"I'm sorry, Mr. Geng, it made your birthday party a little more unpleasant."

At the end of the birthday party, Fang Junrong stayed down and apologized with Geng Lao. Although in front of Geng Lao's face, the couple did not dare to make a big fuss, and could only swallow their anger. But after all, it added discordant notes to a good birthday party.

Mr. Geng said with a smile, "it's OK, just let me watch the excitement."

He felt that Fang Junrong's character was stronger than the rumor. He didn't want to eat any loss. But who likes to suffer.

He changed the subject. "I like the jade you sent today. Thank you very much. If you need any help, please let me know

Fang Junrong showed a smile, "really need help from Geng Lao."

"I'm going to sell Meiyan pills abroad, so I may need to rent your shopping malls abroad."

"No problem." It's just a piece of cake.

"And if you have good stones, can you leave me some? I'm willing to buy it at the market price. "

After a lot of stone is excavated, it is sent directly to the auction house. Fang Junrong may not have time to attend those auctions.

She added, "I still have some jadeite on hand for you."

Since you ask for help, you should also show your attitude. Fang Junrong showed his sincerity. For others, that kind of jade can be met but can not be asked for, but for her, it is to put a hole in the sky to recharge.

In his life, the most important thing is his grandson. Compared with his grandson, precious stones in the eyes of outsiders are nothing. He answered.

However, the cooperation between the two sides, of course, will not just talk about it orally. At that time, we will definitely have to draw up the contract and sign a formal contract.

There is no shortage of guest rooms in Geng's family, so Mr. Geng asked to stay. However, Fang Junrong refused politely and chose to go home.

In the car, she suddenly asked, "you said the recording, is it true?"

Jiang Dexian is a man who really often makes a stroke.

Jiang Dexian nodded, "do you want to listen?"

Fang Junrong's eyelids jumped, "no more." She asked curiously, "how did you think of recording?"

"I'm used to it in the company," he said slowly

It sounds like a few words, but it can make people feel the hardships of his past.

Fang Jun Rong Ruo thought: This is also normal. When there are people in the circle, there is a fight, especially when the gun hits the head. Jiang Dexian's appearance, as long as you give him a chance, should be very easy to hit the red, certainly often framed against, no wonder he will develop this habit.

She pondered for a moment. "I still need an assistant. Do you want an interview?"

During this period of time, Jiang Dexian left an excellent impression on her, especially the other side was very witty in dealing with it, and the mending knife was also first-class. Of course, although the impression of him is very good, but Fang Junrong will not trust him completely, confidential things will not pass through his hands.

"It's my pleasure."

He said softly, with a touch of tenderness in his drooping eyelashes.


What happened at Geng Lao's birthday banquet spread quickly. Li also learned from others that he had failed again.

He did not expect that he had retreated to this point, Fang Junrong still did not mean to relax, even in front of the people made such a scene. I'm afraid no one will dare to mention his name in front of her.

Is she really that heartless?

Li is angry and powerless.

When the mobile phone rings, he looks at the name flashing on the screen and hangs up directly. It's a debt call again.

Now no one is willing to lend him money, and Junrong is not willing to compound with him and give him a chance. As for his son, Li Shize, it would be good if he didn't ask him for money, let alone help him.

He was at the end of his tether, and there was only one way for him - to sell most of his shares for money.

Although not willing to go to this step, after all, AI Rong Group is his painstaking efforts in managing for many years. But in order to get through the difficulties, he had to do so.

Li nianjin sits on the chair, the back is bent, the person appears old a lot.

After a while, he sighed and called the lawyer.

In the end, Li only had 10 shares left in his hand, and the rest were transferred out. In order to vent his anger, he bought the shares to the company's third largest shareholder, making the shares in the other party's hands equal to He Yi, the current chairman of AI Rong Group.

He Yi makes him unhappy, so he makes trouble for him.

AI Rong Group's shares are not as valuable as before, and those sold were only exchanged for 4 billion. The money had not been left with him for a long time, and had to be used to pay off the debt.

Now his wealth has shrunk a lot, put in s city simply can't take. He didn't want to face his old friends. After leaving tens of millions to his son, he went back to his hometown to avoid the wind.

It happened that the day of his mother's death was coming, and with this reason, he left naturally.To his great dismay, when he left, his son Li Shize did not even come to see him off.

On December 5, Li went back to his hometown. He also met his relatives in other rooms. He was satirized without exception.

