Fang Junrong this period of time, are concerned about the white jade ointment and detoxification pill. Although they held a press conference and produced a lot of experimental data, many people were still skeptical at the beginning. Until more and more people went to buy these two kinds of medicine, experienced its magical curative effect personally, they crazily on-line Amway. As far as she knows, the two drugs of Gaoyuan group will also be listed abroad, but the price is five times that of China.

Did she make foreign exchange for the country?

Half a month later, the heat of the white jade paste did not decrease, but increased. She also noticed that Zhang Bi's family had put up the original bone setting paste in silence.

In her eyes, she felt quite relieved.

As the market is optimistic, the stock price of Gaoyuan group has also risen. Fang Junrong this period of time did not receive less invitation her post, in everyone's eyes, she is a hot hot cake. Even her daughter Xinyun complained to her that more and more people were getting close to her in school.

Fang Junrong is very calm about this. Xinyun, as her daughter, has to face these problems sooner or later.

Another thing that makes her very happy is that Zhang Zhiyang can be said to be as embarrassed as a lost dog. He used white jade ointment and antidote pill to get benefits from many big men before. Now, the benefits he ate are not only forced to vomit out, but also have to compensate them. Even so, he and those people's relations also dropped to the freezing point, even by a few small minded people mercilessly retaliated.

Now don't mention the people who left Zhangjia with him. They cry and cry and want to go back again. It's a pity that they can't even touch Zhang Zhisu's face.

Fang Junrong felt that these people were really not ordinary thick skinned. Before they tried to help Zhang Zhiyang usurp the throne, where did the face want to talk to him? Zhang Zhisu is not the kind of virgin who returns good for evil. Although he looks gentle and easy to get along with, his means are very tough.

To her surprise, these people couldn't find Zhang Zhisu, but they found her head.

She looked at Zhang side who had slandered her in front of her, and her expression was a little more cold. She came to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony of he Jianbing's new company today. She didn't expect to meet Zhang side here.

Zhang side is no longer as energetic as he was half a month ago, and his white hair seems to be a lot more. But Fang Junrong, who had heard of his two or three things from Uncle Zhang, didn't like him at all. This once had an illegitimate son who spoiled her classmate and was directly accused. At that time, Zhang side also wanted to use the power of Zhangjia to suppress the bitter Lord. As a result, Zhang Zhisu stopped him. Finally, his illegitimate son was sent in. Since then, Zhang side has always had a lot of opinions about Zhang Zhisu, standing in the side of Zhang Zhiyang with a clear-cut stand.

"Mr. Fang, I didn't expect to meet you here." Zhang Sid piled up a smile.

He spoke one mouthful at a time. He sounded very respectful.

Fang Junrong said faintly: "it's a pity that I don't want to see you."

What she said was not direct, which made Zhang Sid's smile froze.

"I know we had some misunderstanding before. I'm here today..." Before he finished, he saw that the woman in front of him squinted at him, and there was a knowing irony in his eyes, which made his finished manuscript choked instantly. And she didn't want to hear what he said. She lifted her feet and left him in the air.

Zhang Sid's face was blue and white. He felt as if everyone was laughing at him. The old face was given to him on the spot. He was also a man who wanted face. He had no face to stay any longer and left in a gloomy mood.

After he went back, the first thing he did was to find Zhang Zhiyang and complain about Fang Junrong's cold and despotic.

Zhang Zhiyang's eye socket is sunken, this period of time has not had a good rest. As soon as he closed his eyes, those people's mouth and face would appear in his mind, leaving him awake at night. In just a short week, his wealth has shrunk by at least half, which is basically used to compensate those people. Because he didn't have enough cash, he was forced to sell a lot of real estate. The friends around him had changed their faces, and the people who followed him also complained and hated him.

Zhang said: "the woman is in a good mood now. She must be watching our jokes."

Zhang Zhiyang originally wanted to start from Li Shize and draw it slowly. Unfortunately, he doesn't have so much time now. All the crux lies in Fang Junrong. The white jade ointment and the detoxification pill have been taken out by Fang Junrong, and it is useless for him to make any decision. But he believed that Fang Junrong had other good things on hand. No matter how hard it is, if he can have beauty pills and hair cream, it will be enough for him to rise again.

Don't blame him for her unkindness. Obviously, he was polite enough to her, but she cooperated with Zhang Zhisu to push him into the pit.


Fang Junrong went to school with fruit to find Zhong Yi. She had already visited Xinyun and sent some fruit. She also does not favor one against the other, and Zhong Yi has prepared several. Xin Yun likes apples and grapes, and Zhong Yi likes peaches and oranges. She will go abroad in two days. After all, the foreign counter will open. As a founder, she has to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony.Because of martia's relationship, the branch in country x is a few days earlier than that in country y. the counter address is located in the shopping mall under martia's name.

