Zhang Kaiyu, the patriarch of the Zhangjia clan, summoned all the people in his family. His eyes fell on Zhang Bi and stayed on his face for a few seconds. Then he took it back.

"Have you seen the latest news? Jiang Wenyu's paper, which was only 30 years old, was included in two top journals, with brilliant talents and promising young achievements... " He repeated the praise given by the state media to Jiang Wenyu, but did not miss the unnatural flash on Zhang Bi's face. In the past, he also attached great importance to Zhang Bi, a gifted grandson. Zhang Bi is indeed a genius among his grandsons. But there is also a gap between genius and genius.

Zhang Bi listened to his grandfather constantly boasting about the river and asked about the fish. In his heart, it seemed that a claw was constantly scratching, which made him restless. He used to have faith in himself, both in appearance and in talent. The appearance of Jiang Wenyu makes him look like a fake. They are similar in appearance, but he is more handsome than him. The two men are of the same age. Jiang Wenyu received much less education from childhood than he did. However, he published papers in those two journals with his own ability. Although he was also selected, he was only published in the journal, which can not be compared. In particular, he was also in his mother suqinying mouth to learn some of the past, so that his heart more and more uncomfortable.

Why did a river ask fish?

"Of course I know. The media has been blowing these days, and people with eyes can see it. And he looks like our great nephew. But they are more capable than abi. If a bi had three things to do with him, maybe we would have worked out Meiyan pills. " It was Zhang Bi's second uncle who spoke with a sense of being beaten.

Zhang Bi's face sank after hearing this. His two uncles boasted about the river and asked about the fish. Why did he have to step on him.

Zhang Kaiyu's voice amplified a little bit, "Jiang Wenyu is the child of our Zhangjia family, but I lost it accidentally when I was a child."

As soon as this word came out, the whole audience was suddenly quiet, and a light doubt appeared on many people's faces.

"Dad, when did we have an extra child in our family? And lost it? Why don't we know? "

"What year is this? Is it really the eldest brother's child? "

Their elder brother is Zhang Mao, Zhang Bi's father. Zhang Mao died eight years ago. They had seen the appearance of the fish before, although they had some guesses. But there is no blood relationship, but look like the person is not without, guess return to guess, who did not think that it is really a child of Zhang Jia. What's more, the patriarch admitted it directly. Seeing his attitude, he seems to have known the existence of the child for a long time?

The patriarch of Zhangjia nodded, and his expression was complicated. "He was a Mao's child. He was accidentally lost twenty-six years ago. A Mao had been thinking about him before he died. I hope I can find the child back soon and recognize his ancestors. Heaven has eyes. I didn't expect the child to be so promising. It must be the blessing of a Mao's spirit in heaven. "

"Who is the biological mother of the child? Can't be a sister-in-law? I don't remember my sister-in-law has another son. "

Obviously, the patriarch of Zhangjia didn't want to say too much about it, "his mother died early."

He stopped for a moment and said, "in order to avoid the child from thinking too much about us, when he came back, he said that he and ABI were twins, but they were lost when they were children."

He looked around, with a bit of threat in his voice, "if there is anyone in front of him to make some nonsense, don't blame me for ignoring my feelings."

All the noise stopped suddenly, and everyone looked at the patriarch in shock. According to him, the river asked fish is to be recorded in the family tree of Zhangjia as the first son.

"Will sister-in-law agree?"

Zhang's second uncle couldn't help asking. According to his father, Jiang Wenyu's identity should be illegitimate. As a result, an illegitimate child should be recorded in his own name as a legitimate son, competing for the resources of his own son. If he is a sister-in-law, it can't be tolerated.

Zhang Jia clan chief looks with a bit of forest, "she won't have an opinion."

"After that, he will be the elder brother of a bi."

It can be said that the people of Zhangjia were shocked by the bombs dropped one by one tonight. Shocked and shocked, they are used to it.

Others can't help but look at the silent wall. They are more gloating and looking forward to the good play than to be shocked. Although the existence of the fish will also threaten them, but the other side in the end has no foundation, if the good, but for them to help. But for Zhang Bi, Jiang Wenyu, who is about to become his brother on the genealogy, is absolutely stuck in his throat.

Zhang Bi's heart is really in a mess. He didn't expect that his grandfather would do this. Where will this place him? Is granddad going to treat him as an abandoned son?

When the meeting was over, Zhang Kaiyu left the child who used to be very important.

He said, "tell your mother what I said. Now, it's time for her. If she has any opinion, I can only send her back to her mother's home. "

Zhang Bi's heart gave birth to a light resentment, "grandfather, do you like him more?"

Zhang Kaiyu's face softened a little, "I grew up watching you. Who do you think I like better? Have you read Jiang Wenyu's paperZhang bi was upset when he saw Jiang asking fish. How could he still read his paper carefully?

Zhang Kaiyu said, "go back and have a good look at his paper. I suspect that Fang Junrong's beauty pill was made by him. Otherwise, how can Fang Junrong, a layman, get this thing? "

Zhang Bi suddenly realized that his grandfather wanted to do this. In the final analysis, he wanted to persuade the other party to be used by Zhang Jia. Jiang Wenyu didn't stay in Zhangjiakou before, so he has no feelings for Zhangjiakou. If you want the other party to stand by them, of course, you have to show sincerity. After all, he is just a tool man. So he was a little angry.

After going back, he would tell his mother suqinying what his grandfather said.

