Fang Junrong was really shocked by her own powder. After all, every time she opens her microblog, these fans are in this kind of state.

"Is Fang always on sale today? No, I'll come back tomorrow! "

"Punch in, take a sip of milk. I won the lottery on Friday, and the believer is willing to contribute ten pounds of fat to make a wish."

"Wuwu, please give me more hair cream! Bald programmers need your sympathy. "

In front of her, the poor, weak and helpless fans, in front of Dong Junming's powder, are quick witted and spit poison.

Fang Junrong wants to laugh a little. She points into Dong Junming's video and has to admit that the other party is also a talent in terms of rhythm. He didn't say that Sheng Xing was wrong in half a sentence, but he had already expressed his grievances in and out of his words. It seems that he can't replace his fans with his own. It's really a talent. It's very suitable for the vanity fair like entertainment. She can understand, but she doesn't want to accept it.

However, compared with those who are in the same boat, Fang Junrong appreciates those who are in trouble and do not change their aspirations.

Sheng Xing also said that the reason why Zhong Yi and Ren Dongzhi met was just to talk about the contract, not to do with Fengyue. Zhong Yi took part of the screenshot of the contract, which said that if Ren Dongzhi won the championship, the profit distribution after signing the contract would be increased by 10% on the original basis.

"I think I'm losing. In order to reduce the share, I should let him get the second runner up. Unfortunately, I don't know the result of the game."

Fang Junrong looks in the eye, on the face more some smile. This response is not bad, at least many netizens have been taken to the ditch by her, have helped her calculate how much money she will lose.

After brushing the entry again, she found that the top four of the competition, including the champion Ren Dongzhi, made a statement directly.

Ren Dongzhi's statement is very concise and comprehensive, "champion, I deserve it. It's men, talking about the game

Then a video was posted next to him, in which the process of his competition with Dong Junming was edited and compared, and his confidence in his own strength was at a glance.

As for the other two contestants, the only female contestant, Shan Rong, said: "when everyone's strength is similar, who can surprise the audience more? The more likely to win the championship. In the last competition, Ren Dongzhi did a good job, especially his on-site creative ability was first-class. I am convinced that I am not as good as him in this area. "

Fu Zhe, who won the fourth place, didn't say anything. He just gave a vote stub of his on-the-spot vote. In the photo, he drew a circle on Ren Dongzhi's name, which was obviously voted for him. Fu zhe was in a division with Ren Dongzhi and lost to him in the end. In this case, he was still willing to vote for Ren Dongzhi, obviously convinced of his strength.

Originally, fans of Shan Rong and Fu zhe were brought rhythm by Dong Junming's fans. They also felt that their idols were forced to harm them. As a result, they came forward in a cold shoulder. Although Ren Dongzhi did not stand in the line with a clear-cut stand, as long as they were not with IQ problems, they could see their tendency. In this case, of course, they chose to believe in their idols, so they stopped.

When the enthusiasm subsided, they were more or less aware of something wrong. Had they been used as a gun?

Although Haitang entertainment company wants to continue to bring rhythm, it can't stand that their two families do not cooperate. Dong Junming's dark screen theory seems to be a little untenable in the case of one to three.

As the central figure of the topic, Dong Junming has been constantly brushing micro blog in the dormitory. He has now lived in the company arranged by Begonia company. He not only has a broker, but also has two assistants. Originally, he was very happy to see Ren Dongzhi being abused like a drowning dog on the Internet.

From the beginning of the game, he didn't like Ren Dongzhi. This person exudes a rich breath, although he didn't deliberately show, but the clothes on his body are different from his. If such a rich second generation wants to make a debut, there are many ways. Why do you have to take this opportunity with them who have no backstage?

When he saw that both Shan Rong and Fu zhe sent micro blogs to support Ren Dongzhi, his eyes widened.

His angry expression twisted his facial features and made him no longer as soft and harmless as before. His hands clenched into fists and smashed hard at the wall, "are they two fools?"

In this case, all discerning people can see that if you step on Ren Dong, you can absorb blood from it and maximize the benefits. He also inquired that both of them had signed contracts with other companies, and they didn't need to look at Li Xinyun's face. As long as you put yourself in the victim's position, you don't have to worry about being ungrateful to shangshengxing in the future.

But he never thought that the two did not want to cooperate with him at all.

Originally, the public opinion began to reverse. He called Gao Lin, his future agent, and asked her if she wanted to stop when she was good. If she continued, he was afraid that the car would roll over and his popularity would plummet. After all, he didn't want to be a meteor. He wanted to be a star.

Gao Lin soon stepped on hatiangao's shoes and came over. The red lips of the sun were slightly raised, and her expression was somewhat careless. "Don't worry, as long as your fans believe you. It's something that passers-by can't eat. "Dong Junming can only take the flow route. His company chose him because of his controversy and popularity. As the saying goes, black and red are also red.

