Although Zhang Zhiyang did not see the video, the content of the video was clearly heard, especially the words "white jade paste" and "Jiedu Dan", which seemed to have their own life, penetrated into his mind and could not be forgotten.

He was petrified into a statue, wondering if he had heard it wrong. He felt his consciousness fly far and far away, until he was pulled back to reality by the angry voice of President Gu.

"Well, Zhang Zhiyang, you are very good! It's amazing that hundreds of dollars can be used to earn our favor. " Mr. Gu was in a hurry and laughed. He thought that in order to get more bottles of medicine from Zhang Zhiyang in recent months, he said good words to a younger generation with a smiling face and took the initiative to send people. Results t those drugs, only a few hundred yuan a bottle! And anyone can buy it. When he saw the news, he was so angry that he almost had a heart attack. He subconsciously covered his chest and glared at Zhang Zhiyang.

Zhang Zhiyang shivered, "there must be some misunderstanding..."

At this moment, his whole brain was full of paste, messy, and almost lost the ability to think.

Mr. Gu directly connected the mobile phone to his face. His face full of fat turned red with anger. The blue veins on his head jumped, "misunderstanding! Look at the news broadcast by yourself and tell me if there is a misunderstanding It's all on the news broadcast. How can there be a fake?

Their argument here is so loud that it draws the attention of others. When we saw that Zhang Zhiyang and Mr. Gu quarreled like this, they came over to argue.

"Mr. Gu, if you have something to say, why get angry? Zhiyang is still the younger generation. We should be more tolerant of the elderly."

"Zhiyang, you should talk to Mr. Gu. His blood pressure is high, so it's not good to make him angry."

When they tried to persuade each other to fight, they all seemed to be in harmony.

Mr. Gu's anger in his heart rubbed against. He looked at these old friends who tried to persuade them to fight. They were all victims of Zhang Zhiyang's foolishness. He didn't want to help Zhang Zhiyang cover it up. It was on the news broadcast, and they knew it sooner or later. He took a deep breath and stifled his anger and said, "it's not my business alone. It's about you."

"You all go to the rebroadcast of the news, and choose the video point of Baiyu ointment and Jiedu pill."

He said this, let other people can not help cluttering, one by one out of the mobile phone, even if not with a mobile phone, also let the Secretary Assistant to find out for them.

When they saw it, they all turned out to be fire breathing dragons, surrounded by Zhang Zhiyang. Their angry attitude was better than that of general manager Gu.

"Zhiyang, you have to explain this to us. What's going on?"

"Take advantage of us, is that how you pit us? We're not mean to you, are we? "

"If you don't make it clear to me, don't blame me for being cruel."

These people are not good at stubbornness, not only beating, but also threatening.

Zhang Zhiyang was surrounded by them, looking at their angry and gloomy expression, cold sweat came out directly, and his back was wet. This matter is not handled well. His life will be accounted for here today. The other people of Zhangjia were very anxious to see them. How could they have changed their faces to their pleasant guests before. They also went to see the video they mentioned, but they didn't understand the relationship between them. Isn't there two new drugs?

Encounter this kind of thing, they subconsciously want to call Zhang Zhisu, want him to help out to support. But before dialing out, I remembered that they had been separated from each other, and they could no longer afford Zhang's lodging. They came out to be their backers. This moment, they finally regret. If you had known that Zhiyang was so unreliable, they would not follow him.

Zhang Zhiyang, who was complained by them, suddenly appeared in his mind the expression of Fang Junrong, who seemed to smile rather than smile. At this moment, he filled his head. No wonder, no wonder Fang Junrong was so easy to sell him so many medicines. It turned out that from the beginning, she had to be prepared for him. Fang Junrong and his cousin Zhang Zhisu never fell out!

He was not unaware of the impropriety, but because the interest was too attractive, he fell into it like a fool. The feeling of regret drowned him. In addition to regret, it was more the hatred of the other side's Junrong and cousin Zhang Zhishu. They were too cruel!

"It's Fang Junrong! She did me harm! She sold me all my medicines

He yelled, and his voice sounded helpless.

It's just that the rest of the people in the room aren't that easy to get mixed up with.

"Oh, do you want to say that she forced you to accept those benefits? You didn't swallow those benefits at the end of the day. Do you think we're stupid

"It was you who came to us. It's not her. If you push the pot to a woman, do you want to face it

They don't care who took out the medicine. They just want to take back the things that Zhang Zhiyang took away. No, it's not enough to take it back. He has to make up for it.

