry with you and have an extra heart. She thinks Li is much better than you. She has been praising him in front of me. I think they are a couple for two days

"Mr. Ding looks like a broad-minded person. Why don't you let your wife go free and make her and Li nianjin happy? In this way, the world can also be less a pair of resentment partner, more loving couple As for Li's own ideas, it's none of her business.

"If you get divorced, you can be free to associate with your girlfriend, and she can be less resentful. It's the best of both worlds."

Fang Junrong could not be more sincere.

General manager Ding directly blackened his face. He wants his wife to be a lobbyist, but that doesn't mean he wants to be a green cap.

Dai Jiayin was so angry that she trembled: How dare Fang Junrong stir up dissension in person!

"You're bloody!" She said angrily.

Jiang Dexian said, "there is no cheating. I recorded all your compliments. Do you want me to let it out? "

Dai Jiayin was livid and could not say a word.

Fang Junrong looked at Jiang Dexian in surprise. He didn't expect that he had done such a job.The other people who heard it gasped. They're not fools. They can guess what happened. I'm afraid it was Li nianjin who was looking for the couple as a lobbyist. Fang Junrong was directly annoyed, so he didn't give them face in public.

Later or less in front of her mention Li forget Jin, lest cause a Sao.

Fang Junrong looked around and took everyone's expressions into his eyes.

I think her ears will be quiet after today.