Fang Junrong was in a good mood.

She met Zhang Zhi today and learned that Baiyu ointment and Jiedu Dan had passed clinical trials and put into production. The first batch of white jade paste produced has been sent to some old soldiers disabled by the war. The follow-up output of white jade paste will be provided to these people first, and will be officially listed after the output increases.

The other medicinal materials used in Baiyu ointment are not expensive. The only one limiting the yield is the unique yunyingcao in Xianjie.

After that, the method of planting Astragalus was changed. After all, her ability is limited. These fairyland spirit grasses need to consume expensive jade, which will greatly limit the production capacity. But not to the state. It is much easier for the state to find more jade materials than for her.

When she returned home, she suddenly felt something in her heart and entered the jade cave again.

Compared with before, jadeite cave seems to be clearer. In the past, the mountains were surrounded by clouds, but now the clouds are dispersed. It seems that they are wiped clean by a pair of invisible hands, revealing the true appearance below.

At the foot of the mountain is a piece of field, because of the distance, we can't see what is planted, but the glittering five colors show something extraordinary. A jade belt like River encircles the fields.

She looked at the stone tablet again. The stone tablet originally recorded the beauty formula, Qingdu prescription and Baiyu ointment, but now there is another one. She looked carefully, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but draw.

The extra prescription this time is Shengfa ointment. After using, it can be luxuriant and glossy. Shengfa ointment and Meiyan Fang are the same, the herbs used can be found in reality, but the water used must be the mountain spring in the cave.

Well, her company is about to produce a new best-selling product. She thought of her college classmate, who was a real ruthless man. Because the hair is dry and beige, all kinds of maintenance methods are useless. Finally, she shaved her head directly and raised it from the bald state. The effect is really good. The new hair is much better than before. However, in reality, not everyone has the same courage as her. Her hair cream will benefit many people suffering from hair loss.

She wrote down the hair cream and wandered slowly.

She used to be confined to the top of the mountain, but now she can reach the middle of the mountain. There is no way to cross the foot of the mountain, which represents a large spiritual field. You can only see it, but you can't pick it. It's just put it there to help her.

She is not greedy. It is quite good to have these things. One has to learn to be content.

On the hillside, in addition to a few fields of medicine, the rest are mainly fruits. No, the fairyland thing. It must be a spiritual fruit.

She looked at the coveted peach, picked one, washed it, and ate it.

The sweet taste explodes between the tongue buds, so delicious that she wants to swallow her own tongue. She had eaten many kinds of peaches before, but those in front of her were turned into dregs.

After eating one, I feel more relaxed and happy.

She tasted all kinds of fruits, but could not tell which was better.

Unfortunately, this fruit can only give her and the people around her full mouth, can not be planted in large quantities in reality. Well, no, she may also try to see how the fruit trees grow in reality.

Today's harvest has been much more than she imagined, and she finally left the cave with satisfaction.

She was also thinking about why the emerald cave had such a sudden change. It seems that Zhang Zhisu told her that the white jade paste has been put into use after?

If she thinks, according to some TV dramas she has seen, this may be the reward for doing good deeds?


The next day from the cave, Fang Junrong received the news from Wang Bo.

Wang Bo is the former housekeeper of the Li family. Since her father-in-law and mother-in-law died, he has been staying in his hometown to look after the ancestral hall. Although Fang Junrong hated Li Erjin very much, he had a good impression of Wang Bo.

In the past, Wang Bo tried to dissuade Li nianjin and Li Shize. But in the eyes of the father and son, he was only a servant. How could he listen to him?

She opened and looked at it. Wang Bo's message was full of regret, saying that he should not have said something about the past in front of Li, which made him dizzy. After he was sent to the hospital, he said there was a sign of stroke.

It can be seen that he is very anxious. The foreword in the short message does not match the following words.

Fang Junrong slightly pondered, or called the past to ask.

She was very speechless after asking. Should we say that wensil is worthy of Jiang Ya GE's mother? In some places, it's really the same. The mother and daughter snatched the credit of others and successfully became the white moon of Li's decades. Another in the previous life is through barbecue son robbed her bracelet, happily become a life winner.

Listen to Wang Bo's meaning, in fact, later her father-in-law and her mother-in-law also sent people to ask Li nianjin about it in the school. But the man didn't say about wensier. He only said that Li nianjin was doing well, and he was very grateful to his family.

She seriously suspected that the man had been bribed by winsell.Li nianjin is so conceited that when he knows that he has been played by Wen Sixian for so many years, no wonder he faints with anger.

