"Why?" Li Xinyun was shocked, and so on. He thought that he was looking for an irresponsible father. How could he suddenly turn a corner?

But she also knows how good the relationship between Chen Mingzhu and her father is, and she won't joke about it at all.

She looked up at the man, the man showed a bitter expression, "have you guessed?"

His words undoubtedly confirmed the fact that Chen Gensheng died. In addition to Fang Junrong, who had just made psychological preparations, Li Xinyun and Fang Tian were shocked.

Chen Mingzhu shed tears faster. "I received a gift on my birthday. The gift sent to me this year is rabbit. "

The man's slipper rubbed the floor. "I picked this one. They said you girls like it." They these big men, also do not understand these, chose one looks the most lovable.

"Thank you, uncle," said Chen Mingzhu

"In the past, all the birthday gifts my father gave me were pandas. Because I haven't seen a panda. My father said that he would send me panda things every year. When he picked me up, he would take me to see the giant panda. " When she said this, her voice became choked. "He didn't come back for the Chinese New Year. Even if he was busy before, he would find time to come back."

The man sighed. They thought they were hiding it well, but they lost in the small details. They also underestimated the relationship between Chen Mingzhu and Chen Gensheng.

"Did it happen last December?" Chen asked? At that time, my uncle left for a period of time. After he came back, he was obviously very sad for a period of time, and my uncle and aunt treated me better after that

"In the past, he would send letters to me, telling me to wear more clothes when the weather is cold, and tell him what books and toys I want. He'll buy it for me

She couldn't talk.

"Your dad, when he was driving a truck, had an accident."

Because he can't hide it, Li Dadong can only tell the truth.

"Before he leaves, let's not tell you that you are going to take the high school entrance examination this year. It's a very critical year and we don't want to affect you."

Chen Mingzhu sobbed, tears like a broken line, falling constantly. Although she had been psychologically prepared before she came, she still felt like being stabbed by a knife when she received the news. The people who love her most in the world are gone.

"We wanted your uncle to find a time to tell you about it after you finished your high school entrance examination." They really didn't expect that Chen Gensheng's daughter would find him alone, and almost didn't scare him. Their first reaction was to fool the past.

"The company compensated your father with 970000 yuan. Your father asked us to buy you a house, write down your name, and then send you monthly rent as living expenses. He also left 60000 yuan in the bank and said it was for your college tuition. "

"You can see a lawyer. Your uncle was there, and he was a witness."

"If you don't come, I guess they will talk to you about it in the next few months."

Li Dadong has a good relationship with Chen Gensheng, and his eyes are red at the thought of his death.

Li Dadong's wife added, "son, you have to study hard. Before your dad died, that's what you think about most. He hopes that you can study hard, get into the university outside, and don't be trapped in the village all your life. "

Chen Mingzhu cried and nodded, her sight blurred.

Looking at this picture, Fang Junrong was also a little sour. Chen Gensheng's cultural level is not high. According to Chen Mingzhu's chat on the road, he did not graduate from primary school, and he needed help to write his letters. It can be said that he is a countryman with no culture in the eyes of many people. However, before he died, he was still thinking about his only daughter, trying to arrange her future in his own way. The cost of living and tuition are all taken into account. With such a house, Chen Mingzhu's future will be less bumpy.

It's just that for Chen Mingzhu, she hopes her father can come back more than a house.

She heard the snuffling sound, turned her head, but saw that Xin Yun also cried. She is a beautiful girl. Even on the train, she has to mend her make-up and make herself beautiful. And her hard to maintain the makeup in the role of tears, or all spent.

Noticing Fang Junrong's vision, Li Xinyun wiped it with the back of his hand and walked to the corner of the wall.

Fang Junrong also followed her to the past, she took out the wet tissue from the bag, mild tone, "wipe your face."

"Well." Li Xinyun has a nasal voice. And so on to see the wet tissue on a piece of colorful, revealing the expression of collapse.

Fang Junrong touched her head.

