In the following time, Zhang Zhisu, as he said, swept away the old low-key and began to hold frequent banquets.

As his former guest of honor, Fang Junrong did not attend this period of time, and their relationship seemed to drop to freezing point with naked eyes. There are also some people who have said that they once saw Fang Junrong and Zhang Zhisu meet, but they end up unhappy. Zhang Zhisu's face is blue when he leaves.

She seriously suspected that this was the wind that Zhang Zhisu released.

There are also many people to call and her shadowy to explore this matter, Fang Junrong is very strong that he does not want to hear the name at present. Her behavior made the rumors more and more true.

In private, many people speculated about the reason why they broke up. A month ago, the two still hugged and danced together, but now the king does not see the king.

All sorts of conjectures have sprung up in an endless stream.

Fang Junrong just took advantage of this time to build the production line of hair cream. When she was a little free, she heard rumors about how many hands had been passed.

She rubbed her temples and asked Xu Wei, "do you mean that Zhang Zhishu and I are in love?"

Xu nodded slightly, holding the coffee cup, "I almost believed what they said."

Why is it related to feelings? Can't it be because of the uneven distribution of interests? No, in the eyes of outsiders, there seems to be no relationship between them. Although she gave two prescriptions, the others didn't know!

So their brain was filled, because of feelings, Zhang Zhisu pushed her to the top. Because of their feelings, they parted ways. It's no problem to think about it.

Xu slightly looked at the friend from the original doubt, to suddenly, and then to calm.

"Don't you get upset?"

After the divorce, there was a lot more lace news on her good friend.

Fang Junrong was very calm, "No. If the object of the scandal is Li Erjin's type, then I will make trouble. But if the object is Zhang Zhishu, I feel that I have made money. "

Zhang Zhisu looks excellent and has a high position and weight. At the age of 30, he is at the most attractive stage. He does not have the temperament of touching flowers and twisting grass. According to young people, he is the so-called abstinence system, the diamond king fifth.

Xu slightly thought for a moment, as if it was so right, so she also calmly followed the melon, by the way, overtime.

Fang Junrong also grasped this period of time, recruited a group of employees to come in, so that the hair cream can be produced early on the shelves.

She touched her hair, smooth as silk, as dark as ebony, can be on TV to do shampoo advertising heroine, and still without post-processing of the kind.

Although she often works overtime these days, there is no risk of baldness and hair loss.

The prescription of Dongtian is not bad.

On the other side, she also wrapped up several hills to plant fruit trees.

In addition, she had to find time to go abroad to inspect Geng Lao's shopping malls. Finally, she selected several shops to prepare for cosmetics. At present, her main business is Meiyan pills. She directly signed a three-year contract, and the price that Mr. Geng gave her was very conscientious, probably based on the jadeite she sent at that time.

Fang Junrong threw a peach to send Li, and on New Year's day, he sent a piece of jade in the past.

On the whole, she has been quite busy.


She works overtime every day. On the other side, Zhang Zhisu held a banquet every few days. Although they had a kind of implicit atmosphere, they did not really face each other as they wanted.

After eating melons for a period of time, we lost our hands.

She can't sit on the Diaoyutai, but Zhang Zhiyang can't.

Li Xinyun quickly said something to her with a confused face.

"Mom, didn't I buy Shengxing some time ago?"

Fang Junrong was impressed, but she didn't intervene in the matter of her daughter. As for money, she was not worried. Xin Yun inherited Li's legacy and had hundreds of millions of cash on hand, which can be said to be a little rich woman.

Sheng Xing's situation she also investigated, tens of millions of acquisitions are not a problem.

"Originally, my boss and I had already made a deal to buy the company for 24 million yuan, but when it came to signing a contract, the general manager Lu suddenly turned back and refused."

To be honest, Li Xinyun was still very angry. After all, after all, she and Mr. LV had reached an agreement orally, and they spent a lot of time on relevant publicity and planning in those days. As a result, they almost lost everything.

"And then?"

Li Xinyun continued: "originally I was ready to give up, but the day before yesterday, that LV and Zhang Zhiyang came to me together and said they were willing again."

"I heard Mr. Lu mean that he originally wanted to sell it to me, but someone made a stumbling block to him, so he had to break the contract. Now there is Zhang Zhiyang in the middle, so the business can continue to talk. He also said that in order to express his apology, he could give me another million less. "

Li Xinyun heard something about Zhang Zhiyang from his mother and put him on the list of bad people. She is also very clear that Zhang Zhiyang must be aiming at her mother, so she quickly told her.Fang Junrong said calmly, "he probably just wants to sell you human feelings."

"It's OK. Let a couple of lawyers look over the contract carefully and sign it if there is no problem."

"Are they really not going to trip me up secretly?" If he hadn't started his own company and had to start from scratch and spend a lot of time on it, Li would not have been thinking about buying.

