Although his heart is full of regret, he can't go back to the past. Dong Junming can only go on bravely. Even if he is in a desperate situation, he also wants to walk out of his own way to heaven. He's no longer counting on the so-called passers-by, he just needs to make his fans believe him. Although a lot of them took off the powder, some of them insisted on staying, believing that the video had been processed. They cried and said that his brother was really pathetic. People all over the world were targeting them.

He sat in front of the computer, racking his brains to think about what to write in order to arouse the greatest pity in the hearts of fans. Why don't you start writing when he was a kid?

His assistant sat by, brushing his cell phone with his head down, occasionally looking up at him carefully.

Dong Junming is very good at selling money. He wrote more than 1000 words to recall the past. He looked at the document hesitantly. Was it too long? Would fans be impatient to read it? Would you like to delete some more?

"No! Jun Ming

It's a big deal!

Dong Junming is shaking his hand. The words just elected were lost by a carriage return key!

He turned his head fiercely and glared at the assistant. His fierce appearance was quite different from the clever one in front of the fans. His assistant was startled and stammered, "I, I just saw another post picking on you."

Dong Junming's blue veins on his forehead jumped and jumped. He took the phone in spite of his anger. A piece of article was displayed on the screen, and the words on it seemed to have their own consciousness, jumping into his eyes.

Let's revisit the divine operation of Dong Junming and Haitang entertainment company

the title alone made him sweat on his forehead. His lips moved silently and forced himself to finish reading it. Looking at it, he felt more and more cold sweat.

“…… In the past few days, the author and the gossip crowd have been eating melons in the big melon field of the future star, and they almost didn't die. At the beginning, I was also like many people. Dong Junming, who was distressed to be robbed of the champion by the black curtain, also scolded Ren Dongzhi with a trumpet. I hope that Ren Dongzhi's fans will see that I have been misled and don't worry about it with me. Like everyone else, after seeing the video and the translation of lip language experts, I realized that I had been fooled. I was upset when I was shot, so I prepared to make a popular science post to help summarize what happened in the past two days. And then I found something very interesting. When searching for the names of Dong Junming and Ren Dongzhi, I found that before 10:30 a.m. on the 8th, the result of the competition had not come out at that time, and no one knew who the champion would be. However, the manuscript of Dong Junming and Haitang had been arranged, and the efficiency was really uneven. "

The reason why Dong Junming was defeated? 》The winner? It's a shame! 》"He shut up his opponent with his strength, Prince Dong Junming on the stage", you can search these titles with me, there will be surprise! Of course, it doesn't matter if I can't find it. In order to avoid deleting them, I took a screenshot when I found it. Obviously, before the competition comes out, the marketing of Begonia company has been arranged. They prepared two kinds of drafts to deal with the situation. If Dong Junming wins, he will be ready to step on all the players, become the most shining star, and make his debut as an emperor. If he loses, it will be a black curtain in the game. He must sell a lot of money, instruct the fans to fight for him, and then attack Ren Dongzhi, the source of all evils. It's just that they didn't miss anything. They didn't expect to have a pig teammate. They didn't pay attention to their work, so they didn't read it carefully, so they sent out all the manuscripts. By the way, thank you for all the fun

“…… For the sake of Dong Junming's contribution to our fields these days, I would like to remind you that we should pay attention to the selection of partners next time. Don't choose this kind of marketing number that can even calculate the wrong time but also copy and paste. Anyway, all the money has been spent. It's better to spend more money and choose a more appropriate one. Really can't, still can contact me to help introduce a few, rest assured, see in your contribution melon field share, I don't charge intermediary fee. "

below make complaints about the laughter and tucking of the crowd, and the air is full of cheerful breath.

I'll go and find it! It must be that there is not enough money for Begonia. It's too stingy. Begonia, Deng shaking his head, JG]

[this melon tastes nauseous, so I can't look at the angel directly. ]

[the powder turns black, ha ha, it's time to feed the dog when chasing stars. ]

[how can you slander our cherubs like this? These marketing number cliffs are coming back from the future, so we can prepare the manuscript in advance.

Dong Junming scratched his hair disorderly and wanted to crack his canthus.

This article became the last straw to overwhelm Dong Junming. His hand fell down and his face was gray. He knew in his heart that there was no room to recover his reputation. Can we really only take the so-called black and red route in the future?

He wanted to call Gao Lin, but he kept dialing, but he always showed that he was on the phone.

His expression is at a loss. He has no confidence in his future.


At this moment, Li Xinyun and Zhong Yi are staring at the public opinion trend on the Internet. They are relieved when they see that they are criticizing Dong Junming and Haitang company.Li Xinyun murmured: "I didn't expect that my mother still left such a hand. Now she tells us." These days, she and her sister have been busy with public relations, and have not had a good sleep. If she had not been able to take a beauty pill every day, she suspected that she would have been haggard a lot.

