Li Xuan thinks that Jiang Dexian is not joking with himself? 50 million? Does he think he is the CEO of the world's top 100 companies?

He sneered. "You're getting more and more funny. Which company gives such a high bonus? Why don't you introduce me? " In those three years when he was most popular, he didn't make so much money. Jiang Dexian didn't want to lose face in front of him, so he said big words on purpose.

Jiang Dexian glanced at him and said, "you can't. IQ is not enough, temperament is too greasy. Have you been out of injection for a long time and your face is going to collapse. Can you still make expressions when you are filming? "

Li Xuan felt a burst of anger rushed to tianlinggai. His hands clenched into fists and his teeth clenched. "You bastard --"

"are you all right?"

Zhong Yi's voice chimes in) and she looks at Jiang Dexian. "Assistant Jiang, should there be no problem here?"

Jiang de leisurely nodded, "I'm staring at it."

Zhong Yi showed Hao Ran's smile, "I'm sorry, we are short of manpower." She and Xin Yun are still inexperienced and have not found all kinds of talents, so they have to do a lot of things by themselves. She looked at Li Xuan and said, "is Mr. Li going to stay and help?"

Li Xuan changed her anger and changed her smile. "No, I just saw my old friend. Come and have a chat."

He looked at Jiang Dexian, snorted from his nose and left the stage.

Jiang Dexian checked again. He pondered a little, or reminded Zhong Yi, "it's better to keep away from him, and be careful that he harms other people."

Zhong Yi Leng for a moment, and then nodded, whispered: "in fact, it is his own initiative to find the door."

Although Li Xuan is not a first-line star, she is also popular. She and Xin Yun look ordinary in the early stage of the competition, so they can't invite big stars. Although it's no problem to ask a godmother, there's no need to send out a godmother. So at this point in time, Li Xuan, who came to the door voluntarily, can be said to be a more cost-effective one. However, after more contact, although she had some antipathy to Li Xuan's character, she signed all the contracts and certainly could not withdraw.

Jiang Dexian didn't say much when he saw that she had a good idea. He would remind him or not because of the boss, who takes his two daughters seriously.


On the other hand, Fang Junrong also met Li Xuan, who was late. Several guests, Li Xuan arrived the latest. He exchanged greetings with everyone with a smiling face. It is the so-called hand out smile, even if everyone is angry, it is not easy to make.

"I'm sorry to be delayed by something. After the game, I'll invite you to dinner." When he spoke, his eyes fell on Fang Junrong, and his eyes were full of amazement. Fang Junrong's appearance is younger and more beautiful than he imagined, especially when he glances at people, it makes people itch. After meeting Jiang Dexian, he also asked the staff in private. Only then did he know that Jiang Dexian was Fang Junrong's assistant, and he was inseparable from each other.

Think of Jiang Dexian's 50 million bonus again. It's not like being an assistant or being a foster lover. I didn't expect that Jiang Dexian pretended to be lofty for so many years, but he still had the face to pose in front of him after wading through the muddy water. Just compare Jiang Dexian's golden master, and then compare his past. The quality gap is too big, which makes him feel particularly uncomfortable.

The gloom of his eyes flashed past, and then became resolute. He is so famous than Jiang Dexian. There is no reason why Jiang Dexian can, but he can't. If Jiang Dexian knew that his gold master had been hooked by him and ran away, he would never be able to maintain his seemingly indifferent style?

Thinking of this, his smile deepened, his eyes bent up, showing his teeth. This tiger tooth was deliberately made by him before. Many people like it to make him look like a teenager. He has been in favor for many years, but recently his face has become stiff and he has gradually fallen out of favor.

"Miss Fang, I didn't expect to see you here. Today is really my lucky day."

He had a bright smile and looked clear.

If Fang Junrong didn't know what he had done, it would be fine. After knowing it, looking at this face, nausea naturally appeared in her stomach. Her expression was indifferent, but her words were not polite. "It seems that I am not very lucky today."

The smile on Li Xuan's face was stiff. He didn't expect that Fang Junrong would not give face at all. She is the same guest as her. Even if she doesn't like him, she doesn't even want to do superficial work? He could detect the suspicious sight from all around, which made his face hot, mainly angry. He size is also a star, in front of everyone's face was Fang Junrong's face.

It must be Jiang Dexian who said a lot of bad things about him in front of her!

He thought indignantly, but he did not dare to attack Fang Junrong. The difference between their status was too big. He could only hang down his head, which was called indignation in his heart.

He opened his mobile phone and found a text message. After reading it for a long time, he finally made up his mind. If Fang Junrong had been kind to him, he would have stood by her side and told her something. Now Oh, he wishes Fang Jun's misfortune.

