Fang Junrong continued to visit the meeting hall in the afternoon, and then heard a news that Su Qinmei left in a hurry at noon. Before leaving, he did not look very good. The saffron and natural chicken treasure that she brought today are not ordinary products. Naturally, many people want to buy them, so there are many people looking for her at noon. But Su Qinmei all refused, and left very eager, as if there was a ghost behind her.

People with a clear eye can see that she came here with great ambition. Now she is walking so fast, everyone is whispering the reason behind her back.

Was it because she was worried and she pointed her nose at him? Do you want to be so fragile? She thought her skin was thick enough to block bullets.

Soon, Fang Junrong learned the real reason for Su Qinmei's departure, which was revealed by President Jia himself.

In the afternoon, President Jia came to them and hummed to Chu Kuo, who looked down on him.

"If you have something to say, don't be so coy."

Jia Hongyuan shook his head and said, "Lao Chu, you really can't look at it. You can see that if you are kind enough to support your old friendship, you may not be able to get it from others. " He stopped for a moment, the other side Jun Rong said: "Xiao Fang, I'm not talking about you. You are different from her. You are a good child."

Already 42, Fang Junrong, who was called a child for the first time, was speechless. However, considering that Jia Hong is far older than him, in his eyes, she can be regarded as a child. She looked at President Jia and President Chu, and felt that the two people's mode of getting along with each other was very interesting, a little bit like an old child. The outsider sees them two often tit for tat, feel that the relationship between them is very bad.

"Well, at noon, the girl of the Su family specially spoke ill of you in front of me in order to please me. What kind of person does she think I am? Although I have a bad relationship with you, this is not the reason why she trampled on you

Jia Hongyuan crackled and said a meal, including the things that Su Qinying scolded to cry.

"So she ran so fast at noon that she probably didn't have the face to see people. You, in the future, you'd better keep your eyes on people and cultivate white eyed wolves carefully. " A man with principles and a high profile like him is the best choice for the president of the chamber of Commerce. Lao Chu will do his best.

Chu Kuo was really hit by a small blow and frowned, "she was a good child when she was young. How did she become like this?"

At last, he said, "is it the bad geomancy of Zhangjia?" His idea is typical. If the child is bad, it must be brought about by others.

Fang Junrong frowned slightly. Su Qinmei now wears the status of suqinying. All the evil things she has done will be counted on Su Qinying, which has ruined the reputation of Jiang Wenyu's biological mother. It looks like a way to expose her identity. I don't know if Su Qinmei was so unscrupulous because she didn't damage her own reputation?

First of all, it is impossible for Zhangjia and the Su family to take the initiative to open up this matter. Once the incident is opened, both the Zhangjia family and the Su family will be in disrepute. Especially Su Qinmei's younger brother, standing on Su Qinmei's side. She doesn't believe that as a brother, she can't tell whether the elder sister or the second elder sister lives in this world. The only one who would stand on suqinying's side died early.

However, there is still a way, as long as try to make su Qinmei admit it. This matter has to be considered for a long time. Under normal circumstances, Su Qinmei can not recognize it. She still collects the past handwriting of these two people first.

Handwriting can also be used as evidence.

Fang Junrong thought about these, while talking and laughing with others.


It is already evening for Su Qinmei to return to Zhangjia by plane. As the afternoon passed, the grievances in her heart did not decrease, but became more and more intense.

"Mom, are you back so early?"

Zhang bi was very surprised to see her. The herbal medicine association lasted for two days. Her mother should have come back tomorrow night at the earliest.

Su Qinmei was mentioned by him, and his eyes were instantly red, "a Bi, you must work hard to step on that little cheap species under your feet!"

There was a murderous air in her voice.

Zhang biling for a moment, then guess that she was wronged outside, and still has something to do with Zhang Wenyu.

With a faint smile, he said, "I know, I will."

Zhang Wenyu is a man who is talented only in scientific research. His life is a mess. He doesn't even know that he is infiltrated by him. His recent experiments have been recorded by him. Zhang Wenyu strives for perfection. After finishing his thesis, he needs to check it many times and think it over and over again. During this period, he could have published his paper in advance.

There was a faint smile in his eyes, and he was kind enough to teach him a lesson.

Su Qinmei see this, hate mood slightly reduced, "Mom depends on you."

She will let the world know that suqinying can't compare with her, and her son can't match her son.


This time, Fang Junrong gained a lot from the association of medicinal materials. It not only broadened the vision, but also formed a lot of contacts and signed several suitable contracts.

She was very busy in the first half of this year. She was running around the world, launching new products and opening new stores. Now she can relax and have a good rest.Well, when Xinyun and they have a holiday, we can go on a tour with them. It doesn't matter whether it's abroad. There are many places in China that I haven't been to. It is very important to combine work with rest. It is not necessary to let work occupy all of your life. You should enjoy it or enjoy it.

This period of time because of the busy relationship, she has forgotten Jiang Ya Ge selling fake things. Until the end of May, news came from the police station that Jiang Yage's verdict had come down. In addition to being fined 340000, Jiang Yage was sentenced for a year and a half. It won't come out until the end of next year.

