In fact, the situation of giving people away in shopping malls is not rare, especially among men. It seems to them that those young and beautiful lovers are precious gifts without thoughts and can be transferred at will. Of course, if one is willing to fight and another is willing to fight, others are not qualified to say anything more. His ex husband, Li nianjin, did not mention these scandalous things. He said that he had been sent a beauty several times, and then he refused firmly, so as to show his sentiment of being muddy but not stained. But Fang Junrong how also did not expect, she actually also has been sent a beautiful man one day, and also a send to send six.

She looks light, perfect face has a kind of awe inspiring temperament, let people dare not look directly, "who sent you here?"

Although she didn't get angry, several other people somehow felt oppressed and did not dare to gasp. They looked at each other in awe, and finally the one who looked the best said, "it was Mr. Su and Mr. Du who sent us here, saying that she came to work as an assistant for you." The boy's appearance is good and clever, eyes wet, people think of the dog, as if to refuse him is a cruel thing.

Unfortunately, her immunity is very strong in this respect. Fang Junrong, who is hard hearted, is not moved. She looks at Xu Wei and says, "does our company have plans to recruit new assistants recently?" Where are these sent to be assistants, they clearly want to send them to her bed! Although she likes to appreciate beautiful men and women, she has no idea of developing a relationship at present. As for the maintenance of such things, Fang Junrong himself hated these things, of course, would not do it. He probably also guessed that Su Teng's idea was to send more beautiful teenagers to her to calm her down. After all, she likes beautiful men and has the demeanor of Zhou Youwang. She can spend a lot of money for beautiful men. As for Mr. Du, who is it?

Xu Weiwei and Fang Junrong have a good relationship. After all, she established friendship from university. She asked her friends to come over and just wanted to see her face which was always light and light. It was a joke between friends, but she didn't want to make Fang Junrong difficult. "Well, last month's recruitment has ended, and there are no plans for this in the near future," she said

"By the way, which university are you from? 985? "

Jun Rong's assistant, the worst is to 985 undergraduate, but also through a series of aspects such as written examination and interview.

The six teenagers were dumbfounded, which was different from what they had learned.

She looked at the timidity on their faces, and felt that it was no fun to argue with them. In the end, it was still a chess piece with no free body. She said quietly, "you should all have signed the contract."


"From which company?"

"Wenxia entertainment company."

Fang Junrong picked a eyebrow, the line of sight and Xu slightly on, two people exchanged a tacit look. Wenxia entertainment company It seems that a few days ago, she was hacked on the Internet, and the family may have been involved in it. So now, she is so guilty that she has got such a gift from Su Teng. This entertainment company is not a small company. It is good at launching traffic Aidou. Now, the red traffic Shenhuo is under them.

She went to the window and looked down at the turbulent traffic with a certain indifference. She took out her mobile phone and called Wen Xia's boss.

, "Du, you are not good at it. Is it a gift or an eye liner? Even a contract is not delivered. Sincerity is not enough."

"Will you bring it later? I think you're just waiting for me to say that. "

After hanging up the phone, Fang Junrong looked at the six of them and said, "I'll send someone to terminate the contract with you later..." She pauses. She turns her tongue a few times when she wants them to go back. She changes her voice. "My daughter runs an entertainment company, or do you want to sign a contract with her?"

They are outstanding in appearance and each has its own charm. Wenxia dares to send someone over, but he certainly won't give him straw bags. He simply recommends them to Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi now only signed a contract with Ren Dongzhi, who is short of staff.

Well, it can also form a convention. In the future, whoever will send her a beautiful man will send her to Zhongyi company.

"Yes, thank you."

To her surprise, these people accepted very quickly and didn't seem to struggle. You know, compared with Wenxia, a big business, Zhongyi that entertainment company is nothing. Originally, she intended to let these people leave if they didn't like it.

Fang Junrong asked them to wait in the empty room next door, while he went back to her office. Now that you have all come to the company, you can work by the way.

She also did not forget to call and Zhong Yi mentioned this matter, Zhong Yi readily answer. She is not afraid that these people are doing business with Zhong Yi. When the contract is signed, they will consider what they want to do for their own future. Especially after being selected as an outstanding entrepreneur, some people who had dared to reach out were as clever as quails. There are a few people who have no brain like suto.

In the next room, each of the six teenagers took a seat.

"Hello, Zhang Shuo, have we changed our owners like this?"

