Although Fang Junrong does not mix that circle, but listen to more gossip on the wine table, for some of the way is still clear. In the past, she had a bad impression on Haitang company, but now the other party is even more calculating on Xinyun, which makes her impression directly fall below the negative value.

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Yang had a good relationship with her. After Fang Junrong gave her Meiyan pills and hair cream, she even claimed to be her good friend. In addition, Junrong's status was not low. With her care, Zhou Yang also had a lot of disgusting people's troubles in the circle. Therefore, she took Fang Junrong's side more and more into consideration.

Like this competition, she also contributed a lot. Several guests were introduced by her, and she herself came to participate in the final.

"According to the plan of Haitang company, whether Dong Junming loses or wins this competition, they can maximize their interests. No, it should be said that if Dong Junming loses, the interests can be maximized. They should expect Dong Junming to lose more. "

After all, if he loses, Dong Junming will become a tragic hero who loses under the "hidden rules" under the operation of Haitang company. He can absorb the love of a wave of passers-by. He is not a champion, but a champion.

"Let him become a champion, although it will be disgusting, but the loss of Xin Yun is the smallest." Zhou Yang made a very pertinent comment.

Fang Junrong said coldly, "that would be too cheap for them. In this arena, it is the strength to speak. If he wins the game by virtue of his strength, I am convinced that he must use this disgusting technique

After hearing this, Zhou Yang understood her intention. Fang Junrong has always been soft rather than hard. The more like this, the less likely she is to compromise.

She saw her lips suddenly aroused a shallow smile, "they just want to be famous? Then I'll give them more fame. "

She had a smile on her face, but no smile in her eyes.

Fang Junrong in just that moment, he thought of a good way to fight back. Over the past year, for the sake of Meifang company, she has more or less contacted with marketing, and she really knows some marketing numbers on hand. It's just that she won't show up in person and leave a handle on each other. She began to call the company's public relations team.

Zhou Yang looked beside a face muddled, she some do not understand the operation of Fang Junrong now. Just now, Fang Junrong asked people to write two versions of marketing manuscripts. The names of those marketing manuscripts were so embarrassing that she was so skillful! Does she usually order this kind of tabloid to read it.

"Shocked, powerful player Dong Junming was defeated for this reason?"

"The real champion, our beloved Dong Junming"

"he lost the champion just because he didn't want to hide the rules. Dong Junming shed tears on the stage"

"angel on the stage, Dong Junming"

"the most shameless champion in history, Ren Dongzhi"

"dedicated to the future? It turns out that you are such a Ren Dongzhi "

Zhou Yang asked her in a low voice after her phone call," what are you doing? Are you helping them with their marketing

Fang Junrong's chest depression dissipated some, and his face also had a little smile, "when did we start the game?"

"Half past nine."

Fang Junrong nodded, "the result just came out at 10:30, right."

"So I asked them to send out these marketing drafts 10 minutes in advance, and they didn't need to tag the topic."

Zhou Yang soon understood what she meant. Fang Junrong is equal to spreading the other party's marketing on the surface, so that everyone can know that before the result of the competition comes out, there is already a marketing number ready to blackout Ren Dongzhi. No matter whether Ren Dongzhi wins or loses, there is a manuscript waiting for him. The reason why there is no label topic is that we simply don't want the other party to find out that quickly.

Her eyebrows spread out. "Let's go. It's almost time."

Fang Junrong and her return to the field, two faces with a faint smile, looks like a good mood.

At half past nine, the final officially begins.

Dong Junming, No. 7 player, looks delicate and clever. When singing, he is surprisingly explosive, especially his dancing level is quite good. In fact, even if he doesn't hype, it's not difficult for him to make a name by virtue of his strength, but he is too eager for quick success and instant benefit, and he has to take a shortcut.

Before Fang Junrong came over, he also learned about the scoring rules. The total score is the sum of audience score, judge score and guest score, of which audience score accounts for 40%, while judge score and guest score account for 30% respectively.

Although Fang Junrong had a bad impression on him, he was fairly fair when he scored him. He didn't deliberately give a low score and gave him a score of 92. The total score will not be released until both of them have finished singing, which can be regarded as a kind of gimmick.

