Fang Junrong didn't expect that such a storm would be made on the Internet in just a few days. Should it be said that the red eye died of her heart?

She pointed a little chin, some helpless, "I this hot search times are more than stars." And she didn't buy most of them.

She read the comments on the Internet, even for the rich and unkind words are out, moral kidnapping is very slippery. In this whole affair, Su Teng is undoubtedly the first to make such a big battle, but Su Teng alone can not make such a big battle, and there should be many behind to add fuel to the flames. Standing high naturally attracts fire. She knows the truth.

She will not be too worried about this matter, and when the time comes for the mayor to explain in person, it will be easy to solve.

She didn't go to the mayor to talk about it before she called in. Zhang Zhisu specially told her the news that after removing the cancer in his family, he became more and more stable in Zhangjia, which can be said to be a true word.

"You have been selected as the national outstanding entrepreneur. Originally, I thought you could sign up for the excellent entrepreneur, but I didn't expect that you were directly named as the representative of this time." In a simple sentence, there is a lot of information.

Fang Junrong understands that every year, nearly 100 outstanding entrepreneurs can be selected. This quota is a sure bet for her. After all, she has a lot of taxes every year. But outstanding entrepreneurs are even more different: five of them are selected. After the selection, the government will support and give some preferential treatment in some policies. To be exact, it's in the upper eye, which can reduce a lot of trouble.

For these five places, I don't know how many people beat their heads and blood every year. As a result, she took a place directly, which naturally attracted many people's eyes. Maybe there are people who think they could have been, but they were robbed by her.

"Can I know the other four?"

Zhang Zhisu's news or very smart, early asked out, in the phone to her one by one reported. They are all people who have been hovering on the list of wealth for more than ten years. Compared with them, she looks very fresh.

Fang Junrong thought, "I think I can afford it."

Think of Baiyu ointment and Jiedu pill, which have made a lot of foreign exchange for the country. These two pieces were sold abroad, and the price increased five times. Foreigners still flocked to them. It is said that foreign scientists are trying to solve the prescription, but even if they have studied it for a long time, they can't find out why.

After thanking Zhang Zhisu, she went to see mayor mo. Mo mayor these days are busy with dingyang village, but heard Fang Junrong looking for him, or took the time. After knowing the specific inside information, it was even more angry. He doesn't surf the Internet at all, so he really doesn't know.

Fang Junrong has done so much for them and saved so many villagers. As a result, those netizens on the Internet are indiscriminate, abusing her with rhythm at will, which is hateful to the extreme.

He immediately said, "in the afternoon our city TV station will come to interview, and I will directly help you clarify this matter."

It has to be clarified. There are those who make rumors. He has no end with them!

Of course, Fang Junrong can also come forward on his own. But she always felt that it was like boasting, and some of them would say that she was putting gold on her face and washing white. There is no better clarification than mayor mo. And mayor Mo himself represents the official attitude.

After telling mayor Mo about this, she didn't pay attention to it and let her team not need to be in charge. It's like giving yourself heat.

In fact, to deal with Su Teng is also very simple, directly poke out the things of Su Qinying, send hot search can. Although this didn't participate in suqinying's death, he undoubtedly acquiesced to this. Although the police also called him to the past, but Su Teng bit himself dead, and the relationship between his two sisters is not good, so do not know each other. In this case, he embodies an unprecedented desire to survive. Su Qinmei did not know out of what mentality, and did not burst out of him, in the absence of definite evidence, Su Teng smoothly left the body.

But Fang Junrong could not. This will undoubtedly set the river fish on fire.

Tut, but still very uncomfortable.

She thought about it for a while, and called two vice presidents of the chamber of traditional Chinese medicine, and told them about the issue of TISU Teng with them. The rest did not interfere. Either of these two people made a stumbling block to Su Teng, which was enough to make him worried. She doesn't have to waste too much time on such a small person.


Su Teng is humming a ditty while watching a popular Gong Dou opera. Looking at those concubines around the emperor fight to death, he replaced the emperor that position, then Shuang fly up. Especially the one who plays the role of the noble, charming and sexy looks, voice whine, just like the one he likes.

If he has a chance, he can learn from others to become a bubble star. These two days, he stepped on Fang Junrong to absorb blood, and his reputation improved a lot, and the company's reputation also rose, which made him feel extremely happy.

