In the laboratory, Jiang Wenyu changed his lab coat and gloves, revealing his knuckled fingers.

He turned his head and said to his assistant, "if you prepare those bottles of reagents, you can go back to rest first."

His new assistant, Chang Xin, was recruited a few days ago. He is usually responsible for preparing some common reagents for him and helping him. The two assistants of Jiang Wenyu were responsible for washing the bottles. Chang Xin doesn't talk much at ordinary times, and he can do well what he orders. River asked fish heart is very clear, this new assistant is actually Zhang Bian's Eyeliner beside him.

Because he wanted to know Zhang Bi's next move, he let him be by his side. The real experimental data, which he never left in the laboratory here, were recorded on paper and then taken out.

In this period of time in Zhangjia, he spent most of his time as a sponge, absorbing some knowledge of Zhangjia. The rest of the time, I started my own small experiments. He also knew that the real secret recipe of Zhangjia had never been unfolded to him, and only the most external part was shown to him. But that part was enough for him to absorb and draw inferences from one instance. In particular, he was amazed by one of the methods of preserving medicinal properties. He felt that he could try to use it on Meiyan pills to make the shelf life of Meiyan pills longer. Now, the shelf life of Meiyan pills is only half a year.

After leaving Zhangjia, Jiang Wenyu turned on his mobile phone and began to look at the laboratory. He installed surveillance in several corners of the lab. In this small laboratory, there are at least six cameras, four of which are installed by Zhang Jia to monitor his behavior. It's not easy for ordinary people to find those cameras, but they can't hold them. There are professional investigators around the fish. Their ability to find the cameras can be said to be overkill.

After finding out, he installed a hidden camera in the monitoring dead corner. As the saying goes, the mantis catches cicadas, and the Yellow finches are behind.

The monitoring screen in the mobile phone shows that, half an hour after he left, Chang Xin turned on his computer, watching and recording.

Jiang asked the fish sitting in the car, thinking. It seems that Zhang Bi wants to know the content of his experiment?

No, with Zhang Bi's character, he must not just want to know that plagiarism is something he can't do. After all, he has been able to steal prescriptions together with Li Erjin before. It can be seen that there is no so-called bottom line in this respect.

If he really has such a mind, he can use this to teach him a lesson.

He closed his cell phone and half squinted for a nap. It just happens that he is studying the use of Euphorbia tenuifolia in other fields recently, and his new paper is also in preparation, but it has not been officially written.

An hour later, he came to a hotel and walked inside. He gave the name of the box directly. When he was led down to the box by the waiter, Fang Junrong was waiting for him. When he saw him, he raised his head and gave him a faint smile. When he saw her smile, he lost a lot of depression and irritability because of his family.

Fang Junrong seems to have a kind of magic power, sitting beside her will calm down.

"It seems that Zhangjia is not very good to you."

Fang Junrong eyebrows slightly wrung, she managed to raise a little meat, just more than a week did not see, no! Is it easy for her to keep that meat? She.

Jiang asked the fish: "no, it's just that the weather has started to be hot recently, and my appetite is not very good." Plus in Zhangjia, even if there are bodyguards around, he can't really relax.

Fang Junrong immediately said, "I'll send you more fruits." This is her precious scientific research personnel, must take good care of!

She took out a folder and pushed it to the river to ask the fish, "there are some things that I think should let you know."

At least now we know that Jiang Wenyu can adjust his mood and won't be exposed after he returns to Zhangjia. She will not prevent Jiang from asking for revenge. No one is qualified to make this decision for others. If she changes places, if she is Jiang Wenyu, she will definitely choose not to die with her enemy.

She told Jiang Wenyu exactly what she had investigated. She didn't hide it or add to it.

After that, she stood up and left the private room first, giving Jiang Wen fish a space to vent. If you have been holding on to it, sooner or later, you will have psychological problems. In this matter, she is particularly sympathetic to Jiang Wenyu. In that novel, Jiang Ya Ge is the heroine. From her point of view, she and Jiang Wenyu are vicious cannon fodder with evil mind.

We all know the fate of the two of them. We just feel very happy. How can we know how much blood and tears are covered with them.

A small courtyard has been built in the hotel, which is quite exquisite and elegant in southern gardens. Fang Junrong stood in the sun, quietly looking at the lake not far away. It was about half an hour before she returned to the box.

At this time, the river asked fish eyes Qin with a touch of red, from the appearance, the mood seems to have stabilized. Fang Junrong now five senses are particularly keen, but smell the air in the light of the bloody smell. She lowered her head and her eyes fell on the hands of the fish. There was a bloodstain on his palm, apparently pinched by his fingernails.

