Although Fang Jueming didn't understand the cause and effect, he also knew that the dispute was caused by him. He also didn't want Jiang Yage to be misunderstood. He said in a deep voice, "Yage is a kind-hearted girl. She just doesn't want to see my hand hurt all the time, so she will leave a lifetime of regret, so she will help me."

"You should be proud to have such an understanding girlfriend."

Li Shize is now so down and out, Jiang Ya Ge still sticks to him. Fang Jueming, who is used to the warmth and coldness of human feelings in the entertainment industry, can't help seeing such a Jiang Ya Song. Because she is a benefactor of her own, she also has some ideas about her. It's just because the other party has a boyfriend, so she can't help but feel at the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Ya Ge heard this, and then moved, voice choked, "thank you, Jueming. It's none of your business. " She turned to Li Shize and said, "I was just afraid that you would misunderstand me, so I kept it from you. I really didn't mean to."

No man likes to be hooded, so does Li Shize. Both of them dared to express their feelings in front of him, not to mention what happened in places he could not see. It's no wonder that Yage didn't like to go out before, but went out every day for the reason of purchasing and dumping garbage. Maybe it's just to be able to spend time alone with Fang Jueming.

Now he, without his father, his biological mother would like to cut off his relationship, has no use value, it is no wonder that Yage is anxious to find a home for himself.

He was disgusted as if he had swallowed a fly and sneered, "if you are innocent, why should I misunderstand you? For him, even though my hand injury is still not good, you are my girlfriend or his girlfriend? "

"Why, a wall can't satisfy you. Do you have to hook up with another film maker to prove your charm?" He was so angry that he said everything that was hard to obey. He was the character of himself, but he had no sense in such a humiliating betrayal.

Jiang Yage's body is tottering, a pair of battered appearance, "enough! You can misunderstand me, not Jueming. "

Fang Jueming quickly helped her petite figure. The two beautiful men and women stood there, looking very well matched.

The scene made Li Shize's eyes red. He abandoned everything for the sake of Jiangya song, and this is the outcome.

As soon as his brain was hot, he rushed straight up and wrestled with Fang Jueming. Fang juemingsheng has training in peacetime and more skillful in fighting. Li Shize was young and strong, but the two were equal, barely tied. However, Jiang Yage was in bad luck. She wanted to persuade them not to fight again because of her. Although two handsome men fight for her can satisfy her vanity, but if it is true! It's not good to get bleeding.

It's just that she didn't have a good time to move forward. At this moment, Li Shize's fist waved to Fang Jueming's face. Fang Jueming just sidestepped and avoided the blow. The fist Li Shize had no time to recover fell directly on Jiang Yage's face, and gave her a steady blow.

The shrill scream sounded, Jiang Ya GE's face directly swollen, this circle almost hit her eyes, Li Shize also froze.

When Fang Jueming saw Jiang Yage's miserable appearance, he was directly angry. When Li Shize was dazed, he was restrained by a backhand, and his hand was tightly grasped by Li Shize. Li Shize's finger was not good at all. He hurt him so much, so there was one more screamer.

Fang Jueming pushes him to the ground and looks at Li Shize holding his hand with pain. He took a deep breath, straightened his collar and said to Jiang Yage, "a violent person like him is not worthy of being with you. You'd better leave him."

Jiang Ya GE's face is so painful that she can't say a word. She just tears subconsciously. She looked up and saw Fang Jueming's Distressed expression, and her heart was even more aggrieved. So when Fang Jueming hugged her, she did not refuse.

Even if Shize is not good to her, she also has a firm determination. She had endured him for a long time because of her guilt. She didn't want to bear it any longer. It was the first time she had been beaten in the face, so badly.

She had a cry in her voice. "Let's go. I don't want to see him."

She went into the room and cleaned up her things. Her things were not so much. They were quickly packed up. Soon, she left with her luggage and Fang Jueming, and then entered Fang's room at the opposite door.

Li Shize was lying on the ground, embarrassed like a pool of mud. His hands hurt, but not as much as the heart stabbed out by Jiang Ya Ge.

During this period, what he fell in love with was such a fickle woman. Even for her, angry father, and mother sister centrifugal, people around the world despise. When he was most injured, she did not hesitate to abandon him and chose another man. She didn't even care about his injured fingers again, which made him cold hearted. Is it because the other party's conditions are better than her?

"Ha ha ha..."

