Li Xinyun looks down at the chat group in the penguin. Since her mother made a statement, the class has exploded. We all sigh, did not expect that there is a real white rich beauty around. We searched a lower Junrong, one by one said kneeling back. A lot of people joked to her that the boss was still short of accessories.

Gong Yilin's influence was too bad. In order to revenge her, he not only maliciously slandered her, but also discredited the school. Therefore, the school's announcement came out very quickly. He directly made a big mistake to Gong Yilin and asked him to apologize to Li Xinyun. Li Jinrong, another senior student who was bribed, was given a warning.

Li Xinyun was quite satisfied with the result.

She saw that there are new friends news, frown up, these days add her people especially. She basically failed, many of which were sent by Gong Yilin's friends, and some people asked her classmates.

They just want Li Xinyun's family to withdraw the warning to Gong Yilin. After all, if there is a case, it will be too heavy a burden for a college student.

"Yilin has already known that he is wrong. You have a lot of adults. Please forgive him this time. He will not dare."

"What you should clarify is also clarified. The impact on you is limited. Why do you have to kill all of them like this?"

"Yilin is actually a good man. He is very loyal and kind to his classmates. He's just in the middle of something. Give him a chance

Pooh! It's still good. Don't you feel guilty when the word "good man" comes out of their mouths?

For these people who don't have low back pain when they stand talking, she pulls black one by one. Gong Yilin also met her. If she met an ordinary family, he might directly take the money and hold it down. If you do something wrong, you should have the awareness of bearing the consequences. He used to be so unscrupulous, just because he had some money at home?

If he hadn't learned his lesson, he might have done more to others in the future. To tell you the truth, what Gong Yilin regrets now is not to do such a thing, but simply regrets that she was soft persimmon and kicked on the iron plate.

It's also good to say that she will report her revenge. Anyway, she can't cancel it!

Li Xinyun shut down his chat group and walked down from the room. She sniffed and laughed, "it's delicious! What is this? "

Zhong Yi sat on the sofa and looked up at her with a smile. "Come and have a taste of my grandmother's fried oysters. She made it much better than what she sold outside."

Zhong Yi's grandmother also came to the house in the past two days. Now she is relatively strong, she takes cooking as exercise. These days, we have made some snacks for them.

! Li Xinyun picked up an oyster to fry. It was a little hot because of the freshness of the fried oyster. When it was put into his mouth, the fresh sweetness of the oyster exploded on the tongue buds. The skin tasted crispy and delicious. The inside q-pop was warm. It was delicious with the sweet pepper specially selected. yummy! She couldn't stop eating, one by one.

"Grandma's cooking is so wonderful!" She usually follows Zhong Yi to call her grandmother.

Zhong Yi laughed and squinted, "she hasn't made this dish for a long time."

The two chatted, their combat effectiveness was not weak, and they soon solved a plate of oysters. After eating, Li Xinyun subconsciously pinched her waist. I don't know if it's her delusion. The skirt she's wearing recently is a little tight. If she touches her small face, she's more and more guilty. Is it time to avoid eating, otherwise she won't be able to wear the new clothes she bought.

After eating, her mother Fang Junrong also came back with the wind and frost outside.

Li Xinyun thought of one thing and asked her, "Mom, did the palace family talk to you?"

Seeing that Gong Yilin's classmates are anxious to find her, they are really concerned about this demerit recording and are also worried about leaving the bottom of the case.

In retrospect, you said, "I don't care about the emperor's house. I can't get my personal number at home level. "

she checked the palace checking home for her daughter's relationship, and knew that the cosmetics made by their family were mainly mask. The assets were about about two billion, which was indeed rich, but they were not able to run amuck. They're lucky that they're not playing until now.

Li Xinyun:

It's so real! In other words, the other party did not dare to find her mother, and she was 17 years old. She looked softhearted and easy to deceive.

Thinking of this, Li Xinyun puffed up his cheek discontentedly, and felt that the other party was just picking on her as a soft persimmon.

Fang Junrong has a lot of things in hand. Gong Yilin's affairs can't stay in her heart for a long time. She directly hands over the lawsuit to the lawyer team on hand. They usually get high salaries. Isn't that when they play a role? She also showed people whether Gong Yilin had done anything against the law and discipline before. If someone was bullied and wanted to take a lawsuit, she was willing to pay a lawsuit fee for free, which would be regarded as one good deed every day.