She shook her head, and she suffered for herself. With this case, the future of Jiangya song is undoubtedly covered with a layer of haze. Don't think about civil servants. Big companies will close their doors to her.

Jiang Ya Ge was originally in the state of suspension, and the student status is still the original University. Their school students committed such crimes, the school's response is very rapid, immediately made a statement, Jiang Yage was expelled. Because of this statement, Jiang Ya Song, which has been silent for a long time, reappears in people's eyes and reminds people of eating melons.

[my mother, shocked, I thought Jiang Yage disappeared for such a long time. I didn't expect to go to prison without saying a word? I lost all my melons. ]

[I went to check and found out that she was arrested for selling peach blossom pills as beauty pills to foreigners. ]

[it's disgusting. It's disgraceful to our country. A year and a half is too light. She should be allowed to stay in it for a few more years. ]

[why should she be so upset? Even if she wants to make money, it's better to be an online celebrity than to sell fake goods. As a person who once powdered her, it was really complicated to see the news. I have no face to say I like her outside. ]

[so what about Li Shize? They broke up? When did it happen? Don't they love each other? ]

[according to the police notice, Li Shize is not among them. It is estimated that he broke up early. I wonder if Li Shize will go back to Mr. Fang. After all, he is his own son. If he repents well, Fang will forgive him. In this case, he will be the next Prince of Meifang group. Well, who makes people reincarnate. ]

when netizens discussed this issue, their comments were skewed to Li Shize. Many people were betting whether Li Shize would go back or not and who would be handed over to such a large company as Meifang group. The gourd eaters are very interested in the family affairs of the powerful families, especially in terms of inheritance rights. One by one, they almost have to pick up small benches and eat melon seeds.

Li Shize, who was remembered by them, also knew the news of Jiang Ya Ge being arrested.

He looked at the computer card photo of Jiang Ya Ge, on which she slightly twisted her eyebrows, and her temperament mixed with melancholy.

However, now he has not been blinded by that pure face. After seeing Jiang Yage's betrayal of him, he realized how blind he was before and how he would betray his relatives for such a woman. He looked down at his fingers. After a month's application, he finally recovered from the hand injury he had left for Jiang Yage. He didn't have to worry about becoming a disabled person in the future.

And his mother, who has become a major shareholder of Gaoyuan group, usually represents the company's presence in front of people, with boundless scenery. He looked at the high spirited girl in the video and couldn't remember her former appearance.

During this period, he has grown up a lot, sold the house he bought when he just moved, and had a lot of money in hand. He wants to get back together and let everyone know that he has the strength. However, he was implicated in Jiang Yage, many companies refused to cooperate with him, even he refused to invest, as if he was a god of plague. He was angry at the same time, the situation is helpless. He realized that after deducting the aura of the eldest young master of the Li family, everyone would not buy him at all.

In the end, he could only choose the stock market. He put most of his money into the stock market. He believed his vision very much. However, he is not lucky recently. The stock market can be said to be changeable. The stocks that were still soaring the day before may be ruined in the next second. The money he invested in the early stage and the money he earned during this period were all taken into account.

Although stop loss in time, but the loss still let him heartache. Maybe he's not fit to play at all. When he was disheartened, he saw the news of Jiang Yage's imprisonment and the comments of netizens.

The dead heart revived and hope grew.

He has already realized his mistake, and has completely parted ways with Jiang Yage. He knows that he has hurt his family's heart for this vicious woman. Just give him a chance and he will show them his sincerity.

Is mom willing to forgive him?

It must be. She loves him and his sister so much that she even puts down the affairs of the company for the sake of both of them. Why was he so stupid before that he thought his father was better than her? Maybe she had been waiting for him to repent and for him to come back. This time, he will never disobey her because of his girlfriend!

He will also manage the company well and let Meifang group carry forward in his hands. He is so confident that the company should be in his hands.

In his heart, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed his mother's contact information. Not surprisingly, he was not released from the blacklist.Li Shize bought a new number and dialed it. This time, he was finally connected, but to his surprise, he was answered by a clear male voice.

"Hello, this is Meifang group."

Li Shize Leng a moment, the reaction is very quick, "I want to talk to my mother, I am Li Shize, is her only son."

"Is it?" The voice disappeared for dozens of seconds and reappeared, "sorry, the boss said he didn't have a son. The whole country knows that our boss has only two daughters. Are you a fraud Gang? Why don't you do your homework before you cheat? "

"It's impossible to cheat with her son's identity. I'll give you a suggestion. I'd better go abroad and change my gender. Do you want me to make an appointment for sex change surgery? "

Li Shize was so angry that he was insulted by his mother's assistant! When he went back, the first thing to do was to open the assistant who was making a mockery of him.

He said in a deep voice, "I warn you, you'd better give my mother, your boss, the phone in three seconds, or --"

before he said anything hard, he found that he had been hung up again.