After watching the two episodes, he took out his mobile phone and began to surf the Internet. As a result, he found that Fang Junrong's hot search had gone, and the two hot searches replaced him were "outstanding entrepreneur" and "excellent entrepreneur". Even if he didn't pay much attention to these two things, they were achievements that people like him would never have achieved in their lifetime.If suqinying was still alive, it might be possible.

But this idea is only a moment, even if Su Qinying can lead the Su family to develop better, but that does not belong to him. It's better that he can enjoy the pleasure of being a leader in his hand.

Click in, in 100 outstanding entrepreneurs, he did not expect to see the name of Fang Junrong.

He bit his teeth. "She's lucky! It's so envious. "

Then he continued to press the news of outstanding entrepreneurs and stayed in place on the spot.

Among the five outstanding entrepreneurs and two women, Fang Junrong is just one of them, and her name comes first.

Su Teng's eyes widened, gnashing his teeth, "by what?" Isn't she just selling beauty pills and hair cream? It's also selected. Is there any reason for this! Is she holding the thigh of some big guy? He had heard that Fang Junrong and Zhang Zhisu had a rather ambiguous relationship, but even Zhang Zhishu could not help her to this position directly. If he has this quota, he might as well leave it to his relatives.

Su Teng was puzzled, angry and frightened. Fang Junrong, she was affirmed by the above.

Even in the press release, Fang Junrong was carried out to boast. Fang Junrong is a conscientious entrepreneur worthy of everyone's learning.

As soon as this press release was published, he had made those small moves in vain. The official has determined that he will continue to play rhythm, which is undoubtedly against the official.

He originally bubble the beautiful mind of the actress swept away, full of this matter.

Su Teng didn't hold back. He was so angry that his mobile phone hit the wall. He wiped his face and thought about what to do next.


There are a lot of people who have doubts like Su Teng. At ordinary times, the list does not pay attention to many people. After it is sent out every year, it is at most a few netizens who look up to the big men. But this year, because of Fang Junrong's reason, all the people's attention was focused. After all, the name Fang Junrong is still on hot search. Especially among women, fame is more prominent. Many women like her because they think she has lived her ideal life.

Fans, sunspots, water army, melon eating crowd almost lost their titanium eyes.

Is it true that Fang Junrong is one of them?

Obviously, she was still pinching her unscrupulous businessman for two days. As a result, she was selected as an outstanding entrepreneur in a twinkling of an eye. The official seal of her selfless dedication was made.

The faces of the sunspots were almost hit and swollen. They gnawed their teeth at the computer and gave out the same cry as Su Teng.

What can Fang Junrong do for her! Isn't she just a skincare merchant? She should also be promoted to this level and let everyone learn?

The fans of Meifang group are naturally proud and jubilant after being forced. If president Fang is really bad, will the state award her this award? Those sunspots really idle egg pain, people did not announce the donation does not mean no donation. What's more, it's people's freedom to donate or not to donate. Where is there such a compulsion to donate?

The sunspots were very unconvinced and ran straight to the official microblog to tear it up.

Other people are just that. Why was Fang Junrong elected?

There's a black curtain. There must be a black curtain! They don't accept it! Ask for a thorough investigation!

In the case of excitement, President Liu of Gaoyuan group sent a micro blog.

"Congratulations to Fang Junrong. You deserve your honor."

Originally, the sunspot and the water army were very angry, and general manager Liu pulled their hatred value in the past. In their eyes, this Liu and Fang Junrong are a group, so they die to help her wash white.

Mr. Liu finished the first one, and ten minutes later, he sent the second one slowly.

"I saw a lot of people on the Internet saying that there was a scandal about Jun Rong's being selected, and asked for a thorough investigation. According to me, if you don't choose Junrong, it's a black curtain! Here, I have to thank Jun Rong. A year ago, she selflessly donated the white jade ointment and detoxification pill. At that time, her only requirement was to reduce the price as much as possible, so that more people could afford and use it. Gaoyuan group because of her feelings, so with shares to repay her. If Jun Rong is selfish, then there will be no selfless person. I hope you will live a peaceful and healthy life in the future. You are worth it. "

Fang Junrong is the original owner of Baiyu ointment detoxification pill. This news has been circulating in the circle, but there is no exact evidence. It's even more impossible for the outside world to know.

I don't know how many people have been helped by these two things. Some time ago, netizens were still wondering whether this is the black technology developed by Chinese scientists for many years.

As a result, these two things are actually donated by Fang Junrong?

The news blew everyone up.