"What's wrong with her?"

Prince caper, with the stone in his hand, looked puzzled. Clearly, she and Fang did nothing. Why did this person faint? And it's night, and it's cold. It can't be because of the heat.

Immediately, she seemed to think of something, showing an expression of sudden enlightenment, "Fang, is this what you Chinese people say about touching porcelain?"

The word "touching porcelain", which she said was surprisingly accurate and precise.

Fang Junrong took a puff from the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, Bai Shiyuan was in a coma. Otherwise, he would not be angry to vomit blood when he heard this. In terms of exasperation, the Duke of caper is gifted.

"Don't worry, we've all seen that you haven't met her at all. We can testify to you then."

Fang Junrong laughed, "thank you."

"Or does she want to default?"

Fang Junrong felt that this was fortunately the only descendant of her family. Otherwise, this mouth would not be covered with sacks all day. She looked at Bai Shiyuan who fell on the ground and said faintly, "she just can't accept her failure."

The Duke of caper took the stone and gave it to his handsome assistant.

Bai Shiyuan's secretary also came and took her away with embarrassment.

Fang Junrong was not worried that she would default on her debts. At least she was a well-known family, so that she would not have to rely on this money.

Prince caper was very excited. "Do you want to continue to solve the stone?" She used to buy a lot of stone, although she often worked out good jade, but it was not as good as today. She won the grand prize as soon as she solved it, as if she had drawn out SSR alone.

Fang Junrong shook his head, "low key." If it's too high-profile, I'm afraid it's not to harvest a bag of lemons. Too much lemon makes your teeth sour.

The Duke of Kape has always been a publicity character, and does not know what is low-key. But since it is Fang's choice, she certainly respects her.

She suddenly remembered the stone she had solved. At the beginning, Fang actually liked it. As a result, she wanted to bid with her, so she bought it with a high price. So to be exact, it is Fang's good eyesight!

Her eyes brightened and her voice lowered, but her voice was filled with excitement. "I understand. Is this your Chinese Kung Fu? It's amazing

The corner of Fang Junrong's mouth jerked. How could it be related to Chinese Kung Fu?

"Is it that internal forces are brewed in the body and then accumulated in the eyes, so that we can see things that ordinary people can't see," said Prince caper

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone! Human. "

Words let her finish, Fang Junrong has nothing to say. She now understood why the Duke of caper looked so young, not only because she had spent a lot of money on maintenance, but also because she thought that she had the same childlike innocence.

She wrote down the hotel where the Duke of Cape stayed, and went home with the stones she had bought.

After returning home, Fang Junrong found several masters to take care of the stones she bought. After deducting the three stones that were solved on the spot, the remaining 12 were left. Although she could see the aura contained in the stone, she did not know what kind of material it was, so she experienced the fun of opening gifts.

She liked the violet and Imperial Green very much. She decided to stay by herself. The floating ice seed was left for Xinyun and Zhongyi to make jewelry. There was also a piece of red jade and gaocui ice seed for use. Maybe it could be given as a gift some day, and the rest could be used to plant spiritual grass.

When she had finished her work, she remembered what she had promised Prince caper, so she sent five bottles of hair cream. Five bottles should be enough for her.

Approaching the Chinese new year, the company's many things, she also began to be busy. This year, the company's performance is very good, she is not stingy person, directly issued three months salary as the year-end bonus.

Not only for business, she has to prepare new year's presents together. According to the relationship with her and the identity of the other party, the gifts are different.

For her, this year has been easier than last year, after all, she has beauty pill, which is definitely the most popular gift for home travel. Now you can also add a hair cream, plus a few new year's gifts, it's like a mold.

When Fang Junrong was as busy as a bee, her daughter Li Xinyun also had her winter vacation.

Li Xinyun had already packed up his things and was waiting for Zhong Yi to come over in the dormitory. This is a girl's dormitory. Her bodyguards can't get in, and she doesn't want them to come.

The people in the dormitory didn't know her family background, and her high school classmates and she didn't belong to the same school. The only one who knows a little bit about it is Zhao Xue of the same association, but Zhao Xue has a tight tongue and won't talk outside at ordinary times. As a result, we all know that she has a good family background, and her food and clothing are of high quality, but they do not know that she is now rich, and her personal property is worth several billion yuan.

