Su Qinying doesn't know how she survived the time behind. She felt as if she had become a wooden man, and her soul had been drifting away from the sky for a long time. By the time her consciousness returned, she was back in the room. She subconsciously looked at the mirror, the mirror of her face without blood, between the eyebrows with a panic. Looking at it, she couldn't help but think of another face. That face is attentive and quiet, but between the eyebrows and eyes is unchangeable firmness, and she is the opposite.

She shook her head to shake off the picture. "You're dead. Don't try to pester me again."

The face broke into pieces and disappeared. Nevertheless, Fang Junrong and Jiang Wenyu's words were firmly rooted in her mind and turned into poison wine, which made her suffer a lot.

When she accidentally saw Jiang Wenyu on campus, her face gave her an infinite sense of crisis. His eyes coincided with the memory of that person, turned into her countless nightmares, pestering her.

Only that child, can't let him come back, can't let him threaten Abbi's position.

For this reason, she was cruel, because she did not dare to look at the face, and chose to destroy his appearance. Unexpectedly, the child survived without any influence. She even met Fang Junrong. With her support, she even became famous in China and became a new generation of adopters. Her favorite son, in his light was set off like a mediocre.

He even returned to the family as the first born son.

All the things she was afraid of happened, but Su Qinying couldn't stop it. She could only watch.

She regretted that if she didn't have a moment's obsession, Jiang Wenyu would be just an ordinary university teacher. Sooner or later, her talent would be wasted by the school's trivia, and he would not meet Fang Junrong, who was nosy.

It's just that she didn't have time to go back. Now she does not dare to do superfluous small action, otherwise her father-in-law whose interests are supreme will certainly not bypass her easily.

"Mom, what's the matter with you today?"

Her son Zhang Bi's voice pulled her out of her own world.

She looked at the wall and pulled the corners of her mouth. "Nothing. I just feel aggrieved for you."

Zhang Bi thought of today's star studded Jiang Wenyu. No, he should be called Zhang Wenyu now. He is also very upset. Look at the importance of his grandfather and others, maybe he will be replaced sometime. But he wanted to ask fish for Zhang can't be too obvious, otherwise in grandfather's side will lose points, so now he can be said to be in a dilemma.

Although the heart has more dissatisfaction, but he did not show, the mouth still said: "there is nothing to be aggrieved, we are brothers, should have been watching to help."

An idea came into his mind.

Zhang Wenyu didn't seem to like the character of competing for power and profit, so he devoted himself to the research. Then he can wait for his research results and get them in his hands. Thinking of this, he was a little more welcome to Zhang Wenyu's arrival.


After a trip to Zhangjiang, Fangrong went to see things clearly. Jiang Wenyu's nominal mother is likely to be the one who did harm to Jiang Wenyu. As a mother, how can someone want to kill their children for no reason? In particular, compared with Su Qinying's love for Zhang Bi, it is even more ridiculous. There is only one explanation, that is, Jiang Wenyu is not her own son.

Taking advantage of Su Qinying's restlessness of mind, as a woman, Fang Junrong is naturally much easier to get close to her, and easily gets the other party's hair. In addition, Jiang Wenyu's hair will be used for identification at that time. Jiang asked the fish also got Zhang Bi's hair, gave it to her, and asked her to send it together for identification.

Jiang Wenyu is not alone in Zhangjia's Longtan tiger den, and there are three other people following him. One of them is the nutritionist in charge of his three meals, and the other two are the guards arranged by him, especially in the aspect of investigation. However, the identity on the surface is his assistant. Although neither of them knows how to prepare reagents, it is still OK to help wash a bottle.

With such a lineup, Fang Junrong is confident of his personal safety. It should be said that if anyone is really stupid enough to ask the fish for help, he will not be opened to check the water meter.

The result of genetic identification did not come out so quickly for a while, and Fang Junrong was not in a hurry.

Obviously, Zhang Jia is very happy to let everyone know that they belong to their family, so they have a lot of publicity in the circle. There are also many people asked about Fang Junrong related things, she basically took a few words in the past.

Compared with these, she is more concerned about the changes of her jadeite cave.

After the baiyugao and Jiedu pills were put on the market, she could detect the changes of jadeite cave day by day. These days, it should have changed a lot.

She returned to her room, locked the door, and entered the cave.

This time she came in, she could obviously feel that the aura in the air was more abundant than before. Just breathing this action, she would wipe out all the tiredness on her body.

Her first reaction was to look at the stone tablet, but there was no new prescription on it.No, I'm still greedy. I'm very lucky to be able to get so many good prescriptions. I can't have a good prospect in Sichuan.

Although there is no new prescription, she has a wider range of activities. In the past, her activities were limited to the mountaintop and mountainside, but now she can walk to the mountain, and finally set foot on the land that makes her very greedy.

