He had been prepared to play emotional cards, but when he saw the paper which was as thin as cicada wings but as heavy as a thousand catties, he forgot all about it. The whole brain is full of "how much will it cost to buy all these things? It will cost hundreds of millions of dollars".

"What else do you want besides this?" He forced out a smile.

Most people would like to see their own parents, as long as this is mentioned, he can naturally talk about his parents, emphasizing how much his parents loved him and valued him as a treasure when he was still there, and continued to deepen the bonds and feelings between Jiang Wenyu and his family. It's just that Zhang Kaiyu's abacus is so good that he can't stand it. What he is facing is the river fish that has been prepared for a long time.

In Jiang Wenyu's eyes, he has already put the seal of bad people on Zhang Jia. The reason why he agreed to go back to Zhangjia is to ask for some interest for himself who almost died under the bridge, and find out who wants to kill himself. He also does not think that after arriving at Zhangjia, the other side dares to be open and aboveboard to him.

When he heard Zhang Kaiyu's words, his eyes lit up, "is it really possible?"

As soon as Zhang Kaiyu nodded, he saw that Jiang Wenyu took another piece of paper and came out. He almost stuck in his throat.

"I just didn't want to talk about these instruments. I didn't expect you to be more loving than I thought

"Thank you very much."

This is a new list of instruments. If you want to buy it, you need no less money than that one. In order to be able to perform better, Jiang Wenyu also went to professional actors. Fang Junrong knows a lot of people in the circle, and any advice is enough for him to deal with Kaiyu.

Zhang Kaiyu:

He wanted to refuse, but if he refused, it was as if he would become an unkind person in the mouth of the fish. What's more, if you can't afford to prepare for it, you will be laughed at. Zhang Kaiyu still attaches great importance to the name of Zhangjia. So he could only recognize it.

He comforted himself that it didn't matter. He was worth the investment. You know, before a beauty pill, the whole Zhangjia under the blood did not research out the thread. He has inquired about Fang Junrong. He is the only researcher here. Obviously, the latest products are related to him.

Although do a good job in psychological construction, but still heartache ah!

Then, he did not dare to mention the topic of gift, for fear that he would be cut off again.

Jiang asked the fish to see in his eyes, can not help feeling sorry. He has prepared several lists Forget it, he is quite satisfied with the present harvest. For at least the next decade, he won't need to buy new experimental equipment unless he wants to change his research direction. But it also reminds him that he can prepare more when he is free. For example, if his birthday, always give some birthday gifts.

"When do you want to go back to Zhangjia with me and worship our ancestors?"

Only after worshipping ancestors can they truly recognize their ancestors.

Jiang asked the fish had already had the idea of those books in Zhangjia and said without hesitation: "anytime." He showed a smile. The smile appeared on his face, which made his handsome face more realistic than that of a real person. It also made people smile naive. "I have heard about the name of Zhangjia for a long time. I know that this is a medical family that has been standing for many years. I want to ask for advice."

"I also want to see the gap between me and my generation."

"They certainly will." Zhang Kaiyu said that it was just for Jiang Wenyu's existence to beat those arrogant grandchildren and let them know what it means to be human outside and heaven outside, so as not to be complacent and think that they are the best in the world.

After chatting with Jiang Wenyu for about half an hour, he felt more and more sorry for his talent. If he had brought him back early, he would not have been wasted for so many years, and he would not have been picked up by Fang Junrong. Now he would have to contact each other at a lot of cost.

He and Jiang Wenyu say that they should recognize their ancestors. Jiang Wenyu is Fang Junrong, his great benefactor, so he wants to invite her over. Although Kaichang Yu deeply hated Fang Junrong for breaking the foundation of his family, he still wanted to get on well with her on the face of it. He also didn't want to ask the fish because of such a small matter, so he agreed.

Jiang Wenyu is impatient to deal with these things. He has been able to talk with Zhang Kaiyu for such a long time because of his two page experimental instruments. Seeing this, Zhang Kaiyu did not continue to talk, so he left first.

When he left, he subconsciously took out two pieces of paper again. The names of the instruments on them seemed to have their own consciousness, and drilled into his mind and turned them into a series of numbers.

Standing in the wind, a blank look appeared on his face.

Mingmingjiang asked fish that he was willing to accept his ancestors. He even had expectations and enthusiasm for the knowledge of Zhangjia. Mingming also was willing to accept the gifts from Zhangjia. The two things overlapped together and should have been double happiness. But why was he so unhappy in his heart? I always feel strange


When the river asked fish and Fang Junrong that they should recognize their ancestors, Fang Junrong was stunned and said, "you have to think clearly."