"You don't want to know anything about us."Zhang Zhiyang recognized their implication and turned pale. On the day of celebration, he finally realized the pain of being pushed down from the height. In front of him, Zhang Zhisu was injured and sent to the hospital by him. At that time, did he feel the same way? Behind his back, he always ridiculed Zhang Zhishu for being too kind-hearted. Even if he knew that he was doing something behind his back, he was just swallow his breath and was almost dragged down from the position of patriarch. Who knew that he was silent, he retaliated fiercely.

This bite really hurt him.

He looked around at his former friends, who were sharpening their swords.


"Mr. Fang, you are so good that you can easily get into the play, unlike me."

In the crew, Xiao Li, a beautiful and moving female star, approaches Fang Jueming. She also heard about Fang Jueming's story. She knew that he had been punished because he was kind-hearted and helped others. She could not help admiring his character.

Fang Jueming said: "it would be better to read the script several times and think about the mood of the characters."

Xiao Li looked at his hand and asked, "is your hand completely healed now?"

Fang Jueming's assistant heard the problem and raised it to his throat in one breath. Xiao Li is really not open to mention which pot, must say this. If she didn't have a good family background and brought her own capital, she would not be covered with sacks every day.

Fang Jueming is not angry. Instead, he thinks of his kind-hearted girlfriend Jiang Yage. If it were not for her, his hand would be good all his life. She is the angel in his heart forever. Unfortunately, the world was blinded by capital, and threw dirty water on her. Although he tried to introduce the book to the song of songs through his personal contacts. Unfortunately, those directors are afraid of being boycotted, and at most they are willing to let the song of songs perform one or two lines.

As expected, his strength is not enough, otherwise he can help her more.

"Miss Fang."

Fang Jueming returned to his senses and asked, "what's the matter?"

Xiao Li lowered her voice and asked, "did you watch yesterday's news broadcast and the press conference released by Gaoyuan group this morning?"

As a dedicated actor, Fang Jueming will eliminate external interference and pay little attention to external affairs when he is filming.

He saw Xiao Li said solemnly, can not help being aroused a bit of curiosity, "you say it."

"Gaoyuan group launched new drugs yesterday, Baiyu ointment and Jiedu pill. In particular, the white jade paste, has done a lot of clinical trials, the effect is amazing. In particular, it has a magical effect on the disabled people who have been severely injured in the bone Festival

"I thought it was too exaggerated to say that it could live bone and raw meat. I thought it was the exaggeration effect of advertisement. My relatives told me that the effect was not exaggerated at all. I was thinking, if you haven't completely healed, you can try to buy one. " Because Fang Jueming sometimes points out her relationship, Xiao Li is kind enough to remind her. Although she is a bit of a stickler, she is not an ungrateful person.

Fang Jueming listened to those magical effects and was also called white jade ointment. He was surprised.

He quickly bowed his head in accordance with Xiao Li said to find video, each video is seriously watched down.

It's impossible!

The white jade paste sold by Gaoyuan group is actually the same as that given to her by Yage! And they only sell 888 yuan a bottle. According to the press conference, I can buy one bottle a month with my personal ID card. If you can take out the hospital disability certificate and medical records, you can also give 20% discount.

He could not help but think of what the song of songs had said to him at that time.

"A friend of mine took great pains to get this medicine. He said it took more than two million yuan to buy it. Many people can't buy it with money."

"I don't want to meet a good man like you and suffer from this injustice, so I want to give you a try. If it really helps you, it's worth it, no matter how expensive it is. "

"How many times have you said that you don't have to give me money. Why do you have to give it to me. Forget it, I'll take it and see if I can buy another bottle from my friend and give it to anyone who needs it. If you can reduce one person's misfortune, then my existence will be valuable. "

Jiang Ya Ge, who said these words, looks gentle. She looks like an angel Walking down from the painting in the sunshine.

Did all this turn out to be deceptive?

He didn't want to doubt his girlfriend, but he felt that state-owned enterprises like Gaoyuan group would not make false propaganda.

He asked for a half day off with the director and went directly to buy a bottle of medicine.

when as like as two peas in the long queue, he finally got the white jade paste. He shivered and opened the bottle. The familiar medicine was drilled into his nose, just like the memory. It was just sniffing, which made people refreshed. After many times, he recognized it at a glance. It was the same.

as like as two peas, the 888 white jade paste and the Jiangya song give him a million million white jade paste.

At this moment, the angel in his heart died.