Zhang Bi is directly in a daze. How could it be a river asking fish? When he sent out his paper, he obviously suspended the project because of his cold. I don't know how long it will take him to finish his paper.

When did he throw it?

His heart was filled with panic, his hand shaking with the magazine. The magazine fell directly to the ground and hit his foot, but he was totally unconscious. His eyes fell into the air somewhere. His eyes were loose. His head announced a strike at this moment.

It's over. Although I don't know what happened, when Jiang Wenyu's paper was published, he announced that all his plans had failed.

"Abby, what's going on?"

His mother's voice brought him back to reality. When he came back to his mind, he saw his mother Su Qinmei anxious.

Su Qinmei is very flustered now. Today she went out to play mahjong with some of her best friends. As a result, some of her best friends congratulated her and her son's paper was published again. Others may not be able to publish a single article for several years. It is as simple as drinking water to publish articles in top journals. At first, she thought it was praising her baby son Abbi, but she was also happy. She was very clear about what Zhang Bi had done during this period of time, and she also used her personal connections to help him, otherwise her son would not have been so smooth and even had not been caught.

Zhang asked fish that the existence of the bitch, or a little useful. At least give her son a little aura.

Just listen to listen, she found something wrong, how do they say more like a ask fish? A close examination found that it was really him. Su Qinmei did not care to play mahjong, and went home in a hurry, just to find out what was going on. Zhang Wenyu's paper is not finished yet?

Every time Mingming's father-in-law calls him, he's not getting well because of a cold.

"How could it be his paper? Did he write a new paper before? "

A stack of inquiries deepened Zhang Bi's impatience. He pushed Su Qinmei aside angrily and said angrily, "I only ask questions all day long. How can I know?"

His expression was mixed with anger, embarrassment and bewilderment, and his voice showed deep hatred. "The paper he published was the one I sent out."

Su Qinmei was stunned and stammered: "what do you do then?"

That magazine has already published the article about fish, does not it mean that her son has no hope?

Zhang bi was in a state of confusion and finally found a bit of reason. He sorted out the causes and consequences, and sadly found a fact, "Zhang asked the fish to play us all! He finished his paper long ago and sent it out early! "

Otherwise, it would not have been published so soon.

He found out the backup of his paper, compared it with the paper in the magazine, and forced to read it. The front part is the same, but near the middle, it starts to change. The latter data are even more divergent, and the conclusions drawn are quite different.

On a hot day, he seemed to be thrown into the ice tan. The cold in his bones was constantly seeping out. He finally realized that this was a trap for him from the beginning to the end. But he was confused by the interests, too despised Zhang asked fish, so he fell in, was beaten head and blood. In fact, his trap is not complicated, it just determines the nature of his greed.

He is so cruel. He wants to cut off his future completely!

After thinking about it clearly, he took a breath of cold air, and his teeth clenched, "he wants to destroy me."

Su Qinmei didn't understand the academic aspect. Just by looking at her son's expression, she could also guess how serious the matter was. She was anxious and angry. "As expected, he should not be allowed to come back. He should have been killed early. He is a white eyed wolf! What now? "

She did not think that Zhang Wenyu's return could not be prevented by her, and the other party was the rightful successor.

If the stolen things have been owned for a long time, she will naturally regard them as her own. When the original owner wanted to get it back, he was furious as if he had been touched by the scales. He was unable to accept or even hated the existence of the other party.

Zhang Bi took a deep breath. He walked around the room for several times. Then he sat in front of the computer and sent an e-mail to the magazine he had submitted before, saying that he had not paid attention to it and had submitted the wrong paper. Although this reason is very ridiculous, but he can not care so much. If he invests in a domestic magazine, Zhang Jia will find a way to find more friends, and it is possible to keep this matter down.

However, Zhang Bi had always wanted to become famous. He chose international journals. He couldn't even get the contact number of the editor, let alone put pressure on him.

After finishing this, he sat in the chair and looked up at his mother, "Mom, it's really not good. You can go to him and make love. Let's just say that I made a big mistake because I was obsessed for a moment, and asked him to show that we did it together in the early stage of the experiment. "

"He still thinks you are his mother and will not refuse you."

Su Qinmei looks pale, let her go to the people she hates to be humble? She can't do it at all.

