"I must study hard."

When she left the office, there was still water vapor in her eyes, but her tone was firm. Along the way, although she met bad people, she met more good people.

Fang Junrong nodded slightly, "do you want to go home next?"

"Well." Although Chen Mingzhu can stay for a few days, she is not in the mood to confirm the news of her father's death. She was going to go home after going to the cemetery to incense her father, and she would tell him that she was admitted to the best high school in town. She will try hard to enter the University, do not want to let him down in the sky.

Li Xinyun suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I'll take you home. I'll go to your house to play."

When she spoke, she looked at Fang Junrong and Fang Tian. She just used me, which means it's her personal decision.

"Well, I can get a new live show!" Although the train and bus more or less left a little psychological shadow for Fang Tian, Fang Tian is still very willing to try new things. Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, her expression was stiff for a moment, and asked in a tentative tone, "do you have many geese there?"

"We don't have many people raising geese there. We mainly grow fruit trees."

Fang Tian was relieved and complained: "I'm a little afraid of geese. I went to play with my classmates before, but I was chased all the way by her goose." At that time, she stepped on high heels! I almost sprained my foot. Therefore, she was deeply impressed by the ferocity of the goose. A little imagination made her scalp numb.

Fang Jun tolerated Jun can't help but wonder if this girl did something to provoke those geese. Fang Tian's appearance is sweet and fashionable, but she used to be cheap. She always likes to tease animals. She doesn't suffer less from this aspect, but she still enjoys it.

"OK, let's go to the Pearl. Won't cause you any trouble? "

Chen Mingzhu shook her head. "No trouble. On the contrary, you helped me a lot on the way. Thank you."

Although sister Xinyun said they wanted to travel, there was no good mobile phone signal and no natural scenery in their village. In the end, they still didn't trust her, so they wanted to send her back.

When there was no one else in private, Li Xinyun and Fang Junrong said, "Mom, I want to do something to help them."

"It's not uncommon for Mingzhu and her parents like her to work outside and see each other less than once a year. There are a lot of left behind children. Mingzhu is one of the lucky ones. At least her uncle and aunt are willing to take care of her, and they are OK with her

When she and Chen Mingzhu were sleeping in a room, they talked about a lot of things. Inevitably, they talked about some local things. Left behind children also cast many tragedies. She used to live in a beautiful environment, and the biggest grievance she suffered was from Li nianjin and Li Shize. Just compared with those people, she's nothing. This does not mean that she has forgiven them, but simply no longer entangled with them.

If Li Yun knew that she had enough money to help, she would not feel too sorry. So she wanted to help.

Fang Junrong looked at her with encouraging eyes and asked her to continue.

"In the final analysis, it's because there are too few local industries and there is only one cannery in their town," Li said. In order to make a living, many people have to work outside to earn money. " The more she said, the smoother she said, "so I want to have a look. Mingzhu said that the fruit over there is very sweet and delicious. Anyway, our company makes drinks. If it is really suitable, I can set up a branch factory here, and the local people can work here at all costs."

The land there is cheap, and the price and labor are also cheap. On the one hand, she wants to help Mingzhu and expand the company, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Fang Junrong laughed, "good idea, can try."

After contact with Chen Mingzhu, Xinyun's thought obviously matured a lot and began to consider what he could do. But whether she will fail or not, she has learned to take this step. This is a kind of growth in itself, which is also something she is very happy to see.

Fang Tian also said, "after I get to the local area, I will shoot more delicious and interesting things to see if I can attract some tourists to them."

This is also a good idea, Fang Junrong naturally agreed, and then looked at the two children head to head, chattering to discuss, the face can not help but bloom a comfortable smile.

They accompany Chen Mingzhu home, after all, is not familiar with the place of life, although there are two bodyguards, but also may not be able to ensure security.

Fang Junrong pondered for a while, and simply called his friends who had a wide range of contacts to tell them that their mother and daughter were interested in investing in the local factory.

Soon, the story spread back to the city of Xichang where Chen Mingzhu was.

In the afternoon of the same day, a local government official called her to inquire about this matter, and said that when they arrived, they would send someone to accompany them to visit. The tone was very earnest. After all, the traffic is not convenient and there is no outstanding place in that place. There are very few people willing to invest in that place. Even if they give a lot of money, it is a political achievement to attract them to invest. Not to mention the name of Fang Junrong, even they have heard of it.Therefore, Fang Junrong easily found a helper for himself, which greatly increased the security.

She did not forget to point out the two girls, "your kindness is commendable, but you should also be defensive. We are not familiar with the land there. If we don't pay attention to it, we may have accidents, so we have to consider all the factors in advance Can two bodyguards beat a group of people?

It is not aimless that people are born out of poor mountains and evil waters. Chen Mingzhu is very nice, but who can guarantee that every one of her countrymen is a good person?

Li Xinyun and Fang Tian were both thoughtful.

