When Li was hospitalized, Li Shize also learned about what happened to his father.

He didn't expect that Jiang Yage's mother had made these things when she was young, and even Yage would be angry by her father. But people are dead, plus the song of songs over there constantly tears, he is not good to say bad things about his dead mother-in-law.

After crying, Jiang Yage wiped away her tears. Her eyes washed by tears were moist and transparent, and there was a touch of red at the end of the eyes, which was pure with an unknown flavor.

"Although dad certainly doesn't want to see me, I still want to see him and at least explain my mom to him." Before, although Li's attitude towards her was not as good as before, even began to repel. But Jiang Ya Ge still has some confidence. As long as she still has this face similar to her mother, Li's attitude will be relaxed sooner or later.

As a result, she didn't expect that, after all these years, there would still be a day to come out. If he is firmly against her and Shize, can they continue to be together? Thinking of this, she began to panic. She has such a bad reputation that she can't stay in school and can only temporarily suspend school. If Shize doesn't want her, she doesn't know what to do in the future.

Li Shize likes the image of Jiang Ya song which is weak and strong. Where can he stand it? "You are you, your mother is your mother, and your father is a sensible person. I won't blame you."

It seems that if Li nianjin wants to blame Jiang Ya Song, he will not tolerate and be unreasonable.

It's just that neither of the two people present felt there was anything wrong with it.

Li Shize comforted his girlfriend for a time, and then took her to the hospital to see Li nianjin. His software has a good prospect. Some time ago, although many companies reneged on their contracts, some companies continued to cooperate with him. The situation was much better than expected, so he regained his confidence. In addition, Li nianjin gave him 10 million yuan a few days ago, so he didn't need to find anyone to invest in. So he and Jiang Yage got together again.

When they went to the hospital, they happened to meet Li Xinyun.

When Li Shize saw Li Xinyun, his face appeared uneasy. His sister, in his eyes, can only spend money, self willed, can be said to be nothing. But his mother doted on her to the extreme, especially after the divorce, it is clear that as long as the daughter does not want a son.

Because of the delicate competitive relationship, he was not pleased with Li Xinyun.

When Li Xinyun saw them, he even sneered, "don't you know what Dad is in hospital for?"

"Bring Jiang Yage to see him. You are not afraid to make him angry."

Jiang Ya GE's eyes immediately red, "I came here today to explain clearly to my uncle."

Li Shize immediately took back, "you are narrow-minded, you think your father is the same as you. The song of songs is so good that Dad won't be angry with her. You are the heart of a little man, and the belly of a gentleman. "

"Don't you just look at mom? Don't make it like you care more about Dad

With that, he took Jiang Ya GE's hand and went directly to the ward.

Although Li's fortune has been greatly reduced, it is no problem to book a separate ward.

When he opened the door, Li was in a sober state. He was looking through a newspaper. When he heard the opening of the door, he raised his head. "Xin Yun -" he obviously thought that his daughter had gone and returned.

Li's original smile on his face solidified when he saw the shrinking Jiang Ya Song beside Li Shize.

His eyes widened and he almost jumped out of his eyes. His breath became heavy. "What are you doing with Jiang Yage? Do you want to piss me off? "

Jiang Yage and wensil were very similar when they were young, especially at her age, which was exactly the age when winsell cheated him. As soon as he saw her, he felt as if he had returned to that time, and new hatred and old hatred came up together.

Li Shize's eyes fell on the nurse beside the bed and said to her, "this is our housework. You go out first."

The nurse looked at Li engjin and nodded before leaving the ward.

When he saw the man go, Li Shize turned his head and came back, "Dad, wensil is wensil, and the song of songs is a song of songs. They are different." Li Shize frowned and said, "who is the elegant song? Don't you know?"

Li's filter for Jiangya song has been broken. Seeing her like this, she only feels the same as wensier.

He covered his chest and said angrily, "isn't she just like her mother, ungrateful, full of lies, two faced villains?"

Jiang Yage was tottering.

Li Shize held her waist, tough and resolute, "song of songs is gentle and kind, not the kind of person you said."

Seeing that his son is still obstinate, Li nianjin is really angry. Although he would like to follow the doctor's advice, less anger, but this kind of thing can not be controlled.

He sneered, "really good people, black your mother on the program, secretly poke in front of the people of the country on eye drops? Can a really kind person coax Deng LAN into sending her a pile of things with ease? "

"Your mother can see better than I do. She knows what she is, so she never likes her."He is too stupid, because of the relationship between winsell and her filter, but hurt his own daughter.

