Cai Chenghua watched his promotion opportunity fly away in front of his eyes. He was hit by the fact that he was not good.

Although the supervisor's tone was not particularly harsh, his face was full of dissatisfaction with him.

When he returned to the office, Cai Chenghua remained in a confused state for a long time, and the spirit returned to the world. The first thing he did was to find out the video just mentioned by his colleague - the video was obviously the culprit. Thinking about it, he hated the people who made the video.

Then he opened the video and saw her wife abusing the thin little girl and trying to pick people's clothes. It turned out that his son had stolen the necklace. They lost face in front of the whole country.

After doing this, his wife also accepted the so-called interview, and said the so-called teaching son Scripture in front of the camera.

"What kind of education should be taught? Children's feelings will be better when they are young. Didn't we come this way before? They are all relatives. They will understand. My family a Bao is very good, he only has few toys at home, so he would like to play with others when he looks at others. It won't matter if he plays for a while? "

"Bao in my family is the best. If he fights with others, he must be provoked by others. Isn't it normal for him to call back? "


Cai Chenghua began to have a headache. He finally knew why people around him reacted like this. He wanted to rush into the video and sew up his wife's mouth. Even if she thought so, she shouldn't have said it!

videos below make complaints about his wife and children. He glanced at them in a hurry. All of them were eager to drag his ancestors out of the 18th generation to scold him. He was frightened by the acrimony in the comments, and even some extremists said they wanted to kill him. Although his son did something wrong, he didn't scold him like this?

What's wrong with this society? Can't we be more tolerant of children?

For him, however, the end of promotion is only the beginning.

Today, he seems to be famous in the company. Wherever you go, there are people pointing. The funny look in his eyes made him uncomfortable all over.

He went to the bathroom and could hear people talking about him. He didn't want to hear the malicious remarks, but the words seemed to have their own consciousness and tried to get into his ears.

"That Cai Chenghua, thanks to his usual boasting of his son, turned out to be his son's virtue. He stole things and lied so easily at a young age. Now he doesn't care. Will he have to wait for murder and arson to punish him when he grows up?"

"If I were him, I would be ashamed of myself."

"If we don't teach our children to be a man now, we will have no chance to be a man in the future. Sooner or later, we will be taught by the society."

With a gloomy face, he can't wait to leave the company after work. He doesn't have to stay in the company for half an hour to show his performance in front of the leaders.

When he got home by bus, before he turned the doorknob, he heard the noise coming from inside. One of them belonged to his elder sister. The high pitched voice was obviously full of anger.

"Well, I'll say that every time I bring Xiaoyu to your house, Xiaoyu cries and shouts, so you still beat my daughter behind your back! You don't often bully her, do you? "

"How can you do it! Also dare to cheat me that it is Xiaoyu who is mischievous, and that she accidentally fell. Her arms are bruised! I'm different from you. If you and your son dare to beat my daughter, I'll hit you. It's OK. Anyway, you're thick skinned, and it won't hurt any more. "

The elder sister's roar was mixed with the scream of his wife.

When Cai Chenghua opened the door, he saw that his eldest sister was very aggressive. His wife was only trying to dodge and scream, "kill, kill, kill!"

Cai Chenghua took a breath of cold air and was frightened by his sister's posture of blocking the killing. He muttered: "big sister..."

After his elder sister beat up LV Xiuhua's sister-in-law, she was refreshed. She turned her head and looked at him. She said, "don't call me elder sister. I can't afford it. In the future, I dare not come here! "

"Whose child is not a treasure, your family is treasure, others are grass?"

"Next time I see you bullying my daughter, I'll fight you together! You also take good care of your wife and children, so that your reputation will not go to your hometown. "

His elder sister was also a vigorous and vigorous person. After scolding their husband and wife, she held her head high and went home.

Only Cai Chenghua can't stop his heart in situ.

He looked at his wife and his face was bruised. He also knows his wife's temperament. He always bullies the soft and fears the hard. Once his sister is tough, she doesn't dare to say anything. Her authority was directed to those who were weaker than her, just like the little girl on the train. Even if it was him, there was no way to say that she had done the right thing.