She went downstairs and called Zhong Yi.

Zhong Yi will soon come down. She has P.E. class this afternoon. Now she is still wearing sportswear. Her simple and casual sportswear neutralizes her aggressive beauty. When Zhong Yi saw Fang Junrong, he showed a bright smile, "Ganma."

Generally, Zhong Yi will rest in the dormitory at noon and return to the room near the school in the afternoon. Fang Junrong had previously prepared houses for her and Xinyun near the school.

Fang Junrong handed the fruit to her and said, "the fruit for you. I will go abroad in a few days. You and Xinyun will take good care of yourself."

Zhong Yi nodded, "OK."

She took the fruit and spoke with Fang Junrong for a while and then walked briskly upstairs. Occasionally, she also wants to show off a little, show off the Ganma care for her.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhong Yi said to her roommates with a smile, "godmother brought me some fruit. You can try it too."

Her roommates are all very good, and she is not the kind of person who will stir up dissension in private. When she encountered the storm on the Internet, her roommates had also been posting in the school forum to speak for her. Compared with the four people next door who have built six small groups of dormitories, she is quite satisfied with the status quo.

"Your godmother sent it to you specially. There is no shortage of fruit in our school supermarket. There are all kinds of imported fruits." Chang you is a girl who talks but can't think, so she occasionally appears KY, but she doesn't have any bad heart.

Zhong Yi's tone is a little complacent, "I'll know when you've eaten it."

She washed some oranges and peaches, cut them, put them on a plate, and brought them over.

The roommates looked at the fruits on the plate like works of art, and they all stopped talking. The aroma of fruit haunted them, refreshing, let them have a kind of exposure to the forest, breathing the morning fresh air.

After they tasted it, they were directly opened to the new world. Compared with this fruit, did they really eat fruit before? It's a completely different species.

"You motherfucker, that's good for you."

"Yes, where can I sell this fruit?"

Zhong Yi's smile deepened, "this market is not yet available, or experimental varieties."


After Fang Junrong delivered the fruit, she was ready to leave. Two bodyguards followed her, one left and one right. They still attracted a lot of attention. Fang Junrong has long been used to other people's gaze, and she does not worry to leave, by the way, strolled around the campus. Although the area of Chung Yi's University is not as large as that of xinjunna University, its scenery is better.

In particular, the nearby Cherry Blossom forest is a meeting place for many couples after class.

Now it's the scene of cherry blossoms opening. The cherry blossoms on the branches tremble in the wind, and the petals flutter and fall. It's quite touching. She can't help but enjoy it once.

The cry for help came faintly.

It seems that her sense of hearing is better than that of ordinary people. She couldn't sit still. "It's like someone's calling for help."

In a small forest like this, it's normal to have an accident.

She was about to take the bodyguard in, suddenly a voice sounded, "you are here, let's go in and have a look."

She turned her head and saw two plain looking men coming out of the shadow. They belonged to those who had no memory and would be drowned in the crowd.

She was startled. They were two people who came out of nowhere.

As she watched the two men enter the woods, the bodyguard Jian Shao said in a low voice: "boss, those two should have had military background." He still has this insight, and he seems to be engaged in special work.

Jian Shao is sometimes unreliable in life, but he has no problem in professional vision.

She nodded thoughtfully.

Ten minutes later, the two men pulled several people out. In addition to a girl, there were four tall men. They were ferocious and looked like they were not easy to be provoked. They were all handcuffed and stuffed, and some of them were even more bruised and limping. It was obvious that these two men were not able to get along with them at all.

The one with dark skin made a phone call, and then the other Jun Rong said, "they should want to ambush you." He pauses and says, "let us be by your side to protect your safety. Your safety is very important."

Fang Junrong frowned and immediately thought of kidnapping, coercion and inducement. The other party obviously wanted to lead her in with a cry for help, and then ambush some of them. It's just that these people didn't expect not only the bodyguards on the surface, but also the private protection power around her.

Is this unscrupulous method Zhang Bi or Zhang Zhiyang?

She glanced at them, not too worried. There should be a way to pry open their mouths in the way they showed.……

Zhang Zhiyang, Zhang side and other Zhangjia people walked back and forth in the room, almost writing anxiety on their faces.

Suddenly, Zhang Zhiyang's mobile phone rang. After he dialed the phone, his face showed a joyful expression, "success!" I didn't expect that things would go much better than they thought. They should have used this method long ago.

They swept a period of time before the depression, that called a jubilant.

They drove directly to a house in the name of Zhang Zhiyang, which was the place they had made an appointment with.

As soon as they walked in, Zhang Zhiyang and others were surrounded immediately. With a click, their hands were handcuffed