In this period of time, Zhangjia can be said to let everyone see a big joke.

Zhang Kaiyu has been the patriarch of the Zhangjia clan for so many years. He has no lack of contacts and means. He does not want to die in prison. Of course, he wants to fight hard. Therefore, he asked his lawyer to ask many of his old friends to see if he could help him. He also promised a lot of good things to cede the benefit distribution of the family.

As the saying goes, money and silk move people's hearts. Whether it is in terms of friendship or money, many people are really excited and eager to try.

It's just that Zhang Kaiyu's abacus is so smart that he can't stand him. He has a group of pig teammates who are trying to drag their feet.

When his sons heard about it, they all jumped up in anger. After Zhang Kaiyu was arrested, there was no one on top of their heads. They squandered money as much as they wanted, and finally realized the happiness of freedom. As a result, his father didn't give up. He would rather lose the interests of Zhangjia and come out. This is equivalent to cutting meat on them. Can this be tolerated?

As a result, one by one, he became a good citizen who abided by the law, actively cooperated with the police, and even reported Zhang Kaiyu's small actions, which proved that he had never been repentant and needed to be punished severely. As for the families who helped Zhang Kaiyu, they almost didn't make a fuss, and they were very angry behind their backs. But they can't help it. After all, what they did can't be said on the table. They can only bear it.

They could not harm themselves for the sake of Zhang Kaiyu, so they had to stop regretfully.

the detained Zhang Kaiyu almost vomited a mouthful of blood when he heard the news that he was reported by his children and grandchildren. He asked the lawyer with wide eyes, "are you telling me the truth?"

After a short period of half a month, Zhang Kaiyu was very old and haggard because of his anxiety and fear, and his living standard was not as good as before. His black hair was full of silver hair, which was consistent with his age.

The lawyers themselves were invited by the people of Zhangjia, and of course they preferred the others.

He nodded, "they hope you can abide by the law, don't drag Zhangjiakou into the water for you alone, and tarnish the reputation of Zhangjiakou for a hundred years."

"As the patriarch of Zhangjia, you don't want to be a sinner of Zhangjia. Are you nailed on the pillar of shame?"

"This is a necessary sacrifice for the reputation of Zhangjia."

The lawyer has a straight face, and his appearance is solemn and dignified.

Every word, he cut into the sharp blade and stabbed Zhang Kaiyu in the chest. His ears were buzzing, and when he tasted the blood in his mouth, he found that he had bitten his lips too hard and bleeding.

How familiar the lawyer's words sound.

In many memories of the past, these are the words he once said. When he said this, he stood on his back and stood high, just like a God in his family. A few words can determine a person's fate. For those who were sacrificed, he never felt guilty, only took it for granted. Zhangjia's interests are the biggest. It is not right to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of the collective? If not, how can Zhangjia still stand up and become a medical family in so many storms.

But at that time, he did not expect that he would become an abandoned son one day. His sons slapped these words on his face in a dignified manner, just as he did in those years, demanding that he sacrifice himself and complete his family.

"Ha ha..." On the contrary, he began to laugh, just like a broken bellows, which sounded sad and pitiful.

He was struck by the fact that all his chances and expectations were destroyed. His face was as gray as a leaf, and the light in his eyes went out.

"I see."

He didn't ask his lawyer to invite his old friends. His sons can't wait to see him in jail. Maybe it's called retribution.


Fang Junrong also heard about these things in Zhangjia. Even if she didn't make a conscious inquiry, some people thought that she had a bad relationship with Zhang Jia, so they were willing to tell some jokes about Zhang Jia to please her. According to her lawyer group, Zhang Kaiyu and Su Qinmei are afraid that they will have to pay a lot of money to get out of the way.

It's just that we'll have to wait a month or two for the court to begin.

Jiang Wenyu directly restored his mother's tomb, at least not under the name of Su Qinmei.

Fang Junrong gave him a special holiday to have a rest.

Who knows Jiang asked the fish to take a two-day break and run back to the laboratory. What else can Fang Junrong say? He can only let the assistant stare at the river and ask the fish, at least keep up with the nutrition and rest.

She is not a workaholic like Jiang Wenyu. She should rest or rest. Her baby daughter Xinyun had a summer vacation, and Fang Junrong was ready to travel together. It's a pity that Zhong Yi can't help it. This summer, she is busy with her only star, Ren Dong, to give a new album to promote the program. She is as busy as the top.

Fang Tian, her eldest brother's daughter, came back from abroad and simply formed a tour group of three. Oh, and two bodyguards.

Fang Tian looks more like her mother Yang Xi. She has two pears when she laughs. She is like her name. She is a very coquettish little sweetheart.As soon as he met, he took Fang Junrong's hand and said, "I knew I shouldn't have promised to be with my aunt, otherwise people would think you were my sister."