Li Shize pulled down his face and said, "enough, Dad, I don't want you to slander the song."

Jiang Yage tears hazy eyes, "I know my uncle has a lot of misunderstanding, I don't mind, but my mother is really not the kind of person you said."

"At that time, my mother went to college and worked hard every day to support her tuition and living expenses. She took the money for my aunt. She didn't want to see my aunt drop out of school because she couldn't afford the tuition. "

"She has been very sorry for these years, so she asked me to treat you as my own father, filial piety and compensation."

"No matter how you beat and scold me, I can do anything as long as it can make you in a good mood."

Li Shize showed a moving expression.

Li was not moved, but more angry, "that is to say, you also know about your mother's stealing money?"

Maybe their mother and daughter would laugh at him for being a fool.

"Make it up to me? Oh, what do you compensate for? How much money did you spend on me since I picked you up? You also caused me to divorce Jun Rong and Xin Yun to divorce me. Are you sure you're making up for me, not coming back for me? "

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He even forgot the doctor's advice, "get out of here! I never want to see you, you bitch

Jiang Yage looks pale as paper, and her tears fall down like beads.

"Dad, how can you be so unreasonable?"

Li Shize was also angry, "song of songs is kind to come to see you, but you have been hurting her. You are no longer my wise father."

He felt the strength of Jiang Ya GE's grip on his sleeve and felt that he had to protect his weak girlfriend.

"If you do this again, I can only take the song of songs far away and disappear in front of you."

Xin Yun is afraid that he will not care about his father. He is the only father left. Li Shize did not believe that his father would risk losing him and continue to resist the existence of the song of songs.

At this point, his own son disobeyed and even threatened him for the sake of a vicious woman.

Maybe this is karma. Over the years, he has been hypocritical to each other's Junrong, and his beloved son has deviated from him for the sake of his enemy's daughter.

Li nianjin felt as if there was an invisible hammer pounding his tianlinggai. Once and again, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and his vision seemed to become blurred. He made a whoosh voice, and his expression was distorted, as if he was struggling. The next second he looked back, and he would not forget about human affairs.

Li Shize's face turned white, subconsciously rushed up, but it was too late.

"Dad His voice was terrified.


"Ah, mother."

Fang Junrong is in the study, is thinking about hair cream. First of all, the production line has to be set up and new employees have to be hired. The next period of time will be quite busy.

She heard her daughter's voice and raised her head. "What's the matter, Xinyun? Can't you sleep? "

She was surprised to find that her daughter, who was originally in pajamas, had changed her clothes for going out.

"Are you going out?" Now it's more than eleven o'clock in the evening. Although her daughter is occasionally mischievous, she won't go out so late.

Li Xinyun sniffed, "Dad has been sent to first aid, the situation is not very good."

Fang Junrong felt that he had heard something wrong, "isn't it OK when you go to see him during the day?"

Li Xinyun said, "didn't Li Shize take Jiang Ya Ge to see him? I don't know what they said. The hospital called and said that from the monitoring screen, it seemed that there was an argument, and then Dad was dizzy

"Rescue at the hospital."

Her expression is a little uneasy and at a loss, although she has no feelings for this father, but she did not want him to really have an accident. Her nose was so sour that she almost burst into tears. She turned her head and gently wiped the tears out of the corners of her eyes.

This is a complicated expression. The three of them got along well in the previous life, but they became enemies in this life. Li even sent him to first aid.

She put down her work and said, "I'll go with you."

She had a deep premonition that she would see Li for the last time. This is also the end of their relationship.

Facts have proved that Fang Junrong's sixth sense is very accurate.

When she arrived, Li's operation was over. The doctor apologetically announced to the family that the operation had failed.

Li Shize, who was originally confused, rushed up with his red eyes after hearing the news and grabbed the doctor's collar, "how do you save people? How could it have failed? "

"Are you not doing your best?"

"Give me my father back!"

He had no elegant manner before, and his face was ferocious. Not far away, jiangyage has been standing unsteadily, relying on the wall behind him, did not slide down. Her expression was so blank that she could not maintain her previous weak expression.Fang Junrong was completely disgusted by Li Shize. She stepped forward and threw a slap in the past. Half of Li Shize's face was directly swollen.

"It's you and Jiang Yage who killed your father. The doctor has tried his best. As a real murderer, what qualifications do you have to pretend to be here? "