When the contract was settled, they sent Chen Mingzhu to her father. Well, it's by bus.

The farthest place Chen Mingzhu has ever been is the small county town on her side. She is very embarrassed when she comes to such a big city for the first time. She carried a schoolbag on her back, which contained several changes of clothes. Holding the jar all the time.

Li Xinyun had been curious about the jar for a long time. He couldn't help asking, "what's in this jar?"

Chen Mingzhu said, "it's pickles. I personally pickled pickles. My father likes it very much. Every year he comes back, he takes several jars with him, saying that it has the flavor of his hometown. "

I never thought I could eat salted vegetables any more. No matter how much you like, you will get tired of eating too much. No, it may not be like it. It may just be that I just want to save money. But now she is not the one who used to talk but can't hurt people directly by saying such words. On the contrary, she echoed: "yes, every time I go out to travel, I miss my family's food after a few days of eating."

Fang Junrong looked at her daughter with a faint smile.

They are not rush hour at this time point, the bus is not crowded, everyone has a seat. With the air conditioner on, Fang Junrong was not carsick. On the contrary, Fang Tian, who was just in the car, was busy uploading the interview content to her account number, facing her mobile phone all the time. In addition, the road was not peaceful and bumpy. After a while, she began to feel dizzy.

"Aunt, do you have any medicine for carsickness?" Her small face was so white that she didn't look as high as she had been an hour ago, and her drooping eyes were a little more pitiful.

Fang Junrong said: "try some preserved fruit first? I picked them myself and dried them

She opened her bag and took out a packet of dried peaches. The peach was picked from the cave. It contains some aura. It should make her feel comfortable. There is no way to take fruit when traveling. Fang Junrong can't take fruit out of the cave directly and tell them that they bought it by themselves. So they can simply make the fruit dry and carry it easily.

Fang Tian tasted it, his eyes brightened up, "delicious! I like it! Aunt, you've made a good profit

Fang Junrong smiles but does not speak: clearly is the fruit in the cave is good.

Each bag of dried fruit is not much, that is about 50 grams. Fang Tian finished eating three or two times, and then looked at Fang Junrong with the wet eyes like a dog, and his whole body was emitting the breath of "I want to".

She remembered that her niece had been abroad for most of the past year, and she had not eaten much of her cave! Fruit in the sky.

"I put the rest in the suitcase. There are only a few bags in the bag. I'll give you all to eat. " On the bus, she must not be able to open her luggage.

She took a bag to Fang Tian, and divided Li Xinyun and Chen Mingzhu into one. She didn't eat it herself. She preferred freshly picked fruit to dried fruit. As the saying goes, it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. In this regard, she is becoming more and more critical.

Chen Mingzhu had preserved fruit and felt the sweet and sour taste. It was the first time that she had such a delicious preserved fruit. She remembered when she was five years old when her mother died and her father came back. At that time, she was crying. Many people said that she didn't have a mother. Sooner or later, her father would not want her. At that time, her father held her and opened a bag of dried fruit that she brought back specially for her to eat and coax her.

The fruit was dry, sour and sweet, with the aroma of fruit. The first time she ate this, she just froze and forgot to cry. Later, every time her father came back, he would bring her some snacks and let her eat them secretly. Chocolate chips and lollipops, she ate several snacks he brought back, but the most unforgettable was the dried fruit.

Later, although my father worked outside most of the time, he would remember to send her a gift every birthday. He told her to study hard and said that he would take her out to see the outside world one day.

Her father's dark and honest face appeared before her eyes, and her eyes were red. But she didn't want to be found crying. She lowered her head and quickly wiped the tears out of her eyes with her fingers.

Chen Mingzhu didn't finish the bag of dried fruit. After eating a few, she carefully put it away. You can't eat such delicious food in one breath. I'll give it to my cousin. Although her uncle's family was not very good to her, she was very grateful for her care after her mother died. Sometimes she wanted to leave something good for her.

She turned her head and looked out of the window at such a high house that she had only seen in books and on the TV of her uncle's house next door. On the road, the traffic is turbulent, the sun is on the body, and the wind is vaguely mixed with the smell of gasoline.

