Jiang Dexian hung up his mobile phone, and Jun Rong shrugged his shoulders. This action was done by him, with the ease of freehand brushwork.

"He doesn't want to change sex. In fact, I think he looks good if he changes sex." Li Shize's face combines the advantages of Fang Junrong and Li Erjin, which stands out from the rest of the entertainment industry.

Fang Junrong took a puff from the corner of her mouth. Jiang Dexian's divine manipulation always opened her eyes. How could Li Shize agree to become a woman? On the one hand, his self-confidence is based on his identity as her son, and on the other hand, his sense of superiority brought by gender. Although she used to have a general attitude towards both children. But because Li has always regarded him as the successor, he also instilled with him the idea that "he is the only son of the Li family, and he should naturally inherit the family property". Even though he has suffered a lot now and faced the blow of society, this idea from the deep of his heart is not so easy to change.

I'm afraid that the son of barbecued pork will find Jiang leisurely, which is deliberately humiliating him. Now the barbecued son's behavior has been unable to cause her heart too much fluctuation. She was increasingly able to see him as a stranger. No revenge is the greatest kindness.

"In case he has a grudge." Jiang Dexian said so, but his expression did not mean to be afraid.

Fang Junrong also found that he was more and more relaxed in front of him, occasionally showing his true temperament.

There was a faint smile in her eyes, and suddenly she remembered one thing, "did you explode the scandal of Li Xuan some time ago?"

A few days ago, a video of Li Xuan playing with several 18 line models was released. Li Xuan was married the year before last, and has been shaping a good image of a man. As soon as this video came out, the whole network was in uproar, and his fame suddenly increased. Unfortunately, it was all negative. The video was very clear. Even if Li Xuan wanted to use "everyone is good friends" to wash the white, the masses did not buy it and condemned his behavior. Netizens jokingly called it "pool door".

Li Xuan is very busy about this. After all, he has been trying to show his love for the past two years. This year, he has also received two variety shows from husband and wife. For such programs, he will sign a contract in advance. Now, if there is such a scandal, he has to pay a large amount of compensation and lose all the money he has made in these years.

In recent days, he has been repeatedly exposed to black history, such as suppressing and framing teammates, small stars in the hidden rules circle, playing big cards, and bullying xiaotransparent in the backstage. In front of the hammers one by one, several big fans who had been with him for many years directly chose to take off the powder and step back.

It can be said that unless there is capital to spare no effort to protect Li Xuan, otherwise his future in the entertainment industry is completely ruined. However, his original gold owner chose to abandon him because of the more moving parts of his face and the decline of his appearance.

Fang Junrong did not know why, and suddenly suspected Mr. Jiang Dexian. After all, it is he who can understand the history of Li xuanhei. Secondly, Li Xuan's affairs were revealed after meeting Jiang Dexian again.

Jiang Dexian was stunned. "I'm right."

He didn't deny it, he didn't make excuses, he was frank. He looked at Fang Junrong quietly, as if he wanted to get some answer from her side.

Fang Junrong sighed gently, the sigh fell into the air, with some helplessness.

Jiang Dexian's face turned white for a moment and subconsciously squeezed his fingers.

Fang Junrong said: "before the next action, you can tell me, I just help you deal with the beginning and the end."

"But you're more comprehensive than I thought."

Just to say hello to the media.

Jiang Dexian said in a low voice, "I thought you would think that my mind is deep, and I will report my revenge." His usual voice is clear and clear, like the breeze in the woods. When he lowers his voice, he has more magnetic meaning, just like the quiet flowing cello at night, playing people's heartstrings. Even if he doesn't mix with the entertainment industry, he is also very suitable to be a voice actor with his voice.

Fang Junrong, while deserting, replied to him, "I don't think you have any mistakes in revenge. In fact, it's hard for you to bear up to now. All the things you broke out are the mistakes he really made, not framed. Of course, I have no position to blame you. "

She hated the advice of others on her revenge behavior, and she would not interfere in others' behavior. As long as there was no violation of the law and discipline and no malicious frame up, it was Jiang Dexian's personal choice. If someone ran to her to ask her to be magnanimous to Li nianjin, then Fang Junrong only met and poured water on them without expression.

Jiang Dexian's lips rose, and the whole person seemed to be relaxed a lot, as if the things that had imprisoned him had disappeared.