After his performance, Dong Junming made a touching speech on the stage. It's just to say how hard it is to get to this point. When he was a child, because of his poor health, his mother felt that he was a burden, leaving him to leave, leaving him and his father alone. Father's health is not good, these years basically lie in hospital bed recuperation. In order to earn his father's medical expenses and let his father enjoy his old age, he chose to be a singer and sing in every bar.Without backstage, he suffered a lot of losses before and after. He even said that good performance opportunities were often replaced by others. He was once cheated out of his savings in the name of helping out with records. When it comes to sentimentality, his tears fell down on the spot, which made many fans blush with their eyes.

Then at the back of the big stage, he began to play what his relatives and friends said to him, which was nothing more than praising him for being sensible and a good child.

In a word, Dong Junming successfully created a sensible and tough image on the stage.

Fang Junrong believes that these experiences are true, but the heart of unscrupulous means for the sake of being superior is also true.

After Dong Junming stepped down, he turned to Ren Dongzhi.

Ren Dongzhi went on stage with a guitar in his arms. He sat down with his hands waving on the strings. The melodious music flowed quietly. He sang without any other accompaniment. The timbre of the guitar shows the magnetism and gentleness of his voice. It is obviously a light and pleasant song. With his singing, there is a kind of inexplicable sadness.

From the lyrics, this is a song that a boy gave to his ex girlfriend. The ex girlfriend is about to get married. The boy is sentimental, but he tries to wish each other happiness with lively songs. Lingering in it is the constant affection and protection.

Fang Junrong was really surprised that she had never heard of this song. It should have been composed by himself.

After one song, the audience was quiet, and then there was thunderous applause.

Fang Junrong also applauded. She did not expect Ren Dongzhi to perform more brilliantly than she imagined.

After Ren Dongzhi performed, he thought for a while and said, "I don't know what to tell you. What do you want to hear from me?"

He is sharp and angular. He looks like he is a kind of person who is not easy to be provoked. However, he has a kind of dull and cute feeling when he opens his mouth.

"One more song!"

"One more song!"

Ren Dong Zhi thought about it and nodded, "OK, I'll sing at will, and you can listen to it."

Then he sat down and began to play and sing. Originally, the big screen at the back was ready to put his friends' VCRs. As a result, Ren Dongzhi came directly. The backstage staff can be said to be very embarrassed. Do you want to play it. If you don't, it's strange to lack this process.

They can't help but turn to look at Zhong Yi, who is sitting backstage.

On Zhong Yi's face appeared a smile that could not help laughing. She cleared her throat and said, "let it go. It's time to give him music. Since he made trouble for us, we should pay him back. " She doesn't think it will really affect Ren Dongzhi. During this period of time, she and the other side played a teaching, had to admit that he is indeed a genius in composition, often walking, suddenly had inspiration, to a paragraph.

So there was a scene on the stage that made people laugh and cry. While playing VCR, Ren Dongzhi is singing a song that he wrote to his fans on the spot. When he couldn't think of the words, he turned his head and looked at the VCR behind his back. Without expression, he made up a pile of rainbow farts praised by his relatives and friends, which was quite shameless.

"He's smart, he's confident, he's worthy of all praise."

"Be mad for me, mad for me, bang against the wall for me."

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Fang Junrong:

She shook her head, but the corners of her mouth seemed to have their own consciousness. She lowered her head and gave Ren Dongzhi 95 points.

After ten minutes, each score finally came out.

The scores of the audience, judges and guests were 9895 and 96 for Ren Dongzhi and 93, 94 and 92 for Dong Junming.

No matter in which field, Ren Dongzhi has won Dong Junming, especially in the audience score, is higher than 05 points, it can be said that there is no suspense crush victory.

It's understandable to think about it. After all, the audience has seen a lot in the draft. In addition to the fans' sincere heartache, others have already developed immunity. However, Ren Dongzhi was not. His skill was beyond everyone's expectation and brought great surprise to the audience, so they were willing to give him high marks.

As soon as the score came out, Dong Junming was shocked. He blinked and tried to smile. "Congratulations on winning the championship."

Then the tears still fell down, looking very aggrieved.

Under the stage, Li Xuan looked at this scene and sent out a short message with low hair.

[Ren Dongzhi won the championship. ]

his screen was back on the table, with a faint smile in his mouth. When he caught a glimpse of Fang Junrong's elegant and calm appearance, he sneered in his heart: I hope she can still calm down in the future. Originally I wanted to remind her, but now I'd better watch a joke next to me.

He waited for the storm to come.