"The big deal is to change a group of employees, or send his original confidant to the bench." She recalled that the company will open the subway in two years, and the house price will certainly rise at that time. In short, it is not a loss to buy it now.

"I'll go with you when you sign the contract in two days." She was sure.


Li Xinyun was a little relieved. With her mother around, she would be more at ease.


Fang Junrong looked at the contract, there was no problem in the contract, and the lawyer only found out some unimportant details. When the order was just right, they made an appointment to sign the contract on January 10th.

She went with her daughter. On the way, Li Xinyun told her about her plan.

"I have discussed with sister Zhong Yi that if you want to be hot, the simple way is to draft. We can make a draft for the majority of ordinary people, and select the spokesperson of our company. The champion can get a contract, two million a year. "

This is a very attractive condition for ordinary people, which can certainly attract many people. More people, more heat.

"If you are in the top 10, you will also recommend some jobs to them." As Fang Junrong's daughter, Li Xinyun has a lot of contacts in the circle, and she is not short of money. It's not difficult to say hello when the time comes and let people go on the program.

"I see the idea of Zhong Yi Jie. She seems to want to set up a small company by herself and sign the potential people."

Fang Junrong is a little surprised. The two children's ideas are more mature than she imagined. For a small company like Shengxing, the easiest way to make a name is to sign a big star at a high price.

However, Xin Yun and Zhong Yi did the opposite and fired the company through a draft.

However, although they have a good idea, there must be many problems in practice, and we have to explore them step by step.

She pondered for a moment and said, "well, the prize can be added. The top ten can get 20 boxes of beauty pills and five bottles of hair cream. "

Li Xinyun's attention was immediately diverted, "is that Shengfa cream going on the market?"

Fang Junrong said: "it will take about a year before the official investment."

Mother and daughter chatted and soon arrived at Shengxing company.

Fang Junrong was not surprised to see Zhang Zhiyang here.

Zhang Zhiyang stood beside the former boss of Shengxing, who was called a Jiao Ru Yushu by him. With a smile, "I didn't expect Miss Fang also came."

Fang Junrong nodded slightly, "accompany my daughter to come and have a look."

On the other side, Li Xinyun's lawyer reexamines the contract, and she waits idly.

Zhang Zhiyang went to Fang Junrong and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, we didn't take care of the people below."

Fang Junrong pretended not to know, "Oh?"

Zhang Zhiyang a face apologetic, "domestic ugliness should not be publicized."

Fang Junrong looked considerate, "since it's a domestic clown, there's no need to say it."

Zhang Zhiyang's words were directly stuck in his throat. After a while, he said to himself, "some people in our family think that you and my brother are in conflict. When they know that your daughter wants to buy this idea, they make up their own minds and do something wrong."

"It should be just his own opinion. I don't believe that cousin is that kind of person."

He said so, but his expression tried to hint that "it was Zhang Zhisu's order".

Fang Junrong feels very funny, this person probably is to use all energy to sow dissension on.

She nodded. "Yes, I don't think he is. That relative of yours is too much

Zhang Zhiyang

The familiar feeling of suffocation came again.

He could only change the subject. "Anyway, it's great that my cousin can recover, thanks to you." He looked at Fang Junrong straightly, and the meaning of trial was very obvious.

Fang Junrong did not deny, "I took the medicine to him, but the effect was better than I imagined."

Zhang Zhiyang originally thought that Fang Junrong could play Taiji. Unexpectedly, she recognized this matter so simply. Does this mean that she also has some intention?

He couldn't help saying, "in fact, I also have some friends whose legs and feet were injured a long time ago. I don't know if I can..."

Before he finished, Fang Junrong said, "how many benefits can you give me?"

Zhang Zhiyang originally thought that he needed some water to grind his kung fu, but he didn't think it was so simple. He did not less laugh at his cousin is a fool, change places, he must find Fang Junrong more for some, these are life-saving things, to exchange for human feelings, gold does not change. No, he also took some, otherwise how could he send Fang Junrong that big gift?He said, "how about a million bottles?" He had seen it with his own eyes. It was like a miracle drug in myth. The bone setting paste made by Zhang Jia is an insult in comparison with it.

Fang Junrong said, "it's not easy to make that medicine, but for the sake of helping my daughter, I'll give you a 20% discount. How many bottles do you need? I'll go back and sort it out to see how many more. "

One million. After three months, you can buy more than 1000 bottles.

Zhang Zhiyang was overjoyed. The happiness came so fast that he could not help doubting the authenticity. Sure enough, what he had paid before was valuable. If it had not been for the successful separation between Fang Junrong and Zhang Zhishu, and from Li Xinyun, things would not have been so smooth.

I just hope that Zhangjia can develop it as soon as possible.

He tried to make his voice sound calm, "I'll buy as much as I can."

Fang Junrong sighed. Some people have to take the initiative to send money to the door, she can only smile.

How many bottles are there in her warehouse? There should be a thousand bottles of detoxification DanJia white jade ointment?