If Fang Junrong knew Li Xuan's idea, he would sneer. Who does he want her to face?When she got to her present position, she didn't need to look at people's faces everywhere.

She flipped through the information in her hand.

Today is the final. There are two players in the final, one is Ren Dongzhi, No. 12, and the other is Dong Junming, No. 7 player. The picture of Ren Dongzhi has a kind of conspicuous beauty and deep outline. That pair of peach blossom eyes neutralized his cool temperament, more hook people's taste. If you look at Dong Junming, he is a very popular cute and handsome little fresh meat. When he laughs, he seems to be very simple, like a harmless little animal.

It's also because of their good luck and the quality of the players they took part in, especially the two of them, who are not inferior to those who have been trained professionally.

According to the data, Ren Dongzhi is still a rare creative player. Every song he sings in the competition is composed by himself, which can be said to be a rare talent. It is no wonder that Zhong Yi takes a fancy to him and intends to take him into the company.

It's just that Ren Dongzhi, the name, sounds really familiar, and her appearance makes her familiar.

Fang Junrong never ignored her intuition. She took a picture of Ren Dongzhi and sent it to her friend he Jianbing.

Do you have any impression of this child? ]

he Jianbing recovered quickly.

[eh, isn't this Ren's dumpling? I remember you were at his 18th birthday party. He is becoming more and more handsome. ]

Fang Junrong puffed at the corners of her mouth, no wonder she felt familiar with it! After a long time, I'm still a member of the circle. Ren Dongzhi, many people hear the name, the first reaction is the winter solstice. In Ren Dongzhi's hometown, he would eat Tangyuan on the winter solstice, so he got the nickname of tangyuan. With his previous appearance, it was round and round, and it really looked like a lovely dumpling.

She searched for her mobile phone and finally found a picture of her at home in a corner. At that time, Ren Dongzhi was 18 years old. Although he looked likable and cute, he was totally not handsome. However, now that he is thin, he is a beautiful man. Can only say that every fat man is a potential stock?

She thought of her daughter Xinyun, who complained falsely that many people were saying that Ren Dongzhi was going to hold the bell to win the championship.

She only thought it funny that Ren's family had several courtyards. The rich second generation of Ren Dong Zhituo, who was the youngest son in his family, was so much loved that he needed to hold his thigh on top of his head? It's probably the funniest joke she's ever heard today.

It's just that rumor that can be spread to people like Lian Xinyun who don't pay much attention to the outside world knows that someone is maliciously defaming him with his knees. After all, the public are deeply distressed by the hidden rules. Once they are infected, it is easy to lose their popularity. And in the draft competition, the passer-by is also very important.

At this time, Fang Jueming, who was separated from her by two positions, frowned. He turned to look at Fang Junrong and quickly pressed the phone screen. After a while, her old friend, Zhou Yang, the host of antique romance, stood up and said to Jun Rong, "ah, Junrong, I suddenly think that something has been forgotten for you. I put it backstage."

Fang Junrong just wanted to say that he could wait until the game was over. She swallowed the words as soon as they went round her tongue. Zhou Yang has been in the entertainment industry for so long. She should know when to do what. It was probably just an excuse for her to talk to her alone.

What's the important thing to make Zhou Yang look for her at the beginning of the competition.

She stood up with a gentle smile. "I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. Let's go."

"We'll be back soon."

Zhou Yang turned his head and said in a low voice: "I just received a bad news."

When he found a place where there was no one, Zhou Yang continued in a low voice: "Fang Jueming just told me that he had received a chat record from a friend."

"You know, he's very loyal, even with the media marketing number is not bad."

This point Fang Junrong is admitted, just because the other side is determined not to like, she does not want to hear Zhou yangkua this person.

"The chat record is Gao Lin, an agent of Haitang entertainment company. She found several marketing numbers and paid for the manuscript. "

Fang Junrong also smelled the bad taste. Begonia entertainment company in the circle of fame, even she has heard of some, but it is not good. This company is very keen on hype for its artists, anything can be fried, scandal black history touch porcelain As long as you can make fire, you can do everything.

"There are two editions. One of them is to boast that Dong Junming won the championship. He is the most powerful champion in the draft ever

"The other is about Dong Junming, who lost the championship because he didn't want to hide the rules."

Fang Junrong's face sank, "Dong Junming should have signed a contract with Haitang?"

Zhou Yang said: "I heard the wind before that Gao Lin had contacted him, but Dong Junming met a lot of agents this time, so I didn't think so much." She and Fang Junrong relationship is good, in the news, will quickly inform her. But what she didn't expect was that Fang Jueming also chose to stand at the head of Fang Junrong.Fang Junrong aroused a cold smile, "this is to step on the heart of Yun, they are not afraid of appetite too big to support themselves."

She was really angry.