"Thank you. You are the most considerate People. "

After the adjective in his tongue around a circle, vague up, Fang Junrong did not hear clearly, anyway, it is nothing more than praise her. For praise, she has now been very used to hearing, after all, under her micro blog, there are a group of people blowing rainbow farts every day. Fans blowing rainbow farts can surprise their vocabulary. In short, Fang Junrong has developed immunity to other people's praise for her.She glanced at him in a calm voice. "If you know I'm a good boss, give me a good job." Having said that, she still trusts Jiang Dexian's ability to work. He has a good fortune in his life. Whether he is Jiang Wenyu or Jiang Dexian, he is a rare talent.

"Yes, boss."

Fang Junrong put several contracts in front of him and asked him to communicate with the other side. Having a carefree and capable assistant can make her a lot easier, and can also leave her alone. Rebirth, there is no need to force yourself so tired, should relax or have to relax.


Li Xinyun came out of the gym. Her delicate face was healthy and rosy after exercise. Even without makeup, her skin was still white and delicate. She was quite busy a few days ago and stayed up late. She felt that her body was not very good these days, so she simply signed up for a fitness class. Now that the draft competition is over, the things of Shengxing company are gradually on track. She can finally enjoy her life a little and make time to exercise.

After going back, she will continue to nibble at the apples her mother sent. That apple is so delicious that it's not greasy to eat three at a time!

Just out of the gym, she looked up and saw a familiar and strange figure. The familiar is because each other's facial features and figures are in memory, while the unfamiliar is due to his temperament has changed a lot.

In front of her is Li Shize, her former brother, who has not been seen for half a year. Yes, now she doesn't regard each other as her relatives. Before Li Shize, always cold face, looks cold and arrogant, as high as the prince. Now he, after the devastation of the society, did not have the previous arrogance, micro frown let him more cloudy aura.

Her bodyguard stood beside her in a protective gesture.

Li Xinyun looked at Li Shize, who was walking towards her step by step, wondering what he wanted her to do.

Li Shize looked at his sister's cold look and opened his mouth. After a long time, he squeezed out a sentence, "I want to see my mother."

"Then you'll see him." Li Xinyun just finished saying this, then reacted to come over, looked at him seriously, the tone is firm, "it seems that mother should be to pull you black." Think about it, he has completely wiped out his mother's feelings for him.

Li Shize frowned, "I'll apologize to her after I see my mother."

Li Xinyun sneered, laughing sarcastically, "is your apology valuable? We're not rare. You'd better go. "

"By the way, that's my mom, not your mom."

She never forgot how Li Shize treated them for Jiang Ya Ge. Now, they say they will apologize. Why, do they still have to accept it with gratitude? Think beautiful!

"Did Jiang Ya Ge abandon you? Yes, how could you think of us if she hadn't abandoned her. "

The thought of this made her feel miserable. More than ten years of family love is not as hot as a few months of love. How ridiculous.

Her face sank down, the tone of her voice increased a bit, "you die of this heart, I will not take you to mother in front of her to plug it."

Li Xinyun in Li Shize's impression is naive and lively with a little bit of arrogance. Now Xinyun looks like he is in memory, but his temperament is much calmer. Especially when she is cold face, that and Fang Junrong some similar momentum will come out.

He stares at her, "are you afraid? I'm afraid that when I come back, you won't be my mother's only one. Afraid that someone will rob you of your property? "

He couldn't think of any other reason. He was much better than Xinyun since he was young, and he has always been the object of her hope. Once he comes back, his mother will not choose Xin Yun as her successor.

Li Xinyun was stunned. At the same time, she was also a little disappointed. "We are not the same people. I thought you were a little repentant, but you were still the same. "

It's benefit to speak and shut up. I didn't expect how much hurt he had done to them emotionally. At the end of the day, would he have regretted his mother's success?

"It's her business how to arrange the inheritance right of mom's company. We have no right to question. You'd better fight by yourself than staring at her things all the time. I remember that dad gave you a lot of money before he was alive, plus the money you saved before, it was enough to use as the starting fund. Don't tell me you've spent all your money? "

She put Li Shize's iron green face into the bottom of her eyes, and had the answer in her heart. She waved and her voice cooled. "Don't show up in front of me, or I'll call the police and say you harass me."

Li Xinyun's words are so bad to hear. Although Li Shize was unwilling, he did not continue to stay to take his humiliation.

However, he still did not give up the idea of meeting Fang Junrong. In any way, he wanted her forgiveness. Li Xinyun was unable to follow this route, so he had to change to another one. Maybe he can try to find Zhong Yi? Although the identity of Zhong Yi is not very good, but at this time also can not manage so much. Zhong Yi is just an adopted daughter. She wants to be limited in her family status. She is not as confident as Xinyun to refuse him or even give him a look.No, I'll give her some good.

But before he went to find Zhong Yi, he had a dream that night. It was a nightmare that made him wake up in cold sweat.