Li Xinyun just took a quick look at the foul language in the comment area, and was enraged into a puffer fish on the spot.

Her roommate Shi Lulu also called her, "Xin Yun, have you seen the school forum? Someone sent a post saying that you and sister Zhong Yi are near the gold master. Or a senior student of the school of economics and management. You have to clarify. What happened to the Bentley? "

Li Xinyun is very angry. At first, she thought that the whole thing was aimed at Zhong Yi. Now she sees that the other party has posted on the school forum and even named her. Eight to nine out of ten came to her.

"What gold Lord, is that my mother?" she said? That car is my mother's! "

"I'll make a statement later. Are these people really outside the law on the Internet?"

"Then I'll go to the college group to help you explain. What those people said is too bad to hear, and I'm very angry. The man in charge of the hospital doesn't know what kind of hatred or resentment he has with you. " Schlulu said, and soon hung up.

Li Xinyun was so angry that he opened the forum of their school and read the post. It was Li Jinrong, senior of the school of economic management. The main post not only made a post on the hot search, but also produced two new photos, all of which were pictures of Li Xinyun when she went to Bentley, on which her face was clearly visible.

Li Xinyun had no impression of the so-called senior student at all, let alone where he had offended him. But when it comes to the school of economics and management, her only impression is that the obnoxious suitor Gong Yilin is also from this college.

Is it something to do with him? No, she didn't do anything. She just refused him.

She took her cell phone and opened the door of her study. She was about to tell her mother about it. Her mother nodded at her and said, "I'll make a statement later."

Li Xinyun Leng a moment, the reaction came over, "thank you mom." I want to know that this news has been searched. Someone must have told her mother.

Fang Junrong said: "this matter obviously has the promoter in the back, otherwise the forwarding comment also won't be so fast over ten thousand."

Think of here, her heart is full of anger, she dotes on the two girls, were so malicious slander, all kinds of abuse. She is going to send a lawyer's letter to each of the top jumpers, so as to save these people from being unscrupulous on the Internet.

"Let Zhong Yi come over. I'll ask her what she thinks."

Li Xinyun nodded and quickly called Zhong Yi over. Zhong Yi's face is not very good-looking, obviously also knew this matter. This is also normal. At the bottom of the article, her identity was directly revealed. Even her microblog was found, and the comments at the bottom could not be read at all.

"I'm sorry, but I'm the one who got you in trouble." Zhong Yi's voice is a little hoarse.

Li Xinyun touched his nose, "don't say that!",! Maybe I'm responsible for you

When they arrived at the study together, Fang Junrong looked up at Zhong Yi and said, "what do you think of Zhong Yi? If you want to deny the past, I can talk to Ning Qing, the boss of Baihe

She has a good relationship with Ning Qing, and they have a lot of business cooperation. Ning Qing is willing to help her with this small favor.

Zhong Yi took a deep breath, and her uneasy mood was suppressed when she saw the calm expression of Ganma. She bit her lower lip, and her beautiful face showed a struggling and hesitant expression. Finally, she shook her head, and her expression was firm, "no, there is no need to deny it."

"I did work there, but I did not sell my body, against my original intention."

People who look down on her look down on her, even if there is no such thing. Those who believe in her will not alienate her. She took it as a mirror to see how many monsters she could see around her. She just felt guilty and involved Xin Yun.

She didn't regret working there. At that time, grandma was seriously ill. She was only a freshman. Besides, she couldn't think of any other way to earn high medical expenses.

Fang Junrong touched her head, but a simple action made Zhong Yi's eyes red. She didn't cry when she saw the vile language on the Internet and even ran to her micro blog to ask her how much she paid for a night. It's not worth tears for those bitches.

But when feeling the warmth from the top of her head, she couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

"Well, don't worry. I'll take it out on you."

Zhong Yi blinked and blinked the mist in his eyes. After she was adopted by Ganma, she was flattered and at the same time, she was very upset. She was afraid that the good luck would be far away from her, and she would return to the life she had tossed and turned before.

"Well." She wanted to say a lot, but she couldn't say it. Finally, she only changed into one syllable.

At this moment, however, the unknown fear that had haunted her vanished.


Fang Junrong first forwarded the "crayon who doesn't know how to lie" and replied, "their two gold masters?"? Are you talking about me? Why, my own car can't transport my children to and from school? "

She consulted with several of her lawyers and made a formal announcement.

