At present, some of the black Junrong people on the Internet are water soldiers, and some are netizens with a wave of rhythm. But these people, if we really want to say that the other side Jun Rong has deep hatred, it is not so.

Their previous attack on Fang Junrong is nothing more than her selfishness and stinginess. Now after general manager Liu broke the news, the point of their attack was much weaker, and those arguments seemed to be untenable.

Just as Mr. Liu said, a selfish person would offer the white jade ointment and detoxification pill directly? We all know these two kinds of making more money. Zhang Jia's ointment is far less than the white jade ointment. They dare to sell tens of thousands of yuan a bottle. If Fang Junrong is really the kind of person who does anything to make money, she can build her own factory and put the money in her pocket.

In the face of this fact, many people are silent. To be fair, they are reluctant to give up such a large profit. Is it money that doesn't smell good? At this time, in addition to a few bar elite, no one is entangled in whether Fang Junrong deserves to be selected. Even a lot of people began to doubt whether the original video was fake. This wave of rhythm is a little fierce, is it that someone deliberately wanted the black emperor to allow?

At this time, the local evening news of Xichang city also broadcast an interview with Mayor mo.

Che Rongrong is a native of Xichang City. She watched the local news broadcast with her parents since she was young. Her family has developed the situation of watching the local news while having dinner. What their family pays most attention to these days is dingyang village. After all, the photos uploaded up look really shocking.

"I don't know what's going on in dingyang village. I heard that they are very poor there. Our units are organizing donations. Many of them have buried their houses and have to spend money to rebuild them. "

Chen Rongrong put the dishes and chopsticks well, "but this time they are very lucky, there are no casualties, no money can earn again, life is over."

"I don't believe there are no casualties. You saw the photos taken by UAVs yesterday. Half of the village was flooded with mud. Are they all evacuated? Maybe it's for the sake of stabilizing the people's will that we conceal the quantity. "

Che Rongrong's father habitually raised a bar, a pair of him is the appearance of truth.

Che Rongrong didn't quarrel with his father, but said, "I heard that I'm going to interview the local mayor today. Let's see what he said first."

I watched the news while eating. After waiting for half an hour, I finally looked forward to the reporter's interview with Mayor mo.

Reporter: "this time, thanks to mayor Mo's timely arrangements for villagers to evacuate, only to avoid this casualty."

On the TV screen, mayor Mo shook his head and said, "I dare not take credit. This time, I am not the greatest contributor. It is president Fang. Ah, it is Jun Rong, the director of Meifang group. She accompanied a child in dingyang village to come back. She learned about the local situation and worried that the rainstorm would cause landslides, so she rushed to me to talk about it. At her reminder, I quickly went to the experts to check and found that it was not appropriate, so I urgently arranged for them to leave. "

Reporter: "is that why people in dingyang village kneel down to Fang Junrong? I've seen this video on the Internet before. Many people don't see it well because of this video. "

Mayor Mo: "yes, right. After they knew it, they felt that general manager Fang had saved their lives. They had to kneel down and couldn't stop him."

On TV, mayor Mo's face showed an angry expression, "we have been busy with disaster relief these days, and we didn't know that someone on the Internet actually attacked Fang Zong because of this. Don't you think it's always a shame to shoot a malicious video? "

"Mr. Fang has been following up the relief work these days. She and her daughter are going to build factories in our local area, increase some employment units, and are going to pay for road construction. She has done her best. I don't know if those who scold her have conscience. You all owe her an apology

His face was obviously red with anger.

Reporter: "yes, as a member of Xichang City, I would like to say thank you to the lady here. Thank you for her selfless help. Is there anything else mayor Mo has to say besides this? "

Mayor Mo: "ah, I heard that president Fang has been selected as an outstanding entrepreneur. Congratulations to her. I also hope that there will be more people like Fang Zong in the society, and our country will certainly become better. "

Next, mayor Mo mentioned the disaster relief problems and local conditions that you are most concerned about. In a word, it is much better than you think. It can also be regarded as a reassurance to everyone.

After the news, Che Rongrong's mother sighed: "it seems that these businessmen also have good people. It's good to see the general manager Fang. Why is she scolded on the Internet? We in Xichang can't do things without conscience. "

Che Rongrong also watched the storm on the Internet and said, "someone envies her, deliberately black her with rhythm."

After watching the news, who can still get black?

Her father nodded, "I have been to dingyang village once, and the local litchi is really delicious. It is the road that is really difficult to walk, which makes me feel uncomfortable. The road conditions have restricted their local development. If the road can be built, dingyang village will be much better. I will drive to you to eat Litchi at that timeChe Rongrong felt that she had to do something for her, at least to tell the truth. After she finished her meal, she immediately went back to her room to find out the video on the Internet. She thought about it for a moment, and typed the line.

