"Abbi, have you analyzed it?"

Zhang Bi just came out of the laboratory and came home. His mother Su Qinying met him and asked with concern.

But her concern for Zhang Bi is an invisible pressure.

Two days ago, Zhangjia got the white jade paste from Zhang Zhiyang that could live bone and raw meat. At first, he didn't believe in the magic medicine which was blown to the sky and the earth, until he witnessed the magical effect of white jade ointment.

The precious bone setting paste of their family was as worthless as waste before it.

So his grandfather gave a death order to all of them to work out the formula as soon as possible. It's just that you don't know the raw materials. It's not so easy to make it out. But he has more advantages than his cousins. He has great talent in this field, and has his own independent laboratory and research team.

He stayed inside for several days, still confused and unable to find a way of thinking.

He took a deep breath and suppressed the agitation that came from the bottom of his heart

Su Qinying smile, expression full of trust in him, "you are our family once in a hundred years of genius, if you can't do it, other people will be even more useless."

Zhang Bi rubbed his temple and said, "I'll go and buy some bottles from Mr. Zhang."

It's just that one bottle costs two million yuan, which makes his heart bleed. However, the high price also let him breathe a sigh of relief. Even if Fang Junrong wants to sell this in the future, such a high price is enough to stop most people. When he comes with rhythm, he says that she is a black hearted capitalist, which is enough to make her worried and not worry about threatening the status of bone setting cream.

Although Su Qinying also loves this money, but should spend or have to spend. She said decisively, "OK, I'll transfer the money to you later."

"Fortunately, you and Mr. Zhang have a good relationship." Her eyes brimmed with pride at the thought. Her son is not only a medical genius, but also has a high EQ, so she can make so many energetic friends. As long as he is there, her position in Zhangjia will be unbreakable and no one can shake it.

Even if the child is still alive, it can't threaten them.

The more Su Qinying praises him, the greater the pressure on Zhang Bi. He doesn't want to stay at home at all. He just wants to go out for a breath.

After taking the money, he made an appointment with Zhang Zhiyang to meet him and buy some more bottles. But Zhang Zhiyang is busy making friends with white jade ointment and detoxification pill, and can't find time to take care of him for a while.

It was several days before Zhang Bi met Zhang Zhiyang.

He has heard a lot about Zhang Zhiyang these days. He is a big hit now, and many people take the initiative to bring gold and silver to him. Even in the most popular development zone, someone left him a villa.

People who don't know the inside story are still wondering why Zhang Zhiyang is suddenly popular. But those who have interests in Zhang Zhiyang know that he is fighting for nothing but the two kinds of magic drugs.

When he thought of it, his heart was filled with enthusiasm: if he could study it out, all the scenery belonged to him.

Zhang Zhiyang said, "I'll leave you at most five bottles. I'll give you a bottle of this medicine, one less. "

Fang Junrong is because of the conflict with his cousin, so he will be cheap, who knows whether there is such a good thing in the future. It seems that he has a lot of money on hand, but he needs two bottles for this one and three bottles for the other. It will be almost reserved soon.

But thanks to them, he is now in a different position in the family. With the support of those people, it's only a matter of time before we get rid of our cousins.

He also hoped that Zhang Bi could quickly crack the prescription.

Zhang Bi showed a grateful expression, "thank you very much, Mr. Zhang."

These bottles of medicine were in his hands, and he was afraid that they might fall off accidentally. Five bottles of pills, three of which are white jade paste, two bottles of detoxification pills.

He hesitated a little, put one bottle of white jade paste carefully into the box, and drove to a community by himself.

He took the entrance guard card, turned into the community, came to the penultimate building, took the elevator to the 12th floor. He rang the doorbell and waited. After a minute, the door opened, revealing a small and delicate face.

Zhang Bi lip corner hook, "song of songs."

The person he came to see today is Jiang Yage. A few days ago, he happened to meet Jiang Yage and Li Shize. At that time, Li Shize was besieged by several gangsters, but he still tried to protect Jiang Yage from her being taken away. He recognized them. When he saw Jiang Yage's tearful appearance, he made a rare kindness and saved them.

After that, Jiang Yage and Li Shize moved away from their original place and lived in this community. Li Shize's condition is not very good, left thumb was crushed on the spot, also had a high fever.

Although Zhang Bi took the bone setting cream at home, it was just a drop in the bucket effect. Now that he got the white jade cream, he thought of it and simply sent a bottle.

