With Fang Junrong's current position, it is only a word of Kung Fu to ban Fang Jueming. But after her rebirth, she decided not to go home or not, but she just let her company not cooperate with him and didn't really fight him. Fang Jueming, in his previous life, in addition to being dazed by Jiang Yage, had selfish intentions. Compared with Zhang Bi Wang Xiao, who always break the law, he is a good man. He also has a very good reputation in the circle, and he will speak up when he sees someone bullying a new person with a bully. Before the hand will be injured, but also because can't see the hidden rules.

Although she wants revenge, she has her own bottom line. In any case, they will not let themselves degenerate into people like Li nianjin.

Hearing the speech, Li Xinyun showed his annoyed expression. If I knew my mother didn't like him, I shouldn't have allowed him to be a guest.

"Mr. Fang." Fang Jueming came over with a smile on his face. Because of Fang Junrong's remarks at the press conference of Gaoyuan group, he was very fond of Junrong, and felt that he was a real conscientious entrepreneur, different from others. So when she knew that her daughter held the competition, she volunteered, even without charge.

Fang Junrong looks light. People who are familiar with her can naturally perceive her unhappiness, but those who are not familiar with her will only think that this is her always high and cold attitude. Fang Jueming is the latter, so he doesn't think that this attitude is wrong - like Fang Junrong's identity, high cold point can block the wild bees and butterflies. He just sighed in his heart that Fang Junrong was even better maintained than the female stars in the entertainment industry. Judging by her appearance and bearing, she could not see her age at all. No one doubted that she was 25 years old. At this moment, his mood with many people who first met Fang Junrong reached a resonance: Li nianjin is absolutely blind!

His eyes fell on Fang Junrong's side of Jiang Dexian. He felt that this man was too handsome, and seemed quite familiar. But I didn't remember for a while.

"Let's go and have some time."

Fang Junrong said to Jiang Dexian that there were still more than half an hour before the competition. She was not in a hurry to come to the stage and didn't want to go backstage. After all, there were many people there. Her present status, I'm afraid not many people want to get close to, it's better to go shopping in school. It happens that the weather is quite cool today, and the breeze is blowing, which is very pleasant.

Hearing this, Fang Jueming seems to have a flash of lightning in his mind, illuminating part of his memory. "It's him," he said

Unexpectedly, he ran to be the assistant of Fang Junrong. However, it is also good that his personality is not suitable for staying in the entertainment industry, not smooth enough, just like he was when he first started. Working for Fang Junrong is a good way out. He had heard that Fang Junrong had a beautiful little white face beside him. She loved him very much and often took it with him. I think it should be Jiang delighted. But judging from the atmosphere between the two today, it doesn't look like a foster relationship at all. I'm afraid that it's outsiders who live by themselves and speculate maliciously. Fang Junrong still can not be moved by rumors, and he is indeed a man of magnanimity and brightness.

He suddenly remembered Li Xuan, who also came to be a guest today. He couldn't help shaking his head. There was a lot of fun. However, if Li Xuan wanted to take advantage of Jiang, it was impossible. Fang Junrong looked at him as a protector. How could he tolerate being bullied by others.


As the organizer of the competition, Li Xinyun has a lot to do with her, especially at this time point. So after receiving Fang Junrong, she dodged and returned to her workplace.

However, before she left, she did mention one thing with Fang Junrong.

"Oh, by the way, my sister, she took a fancy to the No. 12 player. She thought he had a good talent and a strong creative ability. She was ready to sign into the company no matter whether he won the championship or not." She pauses and says, "but I don't like him very much. I think he is impure. He must have come for my sister."

"Maybe I want to climb up to my elder sister and struggle for less than ten years. I've seen too many people of this type! "

What her sister said was Zhong Yi. In the past, she usually called her sister Zhong Yi. With the relationship between the two sisters getting better and better, now she calls her sister directly.

Fang Junrong took a puff at the corner of his mouth and flicked her forehead. "OK, look at Zhong Yi's own plan. She has a lot more vision than you

Zhong Yi has suffered a lot since she was a child. She is much more powerful than Xinyun, a beloved little girl, in terms of observing people's appearance and judging people.

Li Xinyun touched his forehead, muttered two words and ran away like a gust of wind.

After she left, Fang Junrong asked Jiang Dexian, "do you know Li Xuan?"

She just searched Li Xuan's news and found that he and Jiang Dexian used to be in the same company. The situation between the two is very different. Li Xuan was the leader of the group when she started her career. Although the latter group was slowly passing away, with her qualifications and timely transformation as an actor, she made several popular idol dramas, and at least she could be regarded as a second-line star.

