Fang Junrong found that every time she changed the fate of many people, her jadeite cave would always have some changes, such as now.

As soon as she got in, she felt something running past her eyes, fast enough to form a shadow on her retina. With a jump in her heart, did animals appear in the cave?

But when she looked closely, she found a turtle lying under the tree not far away. That turtle is not big, can be placed directly in the palm of the hand, from the appearance, can not see any special place.

Fang Junrong looked around, but he couldn't find any other animals. Her expression became delicate. Was it really a tortoise that just ran past her? This is also too strange, generally speaking, the impression of tortoise should be slow, with an indescribable charm rhythm. But she turned to think, which thing in the cave is common to see, it is not impossible to appear a fast tortoise.

She came to the tortoise, who tilted his head and looked at her.

Fang Junrong picked the peach from the tree and handed it to him. The tortoise took it in his mouth. The peach is about the size of its body, but it eats very fast. It can be said that in a twinkling of an eye, it can be said that it ate the peach clean, even the core.

She thought deeply on her face. It's not scientific! What on earth is it used to eat, mouth is really stuffed into the core?

She shook her head and couldn't help laughing at herself. What science is there to talk about in this cave?

She reached out her finger and touched the tortoise. The tortoise stretched its neck and cooperated very well.

Fang Junrong teased for a while, ready to go to see the stone tablet, only a few steps, found that the tortoise followed suit, looked very spiritual.

She went to the stone tablet and found that there were two more prescriptions in front of the stone tablet. However, the detailed contents of the two prescriptions were not engraved on the stone tablet, just showing their names. There's also a note at the end of the article: is this evolution? It's not only the emergence of animals, but also the opportunity for her to choose. She raised her eyebrows and gazed intently at the stone tablet.

Yanshou pill: one into the stomach can be extended for 20 years. The more you take it, the weaker the drug is. It can be extended for 200 years at most.

Chaoyuan pill: it can replenish qi and Guyuan, and last for life.

Fang Junrong fixed to look at, a few seconds later showed a smile, heart has made a choice. She chose Chao Yuan Dan directly.

She had earned enough to be reborn once more, and it was time for her to be content and not need to prolong her life for another two hundred years. A person's long life, after all, is too lonely. And she was always afraid of loneliness. In addition, once taken out, it is unlikely to be popularized. It is likely to set off a bloodbath. Don't you see that in all ages, so many people have used various means to prolong their life span. From the introduction, Chaoyuan Dan is more beneficial to the public.

She ordered chaoyuandan, which turned into a streamer and penetrated into her fingertips. At the same time, the contents of the prescription came to her mind. To her surprise, the herbs used this time are actually replaceable in reality. This time she was really happy, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were visible to the naked eye.

When you come out, try it! However, in the yuan Dan of the dynasty, wild ginseng was mainly used, and there was also a disposal method of wild ginseng. Because the content is all printed in her mind, she doesn't have to worry about remembering it.

After exploring for a circle, she found no other changes, so she came out of the cave.


Fang Junrong looked down at the ground. A Green Tortoise looked up at her. It was clearly a turtle, but Fang Junrong could see the word "innocent" from it.

Fang Junrong and it looked at each other, and finally sighed helplessly, "want to come out to play?"

The tortoise nodded.

Well, it's worthy of being a turtle in the cave, and he can understand people's words.

"It's not impossible. But we have three rules. Without my permission, it's not allowed to appear in front of people, eat indiscriminately, and hurt people casually. "

The tortoise hesitated for a moment, or nodded three times.

OK, Fang Junrong should keep an extra pet. Well, it's a common thing to raise turtles in their circle. After all, tortoise is a symbol of longevity in the eyes of many people. There are many people who raise turtles. However, many rich businessmen keep turtles that have lived a long time. If you take one out, it is worth tens of thousands. Where like the one in front of her, as if a few dollars in the market can buy a little turtle.

She didn't take it to heart. She will have to go back to s city in two days and sign some contracts of the company during this period. If you take animals on the plane, you need to do a certificate. In a hurry, Fang Junrong certainly couldn't get the certificate, so he just let the tortoise stay in the cave. Then find another chance to let it appear in front of people, in the name of pets.

Originally, her trip was just to relax and travel, but after meeting Chen Mingzhu, she went to another direction. Don't say to rest, on the contrary, it's harder than when she goes to work. But she didn't regret it.

