Su Qinmei was in a state of anxiety. She wanted to sew Fang Junrong's Bala mouth with a needle, but the other side looked good to her and said bad things endlessly. She almost didn't call Su Qinmei the first black heart green tea in ancient and modern times.

She regretted that she had come here today. The reason why she came to join the chamber of Commerce today was to make plans for her mother's family, the Su family. Su's family from the original number one pharmaceutical enterprises into an ordinary company that everyone can step on now. Her heart is also very sad. I don't want to admit that I and my brother are not as good as Su Qinying.

After Zhang Wenyu returned to Zhangjia and bit by bit encroached on her son's resources, she couldn't wait to find more backers for her son. Her mother's family, Su's, was naturally the choice. Her younger brother also hated Su Qinying, the house and Wudi, and Zhang Wenyu. As long as the Su family gets up, her father-in-law, whose interests are supreme, will not continue to ignore Abbi.

However, she did not expect that she would meet Fang Junrong here and be bullied to her face.

Fang Junrong looked at Su Qin Mei's white foundation and all of them could not hide the liver color. On the surface but still made a considerate look, "Oh, I don't say, I know you feel bad. After all, it's a shame to have a sister who is vicious and envious. "

"It would be dirty to hear her name. Her name is Qinmei, which is really a white insult to plum blossom. She has no noble character of plum blossom. It's better to call Sue flies directly

Ah, ah, ah, this bitch! Isn't it quiet? Why do you talk so much today! She even compared her to a fly.

Su Qinmei's heart was mad, and her petite body was shaking. One day, we must let this bitch lie down at our feet.

She tried to imagine the tragic situation of Fang Junrong falling into the clouds, so as not to lose control of her emotions for a moment and reveal traces. She's been pampered for a long time over the years, and rarely has she been so angry.

"Well, I didn't expect your relationship was OK."

Chu Kuo came over and was surprised to see Fang Junrong and Su Qinying chatting together, especially Jun Rong's face was smiling and he looked in a good mood. As for Su Qinying, he didn't see his expression clearly because of his back. After all, Junrong and Zhangjia are in a bit of a mess because of the commercial competition. In particular, there was a case of Zhang Jia united with Li Erjin to steal the secret recipe. Although Zhangjia is very clean in the public opinion, as if he is innocent, but the people in the industry who do not know, there is no less murmuring in the back, also alienated some of Zhangjia. After all, every family has its own secret recipe which has been passed down for many years. Who would want to have a thief around and steal it back at any time.

Fang Junrong chuckled, "just think of Mrs. Su's sister, so said a few more."

Chu Kuo recalled Su Qinmei, Su Qinying's younger sister. He only remembered that she was a weak girl with melancholy temperament. The others could not remember much. After all, she had a weak sense of existence.

He looked at Su Qinying, who had lived in seclusion for many years, and felt sorry that she had married to Zhangjia. He did not fail to understand the idea of the father of the Su family. He wanted to support his eldest daughter in the top position. However, with his son in the company, many old-fashioned people in the company thought that his son should inherit the family property. Besides, for ambitious shareholders, a dandy who can make them fly is certainly better than a smart and capable successor. Because of this, father Su didn't object to his daughter's marriage to Zhang Jia. He didn't want to make Zhang Jia one of the eldest daughter's arms.

It's just that human calculation is not as good as heaven's. who knows that the healthy old man Su will suddenly die. Zhang Mao dies, Su Qinmei dies, and Su Qinying's eldest son is abducted by human traffickers. Their family is like a curse. This one after another blow, it is no wonder that Su Qinying will have a great change in temperament. Over the years, she has completely ignored everything and just stayed quietly in Zhangjia.

Although he didn't like Zhangjia, he still had a good impression of suqinying. He looked more gentle and comforted her: "it doesn't matter. Your son has also found it now. Ask the fish that child, talent is better than your family a Bi, can be said to be gifted. "

Then he began to blow the river ask fish, thinking that Su Qinying see in the excellent eldest son, the mood can be better, don't always so depressed.

Fang Junrong can't help but rise when he hears the corner of his mouth. He occasionally joins the team of Kua Jiang asking fish. This Chu president praises more, Su Qinmei's heart is about to be stabbed by a knife again.

Finally, someone came to talk to the president of Chu, and it was only then that Su Qinmei was relieved temporarily.

Fang Junrong looked at Su Qinmei's face that "finally sent away the God of pestilence". It seemed that she was really broken down by the two of them. Otherwise, she would not appear so obvious in front of people. She only thought it ridiculous that the man could do something to replace someone else's identity and murder an innocent child. She was even afraid of being told.

However, she did not continue to entangle with Su Qinmei. She came here today to have a business. She was angry with Su Qinmei just for her convenience.

She left soon, continued to look at the products of other businesses, analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of each one, and then compared the materials given by President Chu and President Jia. Finally, she smoothly negotiated three contracts and won them at a reasonable price. At the same time, she also received some business cards, especially those who might cooperate with each other and left their contact numbers.Around noon, the tasting meeting will begin. Fang Junrong originally wanted to join in the fun, but when he thought that his wild ginseng had been sold to President Jia, he gave up his mind and thought that he had come to see the world. President Jia seemed to be afraid of a long night's dream. The money was quickly transferred to the right place. After Fang Junrong gave wild ginseng to him, he arranged several bodyguards to send wild ginseng home immediately.

