Li Shize was overwhelmed by fear. After Li was sent to emergency treatment, he was in a panic, for fear that something would happen to him.

He didn't want to hurt him. He really didn't know his situation was so serious.

After hearing the doctor's announcement, he couldn't think any more. He rushed to the hospital and wanted the doctor to save his father.

Yes, it must be that these quacks didn't try their best. How could his father die?

Until the slap on his face let him sober up, he saw his mother for a long time. She looked as she remembered, and looked at him as if he were a bug, cold and disgusted.

Her words, like a basin of cold water, drenched him to the core.

He turned pale and murmured, "no, I didn't really..."

As soon as his eyes were hot, his vision blurred, as if he had seen his father playing with him when he was a child.

Why did it happen?

He stepped back a few steps, tears fell down, and he looked sad. He didn't even dare to see his father's last face, as if all this was not true without seeing him.

Fang Junrong saw Li's last face, and Xinyun wept silently beside her.

Fang Junrong thought about it for a while and prepared to call Li's other relatives. Although Li's relationship with them has been quite bad, he still heard about it.

Her daughter Li Xinyun stopped her. She dried her tears and her voice was hoarse. "Mom, I'll come."

Mom and dad are divorced and their relationship is so bad. These things should not trouble my mother any more. She is already 17 years old. When she comes to adulthood next year, she should be more sensible and undertake it.

Fang Junrong looked at as if a lot of mature daughter, but also gratified and distressed.

Li Xinyun called them one by one. These days, she has to ask for leave from school and prepare for funerals. She didn't expect her brother to do it well.

When it was morning, the lawyer also arrived and brought Li's will.

The lawyer is more than 50 years old. Before he came, he had already known the general situation.

"Yesterday, Mr. Li has made a will," he said

Li Xinyun and Li Shize are both Li's children. Naturally, the content of the will must be told to them.

The lawyer read out the contents of the will. Jiang Yage, who was still in tears silently, raised her head when she heard that Li had left all the property under her name to Li Xinyun. She was shocked and blurted out, "no way! How could uncle leave his property to Li Xinyun? Isn't it supposed to be given to Shize? "

His uncle had no feelings for Li Xinyun at all. He always loved Shi Ze most. He also regarded Shi Ze as his successor. How could he give all his property to Li Xinyun? Although Li's fortune has shrunk a lot, those properties in Jiang Yage's eyes have been the money that she has struggled for several lifetimes to earn.

Fang Junrong gave her a cold look. In a sense, she admired Jiang Ya Ge. Ordinary people cry for a few hours, the eyes will be swollen can't see, and she is good, looks pear with rain, although the eyes red to red, swelling is not very obvious.

Li Shize's reaction is the same, "how can it be?"

"Is it true that your will is not forged?" He knew his father's character very well. He preferred male to female, and left some dowry for Xinyun at most. How could he give her all?

Fang Junrong felt that if Li nianjin continued to live a few more years, eight to nine out of ten would amend his will. But he couldn't stand the special situation yesterday. He wanted to coax Xinyun back. In front of her, he called the lawyer and witness to make a will. This did not have time to modify, Li Shize was angry to death.

To a certain extent, Li Shize is a pit for himself.

Hearing the speech, the lawyer's face appeared thin anger, "Mr. Li Shize, you are slandering my professionalism and character."

"If you don't believe it, I can bring in two witnesses now."

Li Shize still does not care about the sadness, full of brain only property all lost this matter. Reason reminds him that lawyers don't have to cheat him on such a matter, but he can't accept it emotionally.

Fang Junrong overflowed with a sarcastic laugh. She looked at her son and said, "as the person who killed his own father, what position do you have to question this matter?"

"Even if you have a share of the property, do you have the face to accept it?"

These two questions make Li Shize's face fade. His lips are as white as his face. His handsome facial features are silent and fragile, and his eyebrows and eyes are filled with faint pleadings.

"Enough, don't say it." He had a weak voice and a weak breath.

Fang Junrong's lips hook, "you can even do this shameless behavior, but you are afraid of others to say?"

Jiang Ya Ge couldn't help speaking for his sweetheart, "he didn't want to. No one wants this sad thing to happen. More than anyone else, we want our uncle to live. "

"Enough, you two make me sick!" Li Xinyun suddenly raised his head and revealed his red and swollen eyes."Even if dad really left his property to you, as the murderer who killed him, would you have the face to take it?"

Li Shize's lips moved and wanted to say something, but his father's appearance before coma appeared unconsciously in his eyes. At that time, he glared at him fiercely, and his expression was ferocious and painful.

Under the gaze of Li Xinyun, he subconsciously did not over head.

Li Xinyun said coldly: "I thought you two would have some regrets. It turns out that I overestimate your conscience too much. At this time, you only think about money, not a life you killed. You two as like as two peas in cold and selfish, they are just eye opening.

