In the whole family, only Su Qinmei knew his father-in-law's private means best. After all, he was amiable to Su Qinying, but he could sit and watch her death without blinking and watch his own grandson abducted.

Last year, she poisoned Jiang Wen's fish, and he was able to clean up the evidence as usual. Because at that time, her son seemed to have a better future than Jiang Wenyu. An old man who can sacrifice his grandson and daughter-in-law without hesitation will resort to any means of revenge. Just imagining alone will make her feel cold, like falling into an ice cave.

She had lost her rational mind, but at this moment she came to her senses and her face was gray.

What did she do? Mingming came here today to let Jiang Wenyu let her son go. As a result, she was so angry that she lost her head and messed up everything.

It's over.

Now they're really going to be in a situation of doom and doom.

She lost the strength to struggle and collapsed to the ground.

Jiang asked the fish with a faint smile, "maybe he will be sold to some place abroad, maybe he will be forced to agree to become an experimental body, maybe he will be sent to some rich businessman as a gift, maybe he..."


Su Qinmei hoarse, looking at the river asked fish's eyes, the first time appeared fear. When looking at his calm and ironic look, she suddenly realized that Jiang Wenyu is different from Su Qinying and is very good at killing the heart. He is threatening her, in order to revenge their mother and son, he really can do these things.

"There is only one way to keep the wall. That is to let Zhang Kaiyu lose the ability to retaliate against him. Otherwise, Zhang Kaiyu will not only retaliate against Zhang Bi, but also may vent his anger to the Su family. "

Suqinying closed her eyes and shamefully found her wavering. Yes, as long as Kaiyu is dragged into the water, her son is safe. The rest of the people in Zhangjia are not good people, but they will not wipe out the people who have completely lost their competitive power. Even though she hated Jiang Wenyu very much, she had to admit that this was the best way to protect her son.

It was Jiang Wenyu who clearly hurt their mother and son so badly, but she had to follow his advice.

He is really a devil.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down, she did not know how many times she cried today, but had a premonition that in the following days, she was afraid to often accompany with tears.

Jiang Wenyu lets his bodyguard watch Su Qinmei and walks to another room.

In fact, his heart was not as calm as he imagined. For a period of time, he wanted to kill Su Qinmei at all costs and let her pay for her blood debts. However, the face of the King appeared in his mind.

"I hope that in ten years' time, the money I spend on you will be the most cost-effective investment."

As she said this, her eyes were focused, and there was a hint of supplication.

So he came to his senses. From last year to the present, Fang Junrong has invested tens of millions of money in him. He must not let her drift away. There is no need to put himself in prison because of them.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Wenyu. I'm going to report to the police."

He took out his wallet and opened it. The girl in the picture had clear eyes and a bright smile. It was su Qinying, the mother he had never seen before. His eyes were wet and his vision blurred.


Zhang Kaiyu, who was resting, was woken up again. He didn't sleep more than three hours in the past two days. Even young people may not be able to survive, let alone him.

He was about to get angry with the housekeeper who had called him. Before the anger broke out in his chest, he heard the housekeeper's anxious voice.

"Here comes the police, sir."

Zhang Kaiyu suddenly woke up, his voice was hoarse, "who are they looking for? Looking for a Bi? "

If it's just plagiarism, it won't let the police come in person.

He added impatiently, "then let them take him, and don't bother me with that."

The housekeeper bowed his head. "No, they are looking for you."

Zhang Kaiyu was stunned. How could it be him?

With the help of the housekeeper, he quickly changed his clothes and went to the hall. Three uniformed policemen came up to him with serious expressions, "Zhang Kaiyu, please come with us. According to Su Qinmei's accusation, you and she murdered Su Qinying together 30 years ago, and assisted Su Qinmei to replace Su Qinying's identity and forge documents... "

It was as if there was a big hammer pounding his head hard, and the whole universe was whirling around. If it was not for the help of the housekeeper, he would have fallen to the ground on the spot.

He had thought that at most it would be to sacrifice a wall and lose a little reputation. I didn't expect that the fire would burn directly on him, Su Qinmei! How dare she!

He actually fell on the woman he despised.

"There must be some misunderstanding in this. She is framing me!" He looked flustered.

The three policemen remained unmoved. "I'll wait until I get into the Bureau."After that, the cold handcuffs directly put him on and took him away.

Zhang Kaiyu has ruled the whole Zhangjiakou like an emperor over the past few years. He is a mountain in the hearts of the people of Zhangjia. As a result, the mountain now collapsed in front of them. For a moment, Zhang Kaiyu's back seemed to be bent.

Other people in Zhangjia looked at each other, "what are we going to do?"

Zhang's second uncle wryly laughed, "first think of a way to see if you can save the old man." He couldn't help cursing, "this disaster of Su Qinmei!" What did she do? How did she get out of the door? Not only did she get herself into the Bureau, but also her father was dragged into the water. Didn't you say that you went to ask the fish in Jiang?

At the same time, the heart also gave birth to a glimmer of wild hope.

The old man of his family seems to be old and strong. As long as he is good, there is no possibility for others to be on top. If the old man is really in prison, will he have a chance to be the patriarch and enjoy the feeling of "no two".

He and his younger brothers met and saw ambition and expectation in each other's eyes.


