Fang Junrong bowed his head and sent a message to Duke Kapei, asking her to cooperate with her. At least the next few stones don't move. She wanted to pit Bai Shiyuan, but she didn't want to pit her.

Her target is material No. 134, one of the most promising stones. This stone is cut in half directly. The part exposed in front of people is very good. It is close to glass. The skin is like lime. There is no crack. It can be said that it is very champion. The reserve price is 28 million.

However, Fang Junrong remembers that the aura of this material is so ordinary that it can be seen that it is a scandal of gold and jade. Among them, it is most suitable to take a picture for Bai Shiyuan.

So she did not hesitate to bid, "50 million."

This nearly doubled the bidding method to let others take a breath.

Fang Junrong's voice is not small, in the quiet auction place, just can let her not far away Bai Shiyuan heard, "this water head looks good, it is very suitable to apply mask."

Bai Shiyuan now can not hear is the mask three words, almost bite the teeth, also entered the number, raise the bidding card, "seventy-eight million."

Other people who are interested in this stone don't feel toothache. These two people directly raise the price to more than they expected. They can only choose to give up. After all, everyone's budget is limited.

Fang Junrong raised the price without changing his face, "91 million."

"120 million."

There was a strong smell of gunpowder between the two, and the price was soaring all the way.

People around Bai Shiyuan couldn't help persuading her.

"If you continue to add more, you will lose money even if you buy it back."

Bai Shiyuan's face was not very good-looking, but she was still stiff, "it's OK. I think the water head of the stone is very good. Then it can be used as the treasure of the town store." In recent years, their family has been in disadvantageous years. All they have bought are medium-grade jade. They lack high-grade stones as the treasure of the town.

After all, Bai Shiyuan is the boss's wife. She said so, and no one else could say anything. They said what they should have said.

When the price reached 130 million yuan, Fang Junrong gave up in time, and finally the stone fell to Bai Shiyuan.

Although Bai Shiyuan's heart is dripping blood, when she sees Fang Junrong's gloomy expression, she is fresh and fresh as if she had fought a victory. She cast a proud look at Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong continued to raise the price. As soon as the method was given, Bai Shiyuan automatically jumped into the pit and photographed the stones that were destined to be gambled across. She can use limited funds, these stones will spend her money almost.

Finally, he could only watch Fang Junrong continue to shoot others, but could not increase the price.

She hate to think: originally she can shoot more materials, all blame Fang Junrong and her competition, she spent a lot of money.

In this way, she completely ignored that it was herself who started the competition at the beginning.

After Fang Junrong drained Bai Shiyuan's money almost, he took pictures of the ones he really wanted. Even Jiang Dexian also took a small stone.

The auction lasted two days, and by the end of the afternoon the next day, she paid for the stones to be taken back.

But Bai Shiyuan stopped her, "do you understand some stones?"

She has asked the experts around her that according to their opinion, several of Fang Junrong's photos are gambling materials, which are likely to collapse. So she made a voice and left her.

She wants to let Fang Junrong know that if she doesn't have this ability, don't learn from others to play gambling stone, and be careful to lose everything. She was kind enough to teach her a lesson.

Fang Junrong looks complicated, she is the first time to see this kind of perseverance sent to the door to slap the face, pure natural fool.

She beamed, "OK, I'll take a few pieces for fun."

She said casually: "it's too boring to just solve the stone. It's better to make a lottery."

Bai Shiyuan frowned and had a bad feeling in her heart. Fang Junrong looked very confident. What on earth gave her such confidence?

Just looking at the experts around her, she felt that she was worried about nothing, so she agreed, "OK, what is a lottery?"

Fang Junrong said faintly: "two million is good."

At that time, Qian just gave Xinyun and Zhong Yi a bonus. Both of them did well in the final exam.

This money Bai Shiyuan still took out, although a little flesh ache. No, her flesh hurts. It's clear that it's a sure thing. She can't lose.

She chose the three most expensive stones she had ever photographed at that time, ready to dissolve them on the spot. Looking at Fang Junrong, she seems to have chosen three at random.

The Duke of caper always liked to watch the excitement. She also stayed when she wanted to go back to the hotel to have a rest.

The first piece of stone that Bai Shiyuan asked master Xie to open was the stone she had spent 130 million auctioning, which was also the one she had the most confidence in.

It's just that her confident expression broke down in a few hours.

She looked at the cut stone in disbelief, and saw that the stone only had a thin layer of green at the most surface, which was pitifully little green, as if it were just used for decoration. Don't say to use it to make a bracelet. It's too thin to make a ring face. At most, it can only grind out a few small beads.In the light, you can clearly see the dry green below, jade mixed with a lot of impurities, can only be used to make low-grade jewelry.