"Chenghua, look at the elder sister. She is too much! That's how the old Cai family treats their daughter-in-law? "

Lu Xiuhua was wronged to death. She went out to buy a dish today. She found that everyone spoke ill of her behind her back. She was so angry that she almost had a fight with them. Just went home, and was aunt to find the door, a come in to slap her.Looking at her face, Cai Chenghua couldn't sympathize with him when he thought of his position. He said coldly, "I deserve it. I didn't even manage a child. Do you know how hard it is for me to be told in the company today? You are really capable of talking like that in front of the camera. Even if my sister doesn't beat you, I want to beat you today! I almost lost my job to you! Let's have a drink with the whole family at that time

He turned on his mobile phone and found the screen that he had downloaded and saved. The screen almost hit her in the face. "Look at it for yourself. Are you talking about people? You're proud to beat a kid, aren't you? "

"Congratulations, you are famous. Now everyone knows you and Bao. Everyone knows that you framed a girl for stealing

Even if he was more partial to his son, he had to admit that the netizens were really right.

When LV Xiuhua was interviewed at that time, she said it happily, but she didn't think it was a big deal. But the premise of all this is that she doesn't think she can pat her face. Otherwise, how could she say that she hit her niece. Her face was blue and white, and she finally reflected that she was trapped by the beautiful little girl on the train. She gnashed her teeth and said, "that little girl, she is too poisonous! How could she do that? Does she want to kill me? "

"I will sue her! Let her compensate me! "

She was criticized when she went out today. Don't mention how humiliating. Even his son came back crying and said that others did not want to play with him, afraid of being stolen by him. She was surprised at that time. How could everyone know about it. It's been photographed and posted online.

"She's violating my rights!" Lu Xiuhua once watched TV to learn this sentence, and immediately learned it.

"Don't you think it's shameful enough to sue! Don't you have signed that contract? It's no use suing her now. You're wasting money on lawyers. " Cai Chenghua has more brains than her. At the thought that his family's reputation had been ruined by 2000 yuan, and his future was unknown, he was so angry that he wanted to beat LV Xiuhua.

How proud they had made 2000 yuan before, how much regret they have now.

Lu Xiuhua finally couldn't help crying. She really regretted this time.


Fang Junrong looked out of the window pouring rain, some headache.

They arrived in Xichang City today. They wanted to go directly to Chen Mingzhu's house, but they were stopped by the rain. Chen Mingzhu's hometown is dingyang village. According to the hotel, it has been raining for two days, and it has not stopped. Because of the rain, the road is slippery and it is dangerous to drive up the mountain.

Fang Junrong and they were not in a hurry. They simply stayed in the hotel and took a look at the situation nearby.

Speaking of it, dingyang village is a familiar place name.

But for a moment, she could not recall where she had heard of it. Maybe it was Chen Mingzhu who accidentally mentioned it.

"We were in bad luck, just in time for the rain."

Li Xinyun stayed in the hotel for a day, and now he is a bit bored.

Fang Junrong glanced at her, "if you feel bored, you can interview other people at this time. Maybe you will have inspiration."

"You're right." Li Xinyun couldn't help but go to find Chen Mingzhu and them together.

Fang Junrong looked at her back and shook his head gently. She simply uses the WiFi of the hotel to surf the Internet, and by the way, let Jiang Dexian report the situation of the company to her in the past few days.

These days, there is no important contract, Xu Wei and Jiang Dexian two people with the basic can handle well.

Jiang Dexian asked her, "do you need to book a return ticket for the boss?"

Fang Junrong Leng for a moment, just remembered that he had not told them that she had changed her destination. "No, I don't know when I want to go back, and the time has not been determined." She added, "I'm here in Xichang City, and I'll go to dingyang village then."


Jiang Dexian soon hung up.

Fang Junrong lowered his head and continued to read the official documents.

Less than five minutes later, Jiang Dexian's phone call came in again. His voice was rare and urgent.

"Boss, don't go to dingyang village these days. It's raining this time, and the road there is more dangerous. "

Fang Junrong directly laughed, "it's raining in so many parts of the country."

"I heard that there are many mountains in dingyang village, and the mountain is not very stable. In case of landslide, it will be bad."

Fang Junrong's mind suddenly came up with a paragraph.

[because of the continuous heavy rain and the earthquake of the previous month, the Danxi mountain in Xichang City was unstable and a landslide occurred. Two groups of villagers in dingyang village were buried ]

Fang Junrong couldn't laugh.