Li Xinyun said, "not every father is the same as Li nianjin, is he?" She looked straight at her, her eyes watered with tears, black and clear.

"Well, yes. There are still a few dads like him. " She can probably guess her daughter's idea. Li's existence makes her more or less suspicious of her father! Pro the role. Therefore, Xin Yun is very active in accompanying Chen Mingzhu to find her father. Even if she takes the bus, she never complains.She has always had a knot in her heart. Although she doesn't show it at ordinary times, she also reveals it occasionally.

No doubt, Chen Mingzhu this matter, let her untie most of the knot. After she witnessed a father's selfless love for his daughter.

"Although he has no money, he can't make his daughter live a good life. But he tried. He was a good father Fang Junrong said with emotion.

She was quiet for a few seconds. She leaned in the direction of Fang Junrong, took her arm and whispered, "it doesn't matter. Although my father is not good, I also have a good mother."

"I'm lucky, too."

She has always been such a character, like a person, hate a person, to show.

Fang Junrong looked at her drooping head and felt her daughter's dependence. The corners of her lips could not help rising.


Li Dadong called the lawyer and Chen Gensheng's boss. Until tomorrow, they will come over and meet with Chen Mingzhu. At least the house property certificate and bank card must be handed to Chen Mingzhu first.

Fang Junrong and others directly rent a hotel in C City, and will have a rest for one night.

Although Li Xinyun has not known Chen Mingzhu for two days, he is very close to her. She directly and Chen Mingzhu sleep in a room at night, in the final analysis, or because she is not sure about her.

Fang Junrong didn't sleep well this evening. He didn't feel sleepy until three or four o'clock.

The next day, she woke up at eight o'clock on time. After having breakfast from the hotel, Fang Tian slipped into her room, held her cell phone and said to her, "Auntie, do you remember my interview yesterday?"

How could Fang Junrong not remember the past day? "I remember when I was in the car, did you upload the interview?"

Fang Tian nodded heavily, showing a brilliant smile, "my video click through rate is very high, to now has broken a million."

In her previous videos, the highest number of hits was one million, but those were the cumulative number of hits over several months. Where like today's video, just one night time, click directly more than a million, rushed to the home page of the popular video list, and look at this rush posture, the top three positions she can look forward to one! once. Her best performance before was to touch her tail, and she came down in two days.

She also paid people to post the video on a popular website in C City.

As long as one of LV Xiuhua's relatives and friends sees the video, it will soon spread.

The reason why this video explodes is that everyone has a strong resonance in this respect. Who hasn't met such a bear parent in his life? She got up at six in the morning and looked at the comments at the bottom of the video. Many people shared their experiences of being trapped by bear children. For example, a cabinet of hands-on was harmed, such as being pushed down the stairs and nearly fractured. These experiences were sad and tears were seen.

Fang Tian nodded, "I hope so."

That's why she uploaded the video.

At 9:30, they went to the address Li Dadong gave them to look for the boss before Chen Gensheng.

When they arrived at the office building, boss Wang was already there, with a lawyer who helped sign the contract at that time.

Fang Junrong also learned the address of the house last night. It was a house with two bedrooms and one living room. The rent was about 1000 a month. In fact, to some extent, it is a supplement to Chen Mingzhu. Rent to the company or not know the root of the bottom, if the rent to other people, first of all, the house can not be guaranteed will not be dirty, furniture damage. It's troublesome to change tenants every time, and there's no guarantee that someone will rent it all the time. Now it's been spared the trouble.

Chen Mingzhu lives in a small town where the price is not high. For a little girl, the tuition fee plus living expenses are enough for a little girl. After all, high school tuition is not so expensive.

The company is more human than expected.

Chen Mingzhu showed a surprised expression, "but I have received 2000 yuan a month."

According to the uncle, she should receive fifteen a month.

Boss Wang was stunned and said, "I seem to have heard some colleagues of Gensheng say that they take a hundred yuan a month and make up a 2000 yuan for you."

Chen Mingzhu was in a daze. She felt a little sour in her nose, and her sight blurred in front of her eyes.