As expected by Fang Junrong, after the competition, Haitang company can't wait to pour dirty water on the "future star" talent show competition. The major marketing names are waving flags and shouting, and the dark stabbing zone rhythm indicates that the competition is unfair. The champion has been determined for a long time. Other players are just stepping stones for the champion Ren Dongzhi.

[the champion has already been decided by Ren Dongzhi? It's a shame! ]

[defeated because of refusing the unspoken rules? Who is the real champion, Ren Dongzhi and Dong Junming? ]

in a tone of regret, these big V's said that everyone performed very well in this competition, and each of them was excellent. It's a pity that the champion has been decided for a long time. No matter how good the performance of others is, it is doomed to miss the championship. They said that they were not empty words, and that they had pictures and evidence. Then Po showed a picture of Ren Dongzhi and Zhong Yi together, in which they were close to each other.

Finally, there was a provocative sentence: "fans, wash and sleep. People hold the biggest leg. If you want to blame, you love beans are not sensible and can't be human."

The draft lasted for two months, plus the quality of the players was really good, the personality was very different, and they all had their own charm on the stage. Because of this, the popularity of the competition gradually increased. Those fans who accompanied the contestants along the way were also particularly sincere. When you click into these headlines, other fans were almost choked by the content. Fans always bring their own filters to their love beans, and think that they are the best in the world and should win the championship. Originally, the end of the game was just like that. Suddenly someone came out with the so-called evidence and told them that the idol they wanted to support was not lost to strength, but to the bitches who went through the back door. Can we bear this?

Sheng Xing, get out and explain! People from other fan groups united to criticize and control, insisting that they should seek justice for their poor idol who was sucked into blood.

Although some passers-by who watched the live broadcast said that Ren Dongzhi had a high level of strength, it was still rare to see a strong player with good singing and creativity. Moreover, he also showed a more amazing performance than the second runner up in the final, so winning the championship can be said to be deserved. However, these passers-by's voice is weak in front of the fans who rarely unite with the outside world, and their ability of controlling and commenting is even worse than them. They soon drown in them, and even a splash of water has not been raised.

there are more and more passers-by who have nothing to do with this matter, they are inevitably brought with a wave of rhythm. Some of them think of their own life because of the people who come through the back door and suffer those losses. They can't help but feel the same and denounce them together.

We all worked together to make a hot search for "the dark curtain of the future star" and "Dong Junming's loss of the champion". They were furious and wrapped in the towering anger, which seemed to tear the Shengxing group to pieces.

Xin Yun, who has done a good job in the follow-up of the competition, was originally excited to go online to see the comments on her contest.

In her heart, she was very proud of her own competition. Although there were many problems in the process due to inexperience, there were still some flaws. She wants to sign all the top four players with Zhong Yi. After all, these four have the strength and bring their own fans. Their future is promising. In particular, Dong Junming is one of her favorite people. Unfortunately, Dong Junming seems to have some plans for his own future, so he rejected her early. Just as the saying goes, if we look at the fate of the competition, we can only wish him a bright future.

Just open the micro blog to see, that face-to-face thick malicious turn into vines, tightly grasped her heart.

Her angry hands are shaking, the original joy swept away, tears in the eyes.

She followed the whole competition one by one, and the rules of the competition were also consulted by many insiders to provide a fair and transparent stage as much as possible. She thought that she had a clear conscience, but was so malicious with rhythm. Li Xinyun is not a fool. If you contact Dong Junming's previous vague attitude and then look at the current wind direction on the Internet, you can't understand it. Dong Junming has already found his own family, but he is ready to step on them.

Although she held the competition to advertise her new company at the beginning, after several months of busy work, she invested so much energy and time. Naturally, she also had feelings. She thought that she had not treated them unfairly, so she was stabbed in the cold.

as like as two peas, she wanted to be comforted.

When she was young, as long as she was wronged, she would run to Fang Junrong with tears in her eyes. Over the years, many people have changed, and become different from her memory, only the daughter is the little girl in her heart who depends on her.

Zhong Yi looks guilty beside her. She is still too careless and does not have the consciousness that she is a public figure. Therefore, she was taken that photo and became the evidence of the back door in other people's eyes.

"Godmother, I..."

She looked serious. "What do you think they're for?"

Xinyun took a deep breath and tried not to let his emotions come out. According to the words of the pink circle, by shaping the pitiful image of their idol being forced to be bullied, it can enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of fans, and can better absorb powder, solid powder and abuse powder. " She has been doing her homework these days.Fang Junrong nodded slightly, and then said to Zhong Yi, "since you have stepped into this fame and fortune circle, these things will have to be faced sooner or later. In order to dig out the news in you, the paparazzi will only be more and more pervasive. As long as one negligence, they will be exploited by the other party. Even if there is no news, as long as you are hot, they will make news. "

Zhong Yi nodded gently. This incident also taught them a lesson. The original excited mood was also poured a basin of cold water.

"So what are you going to do with this storm?"

Xin Yun did not hesitate to say: "send them a lawyer's letter!"

They have the strongest lawyers on the surface.

Fang Jun tolerated and could not help but, "what about this one?"