Is this the city where dad lives? It looks good.

She looked at it without blinking, reluctant to miss a scenery.


It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when they got to the destination they had written on the paper. Because of the summer, the sky is still bright, especially today, the weather is very good, the whole sky is red by fire clouds, like a painting.

That address is a bit partial, they asked! After the local people, under the leadership of the kind people, finally came to the staff dormitory.

Looking from the outside, the staff dormitory has three floors. The old yellow building is full of traces of years. There are children's graffiti on the side walls and a lot of moss in the corner. The corridor outside is full of clothes of all sizes, and the atmosphere of life is rich. There are many people collecting clothes in the corridor.Fang Junrong stood downstairs for a while and asked Chen Mingzhu, "go upstairs?"

She remembered that the paper had her father Chen Gensheng's dormitory number, in room 304.

Looking up at Chen Mingzhu on the third floor, she comes back to her senses and subconsciously hugs the jar. Obviously, the child is very nervous now.

Perhaps because of the company, although Chen Mingzhu was very nervous, she still went upstairs. The security work of this dormitory building is not good. They came in with obviously strange faces, and no one asked.

On the third floor, they looked at the number and found 304.

Fang Junrong found that the clothes hanging in the corridor at the gate of 304 were obviously from a family of three. Men, women and baby clothes.

Li Xinyun also noticed this, and his face sank. Because of Li's fault, she was more sensitive in this respect than others, and her heart suddenly felt aggrieved by Chen Mingzhu. After this journey, she still has a good feeling for Chen Mingzhu.

Chen's fist is tight, and he knocks on the door. This door is of the iron type. When it is knocked, the sound is very loud.

"Who is it?"

A man's voice faintly sounded, after a while, the door opened, a Chinese character face man looked at them suspiciously, "who are you looking for?" Beside him stood a woman with a slight build.

Chen Mingzhu was relieved and said, "I'm looking for my father."

Seeing her reaction, Fang Junrong knew that this man was not her father. A daughter can't even recognize her own father. So is Chen Gensheng moving?

"Who is your father? Did you knock on the wrong door? There is no one I don't know in this building. Please give me a name! I'll read it for you

I can see that this is still a warm-hearted man.

"My father's name is Chen Gensheng." Chen Mingzhu said, enunciating clearly, "didn't he live here before? He sent me a letter. That's the address. "

The expression of the Chinese character face man's face was stiff with naked eyes, "ah, so you are the daughter of root."

The man said, "Gensheng, he has moved away and doesn't live in this building. I just moved it some time ago. " He rubbed his face with a strange expression. His wife shut up in the middle of her speech.

"Where does he live now?"

The man touched his head and showed his teeth with exaggeration, "I think, I don't remember very well. Well, I've been working overtime recently, which makes my memory worse and worse. "

Chen Mingzhu asked, "can you tell me where my father works? I can go straight to his unit to find him. "

"I, I haven't seen him for more than a year, and I really want to miss him very much. He said he would come back to see me. I've been waiting for him

Fang Junrong saw the man's wife on the spot red eyes, don't go too far. This reaction is obviously very wrong.

Can't you? If so, it would be cruel to Chen Mingzhu.

A guess appeared in Fang Junrong's mind, and his expression became dignified.

"I haven't been in touch with him lately, so I don't know where he lives now. I'll call and ask. Don't cry The man's voice softened down, and then he walked into the room. Because he was calling in the room, they didn't understand what he was saying outside the door.

Five minutes later, the man came back and said to them, "I just called Gensheng's unit. Where's your father? He's very important to the company, so he was sent out on a business trip. He won't be back until a while. Why don't you go home first? We don't have the key to his house. We can't take you there. "

He sighed, felt out a cigarette, wanted to smoke, but saw Chen Mingzhu, or put the cigarette back into his pocket.

Chen Mingzhu's tears fell on the spot. She looked sad and her voice was very light.

"Uncle, you don't have to lie to me. Is my father gone?"