Besides this reason, Fang Junrong couldn't think of any other reason. Before that, she would like to be misunderstood as an assistant for a few billion years. She would like to be a white faced assistant. Isn't it good to be president yourself?

Jiang Dexian's look was still calm, "I thought, I showed it clearly."

From his mouth to get a positive reply, Fang Junrong Leng Leng, considered for a while, said: "do you confuse like and gratitude?"

Jiang Dexian's face flashed real displeasure, and his jaw collapsed tightly. Fang Junrong rarely saw such obvious anger on him. His voice seemed to be suppressing something, "you said this, not only insulting you."

"In my eyes, there is no better person than you."

At first he came to her, simply grateful and curious. But the longer I stay with her, the more I am attracted to her. Obviously, she suffered such unfair treatment in her previous life, and she was born again, but she still kept her original heart and was still willing to embrace the kindness of the world that had deeply hurt her. Just like a mussel, it grinds the gravel it meets into a bright and restrained pearl. However, she is not a good person. She should fight back when it is time to fight back.

Fang Junrong was quiet for a moment and said, "I take back the sentence just now, I'm sorry. And thank you for your liking

Now she is not in the mood for a new relationship, so she can only send a good person card first.

"I think I have a good eye." Jiang Dexian reiterated again. Not everyone is as blind as Li's. Now, in the eyes of many people, Li has become the spokesman of the word blind.

"I personally don't talk about office romance." Business and private affairs should not be mixed up.

"I can quit as an assistant first." And then I worked with her for free.

Fang Junrong heard the implication of his words, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. But in my heart, being liked by a young and handsome person can satisfy her vanity. As for whether or not to accept it, let it be. The most important thing is that Jiang Dexian and she have the same experience. There is no need to worry about missing traces in front of him. Therefore, in front of him, she is more relaxed unconsciously.

Although she and Jiang Dexian talked about each other, the mode of getting along with them was the same as before. Fang Junrong wants to find a new assistant. The problem is that it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. He is used to the assistant who is comprehensive and can be arranged immediately by Jiang Dexian, and then changes to other people. There are some disappointments. That's it. Assistants can be recruited slowly.

There is a long way to go.

Jiang Dexian, on the other hand, now receives his salary directly from Fang Junrong.


In these days, Fang Junrong let the tortoise appear in front of people in the name of going to the vegetable market to buy pets. Xin Yun also named it kuaiqui, because the tortoise was so fast that it completely overturned the image of the turtle in people's imagination.

Fang Junrong's heart is very clear, fast, if really want to, can quickly become a lightning. But she has told us to be fast and not to do things that are too much beyond people's imagination. Now, although this speed will cause people's surprise, it will not want to send it to the laboratory.

Fast mouth is very picky, eat things also want Dongtian fruit, the market ordinary fruit meat feed it, it does not eat. After all, it is a pet produced by Dongtian, and Diao's mouth is normal. Fang Junrong also found that jadeite and jade can also be chewed. Fang Junrong once did not pay attention, lost a bracelet, if from the residue on its mouth to find clues. Quick because of it once taught, eat fruit also calculate, eat jade, that is not burning her money?

In a word, the family still welcome the fast existence, Xinyun especially likes it, and takes it out to show off from time to time.

Until August 16, Xinyun's initiation ceremony finally arrived.

Fang Junrong contracted the best hotel in s city to celebrate her birthday. On that day, guests were very popular, and Xinyun was the most shining pearl at the party. She is wearing a full set of jadeite face that Fang Junrong gave her today. The jadeite is a kind of glass from the stone she bought before. The light shining in the light attracted everyone's attention. People who have a little insight can see that the whole set is worth hundreds of millions at least. They can't help but smack their tongue in their hearts: Fang Junrong is too fond of this daughter. If anyone married Li Xinyun, it would be more than ten years of struggle.

Many people are thinking about whether or not they have children of the right age with Li Xinyun. Maybe they will have a chance to become Fang Junrong's son-in-law. However, on such a day, no one would put forward these things in such an ugly way as to corrupt the nature of the owner.

In addition to this set of jadeite faces, another gift from Fang Junrong to Xin Yun is a whole house, located in the center of the city, which adds to her wealth. Even if Xinyun fails to make a loss in business in the future, he can come back to be a renter.

Looking at the proud look of her daughter, Fang Junrong's nose is slightly sour. In her life, she has changed the fate of many people. The happiest thing is to change the tragedy of her daughter's previous life.

In the eyes of the public, Li Xinyun's adult banquet was successfully completed, which also showed her status in the family.Because the banquet ended late, Fang Junrong thought Xinyun would sleep late the next day. Who would have thought she would get up in the morning.

