There is a live news broadcast to help promote, leading to white jade paste and detoxification Dan fire. For a moment, everyone on the Internet was talking about it. It seems that if you don't discuss the white jade ointment and antidote pill, you will be out of date. Among the netizens, some believe that the news broadcast will not make false advertisements, while others are skeptical.

This debate until the Gaoyuan group's press conference, invited a lot of veterans, to show their own experience. When they were taking the ointment, the changes at each stage were recorded. After the video was produced by Gaoyuan group, it was released at the press conference. These data are undoubtedly the best evidence.

Fang Junrong, as the person who contributed the prescription, also participated in the press conference. However, it still attended as a shareholder.

She responded to each reporter's questions in an orderly manner. She was graceful, beautiful and elegant. Among other speakers, she stood out from the crowd.

"In order to enable the general public to buy medicines, we sell them at cost prices as much as possible. We'd rather lose money than see people drag their disabled bodies because they can't afford them."

"Gaoyuan group is about to set up a foundation, and each bottle of white jade paste sold will take out 10 yuan to deposit in the foundation. This foundation will be used to subsidize the soldiers after the war, so that they can have a guaranteed life in their later years. "

"No, I don't think it's anything extraordinary. It's just the responsibility of an entrepreneur."

After the video was uploaded, the number of clicks soared, and in less than a day, tens of thousands of comments were made under the video.

Call Mr. Fang! Mr. Fang is really beautiful and kind-hearted! What conscience entrepreneur says is general manager Fang! ]

[in fact, I didn't believe that the news broadcast was so magical at the beginning. But see Fang Junrong come out, think of the magic effect of beauty pill and hair cream, I think you can trust it. After all, Fang Junrong has never cheated our consumers. I believe her. ]

[originally, I thought a bottle of 888 was too expensive, but when the veterans came out, I immediately felt that it was too cheap! If you want to know their injuries, even if it costs tens of thousands of operations, they may not be able to recover. Anyway, I will go to the drugstore to buy a bottle first, just in case. ]

[is my focus wrong? Fang Junrong is really beautiful. Is she really 42 years old? I cried. I was twenty-five years old. Standing beside her, I looked like her sister. Crying, I went to reserve a box of beauty pills for myself. ]

[888 is really cheap. Such a good effect, the cost is certainly not low. I remember a group in Zhangjia, they sell bone setting paste, a bottle of tens of thousands of pieces, the effect is not as good as this. ]

[with the white jade paste, who wants to buy the bone setting paste of one party group? Buying that one can be said to be paying IQ tax. ]

[I'm so sorry! Before one side discount, I took advantage of the discount to start a few bottles, and now all of them are smashed. Garbage side, return my hard-earned money! ]

[it is suspected that the price of Baiyu ointment was set by Fang Junrong. 888 is the same as Meiyan pill. ]

in this process, Zhang Jia was directly pulled out by netizens one after another, and became the biggest loser. In the past, they had lost a lot of word-of-mouth about the cooperation between them and Li nianjin in selling fake goods, although later, they saved a little by dumping the pot and offering him a discount. Although his family's bone setting cream was sold expensive, it was joked that it was rich cream, and poor people were not suitable for it, but the effect of bone setting cream was really good, so we could not bear it.

As a result, Gaoyuan group directly launched Baiyu ointment and Jiedu pill. The effect of white jade paste is a Pacific Ocean, and the price is one sixth of that of bone setting cream. As netizens said, who still buys bone setting cream at this time is paying IQ tax. Even the rich want to buy better things.

As a result, one party group has experienced the biggest crisis in history, and its reputation has plummeted. They were reviled as black hearted entrepreneurs.


Zhangjia was made crazy by Gaoyuan group.

Because of Zhang Zhiyang's relationship, they learned that the two bottles of medicine were made by Fang Junrong. In their idea, such medicine can no doubt be used as a family heirloom, enough to make Fang Junrong's family stand firm, just like their Zhangjiakou. However, they did not expect that Fang Junrong would hand over the prescription and even sell it at such a low price.

How can there be such a fool who doesn't make money in this world? Unfortunately, they still ran into this fool and became a stepping stone to the top of the family.

Netizens ran to their website one after another, all sorts of satirical jokes came at their fingertips.

The people of Zhangjia couldn't sit still and held a family meeting directly.

"Patriarch, why don't we reduce the price? Otherwise, if we go on like this, we will be resisted by the people. " There was a lot of talk outside about boycotting them.

Zhang Jia always thought that they didn't think highly of the ordinary people and thought that they were inferior people. However, when these lower class people unite to resist them, they will not be able to survive even if they are big and big.

"For example, we can also reduce the price to 300 yuan. In this way, we can still earn dozens of hard money." Although far less than before, but always better than a dime can not earn. After all, they still have to give up their profits.Zhang Bi immediately rejected the proposal, "no, if we reduce the price so much, don't we just admit that we were making black money before?"

In the past, it was not that no one complained that the prescriptions of Yifang group were sold too expensive. At that time, Zhangjia sent out all kinds of manuscripts, saying that their family used expensive medicinal materials, and the production steps were very troublesome, so the cost was very high, and the price was worth the money. Now the price is suddenly reduced by 100 times, just for fear that the public's anger will tear them into pieces.