But looking at her son's rarely seen panic expression and helpless appearance, she can only one face aggrieved to agree. Well, just for the sake of my son.After successfully persuading his mother, Zhang Bi also recovered some confidence. He dared to do so at that time, because he felt that his mother and grandfather were there. Unless Zhang asked fish to cut off the relationship with Zhang Jia, he would certainly be forced to head down. Zhang Jia must not have such a scandal. In this matter, my grandfather will definitely take his side.

Although telling granddad about this meant that he would be out of the game completely, Zhang Bi couldn't find any other way. My grandfather will find out sooner or later. It's better to tell him earlier.

After he had made psychological preparations, he went to Zhang Kaiyu, the patriarch of the Zhangjia clan, and told him honestly.

Zhang Kaiyu was so angry that his stomach ached. He never thought that plagiarism would happen in their home.

He could not help but lift his crutch and hit the wall.

"You have the ability to steal from others! You can steal it from your own head

Although he is old, he is still in good health since he was young. He is not inferior to middle-aged people in fighting.

Zhang Kaiyu is really angry. If Zhang Bi plagiarized something from an outsider and succeeded in plagiarizing, he could still praise his skill. But the object he chose was Zhang Wenyu! It's from Zhangjia!

Zhang Bi didn't expect his grandfather to fight as soon as he came up. He got several abductions on the ground. The pain made his expression distorted directly. How can solid wood not hurt? He subconsciously wants to dodge, this action directly caused Zhang Kaiyu, he actually dare to hide! So he played harder.

"Stop fighting!"

The front of the wall was still holding up his face, but he couldn't help but scream at the back.

The movement here is not small, but also disturbed other people in Zhangjia. When they arrived, they could see that Zhang Bi had been beaten in a miserable way. When the abductor fell on Zhang Bi, many of the people who had been beaten shook reflexively.

This beating directly made Zhang Bi black and blue. He felt pain all over his body when he moved.

Although Zhang bi was beaten like this, his heart was relieved. This meal proved that grandfather didn't really treat him as an abandoned son, or he would help him clean up the mess.

He pulled the corner of his mouth to show a smile, but this move directly involved the wound on his body, which made him show his teeth - it really hurt!

This brought him not only the pain of the government, but also the torment of his soul. He knew that now he had no predestination with that position. Wrong step, wrong step.


After beating Zhang Bi hard, Zhang Kaiyu went to the family storehouse to look for precious medicinal materials as a gift for the child asking fish. Make more compensation for him and let Zhang Bi apologize to him. If you ask the fish, you will be relieved. It's all a family. Is it hard to make things big and let people all over the world see jokes? As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized. In the future, a Bi's share of resources will be left to ask fish. As the patriarch of Zhangjia, he didn't want to let the fighting in Zhangjia be used as the talk material after dinner.

He thought about it for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with his disposal, so he felt more confident.

After he picked out the gift, it was midnight. At this time point, Zhang Kaiyu will definitely not go out. Instead, he is going to have a rest for another night.

However, the night in China, on the other side of the earth, is the day and the working time.

Bruce, one of the editorial editors of nature, went straight.

[blatant plagiarism is a disgrace to the academic community! ]

Bruce directly took a screenshot of the time when he received the papers of Jiang Wenyu and Zhang Bi. He also made a comparison between them. Almost as like as two peas in the first half of the two papers, some minor details are revised.

Obviously, Jiang Wenyu was sent more than a month earlier than Zhang Bi. However, his experimental data are all reasonable and feasible, which has been proved by clinical trials of other researchers and researchers. However, Zhang Bi's experimental data are in a mess. It is very difficult and illogical to draw a final conclusion from his experimental data. There is a big gap between the quality of his papers in the first half and the second half, which leads to the obvious sense of fault. It seems to be the composition of the top students, followed by the composition of the medium-sized students.

There is no doubt that Zhang Bi has plagiarized the first half of Jiang Wenyu's content, and even has the suspicion of forging data. No matter which point, in the academic circles, is to be despised, and Zhang Bi committed both.

After Bruce was published on the Internet, other reviewers commented on the comments and likes.

When the news reached China, it was reported by the media, and the whole country was in uproar. In the daytime, the major official media are still praising Jiang Wenyu for his young and promising life, a rare talent in ten years. Many people are optimistic that he will become a great scientist in the future. As a result, one day later, there was a scandal that someone plagiarized Jiang Wenyu's academic achievements.

So everyone blew it up.