"What do you think?"

Zhang Zhiyang sits in front of Jiang Dexian. Although he has tried to make himself approachable, he still shows a sense of being superior.

His eyes drooped with disgust and disdain. Such a person is nothing but his face, but Fang Junrong likes it and always takes him by his side. Thinking of his own position in the family was inadvertently marginalized, he felt a bit more irritable.

Knowing that Fang Junrong had that ability, he should have cooperated with her early, and he would not have lost everything.

He looked up and saw Jiang Dexian's little action of typing. He was even more angry. A small white face who eats by his face dares to ignore him!

Jiang Dexian shook his head and said, "five million is too little. Add another zero."

Zhang's Yang Qi had to smile. Where did he come from? The lion opened his mouth, and he would add another zero to his mouth. His appetite was so big that he was not afraid to die.

His face was cold, and his threatening tone sounded very dangerous. "Are you afraid you'll die with so much money? Do you think you're worth 50 million? " Although he has money, it is not worth spending 50 million yuan for this small matter. If 50 million can be exchanged for the cooperation with Fang Junrong, it will be cost-effective.

"You have made a mistake. It's not whether I'm worth five million, but whether Fang Junrong is worth the money in your heart. If you want to pursue her, but you can't even pay for it, how much of your so-called intention is true? "

"I heard that Zhang Shao spent 20 million to send her to the crew in order to hold her up

Zhang Zhiyang's face changed. We all think that he spends a lot of money for his sister, and even many people secretly poke their ambiguous. However, the public did not know that this was Ji's illegitimate daughter. He wanted to help her, but he was afraid that the female tiger in the family would find out, and this was the only way to do it through his hands.

The resources of his sister are very good now. Others think he spent money on it. In fact, it is not. Most of them are the director's contacts.

It's just that the inside information can't be told, so I can only sit here and face down.

He looks like a little baby face. He looks young. At this time, he has a certain dignity which is rarely seen. However, this move had no effect on Jiang Dexian. On the contrary, he made tea for himself calmly.

"Tea?" He asked politely.

Drink your sister's tea!

He took it first! It's a pity that Jiang Dexian's contract with the company has expired, otherwise he has many ways to manipulate him.

After Jiang Dexian was abandoned, how did he deal with his tragedy? Only then did he feel that the tone in his chest calmed down. He said coldly, "fifty million, I hope you can do what you say."

He spent such a large amount of money, of course, not simply want Jiang Dexian to leave Fang Junrong. Whether he leaves or not, it will not hinder his next action.

Jiang Dexian looked at him suspiciously. Did he really have no brain? No matter how stupid he has acted in TV series, there is no such plot. At the most, the rich and noble lady took out the check and dumped a million yuan to let the heroine leave her son.

Where has pursuer to take money to smash the rival, and this pursuer, seems to have little hope.

The money delivered to the door should not be wasted. It happens to be used to invest in the nearest market.


Fang Junrong originally said to add a zero, but it was just a joke. She never thought that Zhang Zhiyang really gave it. He's burning his money for nothing?

She looked at Jiang Dexian standing in front of her and pondered for a moment, "then you can accept the bonus."

Fifty million is indeed quite a lot, but she is not as rich as Jiang. Although Jiang Dexian himself does not care, but obviously his reputation is not good, many people think he is a small white face. The money is used as a bonus.

"Let's see what he's going to do next," she said

Zhang Zhiyang has spent so much money that he can't do nothing.

Fang Junrong soon knew what Zhang Zhiyang meant. Originally, she thought that Zhang Zhiyang would change hands to deal with Jiang Dexian when she saw that Jiang Dexian ignored his words. However, she did not expect that he was using force in other places.

Uncle Zhang called directly to ask her if he had any further ideas with Zhang Zhiyang.

Fang Junrong Leng for a moment, asked: "what do you hear about me there?"

"What I've heard here is that you and Zhiyang have started to cooperate, and Jiang Dexian is your medium of contact."

Fang Junrong chuckles. Zhang Zhiyang's backhand is waiting here. After all, it is a fact that Jiang Dexian took 50 million yuan. No matter who he is, he will not believe that Zhang Zhiyang spent so much money just to get rid of his rival in love. He will surely think more deeply. In the eyes of many people, Jiang Dexian certainly has no courage to accept this huge sum of money directly. If he dares to accept it, he means Fang Junrong.

Most intelligent people like brain tonic, which makes the relationship between her and Zhang Zhiyang more unfathomable. So in the invisible, we can separate the relationship between her and Zhang Zhisu.In the phone is not easy to say too much, Fang Junrong simply found a chance to meet Uncle Zhang. She can clearly find that in Zhangjia, Uncle Zhang's position is consistent with Zhang Zhisu.