Fang Tian's dress is quite fashionable, which adds a mature flavor to her. Children of this age seem to want to prove to adults that they have grown up.

Fang Junrong was amused and nodded her head, "but are you sure you want to take the train?"

They were going to take a plane, so it would be easier. As a result, Fang Tian said that she had never been on a train and wanted to experience it. Fang Junrong thought, this time the students have gone home, avoid the rush hour, the train should not be so crowded, so he nodded and agreed.

Fang Tian nodded and her eyes were bright, "I've heard from my classmates that I've always been curious. I'll have another live broadcast by the way. "

After graduation, she did not want to enter the family business, but wanted to be a live webcast. Fang Junrong and her brother have similar views on educating children. As long as children do not violate the law and discipline, what they want to do is their freedom, and they don't have to have more achievements, so the children are happy. Although many people think that the network red this identity can not be on the table, but Fang Junrong they did not stop.

She also looked at Fang Tian's account, the account name is "rabbit does not eat carrots", the number of fans is also many, there are hundreds of thousands. She started the live broadcast recorded in the past, some live broadcast of her school life, and some live broadcast of her family. Search her account name again, like her people praise her beautiful and grounded gas, do not like her said she is white all day, rich beauty set, vanity strong. And the sunspot indicated that her face must have been made by knife.

Fang Junrong looked at a few and then closed it. To tell you the truth, in fact, Fang Tian's live broadcast is really no bright spot, but she can't stand her good-looking. Even if she is plain, she is also smart.

By the middle of July, they packed up and embarked on this journey. They are going to y province this time. The summer there is cool and not so hot. It's summer vacation.

Her ticket was ordered by Jiang Dexian, and it happened that the three of them had a seat. Li Hui and Jian Shao, two bodyguards, were seated behind them. After sitting down, Fang Tien took off his hat and painted some foundation for himself, then took up the makeup and took out the mobile phone and began to live.

"Rabbits don't eat carrots here. Today is my first time to take a train, so let's have a live broadcast to commemorate it."

Her voice was clear and clear, with a smile, like the wind blowing away the hot summer. However, during the live broadcast, Fang Tian changed her direction so as not to let Fang Junrong and Li Xinyun enter the camera. She obviously didn't want to be known about her real background.

Li Xinyun took out his mobile phone and read novels with great interest. Fang Junrong seldom took the train. At this time, he looked around and watched all kinds of life.

Compared with the EMU plane, the train is obviously more noisy, there are a few children in the corridor, their parents do not stop, smiling at the side.

Fang Junrong saw a little girl nearly hit. The little girl, with delicate features and thin body, was very careful with her suitcase in one hand and a jar in the other. When a child bumped into her, her first reaction was to protect the jar. Because of this, she was bent and almost fell.

Fang Tian, who was broadcasting, held her up and said to her, "be careful."

The little girl, who was about 15 years old, whispered thanks to her. Her cheeks were flushed by the sun. Although her clothes were old, they were clean and tidy. The child who hit them stood up, made a face at them, and continued to run the aisle like a playground, even faster than just now.

Fang Tian saw this, turned to the parents of those children and said, "look after your children, don't let them run around."

After listening to this, the parents who were chatting said: "children always like to run around. What's wrong with them? You child, how can you be so careful with children. "

Fang Tian raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "I'm on the air now. Either I'll take care of your children, or I'll let people all over China enjoy their running and show you how to be parents."

The parents' eyes fell on her mobile phone, their expressions were stiff, and then they called their children back to their seats with indignation on their faces. Among them, the woman in the red shirt clapped her hands on the back of her children and yelled, "let you run, let you humiliate me outside."

It made the child cry again.

Fang Junrong rubbed his temples and said next time he would not take the train. Fang Tian's performance is much better than she imagined.

Perhaps because Fang Tian is broadcasting live, the parents of these bear children are in charge of their own children.

Fang Junrong noticed that the little girl's seat, which had just fallen off, happened to be next to one of the parents.

Half an hour later, the train started.

Fang Junrong looked out of the window, watching the scenery constantly retreat. Xin Yun seems to be sleepy and resting with her eyes closed. Fang Tian was very excited to continue the live broadcast, but this time, she only typed and chatted with her fans without making any noise.The noisy train began to quiet a lot, in this atmosphere, Fang Junrong found himself really a little sleepy.

At this moment, a startling scream came out, "I lost my bracelet! Who stole it

She opened her eyes and saw the woman in the red shirt staring at the little girl angrily, "did you take it? I just went to the toilet and the chain was gone!