The boy named Zhang Shuo faded his cleverness in front of Fang Junrong and said faintly, "is this not a good thing? In the future, you don't have to worry about being taken with you by your agent. You don't like that eitherAfter they participated in the draft competition, Wen Xia saw them and signed the contract. Because they had no experience, the contract was not found. After practicing hard for several years, I didn't wait for a chance to make a debut. Instead, I had to be taken to the reception by the agent from time to time. If they want to terminate the contract, it can be called a high price of liquidated damages. They can't afford it. Anyone who has never dreamed of becoming a big star in this circle can only bear it. Because of their good appearance and good temperament, they were selected to please Fang Junrong.

Of course, they prefer Fang Junrong to others. After all, she not only looks good-looking, but also has a good wind review. If you climb up to her, the company doesn't dare to go too far. However, Zhang Shuo didn't expect that Fang Junrong easily won their contract in a few words.

He was vaguely aware that this might be an opportunity for him, and that his life was likely to change. No matter how bad it is, it will not be worse.

"You are right, Zhang Shuo. You see, there are many people in the circle who are interested in Ren Dongzhi, but he never attends those reception parties. He just needs to prepare the album quietly

If you can live like a person, who wants to be a dog? They chatted in private and envied Ren Dongzhi.


Wenxia entertainment company quickly sent people to terminate the contract with the six people. Zhong Yi came in person and signed the contract with each of them. For the next few days, she was busy testing the levels of these people. Finally, I was very happy to tell Fang Junrong that the level of these people was very good, singing and dancing were all on the pass line, and the stage was also very explosive, and they could make a debut at any time. And these people are quite able to bear hardships, no matter how hard the training is, no matter how tired, let her call for treasure.

She's going to put them together and find the right time to start. As long as you find the right location, they will be red.

Fang Junrong couldn't help laughing. She really enjoyed the development. If this combination is really popular and becomes the company's cash cow, then Mr. Du of Wenxia entertainment is afraid not to be so angry. Even from this point of view, she would like them to be popular.

Her lips hook, "it is better to spend money to buy a suitable youth idol drama book, send them inside, do not have to be the protagonist, the role please a little, can naturally accumulate popularity."

She is just at the end of o'clock. The specific arrangement depends on Zhong Yi.

With so many people in hand, Zhong Yi is more and more busy. Fang Junrong seldom sees her figure when she comes home. Everyone around her seems to have found their own way, and strive to move in that direction.

By the end of July, Li Xinyun and Fang Tian finally returned. If they were not eating Meiyan pills every day, they would not have to be tanned by the sun in Xichang City.

Next month is Xinyun's 18-year-old adult party. At this time point in the previous life, because of the disfigurement, Xinyun did not show up in front of people, let alone hold a bar mitzvah. In this life, in any case, Fang Junrong should make good compensation to him, together with the previous life.

Naturally, Jiang Dexian also came back together. He reported some situations of dingyang village to Fang Junrong.

“…… According to the estimate of the engineering team, it will take about five million to build that road. "

Fang Junrong nodded slightly, "well, this money can be directly drawn from my private book." Even if you take the company's account, you can reduce taxes. But she didn't think it was necessary. She just wanted to support them for no other reason.

After the report, Jiang Dexian did not leave. He was still standing there. He had a straight figure and a beautiful face. His simple clothes could make him look like a model.

Fang Junrong looked up, puzzled to see him, "what's the matter?"

Jiang Dexian blinked. "I heard that some people worried about the lack of assistants around the boss. They sent several of them here, and they were all very handsome."

Fang Junrong couldn't help laughing, "you're quite well informed."

Jiang Dexian said as if nothing happened: "after all, someone specially called to care about me, saying that I would be out of favor if I didn't work hard."

Fang Junrong is speechless. It is not a very good job to be her assistant.

"Well, the competition for this position is fierce, and people with real talents need to have a chance to take up their posts, so I think I have to test them well," Jiang said

"How do you want to test it?"

Jiang Dexian calmly said: "I was free on the way back and gave out a test paper. Do you have a look? "

He quickly printed out the test paper and handed it to Fang Junrong.

"In 90 minutes."

Fang Junrong looked at it and was silent. It's so professional that she doesn't know the answers to many questions. She suspected that none of the six could answer.

"Good. Later, someone will send me assistants, and I will test them with this. " If you can't get it, you'll throw it to Zhongyi company, package it and become a star.

But Jiang Dexian is too sensitive to this matter? They are just the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. This concern seems to have gone beyond that limit.She pinched and pinched the test paper, looked around Jiang Dexian's pretty face, and took it back as if nothing had happened.

"You don't like me, do you?"