Fang Junrong watched the video of Jiang Wenyu and Su Qinmei completely. In the video, the river asked fish, a change from the usual Buddhist system, that is called a belly black crazy bully. At this time, she really saw the taste of villain boss in the novel. After all, in the previous life, this cruel man who nearly killed Jiang Yage and his group would have gone to the streets if Jiang Yage had no golden fingers at that time.

No wonder he had to wait for Su Qinmei to come to the police to arrest her after he got the evidence. Just want to break Su Qinmei's psychological defense line, let her and Zhang Kaiyu dog bite the dog. For Su Qinmei, such a selfish and vicious person, she can only guess Zhang Kaiyu with the most malicious guess and successfully frighten herself.

Perhaps it was because she clearly saw her own future. In order to protect her son, Su Qinmei, who was successfully brought to the ditch by Jiang Wenyu, not only gave a detailed account of her previous behavior of killing her sisters, but also spared no effort to describe Zhang Kaiyu as her accomplice. Not only that, she even put the real account books of Zhangjia company where they are all told.

He was suspected of murdering other people's lives, forged documents and tax evasion. Even if there was not enough evidence to kill Su Qinying, the last two together would have allowed him to stay in prison for many years.

I'm afraid Zhang Kaiyu didn't expect things to go so far. After so many years of fame and fortune, he will soon become a prisoner and spend his old age in prison.

Compared with these, she is more gratified that the river asked the fish did not take their revenge into it. From the beginning to the end, his means were not radical, and he was very restrained.

Her lips were hooked, and unconsciously, she had changed the fate of so many people.

What amused her most was that Zhang Kaiyu's sons had obviously reached an agreement on this matter. They even didn't even bother to help out with the relationship. They even said "we didn't expect that our father would make so many mistakes. As a son, we are very self blame, but we will try our best to cooperate with the national investigation". Yes, even when they came over to search for evidence, the Zhangjia people took the initiative to death, because of their relationship, the evidence collection was faster and easier than expected.

Fang Junrong can guess how many of their ideas are completely separated from Zhang Kaiyu. However, this move is tantamount to abandoning Zhang Kaiyu as an abandoned son.

Over the years, Zhang Kaiyu has sacrificed others for so-called interests without blinking an eye. Now the one who has been sacrificed has become himself. Fengshui turns, which may be the biggest retribution.

On the other hand, the arrest of Su Qinmei and Zhang Kaiyu obviously scares Zhang Bi and makes him become a person who knows the current affairs. It may also be forced by other Zhangjia people. Anyway, a few days later, he posted a video directly online.

In the video, his stubble has come out, his eyes are sunken and he looks haggard. In the video, he said that he was jealous of plagiarizing Jiang Wenyu's works, so he would like to apologize to Jiang Wenyu.

netizens naturally scolded Zhang Bi to death. Plagiarism is too bad, even if it's Zhang Bi's face powder, he can't wash his conscience. Not to mention, is the river asking fish not handsome? Not good? It's better to ask the fish in the Fen river than to open the wall with powder.

Several official micro organizations even severely reprimanded this behavior and nailed him to the post of academic thief. This is qualitative and there is no reversal. Zhangjia also came forward to say that according to Zhang Kaiyu, they would drive Zhang Bi out of the house. Zhang Kaiyu, who is still in custody, is tantamount to playing the last bit of waste heat.

According to Fang Junrong's information, Zhang Bi soon packed up his belongings and went back to his uncle's su family. After that, he no longer appeared in front of people and disappeared directly.

She felt that the development of this matter was totally beyond her expectation. Obviously, at the beginning, it was just a simple counterattack. Who knows that it was implicated in the past 30 years ago.

As the investigation has not yet been completed, no announcement has been made. However, people in the circle have heard more or less that Su Qinmei started to kill Su Qinying and replace her identity when she gave birth to a son. Zhang Kaiyu is likely to cooperate with Su Qinmei in harming others.

This is also Fang Junrong's deliberate intention to kill his mother. No matter how Jiang Wenyu treats Zhang Jia, no one will jump out and criticize him at the high point of morality.It's just

Obviously, it is Zhang Jia and Jiang asking about the fish. What do these people do when they have nothing to do to give her gifts?

Fang Junrong frowned slightly. In the past few days, many people have sent her precious gifts, bearing the banner of a birthday gift to Xinyun. Are you kidding? Xinyun's birthday is still two months away, and you can't give gifts so early.

Bai Shiyuan's maiden White House sent a set of topaz emerald head, worth tens of millions. Her husband's family sent a stone. It's the original stone of jade ice seed. Judging from the size, it can be used to make two jadeite bracelets and several ring noodles at least. The Deng family didn't know where to find antiques

What are these people up to? She noticed that these families were all families with whom she was usually a little dirty.

She simply called sun Mei.

Sun Mei at the other end of the phone said, "don't you know? The main reason is that the circle has been saying that you are a killer in the circle. Whoever offends you will have a bad end. So they are afraid that you will think about it, and they will send gifts to repair with you From Li forgetting Jin to Wang Xiao, and then to the present Zhangjia, a pile of lessons from the past can not be ignored.

"My husband also praised me, saying that I had foresight, and I would have been fighting with you for a long time. Well, when shall we go out for a hot spring

Fang Junrong:

What's the matter with these people! It was as if she was the God of pestilence. She was not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night.

It's obviously those people who broke the law and were arrested. What's her business.

She's just a little bit of a boost.