"Isn't this the pride of our Li family? How can you come back when you are busy? "

"You're really capable of killing such a big company. If my grandfather knows something about it, I'm afraid he's not going to jump out and break your black leg

"Where did you come back to worship your ancestors? "

when Li came back, he was scolded by his head and face, and his face was very ugly. At that time, he cut through all kinds of difficulties and was selected by his grandfather as the successor of the Li family, so he shared most of his family property. People in the other rooms were only allocated to a small part, so they had a lot of resentment against him.

He could not help but retort, "even if I squander my ancestral property? Our achievements in the future are still the highest. Don't forget, I have a son and a daughter. Although Junrong and I were divorced, Junrong always loved the children. Isn't the property left for them in the future? "

"No matter how much you laugh at me, your descendants still have to carry shoes for my descendants."

"You'd better be polite to me so that you don't even have a chance to drink soup in the future."

He was very happy to see the red faces of the other rooms. At the same time, it is also sad and absurd. In the past, he always hated to be oppressed by Fang Junrong. The result arrives at this time, but can take Fang Junrong to pretend to be a tiger.

It's probably the retribution for his infidelity.

Suddenly, he felt a little depressed. He was not in the mood to fight with these relatives again. Instead, he went directly to the ancestral hall. In the ancestral hall are the spiritual tablets of his parents.

When he passed by, he happened to see Wang Bo cleaning the table. He rubbed it carefully and didn't let go of any dust. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Wang turned his head. When he saw him, tears appeared in his turbid eyes.

"It's the young master."

Li is the biggest one in his family. Wang Bo called him the eldest young master since he was a child.

"Uncle Wang." He whispered, "I'll come and see my parents." For the man who took care of him and grew up, Li still has a trace of respect.

Wang Bo looked at him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "a moment of failure is not the end. I believe you can definitely stand up again." Although Wang Boping didn't use the Internet, he couldn't hold the Li family. Others didn't say less about Li's affairs, so he knew about his recent situation.

The muscles on Li's face twitched for a moment, but he still swallowed what he wanted to say. He is already at this age. It is not so easy to rush to the peak.

Wang Bo was still reading in pieces over there, "you are in a much better situation than you were in college. When you failed to invest in college, you even lost your living expenses, but you still refused to ask your family for help. The master and his wife are very worried about you and want to send you money. They are also afraid that the master will know that you will not pass the test. Therefore, they can only secretly entrust your classmates to give you the money. "

Li's words were reintroduced into his time in University. In retrospect, the hard work at that time is just like that. Half way through, he suddenly realized something was wrong and asked, "what money? Did my parents send me money? "

He had no impression at all.

Wang Bo has nodded. They dare not transfer money to you for fear of missing traces, so they specially withdraw cash. At that time, it was handed over to the female students in your class and gave you a letter. "

"What's her name?" Li asked in a deep voice

Wang bobi is so old that it is not easy to remember this. How can you remember the name of the girl who asked so long ago.

"Is it Wensel?"

"Yes, it seems to be the name. She gave you the money

The muscles on Li's face twitch, squeezing out an expression that looks like crying. It's actually winsell It turned out that the money was given to her by her parents, and it was not the money that winsell lent him.

"How much did my parents give me at that time?" There was hatred in his voice, but it was against the long dead Winther.

"One hundred thousand." Wang Bo still remembers this very clearly.

"I later sent people to talk to you at school. Don't you see anyone else? "

Li's hands clenched into fists, his eyes full of anger. Winsell gave him 60000 at that time, and she left her own 40000, which is the salary of ordinary people for several years. As for the people whom Wang Bozhong sent to school, he had no impression at all. It's Windsor who's got a foot in it.

He has always been moved by winsell's support for him, and even regards her as the softest part of his heart. Before, she was his white moon, his cinnabar mole. All this turned out to be deceptive.

She is a shameless thief! liar! And her own daughter Jiang Ya Ge.

How could he have liked her for so many years if she hadn't deceived him? Even because of the memory of her, Jiang Yage was brought back, and Wen Sixian was regarded as her stand in. Therefore, he failed his sincerity to his wife.His feelings over the years have become a joke. His whole life was destroyed in the hands of a vicious woman.

He felt his ears buzzing and he couldn't hear anything. The blood seemed to freeze at this moment. In the darkness before him, he fell back straight.