According to the appraisal, such a stone is worth hundreds of thousands at most. According to insiders, it's a gamble.

At the thought of spending more than 100 million yuan to photograph such a rubbish, Bai Shiyuan almost fainted in the past.

"No way, it can't be..."

At the beginning, Bai Shiyuan, who was forced to bid at a high price, fell into an ice cave. Her mouth was full of these words.

When she turned her head to see Fang Junrong's stone, she was almost irritated.

Fang Junrong's first stone was actually a kind of violet. Most of the violets she had seen were of poor quality. However, this one was a rare kind of dark purple glass, which had a mysterious and elegant taste under the light. The master who opened the stone was fascinated by the stone and was amazed.

"I've never seen such pure purple, especially glass."

"If you take this stone for auction, you can auction hundreds of millions of yuan."

It was not only the Duke of caper who came to watch the excitement, but also many people pointed at the two very obvious contrast stones. Everyone sighed that gambling stone is really metaphysics, experience is important, luck is more important.

As Bai Shiyuan brought so many experts here, she still looked away, but she couldn't compare with the stones that Fang Junrong photographed at random. It was said that Fang Junrong spent only one million yuan on this stone at the beginning, which made them envious.

Prince caper's hands itched and decided to break the stone to play.

Bai Shiyuan was so excited by those jokes that her eyes were red. She said, "there are still two stones."

Yes, she still has a chance. They compare three times! Even if Fang Junrong opened that piece again good, can calculate only once.

She tried not to let herself see that piece of violet glass Fang Junrong, lest she could not help running to grab it.

However, the follow-up development was totally beyond her expectation. All the people present seemed to be able to hear Bai Shiyuan slapped in the face.

The remaining two stones are no better. The second stone looks like it has many colors of gaocui, but after cutting it, it can be found that the plaster of gaocui has not extended into it. It is worth up to 10 million yuan. I am totally sorry for the auction price of 98 million yuan.

The third water head is good, but there are too many impurities, which destroy the value of the stone itself.

Bai Shiyuan spent more than 300 million yuan on these three stones, but the value of the stones was only a fraction. At the thought of losing at least 300 million, she could hardly breathe. The most exciting thing for her is that Fang Junrong did not lose any of the three stones, but made a lot of money.

Her second stone is a floating flower ice seed, and the third one is even more wonderful. It is a rare kind of glass in recent years. It is delicate and smooth, and it is perfect. It can make at least six bracelets according to the weight.

Other people around Fang Junrong are going crazy, many people want to shake hands with her, want to rub her luck.

They did not attack Bai Shiyuan, but ignored her directly. This kind of indifference hurt her more than ridicule.

Bai Shiyuan's whole body was beaten, her eyes were lax and her hands and feet were cold. She didn't know how to go back to face the fury of the rest of the family.

Fang Junrong came to her and called her name softly, "Shiyuan." The tone was gentle as if they had been friends for many years.

Bai Shiyuan suddenly raised her head and looked at her. Her eyes showed hatred. "Did you come to laugh at me?"

Fang Junrong's lip horn was hooked, "no, I came here specially to thank you."

Bai Shiyuan's expression froze, but also a little at a loss. Thank her for what?

Fang Junrong's smile was perfect, "if it wasn't for you, I would probably have photographed those stones. Thank you for saving me so much money. You are a good man

"And if you're willing to gamble and admit defeat, please give me one million."

Bai Shiyuan on her smiling eyes, but saw a light irony. She shook her body and clenched her hands into fists, drowning her whole body with regret.

Yes, why did she bid for those pieces because of her anger.

Originally, these losses should have been borne by Fang Junrong, but now it is on her head.

How sorry she is! How hate!

She suddenly realized that one thing, it seems that every time and Fang Junrong against, she has not been good. Maybe the existence of Fang Junrong is to conquer her. Unfortunately, she found out too late.

Her lips are as white as paper, and she would like to go back to time. She must be far away from Fang Junrong.

"Fang, look! I've got blue ice! The color is so beautiful that I can't bear to apply it. "

The sound of surprise rang out, but it was Prince caper who came to show off after he untied the stone. Ice seeds, which are not commonly seen at ordinary times, appear one after another today. This probability has attracted people's discussion. Many people, driven by the atmosphere, have taken out their own stones and prepared to play with them.

Prince Kapei's words also became the last straw that overcame Bai Shiyuan and completed the achievement of mending the knife.In Bai Shiyuan's mind, something seems to explode. The next second, darkness comes to her world.