There is also a reason why he is so "benevolent". On the one hand, she is not the most beautiful one, but her crying appearance has a kind of heart breaking charm. Moreover, he suffered losses frequently in Fang Junrong's side, and has not recovered the court. Digging the corner of Junrong's son makes him find some kind of psychological balance subtly.Secondly, I want to take the opportunity to get a good relationship, which may be used in the future. Even if Fang Junrong hated Jiang Ya Ge again, could he beat his son? Although it seems that she doesn't want this son on the surface, she will be soft hearted sooner or later.

Thinking of this, he became more and more tender and considerate when facing Jiang Ya Ge.

"This is the medicine I brought from home. Give it to your boyfriend." He handed the white jade paste to Jiang Yage, and "accidentally" touched Jiang Yage's finger.

Jiang Ya song seems to have been electrocuted back subconsciously. When she realized that she had overreacted, she took the white jade cream and showed an embarrassed smile, but her ears were red and her cheeks were extremely hot.

Compared with her young and vigorous boyfriend, Zhang Bi has the charm of a mature man, which she can't resist.

Zhang Bi gently talked to her about the use of white jade paste. Jiang Yage listened carefully and asked, "can this really work?"

Zhang bi was very patient, "yes."

"Can you give me two more bottles? I'm afraid one is not enough." It looks like a small bottle.

Rao is Zhang Bi has been speechless for a time. Does she really think it's a rotten Street thing?

He said faintly: "this ointment is very rare. A bottle costs millions. Even if I am such an identity, the quantity I can get is limited."

Jiang Ya Ge Na said, "I'm sorry, I don't know." Millions of I didn't expect it was so expensive. He did not hesitate to give it to her. Jiang Ya Ge is also aware of Zhang Bi's affection for her.

When Li Shize wakes up, Zhang Bi leaves first. Jiang Yage takes care of him and gives him medicine.

Li Shize was in a coma for several days. Even if he has a good foundation, he is a real handsome man. If he doesn't clean up for a few days, he looks dishevelled and ugly, so he doesn't look good. In particular, he can't take a bath these days, and his body has a strange smell.

"Who just came?"

Jiang Yage said, "it's the doctor who came to see your hand. He just came to deliver the medicine."

She was afraid of Li Shize's investigation, so she opened the bottle and applied the ointment.

Li Shize's hands have been in agony these days, but when the medicine was applied to the wound, the cold touch immediately relieved his pain and let his eyebrows stretch out.

The reason why they have this disaster free this time is because of the relationship between Jiang Ya Ge and Jiang Ya Ge. Jiang Yage killed Wang Xiao before. Now Wang Xiao is sent to prison and sentenced to 20 years plus a large amount of compensation. Although he went in, there were some younger brothers outside, so he came to find fault.

Ten fingers linked to one heart, at that time, he was so hurt that he couldn't die directly, and his heart was full of resentment towards his girlfriend. Just watching Jiang Ya Ge take care of him day and night, the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot.

Even if the song itself has more than not, her affection for him is genuine, unlike other women who only approach him for money.

With the improvement of his hands, the invisible estrangement between the two disappeared, and the former sweetness was restored.

It's just that they can't live on the love and honey, and they soon face the dilemma of being short of money. Although before Li's death, he had transferred 10 million yuan to Li Shize, but because of their anger, Li Shize was killed and his reputation in the circle was rotten at once. The original members of the company resigned one after another, and many companies also terminated their cooperation. As a result, the money originally invested was wasted.

Li Shize is also sensitive and proud of the character, can not stand the people around the pointing, so left the original place. They were not thrifty either. They also spent money to buy the house they lived in, so they were short of money. Although Li Shize still has the house when he just moved, it is not easy to sell such a large villa.

Jiang Yage's relationship with Li Shize is getting better, and he doesn't want to have conflicts because he asks for money. She was reluctant to let her sell her original brand-name clothes bag.

For the first time, she experienced the saying "poor husband and wife are sad for everything".

She soon thought of Fang Jueming who lived next door. Occasionally when she goes out to take out the garbage, she also meets Fang Jueming. It is said that Fang Jueming can only pick his feet at home because of his hand injury, and there is no shooting.

But the lean camel is bigger than the horse. As a former three gold film emperor, he must have made a lot of money. If she helps him to cure his hand, the reward is certainly not low. If she wants to enter the entertainment industry in the future, maybe he can help. She needs to give herself a way back.

Thinking of this, she took advantage of Li Shize's rest, found a clean bottle and dug out half of the white jade paste.

When Ze just finger injury, white jade cream should not be used so much, the rest must be enough. She was also thinking about their lives.

Jiang Ya Ge looks at Li Shize who is sleeping with his eyes closed and leaves lightly.