"Crayon who doesn't know lies" is a marketing number with millions of fans on the Internet. His real name is Zhu Wen. At the beginning, Zhu Wen became a big V in everyone's eyes by rubbing against the facts. He also gave himself a real disposition and only told the truth. After having fame, it is logical to start receiving money and posting. Because he was cautious and lucky before, he always had a good time. Even if the car overturned occasionally, he also had fans to help him. His fame is also rising in the rhythm of this time and again, which makes him swell up and feel that his size can be regarded as a character.

When he was contacted by the other party, he did not rest assured about it. After all, the topic of female college students being fostered has always been the focus of public attention. In addition, the girl in the photo is really beautiful, especially one of them is as beautiful as a goblin, which makes people feel itchy. This makes him can't help but think back to the school flower he pursued in college, which is also the same type of thick beauty, but finally refused him and chose a rich and handsome man. These beautiful women are money worshippers. They never look at men's character. They just look at whether they have money. They prefer to cry behind a BMW rather than laugh on a bicycle.

New hatred and old resentment came up, and the other party offered a good reward. Zhu Wen agreed without hesitation, and even did not examine the truth of the matter. He soon wrote several eye-catching articles. With the help of the Navy, the woman's name was released step by step. It was no surprise that he became popular and became a hot search again, which once again made him famous. He was happy to praise several of their insulting comments, and watched the public praise him as the only honest person who criticized current affairs. He was very happy in his heart.

However, he was not long complacent. Fang Junrong's microblogs were like a basin of ice water, which made him feel cold. He never thought that the luxury car was actually Fang Junrong's, and those two people were her daughters. As a big V, how can he not know the identity of Fang Junrong, so that people can easily grasp such a character as him.

He turned over so fast that he didn't even have time to make up for himself. Fang Junrong's lawyer team has already sent a lawyer's letter to him and firmly expressed his intention to take him to court.

The other side is aggressive, obviously moving the real case. However, he bought a lot of water soldiers for the sake of popularity. There have been tens of thousands of forwarding items. He even gave out the identity of the other party, which can be said to have seriously affected the other party's life. He was busy calling his friends for help.

His friend just told him that if he had a serious plot, he would not only have to lose money, but also have to stay in it for some time.

Zhu Wen is still young, and his great life has just begun. He doesn't want to go in and squat on the Bureau, let alone leave a record.

He fought his life! Contact the person who paid for his bribe, but the message sent out was like a bullock into the sea.


He looked at the computer screen, livid. Is the other party ready to slip away and throw the pot to him? If he had not been fooled and cajoled by the other party, how could he have overturned and even offended Fang Junrong at the risk of the defendant.

He can't wait to die like this. Zhu Wen takes a deep breath, trembles and starts to open his account. His number of fans has been reduced by tens of thousands. Although the total number does not look much, but these are real live powder ah! Because of this rollover, these people took him off. His comments were followed by a barrage of abuse. In the past, he used public opinion to aim at the people he wanted to attack, and was proud of his charisma and ability to manipulate people's hearts. Now the gun was finally aimed at him.

He seems to realize the feelings of those who are black by him. If you look at those dirty words, you will feel depressed and doubt your own value.

He closed his eyes and did not read the comments. After reopening his eyes, he deleted all the two articles published before and drafted a formal official document. He would rather scrap the account than go to jail for a few years.

[I don't know how to tell lies. I'm sorry to my fans and the public. I wrote the two articles after I received other people's money. I started writing without knowing the truth, which caused a bad impact on the reputation of two innocent girls ]

after apologizing, he directly gave out the contact information and transfer account number of the person he was dealing with. The name of the bank card of the other party was gong Yilin. He doesn't know if this is his real name, but if all the information is released, he can find the other person by following his steps.

After all this, he followed the advice of his friends and surrendered to the nearby police station, striving to reduce the penalty as much as possible with good performance.

Everything that can be done has been done. Dead friends don't die. He doesn't have to carry the pot for each other.

After his apology statement was sent out, it really caused an uproar. This is probably the first big V to collect money and write articles on the surface, and it is also because Zhu Wen has no team, so it is difficult to throw away the pot, otherwise it can be handled more safely.

Netizens along with his information, as expected, soon arrived at Gong Yilin. Even the students of S City University came out to testify in person that Gong Yilin had tried to pursue Li Xinyun and failed. So the antecedents of malicious rumor and slander also appeared.

