Although Fang Junrong still didn't like Zhang Zhiyang, she was willing to give him a good face for the sake of money.

Zhang Zhiyang paid a lower price than he imagined to get what he wanted. He was also very happy.

Two happy people stood together and the atmosphere became harmonious.

After Li Xinyun signed the contract, Zhang Zhiyang, who was in a good mood, asked, "would you like to have dinner together?" His eyes fell on Li Xinyun, and found that Fang Junrong's daughter was also a true beauty. Although his manner was still childish, his facial features were quite similar to Fang Junrong's, and his eyebrows were vivid.

Fang Junrong noticed his sight and remembered that all the people he was dealing with were girls around 20 years old. For a moment, his vigilance rose and he blocked her daughter without a trace. "No, Xin Yun has to go back early to prepare for the final exam, right?"

Li Xinyun wants to say that he has already reviewed the final subjects, but he still nods at his mother's eyes.

Zhang Zhiyang took a puff at the corner of his mouth. Is it necessary to prevent it as a virus? He still has integrity. He can't do it. Not long ago, he pursued Fang Junrong with great fanfare. In a twinkling of an eye, he attacked her daughter.

Fang Junrong ha ha, she really can't believe him. After the contract was signed, she sent her daughter back first. Then she took several kinds of fruit from the cave and went to the laboratory to check the ointment made before.

Well, there are 569 bottles of antidote pills and 717 bottles of Baiyu ointment.

Fang Junrong also met his good employee Jiang Wenyu who was keen on working overtime.

Compared with the last time we met, Jiang asked the fish's complexion was much better, and there was more meat on his cheek.

Fang Junrong saw in the eyes, secretly decided to give the nutritionist pay.

She handed the fruit to Jiang Wenyu, "try the fruit."

Jiang asked the fish to look at the appearance of the fruit is very extraordinary, the green jujube is lingering around the light luster. After cleaning, he put it into his mouth and his eyes lit up instantly.

After eating each kind of fruit, Fang Junrong watched him put on his white coat and took the rest of the fruit to his personal laboratory with a serious face.

"Wait, are you?"

Jiang asked the fish, "these fruits are more delicious than any I have ever eaten, and they can make people energetic. I suspect there are many more elements in them than ordinary fruits."

"It's also possible that there are mutations in the gene that I don't know about."

His face was full of words: "let me go to research" and "I can do experiments for another five hundred years.".

Fang Junrong

Jiang Wen fish science Madman's human design does not collapse! In front of such delicious fruit, he could bear to keep the rest for experiment.

She rubbed her temple and said, "you eat first. I have some over there. I'll give you some."

"You can take the seeds and study them."

It's just that my daughter is going to open the beverage factory. If those fruits can be planted in reality, they can be used as raw materials - although this is extremely outrageous.

Jiang Wen fish's fanatical manner slightly eased down, sat down and ate slowly.

He ate carefully, as if he were doing a job.

Fang Junrong wanted to laugh. It seems that this science maniac is not the same person as the villain boss described in the book. He is very fond of his profession. He is absorbed in everything and forgets to eat and sleep. His personality is a little simple and straightforward.

After finishing eating, he seemed to think of one thing, "I have written two papers and sent them to nature and science."

Even if Fang Junrong doesn't know about this, he knows that these two are quite famous international journals. Her lips curled. "It seems that I have to be ready to give you a raise."

The trust in the ability of the fish in the river can be seen clearly.

Most people are sure to be modest when hearing such praise, but Jiang Wenyu is quite frank in accepting it. There was a faint smile on his face.

Fang Junrong recalled that according to the book, when Jiang Wenyu had just returned from his previous life, he had no problem getting along with the people of Zhangjia, which was quite harmonious. Zhang Jia was very interested in him. Just don't know when to start, Jiang asked fish because of jealousy Zhang Bi, so began to give him tit for tat, even developed to frame up poison.

But in her opinion, Jiang Wenyu's talent and scientific research level are obviously better than Zhang Bi. Is it necessary to envy him?

The novel she read was written from the perspective of Jiang Ya Ge, which inevitably brought her personal emotional bias. Jiang Wenyu, who was against them, naturally became the villain in the book.

She suddenly remembered one thing. She didn't seem to have told Jiang Wenyu that he had been poisoned before. Jiang Wenyu had been so happy with the experiment in the past six months that she seemed to have forgotten about it. She must have been influenced by him. She would only think about work every time she saw him.

She opened her mouth and said, "when I met you, the poison in you should be a unique poison of Nanhu Zhangjiakou."