On the other hand, Jiang Dexian was suppressed and refrigerated at the beginning. All the roles he got over the years were dragon tricks, which could be said to be a waste of God's face of enjoying food.

Jiang Dexian touched his face, "is it obvious?"Fang Junrong nodded, "I feel you were angry at that time." This can be said to be quite a magical thing, she actually saw Jiang Dexian angry one day. After all, this is the character who is outside, even if she is regarded as a small white faced plaything in captivity, but still able to fight back.

Jiang Dexian was silent for a moment and said, "it's not something that people can't know."

"In the past, he and I were supposed to form a team, but I was acquiesced to be the captain."


Although a little excessive, but in this serious moment, Fang Junrong can not help laughing. At the thought that Jiang Dexian might have become an idol, singing and dancing on the stage, she would like to laugh, and her sense of disobedience was too strong.

Jiang Dexian pointed his finger at his temple. His tone was hard to hear, but he said, "I guess you'll react like this."

"You go on."

Jiang Dexian said: "later, a big man in the circle took a fancy to me. When my company told me about it, I refused. The big man was so angry that he ordered me to be banned. You know what's going on behind me

Fang Junrong asked, "what did Li Xuan do here?"

Jiang Dexian's personality she still knows, not that kind of narrow-minded people. It is impossible to hold a grudge against him because the other party becomes the captain. Li Xuan must have mixed a foot in it.

Jiang Dexian looked slightly cold, "I later learned that he recommended me in front of the big man. Because he knew that with my character, he would not agree to such a thing. Later, he recommended a young one to that one, and then he successfully became the team leader, and all the resources were tilted on him

Although Fang Junrong knew that there were a lot of filth in this circle, he didn't pay much attention to it. At first, he was disgusted.

It's not easy for Jiang Dexian.

Unable to think of any consolation, she could only say, "shall I give you a raise? Add 10%

Jiang Dexian didn't hold back his smile. When he laughed, his eyes seemed to be full of spring light. "The boss is really a very gentle person."


This is the first time she has been given such a comment. Although in the early stage, in order to make things convenient, she made herself a good wife and good mother, but later, after Li's face was covered with blood, even the most stupid people had come back to their minds, and there was no lack of murmuring that she was really cruel. It's just that she won't regret it. She'll do it many times.

After walking around the lake, Fang Junrong returned to the competition field. The atmosphere of the final was more lively than she thought, and the audience was full. She looked at it. There was a juice of Shengxing on the table in front of each of them.

Fang Junrong's lips were tinged with a smile. Suddenly, there seems to be an accident in the backstage. There seems to be something wrong with the sound.

Fang Junrong simply asked Jiang Dexian to go over and have a look. Jiang Dexian nodded slightly and went to the backstage. He saw that in the air-conditioned room, Li Xinyun was in a sweat.

"Check it! Look where the problem is! Who was in charge of this just now

Jiang Dexian walked over and said, "I'll help you." Then the corresponding inspection area was arranged for each staff. Through the investigation, it was found that the wire of one of the equipment was in poor contact.

After finishing this, Li Xinyun breathed a sigh of relief. After thanking Jiang Dexian, she ran to see other places and asked Jiang Dexian to keep an eye on this side for her. She just walked away and had problems, which made her angry.

Jiang Dexian has nothing to do, so he just helps here.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you here, ah Xian."

Hearing this address, Jiang Dexian frowned because of disgust and looked at each other, "it's you."

It was Li Xuan.

Li Xuan saw him here, Leng for a moment, picked pick eyebrows, "ah Xian is here to work?"

He showed a regretful expression, "with your appearance and ability, why do you feel aggrieved to work here?" Looking at what used to be better than his companions, now mixed with mud, let his heart emerge a strong sense of superiority. Although his popularity is not as good as before, he is also a star of the scenery.

Jiang Dexian said lightly: "my work is very good now."

"We are also old acquaintances. If you are in trouble, I am willing to give you a hand. How much salary can you get? It's very humble. It's better to work as an assistant for me, and I'll give you a salary of 30000. " He pauses for a moment, the smile on his face is a bit more ironic, "can you get 10000 yuan now? Has anyone helped you pay five insurances and one gold? "

Jiang Dexian said: "the salary is not low, but the bonus is better. This year, I almost got 50 million yuan." In this regard, I still want to thank Zhang Zhiyang, and hope that the more unjust, the better.

Li Xuan:???