Jiang asked the fish nodded slightly, "only in this way can we learn from those things in Zhangjia." He stopped for a moment and continued, "and Zhang Bi must hate me to go back." His existence could threaten his interests.Fang Junrong understood: River asked fish is to take this disgusting Zhang Bi.

She nodded, "well, I'll accompany you to the past. It's also a visit to the so-called aristocratic family."

The word "aristocratic family" came out of her mouth with a sarcastic smell. Although Zhang Jia always talks about aristocratic family all day long, he doesn't have any style, and he doesn't have the benevolence that doctors should have, and carves interests in his bones. The name of the aristocratic family is just a sedan chair used by them to raise their own value and earn profits.

In addition, Zhang Zhiyang, who they had made friends with before, has been locked up. Zhang Zhisu obviously does not want to see them. That's why Zhang Kaiyu responded when he asked the fish and the lion. After all, Zhangjia needed more help. Jiang Wenyu is also a young hero named and praised by the government.

Just as Fang Junrong thought, Zhang Jia had no choice but to let Jiang Wenyu recognize his ancestors as soon as possible. However, Jiang Wenyu took the initiative in this matter and had to wait until the first batch of instruments were in place.

Zhangjia was still pushing. After all, those instruments were not cheap goods. However, as soon as Jiang asked the fish, the first batch arrived, and the second batch was not easy to purchase and was still working hard.

Jiang asked the fish to relax, and the final time was set on May 8.

Fang Junrong, who went back with Jiang Wenyu, was also the first time he set foot on the house of Zhangjia.

Because of the large population of Zhangjia, their houses are not in the urban area, but on the hillside. If you look at them, you can see that the ancient houses are built everywhere, and the scenery is very pleasant with the green mountains and flowing water behind them. Can be used as the scene of the ancient costume drama, but with the pride of Zhangjia, no one else is allowed to come here.

She was able to come here today because of the relationship between Jiang and the fish.

Not to mention anything else, Zhangjia is still doing a good job on the surface. Although they seem to want to tear Fang Junrong, they smile like a flower when they face her. They are very attentive. Fang Junrong also met Su Qinying, the biological mother of Jiangwen fish legend.

Su Qinying is petite and well maintained, but there is always a melancholy between her eyebrows and eyes. If a young girl in her twenties and thirties makes such an expression, it will be pitiful, but there is always an indescribable sense of disobedience when it appears on her face.

Su Qinying saw the river asked the fish, but also can't help but leave tears, voice choked, "great, I finally see you again."

"I knew my father had found you, but I didn't dare to see you because I was dreaming."

She said so, with tears, this picture is easy to make people with low tears also follow the nose. But in the eyes of Fang Junrong, I just think it's not a general fake. If it is a natural mother who loves her child, how can she refuse to look at it when she knows that her child has been found?

For example, after her rebirth, what she wants to see most is her daughter Xinyun.

Looking at Zhang Bi, supporting her mother, she looks very moved.

just when Su Qin Ying approached the river asked fish, Jiang asked the fish back a step, sneezing, "sorry, I am allergic to perfume."

Su Qinying's expression directly froze, the original touching reunion picture seems to be a delicacy with insects.

In terms of the scenery, there is no doubt that the river fish first.

Next, Su Qinying seems to have some lingering fear, and dare not do the touching mother son relationship.

At the ceremony, no one came forward to make a stumbling block, and everything went surprisingly well. Fang Junrong understood it after a little meditation. After all, the patriarch of the Zhangjia clan is determined to let Jiang Wenyu come back. If it is blocked at this time, I'm afraid it will not be torn by him.

After the ceremony, the name of the fish was recorded, with the name of Zhang Wenyu. But Fang Junrong thinks it's better to ask the fish from the river, and she believes that the other side's heart is the same.

As a guest, she took all the expressions into her eyes. The faces of the other rooms were smiling, and the meaning of watching a good play was clearly written. As for Su Qinying, when she saw the name of the fish on the top of the river, her smile was already a little bit untenable.

After incense, Jiang asked fish suddenly said: "in fact, I can have today, should thank a person, but I still don't know the identity of each other."

Originally, everyone thought that the person he wanted to thank was Fang Junrong. However, he did not know where he had turned when he asked the fish.

"At that time, I was just an ordinary teacher in the school. I didn't know how to offend each other, and I had to kill me. When my life was in danger, general manager Fang saved me

"So if I didn't have him, I would still be an ordinary teacher, and I would not have today."

Fang Junrong almost burst out laughing. She suppressed the smile on her face and added, "well, in this case, I have to thank the other party. If it was not for him, the products in my company would not be so smoothly launched. "

Her eyes fell on Su Qinying, showing a surprised expression, "eh, Mrs. Su, what's the matter with you? It doesn't look very good. "

She and the river ask fish together a sing, just want to disgust each other, the result did not expect to really have the initiative to expose the fool ah.