"We need to thank her and we need to apologize to her."

There are many people who do the same thing as Che Rongrong. After seeing this, many local people in Xichang City have uploaded videos to help explain. So it is not easy to heat down a little bit of Fang Junrong hot search again.

The frequency of going up in these days has made many big stars envy, envy and hate. In particular, a new album has just been released today, and finally tried to grab a hot search first, but failed again!

Many people punch in comments at the bottom of the video.

As a follower of Fang Junrong, I owe her a sorry. ]

[no wonder the villagers should kneel down for her. After all, I will kneel down to save my life! Not only do I kneel, I also kowtow. ]

[after seeing the post of black Jun Rong, I helped to report it for free. Just like mayor Mo said, such people are black and really have no conscience. Don't say, I'll report that stupid idiot with rhythm in the video first! ]

[only I doubt that it is related to the boss of Su's enterprise? At the beginning of the black Junrong's post, are stepping on Fang Junrong to lift him? I see a lot of this routine in the pink circle. ]

Su Teng was not a man with a lot of brains, and his work could not stand the scrutiny of netizens. The netizens who consciously blocked their guns followed suit and finally found him, so Su Teng was directly scolded by them on hot search, and realized the treatment of being scolded by countless people to get out of China.

Philanthropy is certainly worth encouraging, but if the purpose of charity is to discredit and frame up another innocent person, it is punishable.

Su Teng previously used public opinion to attack Fang Junrong, but now the knife has finally turned to him. Everyone has sprung up on his micro blog and scolded him bloody. At the beginning, Xu Jin, who started sending videos with rhythm, was no better. Although he apologized, netizens didn't buy it. Many netizens directly reported his rumors and his account number was directly deleted by the website.

Xu Jin, who has just enjoyed the feeling of being sought after for a few days, is very indignant. Although he did misunderstand Fang Junrong, did he not apologize? Fang Junrong's fans are too aggressive. As for Fang Junrong's disclosure of the two prescriptions, he took it for granted. Isn't she supposed to be so rich just to take out something? Have ability to beauty pill and hair cream formula also announced.

The only thing that makes him happy is that a few days ago, those marketing numbers and he bought the right to reprint, and his pocket received thousands of yuan, equivalent to his one month's salary.

He felt in his pocket and decided to go out for a crayfish and buy some more beers. In recent days, Xichang City has stopped raining. The sun makes them not want to go out during the day. The heat from the road surrounds them, forming a sticky touch. Crayfish and beer are the best in this weather.

He went to the crayfish shop he used to go to, and said to the boss as before: "three catties of crayfish, I want spicy taste."

Originally, the boss, who was kind to him, shrugged and pulled his eyebrows when he saw him. His tone was like eating a few Jin of dynamite, "ha ha, I don't sell you."

Xu Jin was angry. "If you don't sell it, you don't sell it. I'll find someone else to buy it."

Although he likes the crayfish best, it's not without substitutes. Only around Xu Jin, it was found that most of the merchants refused him, and the only ones who promised to sell him were the crayfish that tasted so bad that he didn't want it for free. He is angry at the same time, but he can't understand. He hasn't done anything these days. How come everyone treats his nose not his nose, his eyes not his eyes, and even his boss doesn't do business.

When he passed a shop, he heard several neighbors chatting, and his name was caught by his ears.

"See, that's Xu Jin. This person, really shameless, in order to money, online wipe black Jun Rong. Do you know Fang Junrong? Mayor Mo mentioned her all the time when she was on TV. "

"Such good people are black, and their conscience is gnawed by dogs."

"And he has the face to brag about what he's done out there. If I had been him, I would have dug a hole in the ground and buried myself. His rat excrement has ruined the reputation of Xichang City. People who don't know think we are all bitches like him. "

When Xu Jin heard this, he was very angry and glared at them. When they saw him, they said bad things in front of him.

Those few people saw him, did not say bad things at all, and were guilty of being caught. Instead, they pointed to him, "look, that's him."

"What are you looking at?"

Xu Jin compared the number of people on both sides of the difference, can only go back in dismay. He regretted that he had gone too far a few days ago. When he was drinking outside, he boasted about it as a record. Now, all the residents around know that he sent the video. It's just the beginning, and he's been pointed at from time to time as long as he goes outside.

He said he sold his conscience for money, not a man.

Originally said to be on a blind date, as soon as he heard his name, he hung up directly, indicating that they were not in the same way.He found himself famous in the area, but in a way that was not what he wanted.

In his heart that called a regret, for thousands of yuan, sacrifice his reputation and peaceful life, really not worth it.