Her mind came to her, and soon people went from the top to the bottom. Look around, this is a field of medicine! Because there was no introduction on the stone tablet, she didn't know its efficacy. The lingering brilliance of herbs shows the extraordinary. Not far from the river, the stream water is clear to the bottom, but the aura is much less than the spring at the top of the mountain. But it can't stand. It's a lot.

She stood by and watched quietly. Every once in a while, the stream seems to have its own consciousness, turning into water mist and falling on the field of medicine.

It seems that the stream is specially used for watering medicinal fields.

Fang Jun Rong Ruo thought about it and looked at every medicine. She didn't recognize most of them. She only recognized a wild ginseng. Wild ginseng is usually dense forests in the deep mountains. The environment is difficult. It can be said to be the cream of the world. The higher the year, the higher the price. Usually it is not easy to find the real wild ginseng. Looking at the wild ginseng planted like Chinese cabbage, she couldn't help doubting her own eyes.

Just for a second thought, this is a cave full of vitality. The spirit grass planted casually, such as yunyingcao and qixingcao, is quite extraordinary. Wild ginseng, which is very rare in the world, seems to be ordinary when compared with these spiritual grasses.

She saw that the quantity here was not small. In addition, she only recognized this one, so she dug out two plants.

She couldn't help but smack her tongue. It was bigger than the wild ginseng that she had seen in the auction house. The older the wild ginseng is, the stronger its medicinal properties are.

She brought the two plants back to reality, packed them carefully in boxes, and prepared to ask professional organizations to help identify the years.

Well, it always seems that she has forgotten something.


Two days later, Fang Junrong listened to Jiang Dexian's clear voice and finally recalled what he had forgotten.

"The afternoon after tomorrow will be the final of the future star competition. You promised that Miss Xinyun would be the guest."

Fang Junrong also recalled. The star of the future is the name of the show that Xin Yun and Zhong Yi played. They invested a lot of money in the two early stages. When the popularity of the competition became more and more famous, even TV stations even contacted them to carry out live broadcasting for them. Several companies came to their homes to advertise the festival. Xinyun selected several of them with good reputation for cooperation. Of course, the beverage aspect is impossible. After all, it overlaps with Shengxing's.

The money they had invested in previously has been earned, not to mention, but also started the popularity of Shengxing brand. At the age of two children, they have done quite well. Although Fang Junrong also provided some help, most of them did it by themselves.

She thought about that day's dress is relatively low-key, but this so-called low-key is also relative to the previous. Because the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I choose the Milky silk pleated top with sequin embroidery split skirt, which shows a little gentle and peaceful. The hair is simply pulled up, and the jade hairpin is used to tie it off. The emerald green adds a vivid color.

Xinyun had been waiting for her at the school gate. Today is just Sunday. She was wearing a peach red skirt. If she didn't pay attention to the color, she would be rustic, but her heart was red and her teeth were white, which made her young and invincible.

"Thanks to the help of aunt he and aunt Zhou, my final guest lineup is not a disgrace. But they add up, certainly can't compare with mom, mom is the first flow. " Her mouth with wipe honey, do not forget to flatter her, make Fang Junrong face smile deepened.

Li Xinyun took her hand and introduced him to her: "Li Xuan, the captain of free, once a hot group..."

Fang Junrong noticed that Jiang Dexian, who had always been smiling slightly, changed his face slightly. It was obvious that he knew this man, and the contradiction was not small. Otherwise, he would not have changed Jiang Dexian's face, which is always like a wild crane in idle court. She remembered the name in silence.

Naturally, Li Xinyun did not find these things, and introduced himself, "ah, there is Fang Jueming. In fact, what I didn't invite was that he offered to take part in the competition and praised me that the competition was clean and open to the public After all, a lot of draft competitions are actually made by the brokerage company in order to promote people. The people who participate in the competition are not real ordinary people, they are all trained trainees. Many people don't know how many times they have participated in the draft.

In the early days, the agents didn't look at the competition, so they didn't look at the competition. For Li Xinyun, these ordinary people are undoubtedly the raw stones without carving. Watching the original stones show their true core on the stage bit by bit and accompany them to grow up is the real fun of the talent show competition.

Fang Junrong frowned a little when he heard Fang Jueming's name, and his eyebrows soon expanded, but the sense of absurdity still lingered on. Fang Jueming in his previous life led public opinion for Jiang Ya Song, which led to Xin Yun being bullied by the Internet. On the contrary, he boasted of Xinyun and even took the initiative to be a guest.This contrast, she did not feel happy, only feel ironic.

Sensing the change in her attitude, Xin Yun asked, "Mom, don't you like him?" Her eyes were black and white, and she looked at people with a stubborn innocence.

Looking at her, Fang Junrong heart of depression will be scattered some, the lip corner smile more than a few points of sincerity.

"I don't like it. I don't like him."

When she said this, she saw Fang Jueming coming in this direction.