She was not surprised to see Zhang Zhisu here. She said jokingly, "I feel like I've been involved in your family affairs for no reason, and I've lost a lot."

Zhang Zhisu looked at her and said, "how about 20% of Zhang Zhiyang's industry then?"

Fang Junrong is also mentioned by mouth, did not expect Zhang Zhisu to return compensation. It seems that she has been fed up with Zhang Zhiyang's small movements. No, if it's just disgusting people's small movements, he should not be cruel. After all, he is a family.

She thought, "is it because of him that you were hurt before?"

Zhang Zhisu took up his tea cup. He didn't seem to like drinking alcohol, but he liked tea very much. Even if he attended a banquet, he always drank tea.

The faint fragrance of tea diffuses in the room, which makes people's mind become quiet unconsciously.

Zhang Zhisu said, "I didn't expect him to do this."

Originally, all the nails around him had been pulled out, but Zhang Zhiyang reacted very quickly. It should be said that he had been ready to be found and directly threw the pot to the family's collateral. In the eyes of the outsider, it is the people who are not satisfied with the young patriarch and are ambitious and want to go to the top.

There is no doubt that his actions have triggered his reversal.

"I also learned some time ago that Zhang Bi and his family had already formed an alliance with him. Zhang Bi treats my leg, but secretly gives me medicine that makes me angry. "

Even if he was a little angry at that time, he would only think that it was because his legs were not good, so he was in a bad mood. Fortunately, Fang Junrong sent not only the white jade ointment, but also the understanding poison pill.

Fang Junrong is no exception to this result.

"They are aiming at you, probably for the antidote pill and white jade ointment in your hands, which are the things that can really threaten Zhang Bi's family." In particular, after the white jade paste was pushed out, there were white jade paste beads and jade in front. Who would buy the tens of thousands of pieces of plaster in Zhangjia.

Fang Junrong's face became strange, "they don't know that I have donated those two prescriptions?"

However, the plaster she prepared with the spirit grass in the cave is better than that in reality. After all, the spirit of the cave is abundant, and the spirit grass planted is of course extraordinary.

"They don't know. They think I'm pushing you to the top. "

Fang Junrong suddenly felt that Zhang Zhiyang was out of action. Part of the white jade paste had been sent out for use. However, Zhang Zhiyang knew nothing about it. It showed that as long as Zhang Zhiyang wanted to, he could make Zhang Zhiyang a waste man without eyes and ears.

She said bluntly, "what do I need to cooperate with?"

Zhang Zhisu said, "act randomly. I believe you."

Fang Junrong can make her ex husband hard to say, and even has a good reputation as a white lotus flower outside, which shows that she has no lack of mental means, and it is quite easy to cooperate with smart people.

"I'll probably have a few more banquets that I won't invite you to."

Fang Junrong second understand: is to shape the scene of their two collapse. Because of their character, even if they parted ways, they would not tear the sky and earth in front of people like a shrew. This is simple, she will!

Zhang Zhisu told her another thing. By March next year, the two drugs will be officially on the market.

Compared with the internal struggle of Zhang Jia, Fang Junrong was more interested in this matter.

"Has the price been set?" If it is expensive, it will lose the significance of her offering.

"The price of a bottle of antidote pills is about 500, and the white jade paste is more expensive, which costs more than 800."

Fang Junrong's eyebrows spread out, the price she can still accept.

After discussing business with Zhang Zhisu, she was about to go back.

At this time, Zhang Zhisu suddenly added, "by the way, there is one more thing."

Fang Junrong: why does this person always like to talk half way!

"Say it."

Zhang Zhisu wrote lightly: "recently, it is pushing forward the anti underworld and evil elimination campaign. Wang Xiao likes to hit this time. The people who helped him move around before all gave up, so he would probably stay in it for a few more years."

when he investigated Fang Junrong earlier, he found out something about Wang Xiao, so he told her in a hurry.

Fang Junrong almost forgot the existence of Wang Xiao. In her mind, the things of the previous life came to her mind unconsciously, and her eyes were slightly hot.

"How long will it be Originally, she thought that the maximum sentence would be seven years.

"With the crimes he has committed over the years, he can't run away for 20 years."

Twenty years After Wang Xiao came out, I was afraid that the original younger brothers would have abandoned him and become a tiger without claws. Wang Xiao of the previous life, because of Jiang Ya Song, successfully climbed many people and became a local tyrant. In this life, in order to revenge Jiang Yage, he sent himself to prison. One drink, one peck, one's own destiny.

However, after having had that dream, she doubted him in the previous life, and the big probability would not come to a good end."Good."

She really thinks so. For a criminal like Wang Xiao who always maliciously injures others, prison is his ultimate destination. I hope he can be a person in his next life.