Zhong Yilue hesitated and said, "take out the evidence and hit the face?"

"Like finding evidence that they conspired with others to frame us up."

Fang Junrong didn't tell them what he had done before. He just wanted to take the opportunity to give the two children a chance to exercise.

At this time, her mobile phone prompted a new message. She opened it to see a video and several photos. In the video, Dong Junming meets Gao Lin, the agent of Haitang. They meet in a coffee shop. As for the photos, Gao Lin and several marketing companies meet.

She looked at the sender and knew it. These are sent to her by Ren's family. After all, their children have been bullied, and Ren's family will not be indifferent. In fact, there is a good way to solve this problem, which is to let Ren's family come forward directly. As a young master of Ren's family, it is ridiculous to hold one's thighs. As long as Ren's family is willing, they can provide more excellent resources, instead of letting Ren Dongzhi run to participate in this small competition.

I think Ren Dongzhi should not borrow the idea of family power at present.

Fang Junrong sent the video to them and said, "it happens that someone sent a gift to their door. You should study how to deal with it next."

"Taking this opportunity, you can also think about whether you want to stay in this circle. Today's business is just a trifle, and there will be more disgusting things in the future."

She stands up and Shi Shiran leaves, leaving Zhong Yi and Li Xinyun looking at each other.

Li Xinyun breathed out a long breath, and his cheek puffed up. "Anyway, look at the video first!"

As she watched, she mused. "Speaking of it, I know an uncle who is good at lip talk. I can ask him to help us see through monitoring to see if we can restore the dialogue. Unfortunately, Gao Lin's back-to-back state most of the time, and can only restore part of Dong Junming's words at most."

Zhong Yi's mood has calmed down a lot now, and his lips have been hooked. "It's much better than before."

The other party will use the marketing number, so will they. These videos, can completely contact some entertainment big V to send out. They don't even need to be paid. In order to get hot, they will rush to come.

At the same time, the two people are full of energy and struggle, the Internet this matter ferments more and more quickly, the hot search place unceasingly climbs up.

The post of "back door relations we met in the years of August 18" seems to add fuel to the fire.

It was Dong Junming himself who made the most of the fire. He recorded a video and uploaded it to his account.

In the video, his hair is slightly wet, and his sense of youth is even stronger. His eyes are slightly red, as if he had cried not long ago. He snuffled and gave a soft, harmless smile.

"Hello everyone, I'm Dong Junming. I always wanted to be famous before, but I didn't expect that today's hot search is because of this relationship, which makes me feel very complicated. "

"I've seen all the comments, and I'm very grateful to the fans for their support. I believe that in their hearts, I am sure to be the number one forever. " He pursed his lips and looked aggrieved. "I just hope you don't continue to abuse Sheng Xing. Anyway, I'm very grateful that they gave me a platform to show myself. I don't want to be ungrateful. Miss Li also asked me about the signing of the contract. It's just that I have a plan for my future. I don't want to be a star in a flash, so I can only refuse his kindness

"As for the result of the game, I think it may be that I am not as good as others, fair and unfair. Everyone knows it well."

As soon as his video was sent out, fans immediately occupied the comment area and were deeply moved.

Take a look at Jun Ming of my family. He is such a little angel. He will always find reasons in himself. All forced into this, he refused to say a bad word to others, I cried. ]

[garbage Sheng Xing rolls out and gets beaten! It must be because Jun Ming refused to sign the contract, so he refused to give him the championship. Jun Ming is so pathetic. He has worked so hard, QAQ]

[no matter what choice you make, we will stand by your side! ]

[guard the best Dong Junming! ]

the more fans moved Dong Junming, the more angry they were at Shengxing's dark operation. Seeing that Shengxing had not appeared, they were so angry that they went directly to Fang Junrong's microblog and asked her to come forward. Otherwise, they would boycott Meifang group's products.Fang Junrong's fans are eating melons happily. Unexpectedly, some people run into their own territory and pinch them back one by one. Is there something wrong with the powder! In case Fang always saw a bad mood, how to reduce the quantity of beauty pill and hair cream directly? During this period of time, they have been blowing rainbow farts below, trying to let Fang Junrong see their sincerity and open up another batch.

In order to beautify the beauty pill and the hair cream, they originally looked very Buddha system, one by one they incarnated into spray, spitting lotus flowers.

"Boycott n, a group of primary school students still come to boycott. Do you have enough pocket money to buy 888 yuan a box of beauty pills? Pupils should go back to their homework

"Pick the nose, welcome to resist at any time, so I have a greater chance to grab beauty pills."

"23412668, this is my account number. I'm willing to purchase Meiyan pills and hair cream at the original price. I sincerely hope that Dong Junming's fans can transfer all the Meiyan pills they have in hand to me. Thank you. Bow down to JPG"

"pigs can go online these days? It's still dark. A group of jerks with rhythm. Do you have tumor on your neck? As for your brother's strength, it's dark to give him a champion. "

"If you dare to come and force me again, I will play the suona in front of your brother's grave."

Fang Junrong received the news from her subordinates, so she logged into her account and went online. Then she saw her fans. She pinched Dong Junming's powder all over the ground to make a change. Her mood was very complicated.