She looked at Li Shize and said, "is this your sweetheart, a gentle and kind woman? Ah

The sound was full of irony.

Her merciless reprimand let Jiang Ya Ge pale, subconsciously whispered, "no, it's not like this."

She just felt that her uncle had happened and could not be changed. People who live have to look forward. She's just trying to be unfair. She subconsciously wants to hold Li Shize's arm and seek support from her boyfriend.

But Li Shize couldn't help but think of his father's words of reprimand before his death, as well as the performance of song of songs just now, when she leaned over, she subconsciously avoided.

Jiang Ya Ge was greatly shocked, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

Fang Junrong looked at this scene, only felt very funny. In fact, the son of barbecued pork is better than Jiang Yage? Isn't it the first time he just thinks about property distribution? He and Jiang Yage are just laughing at each other for 50 steps.

She was a little depressed and didn't want to see them again.

After Li Xinyun met Li Shize, he said to Jun Rong, "Mom, you go back to rest first. There is me here."

She is a young man. It doesn't matter if she stays up a little late.

Fang Junrong knew that this was her daughter's kindness. She thought about it and called her lawyer and Jiang Dexian to come over and accompany Xinyun. She could help her.

Li Xinyun accompanied her to the door of the hospital.

Fang Junrong touched her head, "just do as you can, what can I do for you?"

Li Xinyun pulled the corners of his mouth, "I know."

After a while, she asked in a low voice, "do you think he will break up with Jiang Yage?"

Fang Junrong was silent for a few seconds and said, "No


Li Xinyun was shocked. At this time, he didn't break up? Facing Jiang Yage every day, won't he think of his father's death? She really can't understand Li Shize.

Fang Junrong pulled out a sarcastic smile. "He sacrificed a lot for Jiang Ya Song. If he broke up with her, all he had paid before was a joke. So he won't, he will continue to be with her, let everyone know that they are two true love, everything must give way to love. "

Even if he had a problem with Jiang Ya Song, he would not show it in front of others. He could only hold on to the cover of true love. It's better than admitting that I'm in the middle of my head and pissing off my own father.

From this point of view, he and Li are really similar. Conceit and good face.

Li Xinyun has nothing to say.

Fang Junrong pacifies her. She is not worried about Xinyun's loss. She has bodyguards and Jiang Dexian, who may turn on the recording and video function at any time.

She turned and left the hospital.


After returning home, Fang Junrong went to rest first. She thought she would drag herself to sleep for a while, but she didn't expect that she would be sleepy on the pillow.

She was conscious that she was dreaming now. It's just that she didn't expect that she would dream of Li nianjin.

Li was sitting on the sofa, wearing dozens of pieces of clothes, the whole person looked gaunt. The room seems to be two rooms and one hall, about 80 square meters. The hall is full of luggage, very narrow.

The door was opened and Li Shize came in. His face was as tired as Li's.

Li nianjin stood up, his face anxious, "what do they say, can you help to suppress this matter?"

Li Shize shook his head, and his face was bloodless. "The situation is very difficult to handle. I asked, and they said that the amount of tax evasion was too large and had been poked into it."

"Shit! They usually don't take less money, so they want to leave it alone? " Li was very anxious, "what about the song of songs? She knew so many people that she didn't ask for help to talk about it? "

"Since my mother died, her bracelet can't be used," Li said. All her Godfathers are avoiding her now. "

Li nianjin sat on the sofa with regret on his face, "all blame her! If it were not for her, Junrong would not die, and the bracelet would not be broken directly. Why did you marry such a widower

"I asked her to take out the spirit grass and plant it outside, but she didn't listen. Now it's OK. Beauty pill and white jade cream can't be used any more. ""Heaven is going to kill us." Tears twinkled in the corners of his eyes.

What Li Shize wanted to say, he called.

Li nianjin suddenly raised his head, "is it a song of songs?"

Li Shize nodded.

"Let me see what she wants to say."

Li Shize gets through the phone and opens the public release. Jiang Yage starts with a cry.

"I'm sorry, Shize. It's all because of me. I really have no face to go back to see you."

"Maybe our meeting was wrong in the beginning. Forget me."

Li Shize's face changed greatly. Jiang Yage's words could not be more obvious. "Where are you now?" he said

"By Wang Xiao? Or a wall? Or Fang Jueming? "

"Song of songs, don't talk to him. A homeless dog is not worthy of you. Don't cry. I'll take you abroad tomorrow. Let's go for a break. You've done enough for them

It was Wang Xiao's voice.

The next second, the phone has been hung up.

Li Shize dropped the phone directly and his face was livid.

Li's hands were shaking, "she, she, she, she are such a frivolous bitch! How dare she? "

He heaved his chest up and down, breathed heavily, and fell back.