Even Li Jinrong, the senior student who took advantage of Li Xinyun in the University Forum, couldn't stand the censure of public opinion and gave Gong Yilin a confession! He confessed.So Gong Yilin became famous in a way he didn't want.

Everyone said that his method of online bullying by paying for marketing numbers because he couldn't catch up with others was too low. Many netizens who had been previously rhythmic also vented their anger on him.

The people with bright eyes not only make use of his micro blog, but also scold him bloody. What's more, they call Gong Yilin's mobile phone number directly to teach them all kinds of national abuse.


Gong Yilin looked at the computer screen blankly. All these changes happened so fast that he couldn't stop it, just like an animal in the mire.

He's finished.

That's all he had in his head. He can't be a man. The mistakes he had made before finally paid off. He did not expect that the seniors and the big V would choose to betray him so decisively and push him to the front desk, bathed in the eyes of the people who despised him. At that time, he was not careful enough to contact them directly. Now he can't find someone to push the pot.

On Weibo, Fang Junrong claimed that he would pursue his legal liability. In the school forum, Li Xinyun also sent a post, denouncing his behavior and asking him to come forward to deal with him. The students talked about him in succession. The girl who liked him said he was wrong. He was such a disgusting person.

He was just confused. Did they have to be so aggressive? If Li Xinyun was not such a low-key young lady, would he misunderstand it? If Fang Junrong had not been such a valuable president, he would have gone to poverty alleviation and adopted a girl from a club. He would not have had such a misunderstanding. It's clear that there is something wrong with both mother and daughter.

He was clutching his hair in a bird's nest with a splitting headache.

Just then, the door of his room was suddenly pushed open, but his father came in frowning.

"Why is your cell phone off all the time?" The palace father's face was serious, with a faint anger.

Gong Yilin is a little guilty, "the cell phone is out of power."

His father didn't like surfing the Internet all the time, so he didn't know about it. He was not sure if anyone else would tell his father.

Gong Fu stares at him, "your school calls me, saying that you framed and discredited your classmates, and you have made a big mistake. What have you done?" He used! In the past, he was very proud of his son. After all, he was admitted to a school like s City University. Going out would give him a lot of face. As a result, only a semester has passed, and he has made a demerit record. It's just amazing!

Gong Yilin is familiar with his father's character and knows that he has the best face and interests.

His lips moved, and after a while, he said, "it was a girl I had been pursuing, but I couldn't pursue it all the time. I was so annoyed that I asked someone to send a post to black her. She was taken care of by the gold master outside, but she was found by the other party. Because of this relationship, the school recorded a demerit for me

The palace father was angry and turned upside down, and thrust his hand into his head. "You can be found to do a bad thing, and you are too useless! Hurry to find a way to cancel your demerit record! I can't afford to lose such a man. " Compared with doing bad things, he is more angry that his son will be caught by his bad deeds. He can be stupid.

After finding out the reason, although very angry, but the palace father did not pay special attention to. The problems that can be solved with money are not problems. It happens that they have some money in their family.

"Did you apologize? What did they say? "

Gong Yilin voice more and more empty, "their family is not short of money, refused to accept apology, but also accused me of slander."

The palace father was angry, "no matter how rich, can we have more money than our family? What kind of thing? You don't have to face. I know some friends too. I'll go over and say hello to them. Do you really think I can't take them? "

Gong Yilin can't hide it any more. He gritted his teeth and put on a look of death like death. "That girl classmate is the daughter of long Jun Rong, director of Meifang group."

Gong Fu's expression froze on the spot, almost doubting his own hearing. He glared at his little son. "Are you sure?" Their whole family's property, together with less than one tenth of the total, is not of the same rank. His family is also engaged in cosmetics business, trying to climb the other side's line, but there has been no way.

As a result, his son was so blind that he ran to the daughter of the Black family?

He was so angry that his chest was up and down. Usually, he always laughed at the son of other old friends who was fond of making trouble, like to pit his father, and often exposed his son who was born in a famous university. As a result, his son gave him a big "surprise" in silence.

Gong Fu's face was ferocious, but he didn't resist it. He slapped him in the face fiercely. Half of Gong Yilin's face was swollen on the spot, and he felt no pain.

"You son of a bitch!"