She didn't understand before that, as the second generation of Li nianjin, wensil didn't communicate with him, which was unscientific. According to the book she read, Li nianjin once confessed with wensil, but the other side resolutely refused him, saying that he could not apologize to her boyfriend, and successfully created the image of loyalty and not worship money in Li's heart. Now I finally understand that after a long time, Wen Sixian is ignorant of Li's money, so he dare not associate with him.

With Li's love for her, I'm afraid she will not take her home to see her parents, so what she has done is very likely to be uncovered. Even when she married Li Erjin, winsell did not attend. Over the years, on the contrary, it is her husband and Li nianjin who have moved more. Until she was dying, she entrusted Jiang Ya Ge to his licking dog Li nianjin.

She has picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon?

Wang Bo told her that the doctor said that his condition was not very good, there was a sign of stroke, it was best to maintain a happy mood, can not be angry. And his blood pressure is not low, easy to cause cerebral congestion.

Knowing that he was in bad condition, Fang Junrong was happy.

Because the level of medical treatment in his hometown is not as good as that in S City, Li engjin will probably send him here to treat his body.

Although he hated Li, and even felt that he deserved it, Fang Junrong told his daughter Li Xinyun about it.

"Think about it yourself. But don't be coaxed by him just because he shows weakness. " Fang Junrong told her that she knew that her daughter had always been soft hearted.

She did not hide Li Xinyun, and even told him the cause of his illness. She didn't give Li nianjin any face. After all, he didn't deserve it. In his previous life, however, he watched his daughter be killed, and he could pet Jiang Ya Ge without any ill feeling.

She could not sympathize with him at the thought of it. It is just that Xin Yun in this lifetime has not experienced those, and may not share her feelings and hate Li nianjin.

Li Xinyun's lips moved. She only thought it was ridiculous. His father's life had become a joke. But if you want to say how sympathetic, it really is not. Li's behavior in the past few months has completely wiped out their father daughter relationship.

After a while, she said, "I'll go and see him and ask a nurse to see him."

That's the best she can do. If she was to take care of him, she held back. If her mother was hospitalized, she would certainly be willing to stay with her 24 hours a day, but it would be very kind of her to hire a nurse.

How can she curse her mother? She must be healthy and live a long life!

Li Xinyun seemed to have finished his task. After Li was sent to a hospital in S City, he bought some fruit, hired a nurse, and went to see his father.

After watching, she looked very calm.

Fang Junrong asked her, "is there no conflict?"

Li Xinyun shook his head. "No, he cherished his life so much that he didn't get angry all the time, so he was OK. Although there are signs of stroke, but the doctor said that there is hope to take good care of him, so he is still in a peaceful mood. " It's not good to be unfair. This disease can't be angry.

What she didn't say is that in front of her, Li has always said that he regretted that he didn't know anyone before and scolded her for Jiang Yage. Now he knows who is really good to him.

It's a pity that Li Xinyun has no inner fluctuation. After all, her father loves himself most. If he had not found himself cheated by Jiang Yage's mother for so many years, would he regret it? That's impossible.

His late apology was a fake plastic in her eyes.

He even got a lawyer and made a will in front of her. Said that his future property will be left to her, so let her give him a chance.

However, she felt that his behavior was purely to stabilize her. Wills are very easy to change at any time. If he has the ability to transfer all his property to her now, it is still a bit sincere.

But Li Xinyun doesn't care who his property is going to give. It has nothing to do with her anyway. There's no need to talk to her mother about these bad things.

She suddenly remembered one thing, "ah, by the way, when I left, I saw Jiang Yage and Li Shize also came to the hospital."

Her face was straight. "I think Li Shize and he have a grudge. If you bring Jiang Yage here, isn't it obvious that he wants to stimulate him?"

Fang Junrong's lips curled up, which seems to have if not smile with the taste of irony, "maybe he is trying to make the two people fight for jade and silk."

After all, in the eyes of BBQ's son, Jiang Yage is an angel like character. To explain it well, Li will certainly abandon his past suspicion and treat Jiang Yage as his own daughter.

Li Xinyun Tucao: "come on, he's so careful and make complaints about his father."

Before she left, she actually reminded them. As a result, Li Shize said that he was narrow-minded and could not see Jiang Yage well. He also said that his father would not be like her and her mother.There is something wrong with this person. After getting to know Jiang Ya Ge, her head was lowered. How could she not know that he was such a man of love.

Jiang Ya Ge also said in a soft and weak way that her mother and mother had a hard time. She came here to explain the misunderstanding many years ago. That gesture almost didn't make her sick.

Li Xinyun make complaints about Tucao, but she never realized that she would make complaints about it.