[recently, users such as "crayons who don't know how to lie", "I just look" and "my brother is the best in the world" have published false statements about Li Xinyun and Zhong Yi's gold Lord on the Internet. The above comments have seriously affected their reputation and violated their right of reputationI will continue to collect evidence and investigate their responsibility through legal channels. The Internet is not illegal. ]

she's a little bit! A deep thought, and continued to send a micro blog.

By the way, Li Xinyun is my daughter. She is beautiful, kind, lovely and intimate. She is the apple of my eye. Zhong Yi is my adopted daughter. She is gentle, strong and loyal. I am very glad to meet her. Both of them are the best girls and deserve all the kindness. After the court trial results come out, all products of Meifang group will receive 20% discount. ]

Fang Junrong now has more than one million fans, and she doesn't spend money to buy zombie powder. Most of these are live fans. So she wrote a micro blog, and her influence was no worse than those stars, which was reflected quickly at this time.

Every time she sends new news, comments increase rapidly.

[it's sour. I'm going to make a lemon every month. Sister Xinyun is really good at reincarnation. ]

[president Fang is really overbearing and powerful, and the country owes me such a mother. ]

[I just came from that microblog, and the people over there speak too bad. With a picture of malicious speculation, anger is terrible. And those who did not know thought that the two sisters had a deep blood feud with them. ]

[well said, it's time to sue these malicious rumors and make them pay the price. The Internet is not a place outside the law! ]

[ah, please make the trial faster! My purse is starving. 20% discount, I can! ]

[I've gone to my sister Zhong Yi's microblog to rub my anger with Europe. Please bless me for the number drawing this month! ]

after Fang Junrong's announcement came out, the public opinion directly turned 180 degrees. Netizens have attacked these malicious rumors with rhythm of the marketing number, although some people said that Fang Junrong was too fussy and could not easily write a lawyer's letter. Just such a comment is only a small part, just appeared to be other netizens spray bloody.

More people envy Li Xinyun and Zhong Yi. One of them will be reincarnated, and the other is lucky enough to be the emperor of Europe. Before that, there was a Weibo account of renrenrenrou Zhongyi under the marketing number, but now more netizens have been there, expressing their impatience with Europe.

Fang Junrong does not deny that Zhong Yi once worked in the club, but she does not need to explain too much. She just needs to announce that everyone should close Zhong Yi as an adopted daughter. Naturally, no one believes the dirty water thrown on her.

After all, what is Fang Junrong's status now? According to the estimation of many people, her property has exceeded 30 billion. Such a person, will adopt a messy girl! Is the child an adopted daughter? Apart from the edge of her eyes, she must have investigated each other's affairs.

If Zhong Yi is adopted by a rich man, they will surely have a lot of so-called ambiguous speculation out of nothing. But for Fang Junrong, there is no lack of fresh meat around him. His sexual orientation is obviously on the head of a rich man and a rich woman. That only shows that Zhong Yi is really good.

Before she ran to the bottom of her microblog abusive people have deleted their words, for fear that he was also sent a lawyer letter by Fang Junrong.


Even so, he still felt angry, and bribed a senior student of the college to send a post to the school. He promised that after he graduated, he would be allowed to enter his company and guarantee a base salary of tens of thousands.

He thought that Li Xinyun could be ruined, but in a flash, the good situation was reversed.

Fang Junrong actually made an announcement directly. Is Li Xinyun her own daughter?

And his trumpet is also on the announcement list of Fang Junrong's lawyer letter. He is very flustered now, very worried about things involving him, after all, his hands and feet are not secret, a little investigation is easy to find his head.

All blame Li Xinyun!

Since the family is so rich, why is it so low-key! He also lives in the dormitory like an ordinary student, which makes him look out of sight.

His cell phone keeps ringing.

When he looked down, it was Li Jinrong, a senior student.

He turned on his cell phone and heard the angry voice coming.

"Gong Yilin, you killed me! Li Xinyun directly posted in the school forum that he would pursue me for malicious slander and take me to court. "

"I knew her family was so rich that I didn't dare to arrange her. You quickly think of a way for me, if I really left the case, I have no end with you! I will be ruined by you all my life

"I tell you, if you don't settle this matter, we'll die together. I have been implicated by you

On the computer, he bought the marketing number also constantly pop frame message, want him to think of a way.

If he had a way, would he still be in trouble here?

Gong Yilin was so angry that he smashed his cell phone. He looked at the flickering penguins and felt helpless and confused as never before. Is it too late to apologize?