Because he was thinking about it, he seemed absent-minded in the whole process. However, President Chu was holding the ceremony smoothly.

Su Qinmei also made a lot of efforts today, bringing saffron and chicken treasure into the competition. Saffron is more expensive than gold in spices and has a good reputation of red gold. The saffron that she took over today is the best among the best. According to the experts on the spot, the market price of the 100 grams of saffron is about 5 million.

In addition, she brought over the natural chicken treasure, which aroused everyone's surprise. It's very difficult to produce natural chicken treasure, and only one in 10 million chickens that have been raised for more than two years can produce this stuff. Her natural chicken treasure is bigger than it seems on previous auctions. Its medical value is extremely high. After appraisal, the market value is 4 million. Many people have asked Su Qinmei whether she is willing to sell these two things.

Su Qinmei naturally refused. These two precious medicinal materials also successfully won the championship today. The prize she got was Ganoderma lucidum, which was prepared by President Jia and worth more than 100000 yuan.

Many companies may not need this reputation, but the Su family needs it very much. Her brother usually eats, drinks and plays, and basically does not deal with the company's affairs, leaving it to the shareholders who will only coax him. A few days ago, she found that the assets had shrunk a lot, and the quality of the contracts she had signed was in a mess. If we go on, sooner or later, the Su family's industry will lose to him.

It's only her first step to regain her fame, in order to let everyone know that although the Su family is not very popular now, but the details are still there. All the precious medicinal materials that she takes out can easily win the championship.

The success of this step made Su Qinmei feel better and her first smile appeared on her face.

As for the second step, it is to make good relations with the senior management of the chamber of Commerce. Ordinary members she did not look up to, the president because of physical reasons did not attend, she put her eyes on the vice president. Vice President Chu Kuo has a good relationship with Fang Junrong. She has been helping Fang Junrong to make friends all day, which makes her feel envious and envious. If you make friends with Chu Kuo, I'm afraid it's not because he's going to invest in the kind of cheap girl he appreciates very much. Su Qinmei certainly won't do this kind of thing of lifting a stone to hit her own feet, so her eyes fall on Jia Hongyuan, another vice president.

According to what she knew, Jia and Chu Kuo had a lot of conflicts because of the competition. The enemy of the enemy is a friend, so she took the two boxes of precious medicinal materials and knocked on President Jia's office during the lunch break.

"President Jia said casually

Su Qinmei saw that he was making a phone call, and his brow was frowning. His mood was obviously not very happy, "what, the plane is delayed? Come on, you can keep waiting. In short, be careful

He breathed out a long breath. As long as the medicine didn't arrive at home, his heart was always hanging in the air.

"President Jia."

Jia Hongyuan turned his head and found that there was one more person in the office. Ah, it seems that he let the other party in when he just called. He recognized her and asked, "what can I do for you?"

Su Qinmei burst into a smile. "This is a gift for president Jia. Thank you for taking care of our Su family over the years."

She pushed the saffron box in front of Jia Hongyuan, bleeding from her heart. This quality of saffron, with some less.

Jia Hongyuan tried to think about it. No, he didn't remember taking care of the Su family. Instead, Chu Kuo helped because of his friendship with the father of the Su family. He looked at Su Qinmei with more vigilance. Did she want to give him a gift and then report him for corruption?

His face sank. "No, I don't take presents." He added, "if you want to thank, you should thank Lao Chu, right?"

He would rather buy wild ginseng at a high price than leave a handle.

Su Qinmei was stunned, which was different from what she expected? Did he misunderstand that she and President Chu were together?

She quickly waved her hand and said, "I'm not from the same line as chairman Chu. He is friendly with Fang Junrong. It can be seen that his character is not good. I don't look up to him at all."

She was angry by Fang Junrong all morning in chest pain, a hurry to speak his heart. She didn't think Jia Hongyuan would talk about it. After all, Jia Hongyuan and Chu Kuo had such a bad relationship that they were no better with Fang Junrong.

Jia Hongyuan's face immediately became black, "what's wrong with Fang Junrong? You have such a big opinion of her. I think she is kind and generous, and she is better than many people. A person like you who is so ungrateful as to gossip behind your back has the face to say something about her? "

"Get out of my office and don't dirty my floor."

Fang Junrong had such a good relationship with Chu Kuo, but she still chose to sell wild ginseng to him. It must be because she felt that the Jia family could treasure wild ginseng well, which shows her just stand. Take a look at Su Qinying. Chu Kuo has helped Su family several times. In order to please him, she secretly said bad things about old Chu. Such an ungrateful white eyed wolf, he disdained to be a stranger with her.He also has his own principles. She will stab Chu Kuo today to make friends with her and betray him tomorrow.

Su Qinmei was scolded by Jia Hongyuan, and he was silly. What's wrong with this?

She looked slack when she was evicted from the office. He faintly heard Jia Hongyuan's loud voice.

"Xiao Liang, mop the office floor again. It's dirty."

Dirty two words drill into her ear, Qi and blood rushed up. Her heart was filled with hate, and her teeth made a circle on her lips.

She looked at the closed door, and finally left in dismay, ready to change the plane and go home later. She has no face to stay here. Maybe the Chinese Herbal Medicine Association made a mistake with her. It was the biggest mistake to come here today.