Chinese people still attach great importance to their international image. For those who win glory for their country, they are proud and look like idols. They are eager to blow rainbow farts without repetition all day long to each other. For those who have disgraced the country, they have turned into spitters one by one, eager to scold their ancestors for eighteen generations and jump out of the coffin.

Roll out and get beaten!

Plagiarism is the worst and most disgusting act in any world. So netizens were angry, because some time ago, in order to show off, Zhangjia wantonly publicized that jiangwenyu was the lost child of Zhangjia for many years, so Netizens found that the two were still twin brothers, which directly broke their eyes. Everyone clearly smelled the big melon of the big brother fighting.

[originally, I just wanted to scold Zhang Bi's ancestors for the 18th generation, and deleted my own typing. Don't hurt the fish by mistake! ]

[it's too miserable for Jiang Wenyu to have such a brother who is deliberately planning to steal his own things. ]

[wait and see if there is any reversal. Maybe there is some misunderstanding. ]

[what kind of medicine family is Zhangjia? It's better to call it a thief family. The secret recipe of Fang Junrong was stolen before, but now it is stolen from his family. His family tradition is plagiarism. ]

most gourd eaters still stand on the river and ask the fish. After all, Jiang asked fish, but at a young age, there were two papers included. If you look at Zhang Bi's resume, it looks like it's glittering with gold. However, most of them are gilded, and there are no documents really included in top journals.

Even if it is necessary to show that he is different from others, he can't hold his nose and say that Zhang Bi is more powerful. In particular, the industry continued to emerge, where the gap between the two papers was seriously analyzed. It can be said that the back of Zhang Bi's paper was simply suspended.

Everyone said they wanted to give an explanation. Even before, the sale of peach blossom pills in Zhangjia was dug out by netizens with good memory. For a while, the wind of criticism spread from Zhangbi to the whole Zhangjia, and it was fierce.

With everyone's efforts, the entry of "the family of Thieves" has been turned into a hot search, and Zhangjia is set on the pillar of shame. If Zhang Jia didn't deal with this matter well, word-of-mouth would collapse completely.

The patriarch of the Zhangjia clan had just closed his eyes for less than two hours when he was awakened carefully by his assistant.

When he knew the growing public opinion on the Internet, he was almost heartbroken. He thought it didn't come out so soon. He still had time to work and do the ideological work of asking fish. Who knew that the storm came so fast that they were unprepared.

The whole family was forced to dig out of the bed and have a meeting to deal with it. Zhang Bi couldn't get up because of the pain all over his body, so he was absent from the family meeting.

The yawning Zhangjia people scolded the wall of the basket over and over several times. Every time it's a wall that causes trouble, but it involves the rest of them.

After discussion, we felt that we still had to let Zhang Wenyu show up. Only when Zhang Wenyu admits that the first half was written by him and Zhang Bi, can the reputation of Zhangjia be saved.

Finally, Zhang Kaiyu decided to wait for daybreak and go to ask Zhang for a fish.

Zhang Bi's second uncle was already very impatient. When he left the meeting, he couldn't bear to bear Su Qinmei's words, "the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked, and our Zhangjia is almost dragged down by your mother and son. You mother and son are God of pestilence. It's not enough to harm the Su family. You have to do harm to Zhangjia. "

"When you were pregnant, you should have let go of that child. If only the old sister-in-law was still alive. " He couldn't help feeling that he was like his old sister-in-law. He was smart, elegant and strong. Both the Su family and the Zhang family were well organized. Obviously, they are both twins, but their abilities and personalities are very different.

He said happily, every word turned into a knife and cut into Suqin Mei's heart with blood dripping.

Su Qinmei didn't rest for a night, and her dark eyes came out. When she heard this, she couldn't breathe at all. What she hated most was that others used suqinying to belittle him. She had some hypoglycemia, was so stimulated, directly fainted in the past.

Zhang Kaiyu's face is also not very good-looking. At that time, Su Qinmei calculated his own sister, and he acquiesced. Su Qinying is too resourceful. His son's character is uncertain. Zhang's family will change his family name. Compared with Su Qinying, Su Qinmei has no ability to do that. She has a handle in their hands and can hold the Su family in this way. So suqinying's death became a matter of course.

He sighed, who knew that suqinying's son would be so excellent? Where did he think that Su Qinmei and his son would cause so much trouble to Zhang Jia.

It's a pity that it's hard to buy a thousand dollars.

Really can't, can only give up Zhang Bi, stop loss in time. A cold light flashed through his eyes.


Fang Junrong is not surprised to open Yu, the old man will come to the door, she asked the river fish, "do you want to see him?"

If he doesn't want to see him, she'll have him kicked out. Anyway, as we all know, her relationship with Zhang Jia is not very good.

Jiang asked the fish rubbed his temple and said, "I'll meet him, and I and Zhangjia should make a break."He made a big fuss this time, so he didn't plan to reconcile with Zhang Jia. The more he stayed in Zhangjia, the more disgusted he was with the principle of supremacy of interests.

He stood up, thought, or put the fruit on the table, put it in the refrigerator. These fruits are brought by Fang Junrong. They taste very good. It's too wasteful to treat his grandfather.