She yawned and Jun Rong said, "today is a classmate's birthday, so we made an appointment to sing K together and celebrate for her."

Fang Junrong smile, "that must be a good relationship with students."

Otherwise, with this girl's laziness, she would rather sleep at home. These days for the birthday party, she is also very hard.

Li Xinyun bit the fruit, and after eating an apple, he felt that he was revived with blood. "Well, yes, we have been in the same class from primary school to high school, and the birthday is only one day away. Is it very predestined?"

That's true.

Fang Junrong asked, "are the gifts ready?"

"Good morning."

Li Xinyun suddenly mentioned one thing, "speaking of it, I had a nightmare last night. I don't remember the specific content, just remember that I was disfigured? He jumped off a building and committed suicide. " When she woke up, she was still haunted. Fortunately, it was just a nightmare. I don't know why, as long as she thinks of Li Shize and Li engjin, a hatred will emerge in her chest. Is it her nightmare last night related to them?

Fang Junrong listened to this, took the fork's hand to pause, said: "that is just a dream." Yes, it can't happen again in this lifetime. Her daughter, who will be happy and healthy all her life, has just begun.

Li Xinyun didn't know what she thought and didn't tangle with the dream. After breakfast, she is ready to go out for a beauty, and then attend her friend's birthday party in perfect condition in the afternoon.

Just as she entered the room, she let out a scream, "Oh, come on, what are you doing! Stop it! No, shut up! Don't bite my gift

Fang Junrong heard her shouting and shouting downstairs, so she went up to have a look.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Li Xinyun complain angrily, "Mom, look at it, hurry up! It's too bad

Fang Junrong found that Kuai Kuai was nibbling on the biscuit, and he was very happy.

Li Xinyun complained: "the biscuit is a birthday gift made by my friend. The snacks she made are delicious."

She wanted to eat something for dessert later. After all, the sooner she ate, the better.

Fang Junrong rubbed his temple. He didn't know how to get interested in the biscuit? Is this biscuit particularly delicious?

No, I usually have more delicious snacks and biscuits than this one, but I don't eat fast and I only eat the things produced by space.

It's a pity that she can't communicate with the quick and the quick. She doesn't know what the tortoise thinks.

Fast also very protect food, subconsciously want to take back, see is Fang Junrong, can only wantonly down his head.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, picked up tweezers, picked up some biscuits, put them in a bag, and sent them to the laboratory for inspection. Is it because the biscuit contains aura? If that's the case, maybe you can invest in Xinyun to open a shop.

Xin Yun sighed, "forget it, I didn't pay attention. I'll apologize to her then. "

After all, it was a student's heart, and as a result, he was eaten by his pet tortoise, which was really a bit wrong for people, even if the other party didn't know about it.

Then she began to worry, "can turtles eat biscuits? Can you have diarrhea? "

Fang Junrong took a puff and said slowly, "it shouldn't be." After all, it's made in Dongtian, and this one can chew jade. It's just a small case for him to chew some biscuits.

Although there were still some biscuits left in the box, Li Xinyun would not eat them. After all, she ate them quickly. She simply fed them.

To her great surprise, a box of biscuits, even for adults, can be half full, but quickly all ate. You know, these biscuits pile up, bigger than it is! All blame fast eat too joyfully, cause her to throw feed unconsciously.

Li Xinyun looked serious. "Is it a different dimension in its mouth? Where's the food? "

Then I began to worry about it. I didn't know if it needed to be fed with Xiaoshi tablets.

Fang Junrong was a little headache, simply sent her out, "hurry to do your beauty bar, you don't mean to be the most beautiful star?"

Li Xinyun spat out his tongue and said, "I'll go out right away. I don't have to cook my meal at noon. I eat it out

It's a pity that Li Xinyun's trip is doomed to be a drifter. Before she left, Fang Junrong received a phone call from Jiang Wenyu.

Personally do the test is Jiang asked fish, his voice unprecedented serious, "this heart is who gave you?"

"There's poison in it."

"Are you sure?" She took a deep breath and wondered if she was hearing things.

"I can't even test out this. Is it a gift you received? You didn't eat it, did you? "

Fang Junrong's first reaction is to see fast, it ate this thing will not be ok?Then the feeling of fear surged up. Fortunately, Xinyun didn't eat it. If she hadn't eaten it quickly, she would have eaten it all. She would never have failed her friends.

Her face sank completely, and her tumbling anger almost made her lose control of herself.

No matter who did it, it would be too bad to deal with a child in this way!