The two children, Xin Yun and Fang Tian, want to stay here. They still have a lot of work to do. Fang Tian, the child, even went to live broadcasting and started the rescue work. Originally, Fang Junrong thought that this kind of content was not watched by many people, but there were quite a lot of audiences. In this case, Fang Junrong could only go home alone, and she left Jiang Dexian here. After all, Shan Shan Xinyun and her two little girls still can't let her down after all. If Jiang is free, there's no need to worry about them being trapped by the old fox.The first thing she did when she returned to s city was to go to the company. After working overtime for two days, she was busy inviting some old friends to dinner. According to their opinion, Fang Junrong has made a big show this time. He must treat him!

Treat itself is also a way to contact feelings, Fang Junrong smile should come down. In a good mood, she also sent some fruit to everyone.

At the banquet, she also heard some news about Su Teng.

Su Teng has not been very well recently. Su's enterprise has been found that the ingredients of two kinds of medicinal materials are not up to the standard. Now they have to recycle them and pay a lot of money. At that time, it was the younger brother of one of his young lovers who was in charge of the inspection. He could not bear the soft words of his lover and put people in. The layman led the insiders. In addition, he was not fooled. After the original cooperation business knew about this, they directly terminated the cooperation, but the Su family's early money has been invested in, which means that it is rotten there and suffered heavy losses.

Other shareholders of the Su family now have a big opinion of him. Those shareholders add up, the shares are really more than suto, so he is a bit unstable now, and he is very busy during this period. It is said that suto intends to sell some shares in exchange for money to survive the current difficulties.

Fang Junrong heard this, and his lips were hooked. Su's family has not closed down yet. It's su Teng's luck.

If you have a chance, maybe you can buy some shares and give it to Jiang Wenyu as a bonus. Although she saved Jiang Wenyu at first, he also helped her a lot. Fang Junrong herself is that others treat her three points well, and she is willing to give back five points of her personality.

"Suto also sent me some gifts and said he wanted to see you." He Jian ice clip up a piece of Gulu meat, carelessly said.

The corner of Fang Junrong's mouth smoked, so where did he come from in the end! Is he a three-year-old? Do you think that as long as you say an apology and say a few good words, you can write off the past gratitude and resentment? Want to be beautiful, she originally because of Su Qinying affair, to Su Teng very dislike, now add this debt, new hatred old hatred, she retaliates to go back to a little angry also should.

It's just that she didn't expect that there was something wrong with Su's medicine. Poor old man Su's great name was destroyed by Su Teng.

She light way: "the gift may accept, the person's words will not need."

Don't give me gifts in vain, but reconciliation is impossible. Let's dream about it.

After inviting friends to dinner and signing the company contract, Fang Junrong went back home to have a rest and chat with Zhong Yi, who had just returned home, about her recent affairs. Zhong Yi has been busy with records these days. She told Fang Junrong in a happy tone that she was lucky and invited a high-level record producer.

Fang Junrong's heart is very clear, where is her good luck, clearly is Ren's private want to help his son, this will be sent to her in front of. But she would not tell the truth, just a few words with a smile. Besides, Zhong Yi has grown a lot.

In the middle of the conversation, a phone call came in, but Xu Weiwei called her.

On the phone, Xu Wei's voice is a smile that can't be covered. "Jun Rong, someone has given you a gift. Do you want to come and receive it?"

"What gift?" Fang Junrong suddenly thought of one thing, "who sent it?"

"I don't know. They won't say it or leave."

Fang Junrong suspected that some of them were sent by Su Teng. After listening to Xu Weiwei's indistinct words, she formed a contradiction with her usually straightforward character. She doubted more and more whether there was any trap in it?

She cleaned up a little and went to the company again. Xu Wei directly to the door to wait for her, the eyes still residual smile.

Fang Junrong glanced at her, "what gift is it? You must see it with my own eyes."

When she got to the reception room, her eyebrows twisted.

Standing in front of her are six beautiful teenagers, with different styles, cool and beautiful mixed blood type, and the most common types of beautiful men in the market are all caught. She looked around and didn't see any presents in their hands. She cast her puzzled eyes on Xu Weiwei, the so-called gift?

"It's six of them," Xu said. The person who sent them over said that if you like, you can take all six. "

Fang Junrong

Does that mean she's going to open the harem?