Gao Lin said to him, "there are several businesses who are very interested in you. You'd better meet them with me tomorrow. You'd better take advantage of the current heat to discuss some contracts." She was quite satisfied with Dong Junming's several hot searches today.

Dong Junming's lips moved, and for a while he squeezed out a sentence, "I think of an album to give back to my fans."

Gao Lin frowned, "wait for some time before and after the album, at least a few months before and after the album." Who knows if he can still have the current popularity, it is better to take advantage of the momentum now, and quickly sell the popularity for money. What's more, the record market is very depressed now. Who knows if it will lose money? The company doesn't want to sell at a loss.

"But --"

"no buts! We'll give you a few interviews. You should tell us more about your grievances in the game. It's better to create an image that everyone envies you and pushes you out. "

Looking at this piece of red lips, Dong Jun Lin didn't think he wanted it.

"You didn't forget the contract we signed?"

Dong Junming's cold tone made him wake up. He thought of his ten year old appointment. All his careful thinking disappeared. He lowered his head and whispered, "I know."

The agent is right. Making money is the most important thing. When he has money, he will not be able to do what he wants.

Dong Junming quickly completed the psychological construction, and followed Gao Lin to talk about the contract in the next two days. In the process, he was inevitably eaten tofu, and he could only endure it.

When he returned to the dormitory, the assistant took out a drink from the refrigerator and handed it to him. He went out to buy him a snack. Being served by the front and rear of the horse, Dong Junming was in a better mood. This is the life he wants.

But when he logged in and wanted to see his fans praise him, he found that there were many discordant voices under the comments. The comments from his real fans are at the bottom.

Among them, the top one is a black comment, "it's shameless that a thief shouts to catch a thief. Why don't you act so skillfully? It's a waste of your talent to sing."

He was at a loss and had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the comments, many people are satirizing his appearance is simple, and his heart is darker than anything else. There are also people and his fans popular science, he and Begonia agent cooperation frame up Ren Dongzhi.

He felt more uneasy in his mind. He followed the link in the comments below. The link was a marketing number with a large number of fans. When he saw the title, he felt black in front of him.

[the video leaked out: when the popular idol and the agent conspired to perform palace plot? ]

he opened the video and found that it was a picture of him and agent Gao Lin meeting in the coffee shop. His appearance in the mirror is clear, which makes him want to deny.

He rubbed his face and comforted himself: it doesn't matter. Even if he takes a video, it's OK, as long as he claims that they only want to sign a contract with Haitang company.

Only when he saw the next micro blog, all the fluke in his heart was gone.

I don't know what the marketing number is. I invited a lip language expert to translate his words.

Can I really fire? Will it be found out that we're in trouble? What should I say to the public at that time? I see. I just need to sell it badly. I don't have other people's black material on my side. They are very careful. Fu zhe? They shouldn't dismantle our station. Who doesn't want red. ]

finally, the marketing number commented, "this is an angel in the eyes of fans. Angel's method is different from us

It's over. He did roll over.

These two words came to his mind, cold hands and feet.

Under this article, many passers-by said that their three outlooks have been subverted, but they did not expect that their idol circles are doing the same as Gong Xinji. Many people even declared that they had turned black on his passers-by and despised him for playing tricks like this. Some of the fans took off the powder and stepped back, some believed in him, called on him to explain, and some fans asked him to sue the marketing numbers that made rumors.

But what can he tell? The video is true, and he said those words himself.

As if he had grasped the straw, he called Gao Lin, "you're going to withdraw those manuscripts! You can get rid of it just by spending money? "

On the other side, Gao Lin's tone is also very bad, "withdraw what to withdraw, do you pay to withdraw? You haven't made much money, you want the company to pay out? It's not that you didn't even bring sunglasses and hats when you went out. As a result, you were photographed

"It's been eight years since the company signed you. I'll give you a move. You can directly apologize to Ren Dong, saying that he was bewildered at the moment. If he doesn't forgive you, we will say with rhythm that he is narrow-minded. Then I'll send out a few more manuscripts, saying that he often bullies you in the draft competition, so you hold a grudge. "Dong Junming can see clearly that the other party doesn't care whether he is famous or not, as long as he has heat.

Li Xinyun's bright face appeared before his eyes.

"If you sign a contract with me, at least I can guarantee that there won't be any messy things bothering you. If anyone dares to hide the rules, just tell me. If you are willing to sign up, we can prepare a new album for you this year. "

At that time, he laughed in his heart: it was a waste of his talent for a small firm without foundation to sign him. As for the hidden rules, he had been prepared when he entered this circle. He doesn't need these empty words. He just wants to get red quickly.

At this moment, he really regretted.