After Chen Mingzhu had worshipped her father, the party set out to go back. Several people who have experienced the train personally refuse to take the train again. Fang Junrong bought the ticket of high-speed railway directly, which was more comfortable at least. She also bought Chen Mingzhu's share. Afraid of her uneasiness, she said, "when you get home, you can make more local specialties for us."

Chen Mingzhu laughed. "OK, I'm good at cooking."

"Our litchi is also very delicious, especially sweet. At this time, the litchi is ripe. Please try it

So the itinerary for the next few days was set down in this way.


When Fang Junrong left C City, the video uploaded by Fang Tian had been fermented for several days. It could be said that it had refreshed her historical achievements. Even all her previous videos did not add up to that much. But thinking of Xichang City, she did not pay attention to these, so she did not know the influence of her own video.

At first, her video was only played on the a she signed up for. Soon, someone reprinted it to Weibo, which was promoted by several marketing numbers, and then exploded. Lu Xiuhua's upright attitude towards bear's parents shocked netizens once more.

In addition, it happened in C City, and it spread more quickly here. Renren's circle of friends has been reprinted.

Lu Xiuhua's husband, Cai Chenghua, works in the company. He has a high position and earns four or five thousand salaries a month. He wants to be promoted to the office director recently, so he has been paying attention to the relationship with his colleagues. He came to work today with fruit. In other words, he may not be willing to spend the money.

But his wife, Lu Xiuhua, said that she was interviewed on the train and got 2000 yuan, which made her more affluent.

Although I don't know who was given the money by a fool who had too much money to spend, as a beneficiary, Cai Chenghua was quite satisfied. He asked a little, saying it was an interview about education.

Cai Chenghua is very tired at work, and his wife takes care of his children. She has nothing to do at home every day. Isn't it easy to do housework and take care of a child? Although his married sister sometimes complained to him that his son Po was too naughty and easily bullied other children. But Cai Chenghua didn't rest assured about the trivial things in his life. Instead, he was somewhat proud.

How well his son is raised, alive and kicking, he is smart at first sight. It is better to beat others than to be beaten. Besides, the child's strength is not big, even if really hit, also won't hurt much. His sister is mean.

He thought wildly, entered the office, smiling at everyone, "Today my family has a good thing, please eat a fruit."

He looked around and found that his colleagues had strange expressions, as if they were watching a good play?

"What's the matter?" he asked? Is it that I haven't combed my hair well He tried in a playful tone.

But no one answered him.

One of his colleagues, Lao Li, took a pear and casually asked him, "what's the matter with your family today? Let's get a little bit happy."

Cai Chenghua said as innocently as possible: "it's nothing. My wife didn't take the children to see his grandfather the other day. On the way back, some people praised our children's good teaching and specially interviewed my wife."

Well, the family is harmonious, the son is clever, how much can give him bonus points.

After saying this, he found that Lao Li's expression was even more strange.

Lao Li patted him on the shoulder. "Well, children's education is really important. You have to teach your son well. Now I'm still young and can be corrected. When I grow up, I can't control what I want to do. "

Lao Li was kind, but Cai Chenghua didn't like to hear people say bad things about his son, so he immediately pulled his face down.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with my son? He is sweet and sensible, and yesterday he knew he was going to press my shoulder for me

One of his colleagues who didn't have a good relationship with him said, "just your son, where does he come from? He's known to all of China. "

"You haven't seen the video online yet? Your son has a good time stealing things and putting blame on others. It's a pity that cleverness is useless. " This colleague usually has children at home, and occasionally complains about taking care of children. Then Cai Chenghua would praise his son every time, and step on each other again, and the two of them got married.

"What's stealing? My son never steals. "

"Go online and search for bear children directly on Weibo. The video with the most comments is your son."Cai Chenghua doesn't want to believe it. Just about to search, the supervisor has come over and his face is not very good-looking.

"Lao Cai, come with me."

If it's normal, Cai Chenghua must be guessing whether the supervisor intends to enlighten him and teach him to act. Now

He thought of what his colleague had just said, and was even more upset.

Sure enough, just arrived in the director's office, the director's face directly black.

"How do you teach your kids? Bears are famous all over the country."

"I can't even manage my children, let alone manage the staff. You have a good reflection. If you should apologize, you should apologize. Don't tarnish the reputation of our company. We're just a small company, we can't afford to be so famous. "

Thinking of this, he was very angry. Of course, he would like the company to be famous, but it was not such a famous way. Especially when he saw Cai Chenghua's wife's face, he almost threw up. It was as if she had a little emperor. Give her what you can! At first, he thought that although Lao Cai's ability was ordinary, he also had a little ability to do things, so he wanted to promote him. Now, he still didn't care!

Cai Chenghua's head seemed to have been hit several times with a hammer, which made him feel cold. The chief executive's intention is to cut off his promotion this time.

He was anxious and at a loss: so what did his family Bao do?