She looks slightly changed, took out the white jade cream from the bag, pushed to the river ask fish in front of."Thank you." Jiang Wenyu took the ointment and applied it numbly to the wound. The truth of the matter was more disgusting than he had imagined. The hatred in his heart was like the sea, which seemed to drown him in it. The sudden anger made him have the impulse to destroy the zhangjias and the Su families. The cold touch of white jade paste made him wake up in this moment, as if someone poured a basin of ice water on his hot head.

Fang Junrong looked at the river quietly and asked the fish, "revenge for revenge, but don't put yourself into it." After her rebirth, even if she hated Wang Xiao and other people again, she did not act rashly, but moved step by step.

In just half an hour, the temperament of Jiang Wen fish changed a lot. His eyes were gloomy and filled with disturbing emotions.

She added, "you and I have a contract for five years, at least for five years, don't put yourself in jail."

Jiang asked the fish Leng for a while, that Zhang Qingjun's face slowly opened a smile, this smile also washed away the uneasiness just brought to her, just as the dark clouds were blown away by the breeze, "well, I know." He added, "at least not to let your investment in me go to waste."

Well, he won't kill them. He'll only dig a hole in front of them. If they fall into the pit carelessly, it's only because they don't look at the road, right?

Fang Junrong knew that he always attached great importance to his promise. Since he said so, he would certainly not do anything to challenge the law.

"If you need any help, please let me know."

In terms of revenge, she is very experienced and can provide some experience.

"I hope that in ten years' time, the money I spend on you will be the most cost-effective investment."

Jiang asked the fish's mouth to raise the arc of a smile, "yes."

He did not take the folder away, but put it here. Before leaving, he couldn't help but take out a picture of his biological mother when she was young, full of expectations for the future.

After staring for a long time, he put the photo back into the bag and left without looking back.

The sun was shining outside, but his heart was full of haze.

When he returned to his home in Zhangjia, he was not surprised to see Zhang Bi. Zhang Bi looked in a good mood and said hello to him.

In the past, Jiang asked fish would not pay attention to him. Today, he nodded slightly, which was a response.

Zhang bi was startled and squinted suspiciously. In this period of time when Zhang Wenyu came back, he did not give each other a look, but his attitude was very friendly and warm. On the one hand, he didn't want to let other people watch jokes. On the other hand, he wanted to set off his kindness with Zhang Wenyu's indifference and inhumanity. In the past, Zhang asked the fish that although he didn't speak ill of him, he was generally ignored. Today, he was willing to talk to him?

recalled the eye liner report. Today, Zhang asked fish to meet Fang Junrong. Is the change of his attitude related to Fang Junrong?

He asked tentatively, "thanks to Mr. Fang, we can get together again. How about inviting Mr. Fang to have a meal some time? "

Jiang asked the fish voice slightly cold, "I don't want to hear her name for the time being."

Zhang wall music, is this a conflict between the two?

But what contradiction can there be between these two people? Fang Junrong has always been generous. As far as he knows, when Zhang Wenyu's native place is unknown, he is willing to bribe tens of millions to buy him a laboratory. If it was not for such a large amount of writing, how could there be two papers published in top international journals?

No matter how rich the normal people are, they can't give so much experimental funds without hesitation because of trust.

His eyes drifted in Zhang Wen's handsome and extraordinary face, and recalled Fang Junrong's handsome assistant, and suddenly realized.

I'm afraid Zhang asked that the fish was actually Fang Junrong's first small white face. He can't help but show his teeth. Fang Junrong is really generous to his little white face, whether it's Zhang Wenyu or Jiang Dexian.

He patted the fish on the shoulder and said with emotion: "there is no grass in the world. As the young master of Zhangjia, you will surely find a more suitable object in the future."

Jiang asked fish did not like his frivolous tone when he mentioned Fang Junrong. He repeated, "I don't want to hear her name."

I don't know if his action will involve her, at least in this period of time, make a distant gesture first.

Zhang Bi smiles. "I understand. I don't want to talk."

Maybe he can find a few more assistants in the shape of Fang Junrong and send them to him. According to Chang Xin, Zhang Wenyu seems to have new experimental ideas recently.

At the thought of this, jealousy filled his heart like a poisonous insect.

The world is really unfair. He gave Zhang Wenyu such a talent and gave him such a good fortune. Obviously, his mother had done something to him, but he still survived. Now, my grandfather obviously attaches great importance to him. He has prepared so many expensive experimental instruments for him. He was trained as one of the heirs since he was a child. He did not have the treatment.

Well, his existence is still valuable.He glanced at Zhang Wenyu, who seemed to be thinking around him, and the corners of his mouth ticked: it's a pity that he is only a nerd if he has any talent, and knows nothing about human relations. He accepted the results of the scientific research. Only in his hands can those achievements make the most of them.