He laughs madly. He doesn't know whether he is laughing at Jiang Ya Ge or himself. He smiles and tears fall down.

He regretted it.

……Fang Junrong didn't know that the son of barbecued pork and Jiang Yage, the couple who loved each other so much in the past life, had to go their separate ways. She had to attend various banquets and prepare for the launch of new products.

The Duke of caper also called! To her, the voice was very excited, "Fang, the hair cream you sent me is so easy to use! I've never seen such a magical product. It makes my life full of spring again

"When will you put this on the market, I will recommend such good things to the whole world!"

The Duke of caper even showed Fang Junrong her hair in a video. In a month's time, her hair from the original straw into a straight and obedient blonde hair, although not as much as the upper Jun Rong, but this is very obvious compared with the previous. Prince caper blew at least a thousand words of rainbow fart into the hair cream.

Fang Junrong was also happy to have such a person to help her advertise when the time came. She promised Duke Kapei that she would send her some more bottles.

Until the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, she made an announcement directly on her microblog.

[February 24 is the opening day of my daughter's Xinyun school. I watch the stars at night. It's the golden day for the sale of new products. On that day, we started to launch pre-sale, and 10000 copies were put on the shelves, first come, first served. February 25 is the school day of Zhongyi, and 10000 copies are also on sale on that day. ]

then she made several product maps of the hair cream.

Not surprisingly, her microblog was not long after it was sent out, and she quickly became a hot search, and she didn't need any extra buying enthusiasm.

It's so sour. President Fang's daughter is so happy. ]

[can we save the bald girl? Tears of joy! ]

[general manager Fang's products must be excellent products! I'm ready to rush. ]

the beauty pill that Fang Junrong sold before was so effective that it had already become a star product in everyone's mind, and it also enhanced the trust in her. So this time, she didn't need to think of a way to publicize. She just made a micro blog, and many fans were looking forward to it. After all, according to the details of the product, this hair cream can not only save the bald girl, but also improve the quality of hair and let people have silk like hair. If you change to another brand, you can't help but doubt that this is an exaggeration. But in the Meifang group, the possibility is still very large. Until now, Fang has never let them down.

Many people sharpen their swords and even set their own alarm clock.

Xu Chun is one of them. When she saw the microblog, she couldn't help but cry. I don't know if it's because she often stays up late to play games. She usually loses a lot of hair, which makes her worried every time she washes her hair. She is afraid that she will become a bald girl at a young age.

"Buy it! I'll buy this hair cream

"What to buy?" Her roommate! My friend looked over her head and looked curious.

Xu Chun took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said, "no, there's a new snack. I want to buy it and try it."

Decided not to let people know that they robbed this thing, or how to hold the image of her video game girl. As a beauty, you can't be bald!


"Fang, I specially registered your account here, and I also helped you forward the publicity. As a result, my comments were deleted by complaints. They are really too much!"

Fang Junrong Leng for a moment, said: "what is your account number?"

How can she publicize it and be deleted by complaints?

The Duke of caper reported it quickly.

She looked at the home page, and it was obvious that she had just registered recently. The head portrait was her own self portrait, and the focus of the self portrait was on the soft and beautiful blonde hair. From the head portrait, we can see that the Duke of caper is really attached to his hair.

If you look at her microblog, you can only find one self introduction, and the other one is deleted because of complaints.

Hello everyone, this is the real martia caper. I'm very glad to meet my friends in China. ]

Fang Junrong guessed that it should be translated by her machine, but it may also be translated by the handsome translator next to her.

There are a lot of unexpected comments at the bottom of this microblog.

Here we are again, another one who has rubbed the heat of the Duke of Cape! Wake up, someone else has an account overseas. It's impossible to register here. ]

[this time, the total heat of the prescription is too much! He also said that he had used hair cream and laughed off his big teeth! It will be several days before the hair cream comes into the market. It will rub your horse's heat! ]

[you are welcome to report false rumors! Hair cream has not been sold, even if it is too early to win. Which rival company hired the water army? ]

[ah, I saw the rumor making microblog deleted. Other sisters report too fast. They should wait for 500 to report. ]

Fang Jun couldn't bear to help her forehead. She could guess what the deleted comment of Duke caper was like. She must have blown a rainbow fart on the hair cream as a user. As a result, she was directly reported as a rumor by some fans of Fang Junrong.

It's the Duke of caper.