This new year, without Li Erjin and Li Shize, they gathered together and enjoyed a rare quiet time.

On the night of new year's Eve, Fang Junrong gave two children red envelopes.Li Xinyun took the red envelope and pinched it. Eh, how could it feel like jade.

She opened the red envelope and saw that it was a jade pendant, and it was white with goat fat! White jade, smooth and delicate, holding in the hand has a warm feeling. Her jade carving is carved with a rose, and the petals are dotted with dew, as if to slide down at any time. Li Xinyun's eyes brightened. She likes it! She decided to order a jade pendant pendant.

As for Zhong Yi, her jade pendant is of peony style, which is extremely exquisite and suitable for her.

These two jade pendants were placed in Fang Junrong's cave for a long time. Wearing them on them is good for their health and can have the effect of warming up. Zhong Yi's grandmother, she also gave a piece earlier, hoping that the old man, who had not had a good ending in his previous life, could enjoy his old age in this life.

At the same time, the atmosphere of Li Shize and Jiang Ya Ge is obviously not very happy.

Li Shize, with a cold face, looks at Jiang Yage sitting not far away. Jiang Ya GE's eyes are full of tears, and she looks pitiful. If it was half a year ago, Li Shize would surely feel pity for her, and would like to cut through the thorns for her, so that her face only smile, never tears. However, in the past few months, she lived alone under the eaves of the house with Jiang Yage, and she could not move to tears. Her tears not only could not arouse his pity, but also made him irritable.

Again, it is always the expression of being bullied, as if he is accusing him of his wrongdoing and his behavior.

He took a deep breath and asked, "what about the white jade paste?"

Jiang Ya Ge is very aggrieved, "haven't you been using it all the time?"

His hand had been almost healed, but now the bottle has reached the bottom, and he can't continue to use it if he wants to use it. Why doesn't this make him so anxious? He knew that the medicine must have been hard won. If he missed this opportunity, he might not have another one. Thinking of this, he became more and more impatient, looking at Jiang Ya GE's eyes full of strong dissatisfaction.

Jiang Yage is also very flustered. Seeing that Shize is recovering well, she thinks that she can't use so much. In addition, she is short of money and is afraid of being discovered by Shize, so she digs some for Fang Jueming every day. Her relationship with Fang Jueming is also improving day by day. Fang not only paid her a million yuan, but also introduced her to several auditions. Although she did not have a lot of parts and acted as cannon fodder, she was very satisfied to step into the performing arts circle.

But these inside information can't tell Shi Ze. Her boyfriend is a little male chauvinism, and she can't be closer to other men. Clearly, she and they are pure friends! Department.

She didn't want to let the relationship falter any more.

She soon thought of an excuse. She sniffed, "I left some for my aunt. You can't get her face back to work. She would have disfigured her face in the first place, because I suffered from it. I have this responsibility. "

"I really didn't think it would be enough."

"Don't be angry, I'll go to him again. He is a good man and will certainly help us. "

Her tone is affirmative, Zhang Bi usually is gentle and considerate to her, which gives him such confidence.

"He, who is he? A wall? You're really close. "

Li Shize's heart is full of jealousy. He just wants to destroy everything in front of him. He didn't know that Jiang Ya Ge and that man's ambiguous, before they all opened one eye and closed one eye, but now he can't convince himself any more.

"Today is new year's Eve. It's a great day. Shall we not quarrel over these things?" She wiped her tears and tried to persuade, but she felt very tired. Maybe this relationship is wrong from the beginning. They make a mess of their life because of this love.

Li Shize's lips moved, but finally he swallowed what he wanted to say.

There was a knock at the door.

Jiang Yage went to open the door, and Fang Jueming's handsome face appeared outside. He piled a few boxes at his feet, and said with a friendly and gentle smile, "happy new year, I'm here to send you a new year gift."

His eyes fell on Li Shize in the room. The two men's eyes were on each other, as if there were invisible sparks.

Fang Jueming took back his eyes and said sincerely to Jiang Yage, "thanks to the medicine you gave me, my fingers have healed. I can come back to the circle, and I really thank you

In his heart, Jiang Yage, like an angel, saved his dark world.

In the silent place thunder, Fang Jueming's words exploded in Li Shize's ear, blowing his head a blank.

Jiang Ya GE's face turned white directly, looking at him with some pleading in his eyes.

Li Shize laughed angrily, "ha? The medicine for your aunt? "

"When did your aunt become a big movie emperor Fang Jueming?"