Zhong Yi also showed a relaxed look, "godmother is to exercise us."

"I know." Li Xinyun thought of one thing, and his face showed a faint smile, "I didn't expect Fu Zhe and Shan Rong would stand up to help us speak. They can watch the fire from the shore."

The two men's competition is not over, has been the big company's eye, it is said that the contract has been signed.

Zhong Yi said, "it can be seen that not everyone is the same as Dong Junming, and there are still a few people with evil intentions."

"Well." Li Xinyun is in a good mood because of this, which makes her feel that her hard work in this period of time is valuable. Although there are bad people in the world, there are more good people.

She yawned and was about to go to rest and sleep well. Then she saw Fang Junrong's figure, "eh, is mother back?"

Fang Junrong nodded and said, "it's time to go out and get something today."

She specially sent the hair of jiangman fish and Zhangbi suqinying to do identification. Now the identification results have come out.

The identification results showed that Jiang Wenyu and Zhang Bi were indeed brothers, but the identification results of him and Su Qinying were beyond her expectation. However, they are not related to each other. Fang Junrong didn't know much about Su Qinying's mother's family, so she went to inquire about he Jianbing and sun Mei today.

According to the two of them, the Su family has gradually failed since the last head of the family, Su yuncang, died 30 years ago. After all, Su Qinying's brother was a famous dandy when he was young. Su yuncang has three children, a son and twin daughters.

Su Qinying is one of the twins. She also has a twin sister Su Qinmei. It is said that Su Qinmei was weak. After her father's death 30 years ago, she was too weak to be attacked and soon left.

Fang Junrong felt that the whole thing had a strange taste. This is too coincidental, and the time of Su's father's death is exactly the year of Jiang Wenyu's birth.

He Jianbing's words lingered in her heart.

"It's a pity that Su Qinying has been outstanding since she was a child. In those years, Su yuncang also loved her very much. She should be cultivated as an heir by taking her with her at any time. As a result, Su Qinying married to Zhang Jia, gave birth to a child, and experienced the shock of the death of his father and sister, and his health was not as good as before. "

"If it wasn't for this relationship, the Su family would not have been defeated like this. It's really a pity."

Fang Junrong unconsciously appeared in front of him the appearance of Su Qinying. This one is not like what he Jianbing said. It is like a beauty lamp that can be broken at a touch, which is more in line with the image of Su Qinmei in he Jianbing's mouth.


Her pupils widened slightly, catching a flash of inspiration in her mind. It's not really what she thinks, is it?

If the present suqinying is not the real suqinying, but the rumored suqinmei has long been dead, then all doubts can be easily solved.

Why does Su Qinying hold so much malice to the river fish? After all, what she has now is stolen by her. Of course, she is afraid to be robbed again.

Why did Zhang Kaihuai, the patriarch of Zhangjia, register Jiang Wenyu as his legitimate eldest son, but Su Qinying did not say a word and did not dare to put forward his opinions. He even had to show his mother and son's affection in front of others. That's because Jiang Wenyu was a worthy son of the Su family.

In the previous life, Jiang Wenyu must have investigated these things clearly, so he would fight against Zhang Jia and revenge him crazily. Originally, he was addicted to scientific research, but he had to do what he didn't like most.

Fang Junrong's face sank, and her stomach began to roll because of nausea, like an invisible hand stirring her organs.

When people become vicious, there is no lower limit.

She let out a long breath. These are just her guesses. She needs more proof.

Fang Junrong continued to inquire about the two, and finally got the contact information of Su Qinying and Su Qinmei, the former college students of the two sisters.

She didn't show up in person, only sent someone to communicate with their classmates, so she got some images and photos left by their classmates when they were in college.

Su Qinmei's photos are less, most of them are with people. In the picture, her eyebrows are filled with a melancholy mood, which is the same as Su Qinying, which she often sees now.

Looking at Su Qinying, it is clear that Su Qinmei and Su Qinmei have the same facial features, but their temperament is quite different. She has a bright smile and firm eyes. Looking at her is a strong and confident character, especially her eyes are very similar to Jiang Wenyu.

The stone in Fang Junrong's heart has been answered. If she had not guessed wrong, the real Su Qinmei would have been the daughter-in-law of Zhang Jia after su Qinying died. Jiang Wenyu was abducted when she was a child. I'm afraid there is also her reason. Otherwise, a young master from a family background, even if he is not favored, must have a babysitter to take care of, but he has been abducted and sold. Who believes that there is no greasiness.She collected the information and prepared to meet the river and ask the fish.