Su Qinying face pale, but only said, "I know." Then she went back to her home in a daze. She didn't complain about anything. Zhang Bi, who had intended to comfort her, was puzzled. Her attitude was as if she had been held by her grandfather. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something he didn't know about? What did mother do on the fish?

On the other hand, Zhang Bi's second and third uncles also discussed this rather strange thing tonight.

"Third brother, do you think Jiang Wenyu is really the child of our family?"

"That's what my father said. It must be the evidence. He can't have mixed the blood of Zhang Jia. Besides, Jiang Wenyu looks like Zhang Bi. He is a brother at first sight. "

"Are you in your head? Look at Jiang Wenyu. He is like a wall, but Zhang Bi is like his grandfather! I all suspect that Jiang Wenyu is actually the Su family. My father forced the underground elder brother to have more sons for the benefit of his father. Otherwise, how can suqinying have no problem? My wife would have killed the illegitimate child

The two men speculated several times on Jiang's question of fish, but without any substantial evidence, they could only murmur behind their backs.


The heat of this matter lasted for more than a week, and finally cooled down.

After Fang Junrong asked about the meaning of the fish across the river, he pushed off all the other interviews and mentioned it with the above. So Jiang Wenyu can finally return to his laboratory.

Although Fang Junrong guessed that the people of Zhangjia would appear, she thought that she would wait and see for a period of time. She did not expect that the other party would find the door so quickly. Moreover, Zhang Kaiyu, Zhang Bi's grandfather, came to the door in person. This is also the patriarch of Zhangjia. For Zhangjia people, from top to bottom, Fang Junrong did not like one.

Zhang Kaiyu looks good at his eyebrows. His white beard has the taste of immortality.

"Mr. Fang." He is smiling, as if the park can be seen everywhere in the Tai Chi elderly.

Fang Junrong said faintly: "there is nothing wrong with the three treasures hall. Please speak up."

Because of her excessively cold attitude, Zhang Kaiyu frowned slightly, and his eyebrows quickly expanded. "I came here today to ask the fish boy, who is our long lost grandson."

In the next, Fang Junrong heard a very touching story. Jiang Wenyu and Zhang Bi are twins. However, when Jiang Wenyu was born, he was relatively weak. In addition, the environment of Zhangjiakou was not very stable at that time. So he raised him in the countryside to recuperate and protect him. As a result, when Jiang Wenyu was four years old, they were caught and sold.

Over the years, Zhangjia has been looking for Jiang Wenyu, and Jiang Wenyu has been thinking about it before his father died. I didn't expect that they would have a reunion day.

Zhang Kaiyu said that he was in tears.

Unfortunately, Fang Junrong's heart did not fluctuate, he and she put up an impeccable smile, "I have to ask his opinion."

"Of course, it should be. Thank you for taking care of him this year

Fang Junrong quickly and river asked fish said this, "what do you think?"

Jiang asked the fish with a light look, "after all, Zhangjia is a family of medicine, and there should be some prescriptions that are not spread out." Although

is not as good as the beauty pill, it certainly has its merits, and then it can extract its essence to its dregs.

Fang Junrong heard the implication of his words, and was somewhat ashamed. Jiang Wenyu has already made up his mind to collect Zhang Jia's wool before he goes back? But it sounds, how happy it is!

"Well, you two can meet. Well, Jiedu Dan, remember to bring more bottles. " It's not the antidote pill sold on the market, but she made it with the spirit grass of space, with better curative effect.

Fang Junrong didn't stop him. Jiang Wenyu soon met Zhang Kaiyu and was forced to listen to the story again.

After Zhang Kaiyu finished, he went on: "general manager Fang is really a good man. If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have made achievements so quickly. But it's an outsider after all. It's certainly not more comfortable to do experiments on her side than at home. "

"If you go back to your family, we will certainly prepare your own laboratory for you."

He looked at the river with burning eyes and asked the fish. If Jiang asks fish for money, he can't refuse the identity of Zhang's children. If the other side is a researcher with no distractions, he can not refuse the temptation of "having his own laboratory". He has made a lot of preparations for today's meeting and is quite sure about it."Laboratory? My laboratory is very good now. "

Zhang Kaiyu said, "no matter how good it is, it can't be better than home. We can buy anything you want. "

Originally has always looked cold river asked the fish's face finally appeared the fluctuation.

"Is it true?"

"Of course." Can't we afford him with his family background?

Jiang asked the fish to take out a list, "these are some of the instruments I want to buy recently. If they can be accurate and complete, then it will be good." Although she told Fang Junrong that she would certainly prepare him properly, no one's money came from the strong wind. Fang Junrong has helped him a lot, and he has to help her save money.

Zhang Kaiyu's eyes fell on the thin paper.

Don't think he doesn't understand. Any instrument on it costs millions! In particular, the family is reluctant to buy several imported instruments with a price of over 100 million yuan. Does he want to build a world-class laboratory!

His Qi and blood were rolling up. When he looked at the river and asked about the fish, he seemed to be looking at a gold goblin.

"Can't you?" Jiang asked the fish slightly frowned, the tone showed a faint distrust, "I think with the strength of Zhangjia, this is very simple."

"Forget it, I'd better tell my boss to buy it for me."

He said that he would take the paper back.

Zhang Kaiyu understood in his heart that if he didn't agree, he was afraid that the cooked duck would fly. He could only try to show a kind smile, "of course, no problem."