"Li Xinyun."

She faintly heard someone calling her.

Li Xinyun walked to the balcony, skillfully took out a pair of glasses and looked down. In front of her dormitory building, standing in front of her dormitory building, stood a handsome young man with golden hair and a smile on his mouth. It was fun! A cynical temperament.She recognized the identity of the other party, this is Gong Yilin of the economic management institute.

Li Xinyun's face directly pulled down, turned back to the dormitory and ignored him. She has been bored to death by Gong Yilin. She doesn't know what the devil is wrong with him. She pursues her courteously as if she is on the bar with her.

Send flowers, song, advertising, fireworks, everything is not pull, put out the appearance of affectionate money. In addition, he is said to have a good family background. He drives super running all the year round. He is undoubtedly the prince charming in the hearts of many girls.

Her roommate went downstairs to watch the fun, and soon came up again, and said to her, "Gong Yilin said he wanted to take you home and help you with your luggage. He was kind and considerate."

Li Xinyun pulled the corners of his mouth, "it's none of my business. I don't like him."

"And I'm not alone. What do you want him to do?"

Li Xinyun's roommate was very curious, "you are not moved at all. He has a good family background and looks handsome. Several people in the art college like him."

She didn't want to talk about this topic. She bowed her head and sent a short message to Zhong Yi. She said coldly, "let him go directly. Don't waste your time."

"My sister is coming to pick me up later."

Her roommate, schlulu, nodded and went downstairs. Although Li Xinyun has a good family background and is a bit delicate, she has a good personality. She is very generous to her roommates and once gave them Meiyan pills which are hard to get online. So she is happy to help.

She saw Gong Yilin standing in the cold wind. Because of the cold, she also pressed her hat.

Shi Lulu said: "you go back, wait for Xinyun, her sister will come to pick her up."

Gong Yilin slightly frowned, "is she still not willing to accept my good intentions?"

Although Shi Lulu had some sympathy for him, she still couldn't get emotional affairs. She saw that Xinyun was very impatient with Gong Yilin. She said, "maybe you're not the type Xinyun likes. You'd better give up."

Gong Yilin is extremely unhappy. He has been chasing Li Xinyun for several months. The other party is still in the mountains, which can be said to be the most difficult object he meets. He had bets with his friends to pursue Li Xinyun. He thought it would take him less than a week to get rid of it, but he didn't want to! It's been months.

Many people in his circle are mocking him. He can't even win a girl. He's going to be a joke.

He lowered his eyelashes and looked innocent. "As long as she doesn't have a boyfriend, I still have hope."

As soon as Shi Lulu was about to say something, she saw a graceful figure coming. She was as bright as fire, and her curly hair was like waves on the sea.

Zhong Yi smiles at her, "Xin Yun is upstairs."

Although Shi Lulu is a girl, she is also fascinated by this smile. Every time she looks at her, she thinks that Zhong Yi is really beautiful. Although her roommate Xinyun is also beautiful, she naturally has immunity. She ignored Gong Yilin and said to Zhong Yi, "let's go upstairs together."

Zhong Yi said, "I brought some fruit to eat together later."

"It's very kind of you, sister Zhong Yi."

"What's the matter?" His friend pushed him, "what are you thinking? Do you want to change your partner? I didn't expect that Li Xinyun's sister is so beautiful. She and she are two types of beauty. "

"Don't make any noise." Gong Yilin's face is not good-looking, "I just think this clock looks familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere."

"Normal, a beauty of this level must be unforgettable. Maybe I had a face-to-face meeting sometime. "

Gong Yilin tried to search her part from memory. When she was about to give up, she really recalled.

Isn't this a girl who used to work in the White Crane Club? Because the other side's appearance is really amazing, so left a little impression on him. But now Zhong Yi is more beautiful than in the impression, without that shrinking temperament, the whole person is stretched out.

Later, when he went to the White Crane Club, he knew that the other party had resigned and asked about her whereabouts, but there was no following. I'm afraid it was wrapped up, so I didn't continue to show up in that place.

His face darkened for an instant.

What kind of sister? The sister who works in that kind of place? It's no wonder that Li Xinyun usually looks like he is not short of money, and even refuses to accept his pursuit. Isn't he afraid of offending the gold Lord? His pursuit of this period of time is simply a joke.