Especially the people who bought the ointment from their home before, I'm afraid it's not to fight with them. There are also some people from poor families who are frugal and save to buy bone setting cream.

At the thought of that scene, Zhang Bi shuddered and became more and more bitter, hating Fang Junrong, who had brought them this trouble. Is she a fool?

"Abbi is right. We can't reduce the price." The patriarch of Zhangjia opened his eyes, and his expression showed a bit of helplessness, "take the bone paste off the shelf, and the factory also produces temporarily. Even if production continues, who will buy it? " There was a sense of desolation in his words. The benefits of bone setting cream are big, and making this decision is heartbreaking.

Fang Junrong took them by surprise. She directly rooted the foundation of Zhangjia. At this moment, even the patriarchs of Zhangjia, who had experienced ups and downs, began to feel at a loss about the future of the family.

Zhang Bi bowed his head and said, "grandfather, we have humiliated you. We haven't worked out those prescriptions yet." They can't even make beauty pills. The noble family of medicine was trampled on by an ordinary woman again and again.

Zhang Jia said: "this research continues to study, on the other hand, also want to find a way to get the prescription, no matter what means."

His eyes were shining, his face was firm, and his voice was murderous. He looked around in a circle, "whoever gets the prescription of Baiyu ointment first is the next successor of Zhangjia."

The people who heard this were not shocked by their spirits. They looked at each other, and their eyes were full of potential.

Some of them were thinking about it. Others don't know the prescription, but Fang Junrong certainly does. If you can marry her, you will get both money and money? What's more, Fang Junrong's appearance is really brilliant. It's not a shame to take it out, except that he's a little older.

Zhang Bi took their expressions into his eyes, and almost all of them had to write on their faces. He sneered in his heart: should let these people also go to hit the wall hard, Fang Junrong is not that kind of 16-7-year-old girl to cheat. Even her daughter is more difficult than her peers.

At that time, he might as well work hard on Li Shize. This man who can be cheated by Jiang Yage for such a long time is obviously a man with no brain. With his means, he can easily become a good brother with each other.


Jiang Ya Ge searched the Internet for information about Fang Junrong, and her eyes were deeply hurt by the praise on that side. What makes her even more indignant is that Zhang Bi sent her white jade cream. In the drugstore of Gaoyuan group, a bottle of white jade paste can be bought as long as 888.

How could that be possible? As like as two peas, she ran away from the drugstore and bought a bottle.

Obviously, Zhang Bi said that he spent more than two million yuan on it. She trusted him so much, and at that time she was grateful and admired him, and the results were deceptive. What worries her most is Fang Jueming. Would he have misunderstood her?

She called Fang Jueming these two days, and she was hung up every time. She has broken up with Shize. What should she do if she is determined not to want her?

She was in a state of panic. She couldn't eat or sleep well these days. She couldn't help hating Gaoyuan group. Why did they sell white jade paste? Why is it so cheap?

The quiet room suddenly remembered the sound of unlocking the door. Jiang Yage came back to her mind and looked at the door with expectation and fear.

A few seconds later, the door was opened. Fang Jueming's slender figure appeared in front of her. He had a light look, and the tenderness that had often been seen before had disappeared from his face.

Jiang Ya GE's voice is blocked. As soon as she exits, her voice brings out some kind of grievance that she used to take for granted. "Definitely, Zhang Bi cheated me. It was Zhang Bi who gave me that bottle of medicine. He came from a family of medicine, so I didn't think so much about it, so I believed it. "

After the filter was broken, Fang Jueming regained his rational position, and when he looked at Jiang Ya Ge again, he took a little more examination. Zhang Bi's reputation, which he has heard of, is said to be the most gifted doctor of the younger generation in Zhangjia.

"That is to say, he gave you that bottle of medicine? Why did he send you medicine for nothing? " Judging from the competition between Gaoyuan group and Yifang group, Zhang Jia was afraid that he had stolen the medicine by no means. However, Jiang Ya Ge was very familiar with such a family, and the other party even sent her medicine which was still precious at that time.

"I really thought it was worth a million." Fang Jueming's attitude made Jiang Ya Ge very uneasy, "I, Zhang Bi and I are friends, so he sent me."

Fang Jueming's lips curled up a cold arc, "yes, if the medicine is made by you, you will definitely sell it for a million yuan. That's why you can't imagine that Gaoyuan group is willing to sell such a large profit at cost price. ""Your spiritual state can't be compared with each other."

In his mind, Fang Junrong's words at the press conference unconsciously appeared. From the beginning to the end, she never boasted of herself with gorgeous words, and her face was calm. However, Fang Junrong, who said that she would rather lose money than see someone drag a disabled body because she could not afford medicine, was glowing. Look at Jiang Yage. If he doesn't have the halo of a big star, Jiang Yage won't choose to help him. There are so many injured people in the world, and those who are more serious than him have gone to see Jiang Yage show his love to them.

Perhaps from the beginning, it was a profit only investment. But at that time, he was blinded by gratitude, regarded the other party as a God, and accepted her completely.

From the beginning, he was wrong. Fang Junrong, who has great love, is the real angel.

Thinking of this, and seeing Jiang Yage's sad expression, he only felt affectation.

"You go, I don't want to see you again."

Jiangyage Petrochemical is in place. The thing she was most afraid of finally happened.