Put his action into the fundus of the eye, Fang Junrong's mouth twitched.

"I'll go back to the company first."

So, leave room for them. She doesn't worry about Jiang Wenyu's loss. The monitoring is on, and the bodyguards around Jiang Wenyu won't let him have an accident.

When she went out, she just passed Zhang Kaiyu. Zhang Kaiyu caught a glimpse of her smiling side face, which was slightly heavy. The relationship between Fang Junrong and asking fish is better than he imagined. He suspected that the reason why fish had always had a grudge against Zhangjia was that this woman was making trouble in it.

Unhappy, he was led to the reception room on the second floor.

When Zhang asked the fish again, he changed his sad expression, "ask the fish, you are wronged."

Jiang asked the fish to look at him straight and calmly, "so when will Zhangbi publicly apologize to me?"

Zhang Kaiyu choked for a moment. If a bi apologized, he would not have settled down on his plagiarism. In any case, Zhang Jia couldn't recognize it, which would have ruined the reputation of Zhang Jia.

"Ask fish, when you come back, I will let him and you make a good apology. Grandfather will make it up to you He pushed the precious medicinal materials he brought to the direction of the fish.

Jiang asked the fish not to be moved. "What I need is a public apology."

Zhang Kaiyu was embarrassed, "ask fish, can't you think about the hundred year old reputation of Zhangjia? You and Zhangjia are both prosperous and lose everything. There is no need to pay for your future in order to gamble. I know you've suffered a lot this time, and I'm sure I'll make it up to you. Ah Bi, he's your brother. You brothers, why do you have to fight to death? It will only make the relatives hurt and the enemies will be quick. "

He talked about the back, which called a heartbreaking, I wish I could not use words to influence this stubborn grandson.

Jiang asked the fish that this was ridiculous.

"Is it not Zhang Bi who has tarnished the reputation of Zhangjia? As a victim, is it wrong for me to want justice? Brother? He never thought of me as his own relative. "

"As the patriarch of the Zhangjia clan, when the people do something wrong, you not only don't punish the culprit, but also want the victims to swallow their anger, regardless of right and wrong, and handle affairs unfairly. Today, I have to bear the humiliation for the reputation of Zhangjia, then tomorrow's me, do I have to contribute my life to the glory of Zhangjia? On what basis

"Just because you are from Zhangjia." As an elder, Zhang Kaiyu thinks he is very tolerant to ask fish. As a result, Zhang Wenyu has been yelling at him, pointing to his nose and scolding him. For a long time, he was very angry.

"Then I'd better go back to my River and ask for fish." He said coldly.

Zhang Kaiyu's pupils opened slightly. He didn't expect that he would abandon everything in Zhangjia so easily? With so many resources in Zhangjia, isn't he moved?

His face was tense and he tried to hold back his anger. His eyes were like a knife. "Are you sure?"

"Do you really think Fang Junrong can protect you all your life?"

Jiang asked the fish's voice turned cold. "Last year, I was poisoned and nearly died. At that time, I couldn't understand. I was just an ordinary teacher. Why would someone give me such a cruel hand? "

"After returning to Zhangjiakou this year, I have read a lot of books in Zhangjiakou. The poison I found at that time was very similar to a mixture of poison extracted from scorpion centipede recorded in Zhangjia

He kept staring at Zhang Kaiyu. "You should know who poisoned me?"

"After I was poisoned, someone else went to school to help me quit. It's easy to find out who said hello to the school as long as I investigate it. " Therefore, Jiang asked the fish to be sure that his grandfather knew about it and even helped to clear the whole thing. At that time, he did not show his talent to the outside world. Of course, Zhang Kaiyu chose to cultivate Zhang Bi from childhood.

Zhang Kaiyu moved his lips and subconsciously looked away.

Jiang asked the fish to smile, "sure enough, you know."

"Go back, Zhang Jia is merciless to me, so don't blame me for my injustice."

His voice was loud and resolute, and there was a spark in his eyes.

Zhang Kaiyu suddenly felt that this grandson was so strange that he seemed to know him for the first time. After a long time, his voice was hoarse, "so you designed a Bi?"

After realizing Zhang Wenyu's hostility to Zhangjia, he sorted out the two days' affairs in his mind and finally realized it. If it was not for Jiang's desire to add fuel to the flames, how could it ferment so quickly?

"After all, I'm his brother. Since he wants my research results, I have to fulfill him. I didn't expect that he really stole it all. " He gave a short laugh, which was ironic.

Zhang Kaiyu's chest seemed to be pressed by a heavy stone, which made him a little out of breath. He covered his chest and laughed angrily, "good, very good."The words were squeezed out of his teeth with hatred.

He stood up and did not look at him again. Since the negotiation has failed, we can only proceed to the next step.

After Zhang Kaiyu left, Jiang asked fish to turn on his mobile phone. Just now, he recorded the conversation between them. Even if he and Zhang Zhang are torn apart in the future, with this recording, he will be a famous teacher.

Jiang Wenyu doesn't want to be intrigued, but some people don't want him to stay in the laboratory. As a simple researcher, he can only clear the obstacles around him.

From the beginning, he just wanted to do a good experiment.