As a medical scholar, Jiang Wenyu immediately responded that this was the famous medical family. He frowned slightly, "I don't know their family." There is no intersection with the people of Zhangjia."You and Zhang Bi are similar in appearance, which is why I found them in the beginning."

She found herself a reasonable reason.

Jiang asked the fish silent, rubbed his nose, "it seems that some people in that family don't like me alive."

"In short, you can know it yourself. You should think about it yourself. " She added, "if you need any help, you can ask."

Jiang asked the fish subconsciously pinched the Maitreya Buddha hanging around his neck, "I know."

One day, he will definitely investigate the matter. But now, it is more important to study the fruit that the boss sent.

So Fang Junrong watched helplessly, and Jiang asked the fish to drill into the laboratory again.

She couldn't help but smoke, so she decided to go back to the company to work overtime.

Seeing him so forgetful of sleep and food made her feel that wasting time was a sin.


Looking at a bottle of one million yuan, Fang Junrong felt that he had to give Zhang Zhiyang, a stupid customer, VIP treatment. Therefore, she specially asked for someone to pack each bottle of pills well, and make sure to look extremely tall on the appearance.

Of course, she told Zhang Zhiyang in advance of the quantity of pills here, so that he could raise money in advance. With so many bottles, even if she is kind enough to give a 20% discount, it will be more than one billion yuan. She is kind and generous, and she has wiped out the small change, so she can count her billion yuan.

She heard that in order to raise money, Zhang Zhiyang also sold several properties in his name.

On January 20, when the night was dark and windy, she took a truck of pills to meet Zhang Zhiyang.

Zhang Zhiyang looked at the mountain of boxes, as if he was looking at a peerless beauty. His eyes were shining and his voice was a little unstable. "Are these all?"

Fang Junrong nodded, "my inventory is basically empty."

Zhang Zhiyang didn't think that Fang Junrong, a man of such wealth, would cheat in this respect, and soon gave her the money.

"If you need any help in the future, please let me know," he said sincerely He pauses. "I've been very kind since I first saw you. I've always wanted to have a sister like you."

Again! Zhang Zhiyang's standard adoption of relatives!

Fang Junrong didn't want to have such a younger brother. He refused directly, "it's not necessary. My daughter doesn't want to have any more uncles than her."

Zhang Zhiyang is just talking about it. Now his whole heart only has those ointments. It can be said that his heart is like an arrow.

After Fang Junrong got the money, he didn't want to keep pretending with him and went home directly.

Zhang Zhiyang sent all these things to a house under his name, took out a bottle of detoxification pills and white jade ointment, and bought small animals to do experiments.

Although he had expected it for a long time, he could not help but marvel at the magic of the two drugs after seeing it with his own eyes. It's no wonder that Zhang Zhishu recovered so quickly.

Looking at the ointments, he felt so rich, as if he had the whole world.

After testing in person, Zhang Zhiyang immediately sent a copy to Mr. Wang.

Wang's family is a close friend of Zhangjia family. He was disabled in his left leg ten years ago, and he walked one by one. Mr. Wang has had a good relationship with him from the past, and has been supporting him in the back for years. But now he was beaten down by Zhang Zhisu, and his position in the family was getting lower and lower, and Lao Wang's attitude towards him was becoming colder and colder. Some time ago, he took a fancy to a piece of land, and wanted to ask Mr. Wang to help him manage, but he refused.

A few days later, he received an invitation from Mr. Wang.

Old Wang was very excited when he saw him, "do you still have that plaster? I feel my feet are showing signs of recovery! "

Over the years, he had no hope. When he received the gift from Zhang Zhiyang, he tried to use the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Unexpectedly, he was so surprised.

Zhang Zhiyang showed a distressed expression, "it's difficult to make this medicine. It needs several precious herbs. The cost can be said to be sky high. I also took a lot of effort to make these bottles. " Although he didn't know the prescription, it didn't stop him from raising his status. This is a million dollar bottle of magic medicine! Of course, the effect is worth the price.

He also appeared in his mind a faint doubt: such a good thing, why not Fang Junrong keep it to make friends with noble people? With such a good thing, there must be many people willing to escort her.

Probably because she knew that she couldn't protect this thing, so she gave it to him? He could not think of any other reason. He did not think that Fang Junrong was deliberately using this to frame him. How could someone take such good things out to frame people?

Mr. Wang did not hesitate to say: "I have helped you to manage the land you want." He showed a loving smile, "I grew up watching you grow up, I always regard you as my own grandson."

Zhang Zhiyang's heart was ecstatic, but his face was moved by the same, "I have always regarded you as my grandfather. Your business is my business. Don't mention one bottle, even if I send you two bottles. "He didn't expect that the reward would come so soon. The huge sum of money was not unjust.